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Page 15

by Brenda Trim

  “What are you doing with that?” Liv asked, thinking Cassie had lost her marbles.

  “This is the secret ingredient. Can’t have a redneck margarita without beer, baby,” Cassie replied, dumping the can into the pitcher. “And don’t’ change the subject. I want details, dammit.”

  Liv could feel blush staining her cheeks. She couldn’t lie to Cassie. She would know it the minute she opened her mouth.

  Exhaling, she said, “Fine. I had sex with Lawson. A lot of it. All night. There. You happy?”

  Cassie’s scream echoed through the kitchen. “Are you serious? Oh, shit, Liv. He’s yummylicious!”

  “Shhhh, he has like super-hearing. They all do,” Liv whispered, waving her hand like a crazy person in hopes of quieting her friend’s loud outburst.

  “How was it, you know, with a shifter?” Cassie inquired after she lowered her voice. It was like looking at a bobble head doll vigorously nodding while her eyes bugged from curiosity. “Oh, you’re biting your lip. That good, huh?”

  “Stop it! Yes. It was incredible. Best sex of my life,” she uttered and had to grab a glass and pour herself a drink.

  “Good for you! Bout damn time you had a man take care of your needs. Has he got a friend?” she asked, waggling her eyebrows.

  Liv couldn’t help but laugh. Cassie would lose her mind if Liv told her how big Lawson was.

  “He does have a brother. In fact, that’s why I asked you to come. His brother and dad are still at PRL, and we need to get them out.”

  At that moment, Lawson walked into the kitchen and Cassie looked to Liv, sharing a girlfriend moment. The snicker was inevitable and had Liv blushing.

  “Everything okay in here?” he asked, coming to Liv’s side and wrapping his arm around her waist.

  “Couldn’t be better. I’m Cassie, by the way. We haven’t been formally introduced,” she announced, flashing her winning smile. Good Lord, she was the biggest flirt on the planet.

  “Hi, Cassie. I believe I owe you a huge thank you for your part in my escape. Hope I can return the favor some day,” Lawson answered, pulling Liv closer to his side. Immediately, she molded to him, enjoying the contact.

  “Well, I’ll keep that in mind. Now, if you two will excuse me, I’ve got margaritas to serve. Don’t stay too long in here,” Cassie drawled, sashaying out of the kitchen.

  Liv looked up at Lawson and fell into his gray depths. “Liv, I didn’t mean to upset you earlier,” he stated, cupping her face in his palms, trailing a thumb across her lip.

  Arousal flooded her system at the simple gesture. She needed to get a grip on her libido before she hopped on the counter and shamelessly threw herself at Lawson. Shaking off her thoughts, she tried to focus.

  “You know what, let’s not talk about that right now. Your family is here, and this is a joyous occasion. The last thing I want to do is ruin that for you.”

  “It is joyous and I’m thrilled they’re here, but right now I need to know that you’re happy, as well. Last night was…sinful, and I can’t stop thinking about it. When you are near my entire body feels it. I want you again,” he husked, gently placing his mouth on hers.

  Goosebumps skated across her skin as their kiss quickly escalated. So much for controlling her desire. His tongue darted inside her mouth, and she swallowed his groan. When he pulled her flush against his hard body, her core clenched with painful need and she lifted her leg to hook around his hip.

  A throat clearing startled her, and she jumped from Lawson’s hold. Bart stood in the doorway of the kitchen, a grim expression on his face.

  “Lawson, could you give me a minute with Liv? Alone,” he ordered.

  Lawson looked to Liv and she nodded. “It’s okay. We’ll be right there.”

  Lawson left the room but not before pinning Bart with his death stare. As soon he was gone, Bart turned dark brown eyes her way.

  “Liv, what the hell are you thinking? You can’t be serious. A shifter? Do you have any idea how violent they can be? You realize he’s an animal,” he spat, walking to stand inches in front of her.

  “I like the guy, okay? Is that so terrible? And for your information, he doesn’t want me to see his animal, so don’t worry about me getting hurt by his wolf,” Liv retaliated, but her words backfired, reminding her of the conversation with Lawson. He had practically described the same concern as Bart.

  “And what happens if he can’t control himself and his animal comes out anyway? Liv, I’m all for helping him and his family to safety, but I can’t support you in a relationship with one of them. I can’t do it. I care too much,” he confessed and stepped closer until where they were touching.

  Bart reached up and stroked a hand across her cheek. Her jaw clenched at the mixed emotions that crossed his face. Emotions she didn’t want to see from a man she saw as nothing more than a friend.

  Taking a step backward, she reached for her drink and took a sip. “I appreciate everything you’re doing. And I know you are concerned about me, but don’t be. I’m a big girl and can take care of myself. Now, we should join the others so I can discuss my idea.”

  “Please don’t tell me this involves another security breach because I don’t think you can pull off another midnight caper,” Bart said with a grin, and his mood lightened. Thank God he seemed to be himself again.

  Liv knew he was protective of her. He always had been. And it had been so long since she’d had a boyfriend, he wasn’t used to her attention going elsewhere. He just needed some time to adjust, then their relationship would go back to normal.

  “Well, not exactly. Come on, I’ll explain,” Liv announced, grabbing her drink with one hand and Bart’s arm with another.

  Lawson helped Bart put several tables together, forming one larger seating arrangement that would accommodate their group for dinner. The main dining area was as large as the family room with a couple dozen small tables, which was understandable for a hotel, but they wanted to eat and socialize in a more intimate setting.

  Ashley came in with table linens, and she and Knox covered the wood tables while Liv and Cassie set candles in various spots. Lawson couldn’t help but admire the intricately carved bar along the far wall. He was a welder but appreciated the work that went into the craftsmanship. With a little elbow grease, it could be the focal point of the room.

  Everyone grabbed a chair and started placing them around the table. As soon as Liv claimed her spot, Bart rushed to sit on her other side. The male had a serious hard-on for her and Lawson didn’t know if she was oblivious or just didn’t want to admit what anyone could plainly see.

  Cassie set her chair opposite Liv, and Lawson sat on Liv’s other side. Sitting down, he picked up her delicate hand and kissed the back of her fingers. She smiled, and pink stained her cheeks.

  It floored him how she could be so cute and innocent then transform into a wanton sex goddess in the next breath. He had to admit he found both sides irresistible.

  He felt someone brush his leg and looked over to see Brenlee at his other side. His mom sat across from him, and the twins sat beside her. Brenlee wrapped her arm around his neck and placed a kiss on his cheek.

  “I still can’t believe you’re here, in the flesh. I’ve missed you so much, brother” she confessed, light brown eyes welling. She was the baby of the family, even though she was sixty years old, and he was most protective of her.

  Reaching over, he ruffled her blonde hair. “You have no idea how good it is to be sitting here with all of you. All we need now is to get dad and Ryan out, and we’ll be a family again,” he reassured, wanting to relieve the worry he saw on her face.

  Ashley asked Knox to help her bring in the food, and they left the room. Lawson hoped they didn’t take the long way to the kitchen, by way of Knox’s bedroom. The two were enjoying each other’s company and Lawson was happy for the male. What little he knew of him, he liked so far.

  Luckily, they returned a few minutes later carrying glasses, a couple bottles of sangria and some
beers. Bart offered to bartend while they went to the kitchen for the food.

  As Bart poured, Liv sat forward, and placed her arms on the table. “So, let’s get down to business. The last time I went into PRL to get Lawson out, Cassie hacked the security system. The problem was, the main lab remained locked, so I’m assuming it operates separately than the rest of the building. The only thing I know that accesses that room is Jim’s entry card. So, here’s my thought…if I can get my hands on his card, can you make a copy of it?” she asked Cassie, looking hopefully towards her friend.

  Cassie twisted her mouth then sighed. “Probably not. Typically, a chip is embedded in an admin’s card and it cannot be duplicated,” Cassie responded and Lawson could tell Liv was disappointed with the answer. He was, too, for that matter.

  “Okay, not the best news, but I figured you might say that. My next thought is that I take his card anyway and later that night we repeat our original plan, including RV and all. Then we bring the shifters here. I’ll take photos of what Jim is doing in the lab and send copies of them along with my resignation, threatening to turn him in if he even considers retaliation,” she explained, looking to each member of the group as she spoke.

  “No! I don’t want you putting yourself at risk again. We were lucky the first time, and I was there to protect you. I don’t like this,” Lawson interjected.

  He knew Jim had made advances towards Liv and he didn’t trust the prick as far as he could throw him. The last thing she needed to do was put herself in a situation where he could take advantage.

  Everyone kept silent for a few minutes but then Lawson’s mom spoke. “Liv, I want to say I think you’re one of the bravest females I’ve ever met. I can see why my son is so captivated with you, but I also understand his concerns,” she said, smiling at him, “but there is another issue. Dunlap is no longer a safe city for our kind. Too many were taken and I fear when the smoke settles and we return to our normal lives, this man, Jim, will do something worse. As it is, our town has become a shell of what it used to be. We are terrified to leave the shelter of our homes. Our family business is going under because no one ventures outside unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “What if you come to live here? I’m not saying the whole town can live here at the hotel, but your family and maybe some others. At least you’ll be safe here,” Liv stated, looking to Lawson to see if he agreed.

  The woman tilted her head in consideration. “This property is vast, for certain, but there are no protections here. Not even a gate and fence to keep others from walking right up to the front door. At least our home in Dunlap has a secure border,” his mom countered.

  Lawson thought about that, too, and was part of the reason he felt his family needed to leave ASAP. They could start over in a new city as soon as his dad and brother were rescued. That would be best for everyone.

  “Maybe Lawson could build a fence here. Metal is his specialty, after all,” Hannah suggested, and the Scott family nodded their acknowledgment.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize that,” Liv replied.

  Lawson saw her bite her lip and knew she was nervous or upset. She probably felt that was a detail he should’ve shared with her, but it hadn’t come up in their conversations. There was probably just as much that he didn’t know about her. They had been so consumed with the physical that everything else had taken a back seat.

  “Wait a goddamn minute! Moving in here was not part of the plan,” Bart barked and slammed a fist on the table, his tan face turning dark red.


  Everyone at the table snapped to attention at Bart’s outburst. Lawson looked to the male who was staring directly at him.

  “I have to draw a line somewhere. I was happy to offer a temporary solution when Liv asked for my help, but this is something entirely different. I am not prepared to become the national spokesperson for shifters’ rights. I have my career to consider, and both political parties would bury me alive if news got out that I was harboring a community of shifters. I’m sorry, Liv, but I can’t agree to this,” Bart declared, diverting his attention in Liv’s direction.

  Bart picked up his beer and took a long swig. The slight tremble to his hand on the bottle told Lawson how angry the male was despite his effort to hide it.

  Liv placed a hand over Bart’s hand, and Lawson noticed how it calmed him. Yeah, just friends, his ass. This male had it bad for her.

  “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed or offered anything without talking to you first. I was merely throwing out ideas, but it put you in an uncomfortable position, and I apologize. We can figure something else out,” Liv reassured.

  Bart relaxed, his skin returning to its golden brown and he took Liv’s hand in his and smiled at her. Lawson wanted to reach over and grab the male’s scrawny neck. This tool knew she was vulnerable where he was concerned and was playing her like a violin.

  Ashley and Knox walked in at that moment with the main course. They were laughing, and Lawson could only guess what had put the secretive smiles on their faces. He’d give anything to be in their shoes rather than the awkward tension around the table. They set the platters down and took their seats at the end of the table.

  “It’s okay, Liv. I shouldn’t have snapped. I’m sorry for losing my temper. My offer to stay here remains. We will just have to agree on how long that might be. The first concern is rescuing the rest of your family, Lawson,” he said, throwing a cocky smirk towards him and Lawson knew what the male was trying to pull.

  Playing the hero when he was more like the villain. Fine. Bart wanted to play games. Lawson loved games.

  “I have a proposition, Bart. One I don’t think you’ll refuse. As my sister stated, forging is my craft. There’s nothing I can’t wield from metal. I’ve surveyed every inch of your property, including the hotel. There’s a lot that needs to be done to get this place in top condition, especially if you want to open to the public. My brother is a handyman, as well. What if while we stay here, we do the work needed. That way, when we do leave, it will be ready to turn a profit for you. Surely, it’s not beneath you to hire shifters for manual labor,” he sneered, enjoying the deflation of Bart’s arrogance.

  Liv sat up straight. “I think that’s a superb idea! And, if they were to stay past renovations then you work out rent or something. Maybe the Scott’s can manage the hotel for you. They own a restaurant as it is, so this is right up their alley. Please say you’ll consider it,” Liv pleaded, clearly excited by Lawson’s offer.

  Yeah, who’s gloating now, Bart? Amateur.

  Sitting back, Bart crossed his arms over his chest. Lawson knew he didn’t have much of a choice. Bart could say no but Liv would be upset with him, and that’s the last thing the male wanted. Bart was already in second place for her attention, and he knew it. This arrangement was Bart’s only chance at making headway with her. Plus, any businessman would see this as an excellent opportunity.

  “TKO, how can I resist that pitiful face,” he sighed and cast a smile her way. “You’ve got a deal, Lawson. I think this arrangement benefits all. Of course, I’ll want final say on changes to the hotel and the grounds. It is, after all, mine,” he declared, and Lawson knew there was much more behind his insinuation.

  “Fair enough,” Lawson answered, offering a hand to seal the agreement and Bart reached over and accepted the shake.

  “Alright, now that that’s settled, let’s enjoy our meal. After all, Ashley spent all day preparing it. We can hash out the details of me swiping Jim’s card. Time to get your family the hell out of that prison,” Liv announced, reaching to grab the pitcher of margaritas.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Smith, will you still need me here? I’m happy to continue, but if there will be more coming, I don’t know if I can handle all this alone,” Ashley asked Bart, her Spanish accent heavy and thick.

  Bart glanced to Lawson. “What do you suggest? I’m not prepared to continue paying her salary for the extension,” Bart stated, and Lawson could see the disapp
ointment in Ashley’s and Knox’s faces.

  “Ashley, if you want to stay on, we will find a way to pay you. My mom and sisters will be helping with the workload so don’t worry about that. But, you need to understand that you will be surrounded by shifters. It’s up to you, and I understand if you’re uncomfortable with that,” Lawson said.

  “I would very much like to stay,” Ashley replied, and she and Knox shared a heated look.

  “And, I’m in construction so any renovations needed here in the hotel, I’m your guy,” Knox added.

  “Great, I’ll be needing your expertise for sure,” Lawson confessed, taking a bite of Ashley’s beef enchiladas.

  The female could cook. Not his mom’s comfort food but the love of her culture came through in her dishes, and Lawson appreciated that.

  The group relaxed, enjoying the meal and even managed to lighten the conversation and laugh and cut up a bit. When dinner and dessert were over, Lawson and Liv were in the kitchen cleaning dishes while Ashley showed his mom and sisters to their rooms.

  Lawson glanced to Liv who was engrossed in drying the pile of clean glasses and platters he had stacked after washing. Grabbing the sink hose, he pushed the lever, squirting water in her direction. He purposely aimed at her t-shirt, smiling when she screamed at the feel of the cool water.

  “Oh, you’re gonna get it now, buddy,” she squealed, grabbing the hose from him.

  He ducked the spray shooting towards his face and, luckily for him, she missed. Reaching over, he grabbed her hands, pinning them behind her back.

  “No, now you’re gonna get it,” he husked, lifting her and throwing her over his shoulder before reaching over to turn off the water.

  “What are you doing?” she shouted, laughing so hard he could barely understand her. “We’re not done cleaning yet.”

  “We’re done here. TBC in my room,” he breathed, biting her firm ass nestled inches from his face.

  Another scream followed and she tried to swat his butt but missed. “Dammit, Lawson, put me down. I can walk, you know,” she yelled, trying to sound angry, but her giggles told him she was enjoying the play.


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