Runaway Scold

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Runaway Scold Page 9

by Marie Hall

  The two suddenly leapt apart as a group of men came around the corner. Words were exchanged before the group moved off. Sabrina stepped up to Xavier who unexplainably stepped back. They spoke only a moment more then Xavier turned and made his way to the front yards. Io made her way to the bedchambers and to the window where she could see what happen next.

  Xavier stepped up and mounted the nearest horse, drove his heels down and raced from the house. A few moments more, as Io waited for someone to tell her she'd not witnessed Xavier's final betrayal, Sabrina appeared. She called for a groom and once a horse was brought she too mounted and rode out in the same direction as Xavier.

  Io went back and collecting what she needed, she took a seat at the bedchamber's window and with many pauses to wipe more tears than she'd have thought possible to shed, Io wrote her goodbyes. When she was finished, she placed all the letters back in the writing box and closed the lid. She'd leave everything in the room she now used. Someone was sure to discover it once she left. She was getting to her feet when the watch called out. Io turned to see Xavier and Sabrina ride back through the gates. Sabrina was no longer mounted on her own horse but behind Xavier on his, her arms wrapped around him. She was slow to dismount and Xavier seemed to be concerned over how she was handled. Io turned and hurried from the room and the scene. She wouldn't think how once he was concerned for her like that. There was no going back now, there was also no forgetting. How fitting her last memories would be Xavier's ability to shift his affections. His willingness to do as everyone before him had done. He too, had now abandoned her. This time, though, there wouldn't be a new house, a new master. This time she'd hold onto the control she had over her life. This time she would go, not be dragged off.

  Making her way to the chambers she used, Io slid the box under the bed. She left the room again and headed towards the alcove at the east corner. Taking a seat, she looked out on the yards she once hoped she might turn into a lovely garden. That was where Xavier found her.

  "Io, we have to speak," he said taking a seat next to her.

  She kept her eyes out the window. She couldn't be sure if she looked at him if she'd spit in his face or fall at his feet and beg him to want her more than Sabrina. "What matter now, Lord Brice?"

  "Io," Xavier sighed and took her hand folding it warmly between his.

  "What matter?" she repeated extracting her hand.

  He took a moment to speak and even though she didn't look she knew he was weighing his words carefully. "I have made all the arrangements, Io. If you have packed—"

  "Mistress Sarah has placed my belongings in the wagon." It wasn't a lie. Io's little pack and the clothes she wore when she first meet Xavier were in a small chest already loaded. At least two other trunks Io could claim were loaded too. Filled with nothing she'd ever claim as hers again. It wasn't what Xavier thought or wanted but it wouldn't matter.

  "Well then, we should be prepared to leave at first light. It should be easy travels. The weather is good and the load small." Perhaps he was trying to still convince her to go with him. She hated travel but, this time, the end of the journey would be her chance to start her life anew.

  "Not as small as you wanted," Io said and finally looked at him. She neither spat nor cried, and she only hoped the strength she used stayed with her throughout this endeavor.

  "No, but, Io," Xavier again took her hand. "They are on their own. I made arrangements only for us. Only those who travel as part of our party will be attended. Mother and the Blakes are traveling at the same time to the same place, yes. But they are not with us."

  She looked back out the window then, not sure at the anger she felt rise up. Was he so dishonorable after all? That he should just hours ago be holding Sabrina in a passionate embrace, riding out to spend time with her alone and now be behaving like she meant nothing at all to him? Was this how he presented to Sabrina about Io? Perhaps it was she and not Sabrina who was the fortunate one. Still the loss hurt.

  "Io, what is it?" He squeezed her hand.

  She shrugged not knowing what to say.


  "It is nothing, I thought I would have more work done on the gardens before things changed, before it grew cold." Again it wasn't a lie although she said it only to give him some answer.

  "Oh well," he started. "It will not be even mid-autumn when we return. You can perhaps accomplish more before the first snows."

  "I do not think I will be doing any more work here." Truth she knew she wouldn't. She stood and Xavier followed suit.

  "Io," he set his hands on her shoulder. "We are coming back. We are not leaving here permanently. Everyone who belongs in this house will be back and with some good fortune no one who does not belong will follow."

  Io almost laughed, "I do believe you, my lord." She stepped back turning away. He didn't know how true his words were but he would soon enough. "Please excuse me; I do have matters to attend before I go."

  "Do not forego your rest tonight, Io. We must leave early and the schedule will be held to strictly so travel will be smooth and swift."

  "Of course."

  He let her walk away without protest and Io made her way to the stables. She had a few small things to see to before she left. Otho, her goat, was to leave for his new home and the small pen set up to hold her rabbits and chickens still needed to be torn down so room for other things could be had. And she wanted to have one last look at Xavier's big warhorse. The silly animal was the first she'd ever ridden with confidence and though he'd a reputation as terrifying as her husband's, Io had grown fond of the animal. She'd even given him a name, shocked to learn Xavier never had in the decade he'd own the horse.

  Io stopped to see the horse first, staying longer than she intended and had to hurry to the stable where Otho was housed. She took a rope with her into the stall and slipped it around the goat's neck. She rather thought the woman who'd take the animal would be waiting. Io led the goat out of the stall turning to close the door. Before she could turn a hand slapped down over her mouth and the sharp edge of a knife pressed deep under her chin.

  "Slit your neck here and let you die now if you scream." The voice wasn't one Io knew and was muffled by the hood the man wore. Io stilled, the blade already cutting deep enough to cause a trickle of blood to slip down her throat.

  "Get her hands now." A second voice came from behind her. The hand over her mouth moved but only long enough for a large piece of cloth to be shoved in and a second piece was tied around to hold it in place. The blade continued to cut into her flesh and the warmth of her own blood was more frightening than the three hooded men now tying her hands and feet. Surely someone would come along and catch them before they did whatever they planned.

  Killing her straight off didn't seem to be their intent or they'd have by now. She was lifted off her feet and the moment the blade was gone from her neck, she began to struggle. Carried as she was between two of the men it was a useless fight and she found herself tossed in a crate of some sort. She kicked at the wood slats but as flimsy as it seemed to be constructed, it held. Then it grew dark and she realized she was being covered by loads of straw. The dust and small particles drifted down and were drawn into her nose as she tried to breathe through the gag. The struggle to get air consumed all her energy and by the time she blew out enough snot to clear her nostrils, the wagon she'd been loaded onto was moving and fast enough she knew she'd already passed through the gates.

  Tears welled and as a small pool of blood from the cut on her neck formed under her cheek Io began to fear this time she'd meet her end. This time she couldn't save herself and there wasn't going to be a rescue. Not by her personal guard, not by her friends and most certainly not by the man she once thought could save her from everything.

  Chapter Ten

  Xavier kicked his horse into a trot trying to stay enough ahead of the caravan that followed behind to remain alone. He didn't want to interact with anyone. He'd managed to mostly avoid any kind of association for the last se
veral weeks.

  His immense anger kept everyone at bay while they traveled to the festival. Io's last minute change of mind seemed like a slap in the face. And considering she didn't have the courage to tell him to his face she didn't want to go with him, she might as well have slapped his face.

  He'd been set to make this venture so special Io would again smile, perhaps find good reason to laugh. Rather, he'd been abandoned by his wife and with no explanation at all. He reasoned during his days and nights alone in his tent she'd been afraid to travel away from home. Travel to Io usually meant never returning. She should have come to him and said something. She'd not even indicated she was reconsidering. It seemed she was set to take the trip. She had three trunks loaded on the wagon. Those sat in the corner of his tent until it was time to load them for the journey home.

  Reaching back Xavier felt for the pack his horse carried. He'd ventured out into the festivities. Finding the craftsman he wanted, he'd placed a special order, which was delivered a few days before he started home again. That order was a gift for Io, but he wavered over whether to give it to her after all this. Certainly his anger had mostly receded. The very fact he'd be home with her in a week or less gave him some comfort. He planned to hold the bitter resentment back until he spoke with her, heard her reasoning for such an ill-mannered act. She might have a valid reason for what she did. He was praying she did.

  Hoof beats coming at him on the road pulled him from his darker thoughts. The lone rider wasn't someone Xavier recognized so when the man pulled up alongside, Xavier was a little taken back.

  "I am looking for Mistress Sarah Layfae." The man said not seeming to recognize Xavier. "She is with this group perhaps?"

  "Your business with her?" Xavier asked not answering the man.

  "A message from…" he paused to pull a letter from his shirt. “ From Lady Desmond."

  "Mistress Layfae is halfway back; she rides a cream colored horse." Xavier directed. The man started and shifted nervously before nodding his head and riding further down the road to find Sarah. Perhaps it was Xavier's tone. He couldn't say he'd been able to disguise the complete annoyance he felt knowing Io had sent a message using anyone but an official messenger from the house. And that she sent it using her surname added insult to the injury. What was his wife about now?

  It was only a few moments later the messenger rode past Xavier again heading back in the direction he'd come. A moment later Xavier heard a shriek then Lucas rode up alongside him leading his sister's horse. As for Sarah, she was near hysterics, sobbing and repeating she wouldn't go.

  "My lord," Lucas started.

  "I will not do this," Sarah yelled and then slumped forward over her horse, crying.

  "What is the matter?" Xavier waited and watched and Lucas tried to comfort his sister.

  "Lady Io has sent a message." Lucas reached over tugging gently at first then with a bit more force pulled the parchment from Sarah's hands and gave it to Xavier. "She has had all of Sarah's belongings packed. Everything waits now at Pelleon."

  Xavier moved his horse off the road so he could read the message carefully. He had to read it twice to be certain he read it correctly. Io was dismissing Sarah from service. Had, in fact, taken steps to ensure Sarah didn't return to the house at all. Pelleon sat on the road that led to Lucas's family home.

  Other than a few kind words thanking Sarah for her devotion, the entire message was strictly a formal command. Io might have refrained from using her status as his wife directly but there was no doubt this was an official directive. Xavier handed the letter back to Lucas.

  "I beg leave to escort my sister home," Lucas said sadly.

  "No," Sarah wailed. "No, I have to speak with her I have to—"

  "Sarah," Lucas cut her off sharply. Perhaps too sharply. "Your mistress has made her wishes clear. You will do as commanded." Lucas finished and Xavier wondered if his knight wasn't just as hurt as Sarah. "My lord?"

  "Of course, see her safely home," he said as he watched Seth ride up looking concerned. "See if there are not a few volunteers who will travel with you." Xavier knew Seth would go. He and Sarah poorly hid their growing love affair and he'd thought given time eventually Seth would risk formally asking Lucas for permission to court the feisty woman.

  "Yes, my lord." Lucas took hold of Sarah's reins again and worked his way back to his position in the procession. Seth trailed behind waiting to be told of the developments.

  What was happening at the house that Io would so coldly set out her best friend? The question plagued him the rest of the day and as they made camp for the night and the sound of Sarah crying and pleading to be allowed to go home to Io echoed around, Xavier began to worry. His wife wasn't cruel so this act was highly out of character. Io had to have known the hurt she would cause. As the night wore on, Xavier's concern warred more fiercely with his anger over all the disappointment Io caused those who cared so much for her.

  When the first rays of sun started waking the camp, Xavier was already saddling his horse. It would take the whole of the people and wagons more than a week to get home but if he rode steady he could be there in perhaps three days. Before he mounted, he set the order of command and made sure the safety of everyone, including his mother and her friends, was assured. Lucas approached as he swung into the saddle to confirm he was taking Sarah home and Seth would be joining them.

  All Xavier could offer the man was the leeway to take his time, visit with his family. Having his two knights home and disgruntled with his wife wasn't a complication he needed. Xavier was heading home before his mother could even voice an opinion.

  By mid-day the third day, Xavier rode through the gates of his home and it was clear something was amiss. He'd taken the majority of his house with him as it was rare such an event could be enjoyed. But the number of people visible was so few as to make the house look abandoned. Looking back, he saw only one man at the gates. Only a few men were about and none of them worked at anything. A small group of women crossed the bailey carrying large baskets. They stopped long enough to look at him and the open hostility he both felt and saw coming from them wasn't to be mistaken. They stared at him a little longer before rushing off.

  "My lord, you are returned," Neville said with a grin. The gaunt man stepped up and set his hand on the neck of the horse. He was looking towards the gates though. "A meal will have to be arranged for every—"

  "I am alone, I rode ahead. Where is Lady Io?" Xavier informed the man who didn't hide his disappointment.

  "I believe she is at Hanganshire these last two days." Again Neville looked to the gates like he hoped Xavier lied about being alone. "She is probably already on her way back." Neville looked up at the sky. "I should expect her in the hour if she did not stop to visit."

  "She went alone?" Xavier had no plan to throttle her before. He did now. Io's personal guard went with him. He hadn't allowed them to remain behind because Io was fickle. Having her guard gone should've ensured she stayed home.

  "No, she goes with some of the women and there is a soldier," Neville said, sounding like he hadn't believed Io capable of keeping with proprieties without someone forcing her too.

  He could be satisfied Io didn't ignore this one absolute rule but he'd hold off until he discovered who she selected. Given the men left behind to hold the house, her selection while limited was of competent men. Io though, may have taken the stable boy as escorts. With a shake of his head and a wry grin he dismounted and headed inside. If she didn't return in the next few hours he'd ride out to find her. For now, he'd spend some time removing the traces of travel. His hand rubbed at his jaw. He'd remove the beard too. Io hated beards.

  * * *

  Io stumbled again, and again hands reached out to steady her. The weakness was almost gone but some days it took its toll.

  "Io, perhaps a short rest?" Alden suggested as he tried to lead her to the side of the road.

  "Not yet," Io said and tried to smile at the man. "We are almost back." She was ti
red today but she needed to build her endurance. If not for the lack of strength she'd have already left. But the attack and everything that followed required Io to delay escape. She would soon, but for now, forcing herself to keep going ensured she could when it mattered.

  "Perhaps you will ride in the cart, mistress?" Kate stepped up and hooked her arm through Io's.

  "Let me call it back," Liam rushed past to catch up to the small wagon ahead of them on the road.

  "No, I need to walk." Today she'd made progress. The walk to and from Hanganshire took her almost three days the first time she attempted it. Over the last several weeks she'd made the trip eight times and now could do it in one if she started at sunup and walked to sundown. The nine leagues between the shire and the house were mostly flat land and the road well maintained but she didn't expect to find the same on the route she'd take when she left. Her hand traveled to her side and rubbed at the new scars she now carried. No, she needed to push past the limited endurance she had. The last attempt on her life was the closest to success so far and it was only by chance she didn't die. When she was shoved off the cliff she thought death was assured, as did her assassins. All she could do was give thanks they didn't climb down and confirm she was dead when she finally came to a stop. She also gave thanks to Leal the sheepherder for finding her and taking her to Darby Shire where the women there stopped the bleeding and treated the injuries. If she'd not insisted she be allowed to catch up to Xavier in an attempt to keep with her plan, she never would have gotten on the horse. Her hand dropped down to rub at a second set of new scars. She closed her eyes a moment and took a deep calming breath. The scars on her body were the proof of healing. She couldn't say she was so well scarred inside. She'd not been able to stop Liam and Alden from sending word she'd been thrown. Xavier's response nearly killed her for a third time.


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