Journey to the Dark Side
Page 2
"I'm not scared,” he protested, ready to stand up for himself. “I just don't see a need to put it on."
"Trust me, my pet. You'll want to make sure you are comfortable with this before we leave here."
"Whoa! Pet? What the hell is that, Detective Street? I'm no one's pet.” He'd been accused of being an animal in bed, but this was something entirely different.
"You have a lot to learn, Jared. First, drop the Detective Street. Don't even get in the habit of calling me that. While we are on this case you will only call me Mistress. Our cover will be blown if you call me anything else."
Jared ran his hands through his hair. “What the hell have you dragged me into?"
Monica reached up and put the collar on his neck. She made it tight, but not where it obstructed his airway. Thankfully she removed the leash before stepping back and taking in the sight he made.
* * * *
Monica's heart stopped beating as she took in the spectacle of Agent Jared Keller. Those shorts were close to indecent, and with a body like his shoved into them, it was enough to set any woman's blood on fire. Despite the submissive clothing Jared screamed alpha male. How in the world would she pass him off as a Sub, even one in training?
"Pierced nipples would really make the outfit,” she commented trying to cover the rush of desire coursing through her veins.
"Like hell!” he growled.
"Aw, come now. A set of silver rings would really offset your tan."
Jared scowled, then his expression smoothed into a deliciously wicked grin. “I'll do it if you do it."
Monica met his eyes with a sly grin of her own. “Who says I haven't already?"
She watched with pleasure as he gaped at her, speechless.
"Well, now that you look the part, let's see if you can act the part.” She finished playing and settled back down to business.
"I'm yours to command, Mistress,” he said, thick with sarcasm.
Her brow rose at the challenge and her lips twitched trying not to smile. Jared was making it hard to keep her mind on the task at hand. “Be careful with your words, my pet. You just may get more than you bargain for.” Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. She had a sudden urge to flirt.
"I can take anything you throw at me,” he answered.
Monica chuckled. “Well then, here's lesson number one. On your knees, my pet. I'm about to teach you a basic submissive pose."
She watched as he lazily walked toward her as if he hadn't a care in the world. He stopped three feet from her then dropped to his knees.
Her lip twitched with a smirk. “Keep your back straight, your legs at a ninety degree angle, and ankles crossed. Don't let that pretty ass touch your heels at any time. Hands behind your back, fingers entwined. Bow your head and lower your eyes. You are never to look at your Mistress unless she tells you to do so."
"People call this hard?” There was amusement in his voice.
"When you sit like that for hours until your Mistress tells you to move, yes, it can be ... tiresome.” Monica stepped closer and ran her finger over the top of his ear. “Lesson number two. Never speak unless your Mistress gives you permission.” She felt him shiver under her fingertip and smiled.
Jared raised his head and boldly met her gaze, his green eyes glittering with defiance despite the submissive pose. This man was no push over. He may have been sent here to help her, but he would not give her total power.
"I see this is the time to start our negotiations.” She ignored the tightening of her stomach and the dampness gathering between her legs.
"Negotiations? For what?"
"Limits. A submissive has control over how far to take the play. The partners set limits, negotiate what can and can't happen. There is always a safe word. When things get too intense or the sub wants to stop playing he says the word and everything stops."
"I'm sure Dante didn't give the victims a safe word."
Monica sighed. “No, he didn't.” She shook her head, ridding herself of the images her imagination brought forth. She'd seen each body and knew the damage done. None of the four had been given a quick, easy death.
"What word would you like to use? I'll let you choose."
"How gracious of you,” his tone was clipped, but she saw he was thinking about it. “Crashdown."
"What was that?"
"Our safe word. Make it Crashdown. Don't you like it?” His head tilted to the side.
"Different, but it's not something you would accidentally say.” She couldn't stop a smile emerging. She was really starting to like this man despite his cocky attitude. “Next is setting limits. I'm hoping we can keep our interaction away from those situations where we are expected sexual relations. So the choice of having intercourse or not shouldn't be an issue."
Jared coughed, it sounded strangled. “An issue?"
Monica ignored him and continued. “However, like I said before, the victims were very blatant about being punished in public. So we have to figure out what I can and can't do if we're going to draw Dante's attention."
"Can I at least get up before we go into all of this?” Jared asked already releasing his hands and moving to stand.
"No. Stay in the pose,” she snapped. Her tone stopped his movements and got a glare from him that was damn sexy even if it were filled with anger. “You must get used to your place in this assignment, Jared. Now get back into position,” she commanded while she pulled the straight back chair that was by the door closer and sat on it.
Jared literally growled at her but got back into the proper pose.
"There are a variety of punishments. Humiliation is popular.” Her fingernail tapped her bottom lip in thought. “But I think spanking would be best for you. We will of course make sure there are no lasting marks."
"Excuse me?” His eyes widened. “Like hell will I bend over and let you spank my ass."
She smiled wickedly. “Oh, but you will, my pet. And you'll love every minute of it. Or at least act like it."
Chapter Four
It had been a long day. A long evening. And it looked to be an even longer night as Jared walked toward The Dark Side. The parking lot was well lit and half way filled of vehicles of all make and color. Monica's blue Explorer easily blended in with the rest. The building wasn't anything spectacular. A weathered red brick building that drew little attention. There was no flashing neon signs to announce it was a Fetish Club. Just a hand-painted sign hanging over the door that read The Dark Side. People probably drove by day after day, not realizing what this place housed. At the door stood a large man who was the poster child for a bouncer. He was dressed in all black and big enough for Jared to truly miss his weapon.
He couldn't believe he was really doing this. Beneath the leather trench coat he still wore those damn tight shorts along with the collar Monica ... his Mistress insisted he wear with the leash gently slapping against his chest. He admitted he was very uncomfortable with this entire situation and the closer he came to the entrance of the club, the more his discomfort increased.
Added to his wardrobe was a silver bracelet worn on his right wrist above the leather band. It had “Property of Mistress Monica” engraved on it. The other piece was a single diamond earring. Luckily, he already had his ear pieced. If not, he was sure she would have suggested they visit the local piercing salon and get it done and who knew what else she may have suggested he get pierced. The mention of his nipples being pierced had pained him. However, both items were made with tracking devices in them. A security measure.
Jared turned his thoughts to the moment his partner stepped out of the bathroom dressed for the evening. He had thought she was attractive wearing just regular clothes, little make-up, and her hair pulled back. But when she came out wearing a leather corset barely covering her ... assets, matching boots that reached mid-thigh, her hair falling around her shoulders, and an extra layer of make-up applied, his desire increased.
Jared was instantly hard, threatening t
o rip his pants apart, and he probably would if they weren't made of such sturdy material. His body had trembled with the yearning attacking him. He'd never felt such lust for a woman, or been attracted to the thought of a woman dressed as she was. He was not a man who wanted to be dominated, but if he had no choice, he guessed having someone like her doing the job wouldn't be so bad.
They had no trouble getting into the club, the doorman ushering them in the moment he set eyes on Monica. Another man was waiting just inside the doorway. He wore black leather pants and boots, but no shirt. There were black bands around his biceps, and a thin black choker around his neck. He looked a lot more comfortable than Jared felt. This anonymous man took their coats and disappeared through a dark doorway.
This was apparently Monica's cue. She picked up the end of the leash and pulled him to her. Her two-inch heels put her closer to his height though she was still a good three inches shorter than his six-foot height. She gave it a tug indicating for him to bend down toward her. He couldn't stop the tremor when she reached out with one of her long, manicured nails and ran it down his cheek.
"Can you do this?” she asked. “If not, we go no further."
Monica had gone through all the rules and drilled him for the past four hours. She'd even tried out a couple of swipes with both a paddle and whip that she readily supplied so he'd know what to expect. It had been both humiliating and a turn on. He'd only known this woman for a few hours and already she had his emotions in a tizzy.
Jared hoped he had everything down, but apparently he was supposed to screw up so she could punish him. Perhaps if he made an unintentional mistake it would work in their favor.
"I ache to serve you, Mistress.” Jared immediately got into his role despite how silly it sounded.
Monica drew back from him. She studied him a moment as if she were trying to discern the meaning of his words before she let out a breath of air and turned from him.
"Let's enjoy this night, my pet.” She gave a tug to his leash and he followed her into her strange world.
* * * *
The club was pretty busy for a Thursday night. All four victims had been taken during the weekend. Monica wasn't the only one to discern that pattern, so the regulars of The Dark Side had started coming out more during the week and less on the weekends. Monica didn't think it would matter to Dante. But apparently it wasn't hurting business either according to Delia. Still, Dante and his sickness had disrupted the entire community putting fear in the places they felt safe.
The Dark Side was just as its name suggested, dark. Walls and ceiling the blackest the owners could create and the floor covered with plush blood red carpeting. The lighting consisted of wall sconces, their angle perfectly highlighting the area where couches and tables sat awaiting use. Outside of the main lighting there were several tables and chairs for more intimate patrons. A dais was set up in the middle of the club. This was where public punishment took place. Chains hung from the ceiling with antique manacles lying in wait for the next victim.
Monica didn't live in this world any more, but she knew people who still did. She had been raised around those that played in Dominance. In fact, her own mother had taken her under her wing when she was in college and taught her all she knew of being a Dominant. It was fun for a while, but Monica grew tired of the scene fairly quickly, not particularly interested in continuing her mother's legacy.
Monica was tough, sometimes pushy and forward, but didn't want to dominate a man in any sort of relationship. If she were to ever get involved, she wanted to be equal to her partner.
However, after looking at her very own FBI agent, she could be persuaded to have a little fun with this assignment. Perhaps playing with Jared would put some excitement to her work-centered life. And though she'd never admit this to a living soul, she had enjoyed giving Jared a few smacks on his tight ass and looked forward to doing it again.
Monica wove her way across the floor to the bar, ever aware of her surroundings. She glanced back at her pet and could see he was trying not to look too obvious in his surprise as the world of domination and submission enclosed around him. She almost felt sorry for him, but thought this egotistical man could probably use something to knock him down a peg or two. And she was woman enough to be the one to do it.
"What will be your pleasure, Mistress?” the bartender asked. He was older than the one who had taken their coats, but no less handsome. He had salt and pepper colored hair that was cut in a stylish fashion suiting him. He wore the same outfit as the man at the door and looked just as buff as any other male employee. Hooters had their big breasted, slender figured women; The Dark Side had their drool-worthy men.
If she remembered correctly from the employee pictures and profiles, this was Gabe Thornton. He had no criminal record, not even a speeding ticket against him. But that didn't mean he wasn't some sort of sociopath.
Monica was glad she'd stayed behind the scenes of this investigation. She was often undercover, so instead of being out front in most of her cases, she was the one who did research and profiled the criminals. The less her face was seen in respect to working with law enforcement, the better chance she'd go unrecognized undercover. Such as tonight.
"Sex on the Beach.” Monica ordered as she tugged on the leash until Jared's body was pressed to her back. He stiffened against her, all of him, and she heard his sharp intake of breath. She bit back a smile and resisted the urge to rub her ass on his hard ... body. She didn't know why she did it but she suddenly felt the need to keep him close. Was Dante here tonight? If so, had he noticed Jared yet? He was hard to miss with his fine tanned body that looked like those out of the underwear ads. The definition of his muscles wasn't sharp but soft, giving him a more realistic look.
The bartender placed the drink in front of her. Monica handed him the card Delia had set up for her. “Keep the tab going, handsome,” she smiled and gave him a wink. Though he was older than her tastes, he was good looking.
"Yes, Mistress.” He returned her smile and swiped the card into the computer next to him before handing it back to her. Not once did he look to Jared.
Monica sipped the drink and let the sweetness slide smoothly down her throat. She didn't drink often, but when she did, she liked sweet fruity drinks. Jared was probably a beer kind of guy, but tonight he would learn to like what she had to offer.
"Well, my pet. It's time to mingle.” She couldn't resist turning and rubbing against his hard chest, avoiding the flesh she really wanted to touch. He hissed at the contact.
It's going to be a long night, she thought as she led him toward an empty space on a lounging couch. Still, feeling the heat of his skin on her she realized just how very long a night it would be.
Chapter Five
Jared's mind was still spinning as they drove back to the room they would be spending the next few nights. Back to the room that had shackles, chains, and an assortment of sex toys in a cabinet ready for use.
Monica had tried to warn him. Tried to prepare him for what he would see and experience tonight, but he'd not really taken her seriously. Who really got into all that kink? Who allowed themselves to be whipped or used like a doormat while others watched? After what he saw tonight, apparently more people than he ever dreamed of.
At first, the club was pretty calm. The Dominants and submissives were clearly discernable. It was easy to pick out who belonged to whom. But as it grew later more people came, bringing with them the wilder side of the domination world. He'd even been privy to a couple of orgies that had happened in the corners of the club.
But it wasn't really the things he saw that had shaken him. It was what he'd experienced. Jared found his partner was every bit a Dominant as the others in the club. She had told him she grew up in this surrounding, but he never imagined she'd be so ... efficient in her role. And damn sexy doing it.
Monica wanted him to be noticed by everyone in the club. They needed to make sure to draw Dante's attention if he were in attendance. Jared had undenia
bly succeeded in gaining most of everyone's attention tonight. In fact, his ass was still stinging from it.
Doing the small things Monica suggested, Jared earned his needed punishments, which they agreed would be a spanking with a paddle on his ass instead of the whipping across his back. The thick leather of his shorts would protect him from most of the strikes. So, he would often look his Mistress in the eyes defiantly ... which really wasn't acting, because he was feeling precisely that way. He would answer her improperly. He showed slight hesitations, which were real, and hint at rebellion toward her. All the signs of a sub in training. Or at least, the signs Monica believed attracted Dante's attention to the other victims.
Jared was paddled a total of four separate times in the hours they spent at The Dark Side The first three had been humiliating. But they'd also seriously turned him on. His body gleefully showed his reaction to all in attendance.
Yet, whatever he'd done to earn his last paddling had apparently offended another patron. By some unwritten rule of the community, the offended party had the honor of delving out the punishment. This woman he supposedly offended had taken great pleasure in this task.
Monica's remorse showed clearly in her stormy gray eyes as she was forced to watch a stranger paddle him with five very strong swings. Jared knew it was his own fault. He had been trying to get creative with his rebellion without first asking her if it was appropriate.
Shortly after that last punishment Monica decided it was time to call it a night. Jared gladly agreed, but not once complained of what had transpired.
"You realize there is only one bed,” Jared stated as they climbed the back stairs. His experience had left him feeling drained; however, remembering the teasing she'd done all night left him aching. They were to appear as lovers and she'd done her part to perfection, easily arousing him with the slightest of touches. The small smiles when he did something right. Even the innuendos she'd spoken as if to prove they were lovers. It pissed him off realizing his body responded so readily for her. But he'd used that emotion to fuel his acts of rebellion.