Runaway Scold

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Runaway Scold Page 10

by Marie Hall

  She no longer doubted her only choice was to leave. Xavier's want of her was finished. His choice was plain and Io would go knowing she'd leave him with a chance at happiness. He had after all given her many joyous moments and she'd remember every one.

  As if thinking of him conjured him, he was standing on the steps as they walked through the gates. Io stumbled again and was caught only before her second knee hit the ground. Her escort closed in around her and Io felt the shift in their attitudes instantly. Gone was any sign of weariness, replaced now with an almost palpable rage. Io reached out and set her hand on Liam's shoulder. As the self appointed head of her escort, she needed to remind him to hold to his word concerning matters between herself and Xavier.

  "Liam, please," she whispered even as she kept a wary eye on Xavier who now approached the group with his own caution. Perhaps he noted no one had even so much as greeted him and the men had their hands on the hilts of their swords.

  "No worry, my lady," Liam said moving to separate from the group and halt Xavier coming closer. When he stood alone between the group and Xavier he bowed formally. "My lord, your return was not expected for another week."

  Io watched Xavier expression change a few times before he finally responded. "I rode ahead," he said like he wasn't sure why he was telling them anything. Perhaps realizing he did, his posture shifted. He pulled his shoulders back and became rather stiff. "Io." He moved to pass Liam and get closer.

  Io only realized she'd backed away because the people around her moved too. Liam moved to again stand between them and Io saw Xavier's eyes narrow.

  "My lord, our lady is tired from seeing to her duties this day." Liam's tone was firm but respectful.

  "Io, we have matters to discuss." He again tried to move closer, even held out a hand for her.

  The action surprised her. After leaving her for dead she wondered how Xavier could come to her and believe she'd go with him. She couldn't know if he was pretending to act as if nothing happened or if he thought because she still lived she'd forgive and forget. Maybe be grateful she was still allowed to find shelter in his home. She didn't expect him to be surprised she stilled lived. He only wanted to be informed if she died. No message about her death was sent, the conclusion could only be she hadn't.

  "Lady Io should rest and have a meal," Kate spoke up setting her arms around Io and pulling her closer.

  "Io, you no longer speak for yourself?" Xavier asked, crowding Liam until the man had to step back.

  "I have nothing to say to you," Io said. "I have conducted no business on your behalf. If there are matters you question, it is your chamberlain who you need to speak with."

  "Io," Xavier barked out her name and stepped toward her. Again Liam hindered his ability to reach her. Before she thought it would come to blows between the men, Xavier stopped trying to step around the man and decided to use his position to control the situation. "Stand aside, I would speak to my wife."

  "She can hear you from this distance, my lord." Liam continued to match Xavier step for step.

  "I said stand aside. Do as I command, now," Xavier ground out. When again Liam stepped to block him, Xavier grabbed the man by the shirt and tried to toss him aside. They grappled for the advantage but with one man not wanting to betray his oath and the other not sure why the fight ensued, there was no winner. They ended with both shoving back. "What is wrong with you?" Xavier questioned the man, his man. Clearly the very idea anyone would defy him was still inconceivable despite Io doing it for nearly two years. "That is my wife. I will speak with her, I will approach her when I want. Stand aside." He shifted his glare to the others, "All of you, stand aside."

  Io wouldn't have blamed them if they acquiesced. Xavier Brice was their lord, their master. He held their very lives in his hands. But no one moved. No one acknowledged his command in any way.

  "Lord Brice, we will not," Liam stated firmly. "You charged every man with Lady Io's safety. We are loyal to the oath we took to her as your wife. Do as you will to me. Arrest me, hang me, but do not ask me to leave my lady defenseless to a threat."

  Xavier started. "I am no threat to Io."

  "I do not agree, my lord," Alden said. "Harm only came to her while you were in residence and—"

  "Alden," Io cut him off. Xavier, she could tell, was considering the man's words.

  "I am no threat to my wife, I have returned alone. You will not keep me from my wife. This is treason you engage in."

  "I accept that as your decree, my lord," Liam replied with no telltale sign of fear. "I still will not stand aside. This moment Lady Io is in my care." Liam turned and looked back at Io. "My lady?"

  "No, Liam. Alden. All of you, no." She turned and faced Xavier. "I am here. I am before you now. You have no cause to act against these people. Say what you want."

  Xavier stepped towards her and she hated herself for retreating but feeling Kate's hand settle on her shoulder was comforting and gave her the courage she needed now.

  "Io," Xavier's tone and face conveyed his confusion. Io wondered why he'd be uncertain about the situation. He couldn't expect her to be overjoyed to see him. But as he'd done when she'd told him she'd requested an annulment, he behaved like a man who didn't comprehend how this had come to be.

  "Please, Lord Brice," Io prompted, "the day does not wait and I still have things to do before dark."

  Xavier continued to stare at her like she had two heads before he turned away. "We will speak when you are finished with your important matters, my lady," he said to her then he looked directly at Liam and his expression darkened. "And I will deal with you as well." He spun towards the house then turned back. "Do not fail to attend me after sundown." With that, he stomped up the steps and disappeared inside.

  The collective sigh released by everyone was audible. Io lifted her hand to push a strand of hair from her face only to notice how violently it shook. Spinning around she faced off with Liam. "What were you thinking? I will not be responsible for causing you harm." She thumped her fist against his shoulder.

  The fool man started to laugh. She thumped him again with a bit more force only to be pulled into his embrace and crushed against his chest. "You are not responsible, I am. And I am satisfied now regardless of what might happen." He laughed again then set her away and headed for the stables to help with the wagon.

  "It will be well, Io," Kate said taking her hand and leading her inside.

  Xavier waited for her behind his large desk in his cabinet room when she finally gathered the courage to meet with him. His squire, Thomas, offered her a smile of encouragement as he opened the door ushered her in and then closed it behind her. Io wondered if it was solely fear that made her heart beat harder. If until death was his plan, he didn't seem disappointed to see her still alive.

  Chapter Eleven

  Xavier watched Io approach. Her cautiousness made him wonder what she may have been doing while he was away. He stood and stepped around the desk only to see her press back until she was stopped by the closed door. The house was still standing; it wasn't overtaken with invaders; the overreaction he was seeing seemed unwarranted. What could Io have been about to make any person in this house believe he'd mistreat her over the matter. It annoyed being determined a threat against her. If she'd acted in some way requiring he meet out a punishment, there was no man here who didn't know he'd be both fair and restrained. No one protested or tried to interfere before. Sure he'd been subject to some disapproving looks, but his methods were acceptable.

  "You have something to say to me, Lord Brice?" She never looked at him while she spoke and her eyes darted about the room like she sought an escape.

  Xavier motioned for her to come further in the room. "A seat?"

  "What matter, my lord, is pressing on you, which can only be discussed in private?" Io said as she crossed the space to stand behind a chair.

  His wife wasn't a coward; she was rarely even cautious. He schooled his features hoping she couldn't tell her behavior disturbed him.
Not wanting her to start screaming or running from the room, something he never worried about before, he kept his own movements small and slow. He took a seat in the chair opposite the one she stood behind and motioned for her to sit. Her knuckles whitened on the back of the chair so he took a deep breath, giving up thinking after such a long separation she'd be glad to have him back and would welcome the chance to quietly speak with him. He leaned back and Io's grip loosened.

  "I am happy to see you again, Io. I was disappointed you choose not to attend the festival with me." Her expression was more of deep surprise, perhaps even shock, but then her eyes narrowed. "I think, though, I was most disappointed you did not tell me directly you changed your mind about going. Perhaps we could have spoken. At the very least had you truly not wanted to go, I could have stayed behind. We could have spent time together here." He folded his hands together and leaned forward so his elbows rested on his knees. "Sending a message the way you did, not being willing to speak to me, Io, that was rude, hurtful."

  "I sent a message?" Io asked, tipping her head to the side like she needed to see him in some other way to understand what he said. "I sent a message saying I did not want to go with you?"


  "Even though I had all my belongings packed and placed in the wagon, I sent a message saying I did not want to attend?" Again he could see her grip on the chair tighten. "I sent a message. Well, how fitting that you make this claim."

  "Io, I received a message that morning that you changed your mind you did not want to go." Xavier got to his feet only to watch Io step back. "Are you saying you did not send that message?"

  She laughed, she laughed so much the hold on the chair was all that kept her upright. And then she abruptly stopped laughing and glared at him. "Are you truly going to ask me if I sent that message while we are here in this room? The room you banned me from writing to my friends because you would not believe me when I said I did not write the letter your mother gave you? A letter she would have to have stolen from me to give to you. A letter I denied I wrote only for you to declare I was lying."

  "I did not say you lied—" Xavier glanced toward his desk. That letter was still in a box there.

  "You did not have to speak the words. You forbade me to write to them because you did not believe or trust me." She gave the chair a shove. "And now you want me to bother denying I sent a message saying I did not want to go with you? That I should deny it only to have you again call me a liar. I will not. I will not when doing so serves no purpose at all."

  "Io, if I was deceived—"

  "If? If? There, you see, I do not even need deny it and you name me at fault. I sent no message, but it matters not now as you took no time at all to verify the fact when something still might have been done."

  "Io, I…" Damn what could he say this time? "Io, you were not anywhere to be found. I wanted you to go with me. But you… someone gave me a message saying you did not want to leave the house for so long and you were not there to deny it. What was I to believe?"

  She folded her arms across her chest. "I expect you believed what served you best."

  "Io, you could not be found," he stressed the words. She had to understand and judging by the way her eyes welled up with tears which then spilled over, she did. "Io," he softened his voice, "I wanted you to come with me. I wanted to spend time with you, to show you the things you have never seen but—"

  "But the schedule was to be strictly adhered to so travel might be smooth and quick. It could not be that any moment was lost so you may have actually come looking for me." She put a hand over her mouth but the sob still slipped out.

  "Io." Xavier crossed the room until he stood directly in front of her. When he reached out, she jerked back.

  "No, I think this time I will call you the liar. I think this time I will believe you got exactly what you wanted. I was left behind without a moment of consideration or concern. You accepted the message without hesitation because that is what you wanted."

  "Io, you were not in the yards or in the house," he tried not to yell but the hurt of what had happened was sinking in. Again someone in the house betrayed them.

  "I was—" She snapped her mouth shut and turned giving him her back.

  "Io." He set his hands on her shoulders and drew her back against him. "Someone betrayed us both, Io. I should have taken the time to seek you out. I regret that I did not."

  "Someone," she snapped and jerked out of his hold then crossed the room to the door. "Yes, someone betrayed someone that is for certain. Though we will disagree on who was the perpetrator and who was the victim. I did not send that message. And your reply to the message you did receive made clear your desires. I was abandoned with no say about it. And now it matters so little, I simply wish it forgotten."

  Xavier reached up and pressed his fingers into his temple. He should have questioned the message. He should have relied on his instincts about his wife. It wasn't like her to give any matter so casual a treatment. A message wasn't Io's way of doing things. "Io," he shouted suddenly remembering another message. "Did you send a message to Sarah, sending her home? Did you send word Sarah was not to return here?" He rather hoped it was again a false letter. He'd be more comfortable if Sarah was here to help Io as they worked to set things right. He'd feel better if he didn't have to deal with the confrontation he knew was coming between his wife and his knight. Lucas wasn't happy with the hurt Io caused Sarah. The man viewed it as a betrayal and Io wouldn't find Lucas very forgiving on the matter.

  "That letter I sent. Should I assume my request was followed?" She'd collected herself again and her tone was flat and cold.

  "Lucas is escorting her home. She will not be returning. But, Io, why?"

  "She would not be safe here. It is best she not come back."

  "Io, why do you say this? Did something happen?" His stomach began to churn. The false message, the actions of the people guarding her and her own want to keep her distance from him… what had happened?

  "There is no one left in the house I care for save for Sarah. Wednesday was slaughtered and Otho, who else could be struck down. Only Sarah. I do not want her to suffer the fate of those poor beasts whose loyalty to me was little more than training. Do not let her come back to this house." She reached for the door handle.

  "Otho? The goat? What happened to your goat?" For the love of God someone killed her goat? What purpose could that serve? He knew the answer, it hurt his wife. That was the only purpose this villain needed. And Io was most likely correct. Sarah would be the next target. At least Lucas would understand. Io wouldn't have to live with the man's anger.

  "He was gutted and left in pieces," her voice shook, but she seemed to have already come to terms with the loss.

  "When did that happen?" He stepped closer but didn't again try to touch her.

  She snored and shrugged. "The day you left."

  Xavier squeezed his eyes shut and taking a deep breath, letting it go on a loud sigh. If she'd gone to feed her goat before starting her journey and found the little thing dead, she might not have been able to meet him in the yards and, of course, she wouldn't have wanted to go. It was reasonable to think whoever killed the goat also sent the message to ensure Io didn't make the trip.

  "Are we done here or have you more to discuss with me?" She pushed the handle and cracked the door open.

  "No, Io." He crossed the room and took a seat again. What was going on in his house and who was responsible? "Io," he called before she could walk out. "Did anything else happen while I was gone?" He'd left behind only a small number of people. If the traitor were among them, now would be the chance to root him out.

  Again he heard Io snort. "No, my lord. Nothing happened after you left me. Truth, it seems the more distance between you and I, the safer I am." She walked out and closed the door softly behind her.

  Xavier stared at the door a long while. As much as he wanted to go after her and make her believe different, to know he understood how poorly every situati
on was dealt with and to swear to her he wasn't a danger to her, he couldn't rise from the chair. The hurt had become physical, weakening his limbs and sending a burning pain across his chest.

  Io didn't have to say it. He knew. She thought he was behind the assassination attempts or if not, that he wasn't opposed to them. He also knew he had no way to prove to her he wasn't. She clearly had her new group of guards convinced. And until he could get close to her without the security the other men provided, he'd never be able to show her definitively he could never do her harm.

  Chapter Twelve

  The door opened before Io could knock more than three times. "Lady Io." Jasper stepped back so Io could enter the master chambers.

  "My lady," Xavier said as he and the other men in the room stood. "You will excuse us." He addressed the men who were already on their way out, "We will pick this up again tomorrow, please do what we discussed thus far."

  Io watched the last man go, noting all of them were the highest ranking of his soldiers. Ever since everyone returned, Xavier was meeting with his top men regularly. What they planned she couldn't say, but a strain was felt by everyone. Even Lady Charlotte and the Blake women were not immune and complained about it.

  Io wasn't yet impacted, but then she spent most all her time away from home, usually in the orchard where she could be alone with no protest or fear as she knew someone watched her from the battlements. If she wasn't there, she was in one of the shires where she planned to go again today until she was held at the gate by orders from Xavier. She needed to finish with her work in the shire if she was going to finish this once and for all. So here she was, needing to beg Xavier to allow her to go out.

  "Io, come in and sit. Surely the orchards will not mind if you are late." Xavier set his hand on her arm. "Let me hear your concerns."


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