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Page 9

by Brenda Trim

  His mind screamed, No, don’t, she’s the enemy! but his body longed for another taste. Leaning down, he meshed his lips to hers and his entire body lit on fire.

  The scent of her arousal was flooding his senses and he slammed the door on rational thought. Gently pressing his tongue to the seam of her full lips, she parted her mouth, granting him access and he delved inside, swallowing her hot gasp as she pulled him tight against her bare skin. It felt so good to taste a female. This female.

  “Yes, Lawson, more,” Liv moaned against his mouth, arching into his body as fingernails dug into his shoulders, urgency riding hard.

  Grabbing onto her ass, he lifted her off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her hot core against his aching cock.

  “So fucking sexy,” he growled, nibbling along her jawbone to her neck.

  Leaning to the side, she found his earlobe and licked the shell before dipping her tongue inside. If she did that again his cock was going to explode in his pants. Pulling his head back, he grabbed a fistful of her silky hair, tugging until their gazes locked.

  “Touch me,” she pleaded, pressing her breasts out enticingly.

  Releasing her hair, his hand roamed to her chest, cupping one side of her bra. He squeezed the full globe and her head fell back as her hips continued to assault his throbbing shaft. Slipping his hand inside the silky fabric, he found her turgid peak and twisted and pulled, enjoying Liv’s cries of pleasure as he tormented her nipple.

  “I want you. I wish I didn’t, but I’ve wanted you since the first time you walked in my room,” he confessed, unclasping her bra.

  She shimmied her arms and her blouse and bra fell to the floor. His eyes roamed down to large globes that filled his palm. Rosy nipples puckered under his scrutiny, begging for attention.

  “Then take me. Take me, now,” she pleaded, chest heaving from her pants.

  He dipped to take a nipple in his mouth and she grabbed his head, pressing more flesh into his mouth. He flicked his tongue across the sensitive peak, mimicking what he craved to do against her sex.

  Cursing, he suddenly remembered what she said about Jim being drugged in his office. She said he could wake any moment. He wanted to explore more of her, but not at her expense. To be continued, he thought, as he lightly kissed one nipple then the other while managing to tame his unbridled lust long enough to set her on the ground.

  Panting, she looked up, confusion and desire mixed on her flushed face. “What? Please don’t tell me you still don’t trust me. Lawson, I would never betray you,” she declared between heavy breaths.

  He cupped her face and gently touched her kiss-swollen lips. “I know. I believe you. Two problems right now,” he breathed, failing to will his rock-hard erection away. So long as she was standing in front of him with bare breasts bouncing, that wasn’t going to happen, so he bent to grab her garments.

  “Tell me then, what’s wrong?” she ordered, but smiled slightly at hearing his belief in her. To his dismay, she slipped her clothing back on and he suddenly considered ripping them back off.

  “One. You need to get Jim’s entry card back to him,” Lawson stated, and he saw realization dawn on her face, and she nodded her agreement, “and, two…as bad as I want you, I don’t want it to be here, in this filthy room. You deserve to be worshipped properly,” he confessed, tugging her close. His cock jerked in anticipation of fulfilling his vow. Evidently, his dick didn’t know the concept of time.

  Pulling away, she sighed, “Then I guess there’s only one solution. I’m busting you out of this joint once and for all,” Liv divulged, claiming Lawson’s lips again in a kiss that was his salvation, as well as, his torment.

  Lawson didn’t know what he feared more. Remaining a prisoner in this cell for the rest of his life or his heart being held captive by the alluring human in his arms.


  Liv sat on her sofa, one leg tucked under the other, nervously waiting for Bart to arrive. Her pug, Milo, hopped onto the couch, snuggling by her side. He looked at her and snorted, wanting attention. She reached over and scratched his belly, preoccupied with a million thoughts scattering through her brain.

  “Stop chewing on your lip. It looks like raw hamburger meat. Eat some pizza instead,” Cassie suggested, sipping on a lite beer as she grabbed her fourth slice of cheese pizza. She had the highest metabolism of anyone Liv knew. With as much as she ate, she should be as wide as a house.

  “I know, but I can’t. My stomach is in knots. What if Bart won’t agree to help? Then what?” Liv asked, absently rubbing her four-legged friend.

  Bart was her only hope to help Lawson escape, but she knew what she was going to ask would put him in a precarious position.

  “You’re worrying before he’s given you an answer. Just wait and see what he says. He cares about you and, my guess is if he can help you, he will,” Cassie explained, reaching over to pick up the remote, turning up the volume of the radio.

  Suddenly, Milo jumped up and hopped down from the sofa, running to the door and barking. That was Milo, her fierce protector. Seconds later, the familiar rap of Bart’s greeting pounded the wood.

  “Come in,” she shouted above the music, motioning to Cassie to turn it down a little. Her friend scrunched her face in disapproval but lowered the sound.

  As soon as Bart stepped inside, Milo lost his mind, jumping and spinning in circles. Her pooch loved the man. That was because Bart always brought treats for him. In fact, she was certain if given the opportunity, Milo would choose Bart over her any day of the week.

  “There’s my buddy. Have you missed me?” Bart cooed to the overly-excited dog. If Bart wasn’t careful, her ten-year-old dog with poor bladder control might pee all over him.

  “Geez, do you suck up to everyone and everything, Mr. Politician,” Cassie teased, walking towards the kitchen. “Want a beer?”

  “I suck with the best of ‘em, want me to show you in private?” he countered, winking. “Yeah, a beer sounds great,” he replied, walking towards Liv.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said, flashing his winning smile. He was undeniably one of the best-looking men she’d ever met.

  Liv stood, hugging him as he approached. “BS, you look dapper as ever. Only you can rock a stuffy old suit. We’ve got pizza if you’re hungry,” Liv offered.

  “Oh, hell yes. You have no idea what the madness of political life is like and how nice it is to walk in here and just relax,” Bart responded, loosening his tie before grabbing a slice of pizza and taking a seat beside Liv.

  Milo ran over and patiently waited at his feet. Liv had taught him not to interrupt people eating food, and he was an obedient dog if nothing else.

  Cassie walked from the small kitchen carrying three beers and handed Liv and Bart theirs before popping the top on her can. Bart preferred craft beers to the cheap mountains adorning her selection, but hey, at least those mountains were blue. She didn’t mind if it was cheap, but it better be ice-cold. The great thing about Bart was he never complained or judged. He was as easy-going as they came.

  “So, what’s this news about PRL that you need to talk to me about?” he asked around a mouthful of pizza.

  Taking a deep breath, she prayed he would see this through her eyes instead of a governor’s perspective. “Okay, just listen to the whole story before you say anything,” she expressed and he nodded his agreement. And then she told him everything. Drugging Jim, discovering the other lab, and barely escaping without someone seeing her. She did, however, leave out the hot and heavy details about her and Lawson.

  “I can’t believe this. All those shifters and you don’t even know if they were alive, or dead?” Bart asked, shaking his head in horror.

  “I couldn’t tell but they weren’t moving. And I never saw the faces of the voices in the lab. I have no idea who is helping Jim,” she admitted.

  “You’ve got balls for drugging the man, I’ll give you that. And you’re damn lucky he was still out when you went back to hi
s office,” Cassie admitted then added, “but next time give the fucker a lethal dose.”

  Liv had given her the full-blown run-down, sharing every sordid detail about his unwanted advances and what Liv had done by way of sexual favors for the asshole. Her loyal friend was ready to bury him alive.

  When Liv went back to his office to return the key, he was still out cold. She grabbed her things and hauled ass before he woke. He called later, apologizing for falling asleep, blaming it on allergy medication. Of course, he insisted on a do-over. Yeah, in his fucking dreams!

  Bart looked from Cassie to Liv then remarked, “Am I missing something?” Liv shot Cassie a death-stare, hoping she wouldn’t go there.

  She didn’t want Bart knowing she had jerked off her boss to gain access to Lawson. He wouldn’t approve and might withhold his help.

  “No, it’s nothing. Jim Jensen is a piece of shit, that’s all. Did Liv mention she has a thing for this Lawson guy?” Cassie replied, trying to change the subject but that was even worse.

  Maybe she could divert back to the handjob incident and give the nauseating details of that fun night. It would be better than talking about her feelings toward Lawson.

  Anger flashed across Bart’s face for a moment and he looked away from Liv, taking a long swig of his beer. He took a few more gulps before turning to meet her gaze.

  “Please tell me she’s kidding. You can’t seriously be interested in that shifter,” Bart scoffed, practically growling.

  Liv glanced to Cassie who shrugged her shoulders innocently. Looking back to Bart, she answered, “She’s yanking your chain. Don’t pay attention to her ramblings.”

  Bart sighed, and Liv couldn’t tell if it was relief or frustration, but the scowl left his face and he seemed to relax again. “So what do you need from me?” he asked genuinely.

  “Well, a couple of things have crossed my mind. Is there any way to bring charges against Jim? Bring this to the media maybe?” Liv suggested.

  What Jim was doing had to be against the law. As much as she didn’t want to be unemployed, she couldn’t bear the thought of torturing and possibly killing shifters. There had to be laws protecting them.

  “You mentioned that you didn’t get any pictures, right?” Bart pointed out.

  “That’s true but isn’t my testimony enough to warrant a search?”

  “You would think so but not necessarily. Liv, I told you before, Jim is an influential member of this city and he has friends in very high places. I think it’s time you consider finding another job. If what you say is true, you need to get as far away from PRL as possible. The sooner, the better,” he declared.

  “I can’t just leave Lawson at Jim’s mercy. He doesn’t deserve to die. He has a family, too, ya know. We have to get him out of that place if we can’t shut it down altogether,” Liv implored.

  There was no way in hell she was leaving without Lawson. She would fight an army of Jims if she had to.

  “And, how do you expect to do that, Liv? According to you, he’s in a secure area of the building, chained to a wall,” Bart pointed out as he finished his beer and set it on her coffee table.

  Milo was at his feet, wagging his curly tail, hoping for attention, but Bart didn’t pay him any attention, too focused on the matter at hand.

  “I don’t know. Maybe Cass can crash the system long enough for us to get him out of there,” Liv suggested, even though she knew that was a longshot.

  “Oh, hell, yeah! Now we’re talking. I’m in!” Cassie cried out, clearly excited about the challenge.

  Bart instantly shook his head disapprovingly. “I don’t like it. I see this backfiring and all three of us in jail. Liv, I can’t be a part of this, and I highly recommend you don’t go there,” he pleaded, reaching over to grab Liv’s hand. “What you’re willing to risk…this shifter isn’t worth it.”

  He was dead wrong. Lawson was worth it. That and so much more.

  “I can’t believe you’d say his life doesn’t matter. He is a constituent of yours, after all. I’m going to pretend your head isn’t up your ass. Now, let me and Cassie worry about the escape plan. I agree you shouldn’t be involved and the less you know, the better. But…there’s one more issue that maybe you can help with,” Liv hedged, biting her lip nervously.

  “Uh, oh, I don’t like that face. Go ahead, lay it on me,” Bart offered, narrowing his eyes as he waited.

  “Lawson is going to need a place he can go. A safe haven, so to speak. He certainly can’t go back to his hometown. I’m sure they’ll search for him there. I know you have several properties…” she proposed, watching his reaction as she asked her ex-boyfriend to harbor a hunted shifter.

  Bart placed his face in his hands and sat quietly. Liv was positive he was going to refuse. Even she doubted her plan’s success. He was the governor of the state, for God’s sake. What was she thinking asking him to become involved? Guilt and determination battled in her mind but in the end, Lawson didn’t deserve his current predicament. He had done nothing wrong.

  Finally, Bart looked up, meeting Liv’s gaze. “I’ll help. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Liv,” he admitted with a slight smile. Relief washed through her system and she reached over, hugging his neck.

  “You’re the best! I don’t know what I’d do without you,” she confessed and meant every word. He had always been there for her and she depended on that. Maybe too much, she acknowledged.

  “I’m probably going to regret this but what the hell, right? You only live once,” he spouted, getting to his feet after rubbing Milo’s ears.

  “You’re not leaving, are you?” Liv asked, concerned he was more upset than he was letting on.

  “Yeah, I need to make a few calls on this. I’ll let you know when I have the details. Plus, sounds like you two have some hacking to do. I can’t deny knowledge if I’m in the room listening. I’ll leave those shenanigans to the two of you but cover your tracks,” he said, reaching out a hand to Liv.

  She accepted and allowed him to pull her into an embrace. He held her for several moments, squeezing tightly, but said nothing. When he pulled away, he laid a gentle hand on her cheek and searched her eyes.

  “I mean it. You’d better be careful. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you,” Bart conveyed then leaned down, placing a tender kiss to Liv’s lips.

  Warm, soft, and sweet, just the way she remembered.

  Stunned, Liv froze in place as Bart turned and left, closing the door behind him. Turning to Cassie, her friend’s brown eyes were wide as saucers.

  “Wow, that even curled my toes. What’s going on with Romeo?” she inquired.

  “I have no idea. Just concerned, maybe?”

  “More like love, girlfriend. Damn, I want someone to look at me that way,” she remarked, grabbing another slice of pizza. She had practically eaten the entire pie by herself.

  Shaking her head, Live said, “I’ll grab us some beers and we’ll get down to business.”

  Liv walked to the kitchen, grabbed two more beers, still in shock. She didn’t know what to make of the kiss and wasn’t sure how she felt about it. She would never want to destroy the close friendship they shared by tampering with another intimate relationship. They had their shot and it failed. She didn’t see a reason for going down that road again.

  Not to mention, a certain shifter had captured her heart.

  The click of the door handle jolted Lawson from his sleep. The room was dark, compliments of the lab’s automatic lighting system. Lemony-sugar assaulted his senses and his anxiety evaporated like rain hitting hot asphalt on a summer day.

  The curvy silhouette standing in the doorway told him it was his red-headed vixen. He hadn’t stopped thinking about Liv since she left his room to return Jim’s entry key. Jumping from the mattress on the floor, he walked as far as the metal links would allow.

  “Come here,” Lawson murmured, and she heeded his command.

  Seconds later, she was melting into his arms. I
t felt so natural holding this female. His deprived body responded with vigor.

  Wrapping arms around her waist, he quickly found the lips that had haunted his dreams. Lips that in his fantasy, had been kissing the steel rod now twitching in his pants. Slamming his lips to hers, he devoured her mouth. She was the air he needed to breathe, and he’d been suffocating without her. Fuck, he was addicted.

  Tangling tongues, his hands quickly roamed her body as their breaths turned hot and heavy. She clutched his neck tightly as he explored her mouth. She sucked his lip, and he growled, biting hers in return. His body ached to show her shifter sex and he pulled her against his straining cock.

  Pulling away, Liv panted, “Now, it’s my turn to throw some cold water. I have to go home right after I grab my laptop from the lab. But first, I have something for you,” she murmured, reaching behind her back and fumbling for a moment before she grabbed Lawson’s hand, placing something inside his palm. It was a cell phone.

  “I want you to call your sister. Tell her I’m getting you out of here and taking you somewhere safe,” she stated, and even in the darkness, he could see her green eyes blazing with excitement.

  “Are you sure? How? When?” he asked, his mind was whirling.

  She had promised to get him out but he had doubts. He knew it wouldn’t be easy and she would have her hands full if she were determined to go up against Jim. He was a conniving fucker who didn’t play by the rules.

  “Very soon. Hopefully in the next couple days. My friend that I told you about, the governor, is working on the location and my neighbor, Cassie, is going to breach the security system so I can get you out.”

  Lawson listened as she went over the details of her escape plan. He couldn’t believe how much she was willing to do on his behalf. She had done so much already, but wanted to do more.

  “What about the others here?” He wanted to free them all, but he especially needed to know if his dad and brother were trapped here. He wouldn’t leave without them.


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