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Wedding Bells and Deadly Spells

Page 13

by Danielle Garrett

  Caleb held up one hand, his fingers crossed.

  The day flew by, a blur of chaos and so much small talk and sales pitches that I wondered each evening if I’d have a voice left the next morning. By three-thirty, I’d added six consultations to my planner and had another dozen that wanted me to call them in the next weeks to follow up. If even half of those turned into consultations, I was looking at a very busy autumn and winter.

  Even with the wins of the day, I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed when the announcer came over the loudspeaker to inform the attendees and vendors that the annual wedding gown fashion show would be starting soon.

  “You sad you’re going to miss the show?” Caleb asked when the voice faded. “I could watch the booth, if you want to sneak over.”

  I placed a hand on his chest and smiled up at him. “That’s very sweet, but no, I think I’ll stay. I’m just bummed we didn’t see Darla and Rye. It appears my source was misinformed.” I chewed my lower lip, scanning the stragglers passing by. Most of the attendees would go to the fashion show and then exit the convention. It officially had an hour left, but the fashion show was the pinnacle event, and most people left afterward.

  “Go on,” Caleb said. “Take a ten-minute break. See part of the show, get something to drink. I’ve got this.”

  “You’re sure?”

  In reply, he placed both hands on my hips and steered me to the side of the booth. Laughing, I let him propel me forward and then spun around to give him a quick kiss before leaving. “All right, all right, I’m going.”

  Snaking around to avoid walking in front of Hyacinth and Kait, I skirted the outside edge, taking a leisurely pace as I admired the various booths. It was funny to think that a year had passed since I’d attended the show when it had been hosted in Seattle. Caleb had tagged along, just so we could see each other that week. I’d still been working for A Touch of Magic, and with his caseload, we’d never had any time together.

  So much had changed and it had happened so quickly, my brain was having a hard time keeping track of it all.

  I supposed all that really mattered was that I was happier and healthier than the year before and while the road from point A to B had been rocky and full of potholes, in the end, it led me to a pretty sweet destination.

  I caught the tail end of the fashion show, just in time to see Aurelia’s show-stopper walk the runway. She’d outdone herself. Again. The model wore a strapless ivory gown that twinkled with thousands of pearls and beads. On its own, the gown was stunning. Buttery smooth silk with a slight sheen that highlighted the intricate beadwork. The magic started when the model reached the end of the catwalk and did a twirl. The skirt expanded, going from a trumpet silhouette to a full, Disney princess skirt, then changed from ivory to a soft, blush pink. The model twirled again and the dress morphed again, this time going glacial white as it reduced to a simple sheath silhouette with a lace overlay.

  Smiling, I shook my head. “For the bride who can’t make up her mind,” I said softly, adding my applause to the roar of the crowd.

  As the models took their final lap, I slipped away, wanting to get back to the booth before I got caught in the crush heading for the exits. The aisles were wide, but things tended to get gridlocked anyway.

  I stopped short of the booth, stunned to see Caleb speaking with a pair of attendees.

  Not just any attendees. The attendees. The ones I’d waited for all day: Rye and Darla.

  Caleb glanced up and flashed a smile. He waved me over and it was all I could do to keep from tripping over my own feet. “Here she is,” he said as I joined him at the counter. “I’ve been over here singing your praises.”

  “Darla, Rye, it’s so nice to meet you,” I said, offering each of them my hand in turn.

  They were so perfect together, like something straight from a romance novel. Rye was stocky and a few inches taller than his bride-to-be. Their dark eyes radiated love and excitement as they looked over the collection of photos I had on display, showcasing past weddings I’d coordinated.

  “We actually came here today to see you,” Darla said.

  I clenched my jaw to keep it from falling open.

  “As soon as Rye proposed,” she paused to grin up at her fiancé, “I knew Aurelia had to do my dress. One of my mom’s friends has a connection and put us in touch. She said we simply had to hire you to plan the wedding. So, I guess, all we need to know is where do we sign?”

  “S—sign?” I repeated.

  Caleb placed a pen in my hand.

  “We’d like to lock in our date. We’re more than happy to pay any kind of retainer or down payment,” Rye said, reaching for his pocket.

  “Do you have June twenty-first available?” Darla asked nervously.

  “I do now!” I burst out.

  Oops. Did that sound too eager?

  Oh, who the hex cares! I was booking Rye and Darla. And the sweetest part? It was all happening in full view of Hyacinth and Kait.

  The conversation lasted another ten minutes and when the pair walked off, hand-in-hand, I had a signed contract and a large—very large—check tucked into my purse.

  I watched Darla and Rye melt into the crowd, my heart still pounding like crazy. When I lost sight of them, I turned to Caleb and smacked a hand against his chest. “Did you—can you—I can’t believe they just—” I stopped and raked my hands through my hair. “Is this really happening? Did that really just happen?!”

  Caleb chuckled, captured my hand and kissed my knuckles. “I’d say you’re officially in business, baby.”

  I laughed, still shaking my head in disbelief as I stared at the signed contract.

  Glancing up, my eyes went wide as I realized the couple had been sucked into A Touch of Magic Event’s booth and they were both speaking with Hyacinth, Kait at her side like a proper lap dog. Rye gestured at my booth and time froze. Hyacinth’s polished smile melted like burnt plastic and Kait gasped—actually gasped!—out loud before slapping a hand over her own mouth. Their faces were perfectly framed by the couple’s shoulders and I locked away the snapshot in time, to be forever cherished like liquid gold.

  Smiling, I held up the contract, waving it like a victorious flag.

  “That’s right, ladies,” I muttered. “Eat my pixie dust!”

  Chapter 18

  “Good evening, cariña,” Marco Dupree greeted as I stepped inside Luna. He was behind the host station, wearing a double-breasted suit and a jovial smile. “You’re stunning tonight!”

  I smiled. I felt stunning, wrapped in a midnight blue silk tulle gown that hugged my body in all the right places before puddling at my feet in a small train. Thousands of crystals glittered along the bodice and skirt of the gown. I’d told Aurelia the gown was overkill for an intimate dinner party of eight, but she’d insisted, reminding me that it wasn’t just a dinner party. It was a celebration of my new business venture. She hadn’t let me pay for the gown either.

  Beside me, Caleb wore a dark suit and a crisp white shirt. I’d seen him dressed up before, but tonight he had an extra air about him that made him irresistible.

  “Agent McCord,” Marco said, offering a respectful nod. “I’ve made the preparations, just as you asked. Let me escort you back to the private dining room.”

  Caleb patted the back of my hand that was looped through his arm. “Thank you, Marco.”

  “Private dining room?” I said, glancing at Caleb. “There’s only eight of us.”

  Luna’s banquet room was usually reserved for large gatherings and had a lengthy waiting list. How far in advance had Caleb made the plans for this dinner?

  “Tonight isn’t just any ordinary dinner,” Caleb explained, guiding me in Marco’s wake, “it’s your grand opening, so to speak. You deserve something special.”

  Marco opened the doors to the private room and I gasped. Luna was always an experience, with the dark velvet walls and pinpoints of light making the entire restaurant feel like you were dining among the stars
, but the interior of the banquet room was breathtaking. What had to be at least a hundred roses filled the space, engulfing the room with their luxurious fragrance. They poured out of crystal vases in front of each place setting, and a huge arrangement with lush greens dominated the center of the table. Orbs of soft light hovered along the ceiling, casting soft pools of light across the dark walnut table, offset by creamy white linens and the gorgeous flowers.

  “This is beautiful,” I squeaked, pressing my hands against my mouth.

  I’d designed hundreds of pretty centerpieces and event spaces during my career, but this was the first time someone had arranged something for me.

  “I’m glad you like it,” Marco said. “You deserve it, cariña. Now, sit, enjoy. I’ll bring the rest of your party back as soon as they arrive.”

  He strode off, a purposeful set to his shoulders, and I turned to Caleb. “I can’t believe you did this for me.”

  He smiled and gently cupped the side of my face. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “I do.”

  Caleb kissed me deeply. “You’re so beautiful, Ana. How did I get so lucky to be with you tonight?”

  “You’re not so bad yourself, Agent McCord,” I teased, toying with his lapels. “You should wear this suit more often.”

  He chuckled and kissed me again.

  Voices sounded in the hall and we turned to find Marco leading a small parade of familiar faces. Harmony catcalled. “Wowzers, sis! You look like a movie star!”

  I threw open my arms and she hurried past Marco to step into them. “I’ve missed you!”

  “Missed you too, Stace.”

  I greeted the other guests in turn, Holly, CeeCee and her new boyfriend Tyson, and bringing up the rear of the party was Patrick and his girlfriend, Sky. Following Harmony’s move, Patrick and I had actually grown to be good friends. Sky was lovely, and the four of us had a good double-dating dynamic.

  Harmony quickly fell into conversation with one of her former co-workers as the rest of us made introductions and then got seated. She returned a few minutes later and stopped at Caleb’s seat, leaning down to whisper something to him. He smiled and replied in an equally hushed voice before she passed behind me to take her own seat.

  “What was that about?” I asked, looking at each of them in turn.

  “Oh, nothing,” Harmony said, a spark of mischief in her eye. “I was just complimenting Caleb on pulling this dinner together. I mean the flowers alone … whew!”

  I flashed a skeptical look at Caleb but he just grinned.

  “It is stunning,” Holly agreed. “I’ve been here a handful of times, but this is something else! And that dress! Is it really an Aurelia?”

  I nodded and slowly pulled my eyes off Harmony. “Uh, yes, it is. I have no idea when I’ll get the chance to wear it again, but I’ll forever worship it every time I see it in my closet.”

  “I’d frame it and hang it right in the middle of my bedroom!” Holly declared.

  “Not a bad idea,” I said, smiling across the table at her.

  We enjoyed a three-course meal, filled with laughter and stories and food, glorious food. Each course was more decadent than the last, and by the time a trio of dessert trays literally floated into the room on silver wings, I was worried I’d bust a seam on Aurelia’s exquisite dress if I took so much as another bite.

  That’s when Caleb stood, holding a champagne flute. Before I could wonder where it had come from, a server pressed one into my hand. “Here you are, Miss,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  Caleb held the flute up. “Before we dig into dessert, I wanted to take a minute to acknowledge the reason we’re all gathered her tonight.” Smiling, he looked down at me. My breath hitched in the back of my throat at the love radiating from his eyes. “Ana, to say I’m proud of you would be a massive understatement. Ever since the first time I met you, I could see your fire and drive, and the hours of work you’ve poured into starting your own business have confirmed that and then some. You’ve proven you can do anything, and I personally can’t wait to see how far you fly.”

  “Thank you, Caleb,” I replied softly, my throat thick.

  “To Anastasia!” Holly cheered, lifting her own flute.

  Everyone stood to lean across the table and clink glasses together. We all drank, and the bubbles danced across my tongue. I’d had some darn good champagne in my years as a high-profile event coordinator, but I knew there would never be anything that compared to the sweetness of the sip following Caleb’s toast.

  I stepped in closer and kissed him, setting off a round of applause and catcalls.

  Blushing, I pulled away, still grinning like a madwoman.

  “I do have one more thing—” Caleb said, setting the flute on the table.

  Harmony squealed and clapped her hands.

  Caleb cleared his throat, his eyes locked on mine. “Ana, you’ve started the next chapter in your adventure, and I’m hoping that I might have the honor of sharing both this, and all of those yet to come, as your husband.”

  The words took a second to sink in and in the blink of an eye, Caleb dropped to one knee, holding a velvet box. He opened it, smiling as bright as the sparkling diamond ring inside, and asked, “Anastasia, will you marry me?”

  Tears sprang to my eyes, fracturing the light dancing off the surface of the ring even more. “Are you serious?”

  Caleb chuckled, gesturing at his posture. “I’m not down her tying my shoes.”

  I whipped around to glance at Harmony. “You knew about this?”

  “Um, duh! You think he pulled this off all on his own?”

  “Hey!” Caleb said, taking umbrage.

  “Umm … Stacy, this is the part where you say yes,” Holly said in a stage-whisper.

  Laughing, I whirled back to face Caleb and nodded vigorously. “Yes! Yes, of course, yes! I’d marry you tomorrow.” I paused, frowning for a moment. “Well, not literally, but you know what I mean.”

  Caleb slipped the stunning ring on my finger and then rose to his feet, gathering me in his arms in one fluid movement. Our lips met, the taste of champagne making the kiss all the more intoxicating.

  “I can’t believe this is really happening,” I whispered against his cheek, staring at my ring over his shoulder.

  “You’ve made happily ever afters for everyone else, and now it’s our turn,” Caleb said.

  He kissed me again and then turned so we were facing our friends. “I’d hoped to book at least one wedding today,” I said, “but I had no idea one of them would be my own!”

  Everyone laughed and Harmony raised her glass for a second toast, this one to the future Mr. and Mrs. Caleb McCord.



  Thank you for reading Wedding Bells and Deadly Spells! I hope you enjoyed Anastasia and Harmony’s latest adventure as much as I did. You can follow Harmony’s new adventures as she joins the other residents of the Beechwood Manor, starting in book seven of the Beechwood Harbor Magic Mysteries, Royal Witch. Make sure you’re on my newsletter list so you’ll know as soon as it’s available to pre-order. If you haven’t started the Beechwood Harbor Magic Mysteries series, now is a great time to start! Start with the prequel novella, A Witch of a Day. This is available as a freebie to those on my newsletter list, or you can purchase/borrow on Amazon if you’d prefer.

  You can sign up for that list at as well as see a full list of all my books. As a reader, I love when my favorite stories have crossover appearances and Easter eggs baked into the story. If you love this too, you’ll want to make sure you check out my other series and meet all of the other leading ladies. I promise each book is packed full of magic, mystery, laughs, and a twinkle of romance.

  Thank you for reading. Your support truly means the world to me and allows me to continue writing and following my dreams.

  Until next time, happy reading,

  Danielle Garrett


  Also by Danielle Garrett

  Return to Beechwood Harbor today by visiting

  About the Author

  As a lifelong bookworm, Danielle Garrett has always loved dreaming of fantastic places and the stories they have to share. Through her love of reading, she’s followed along on hundreds of adventures through the eyes of wizards, princesses, elves, and some rather wonderful everyday people as well. This lifelong passion led her into the world of writing and she has now achieved the dream she’s held since the second grade and become an author herself.

  Danielle lives in Oregon, and while she travels as often as possible, she wouldn’t call anywhere else home. She shares her life with her husband and their house full of animals. When she’s not writing, she can be found serving as the dedicated servant to three extremely spoiled cats or chasing down the most recent item the puppy has turned into a chew toy.

  Visit Danielle today at her website or say “hello” on Facebook.




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