Runaway Scold

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Runaway Scold Page 11

by Marie Hall

  "My concerns are of some interest to you suddenly?" Io pulled her arm away but stepped further into the room, which gave Xavier the opportunity to close the door and trap her, but he didn't. He only closed it partially. And then again took her arm and led her across the room.

  "Io, your concerns are mine. It has been that way from the start." Xavier moved to the table and poured wine in his cup then motioned for her to sit.

  Io caught herself as she readied to fall back into old habits and accept the easy invitation. "I am not here to quibble with you." She crossed the floor to a table piled high with the finest cloth she'd ever seen. "I want to go into the shires and the man at the gates said you have again forbidden it." Unable to resist she reached out and fingered the material.

  "That is yours, Io," Xavier said from behind his cup. He finished taking his drink then set the cup down and moved to stand beside her. "I know the color is not quite the same." His hand settled on a bolt of reddish brocade, "But I think it will be as lovely on you as what you planned. And the blue." His hand slid to a different bolt. "This is silk, Io. Very fine. Choose your seamstress carefully for this. I would like you to have new dresses started."

  Io reached out to touch the material she'd only heard about. The soft, smooth fibers had a familiar feel. When she made the connection, Io pulled her hand away and swallowed. "I am sure Lady Sabrina will want to make her selection from this bounty." Io turned away and crossed her arms to keep from shuddering with emotion.

  "These are for you, Io. Only you. I want you dressed as your station dictates you should be." He didn't sound angry only determined.

  "The use of rich cloth to dress me does not make me something I cannot be. Sabrina is better suited—" She took a step away from the table only to have his hand settle on her. Pulling her back and then around to face him, Io had to put her hands out so she didn't collide with him.

  His body was warm and the heat coming from him was scented with the usual wood and leather smell she was familiar with. His touch, while strong enough to hold her closer than was comfortable, was still gentle. She'd damn herself for letting him send her heart racing. For making her sex contract with a want she knew she'd die missing. She withdrew her hands, only to have him pull her closer.

  "The cloth is yours, Io. I selected each bolt only for you." His voice was low and his breath was warm against her ear as he spoke. She closed her eyes and felt his cheek lean in against her temple. "No other will have this."

  "You selected this for me?" Why would he do that? If he were waiting for word she'd succumb to the injuries, why would he buy such expensive cloth for her? "When?" Don't doubt now?

  "When? While at the market during the festival." He stepped back and gave her a look she couldn't place.

  "Yes, while at the festival. But when? When you first arrived; before you left?" If he'd bought it when he first got there, it could be it was intended for Sabrina but he needed to attempt to give it to Io when he discovered she was still alive.

  "I do not remember a week or two after arriving why?" Did he have to be so good at playing innocent?

  A week or more after he was there he could have determined Io would survive. Certainly news of her death would be delivered quickly. But he could have also thought her to have lingered, thus delaying any word. She couldn't know for sure and she wouldn't ask knowing he'd lie. "Let Lady Sabrina have it all. I have no use for any of it. She is more fitting."

  "Io," Xavier started then stopped and sighed. "It is not a matter to argue over. It can be settled later I am sure." Where was his anger over the rejection?

  "The only matter I want settled is that of my freedom." Io took several more steps away, hoping that the way being so close to him made her feel, would fade. "You will allow me to be about."

  "What matters are you seeing to? I have not been told."

  It wasn't the timing she planned but it couldn't hurt to tell him now. He'd need to know if she was to get gone without his interference. "The last harvest is upon us now. It looks to be a good bounty. And now I have been denied attending the last two, I have arranged one more festival."

  "Io," he said with a sigh and a frown but then a grin spread across his face and Io felt her body heat. "Io, that is wonderful. When is it planned?"

  "Unless you continue to hold me prisoner," she grumbled.

  "Io," he chided.

  "A fortnight, the day of the full moon." Io took several steps to put distance between them.

  "Io." She jumped when his deep voice rumbled next to her ear. "Did you intend to go alone?" His knuckles brushed her neck. "I haven't heard anything of this gathering."

  "I did not think you would wish to attend." She took one step only to feel him match her movement. "And it matters not if I am not allowed to move freely."

  "You are not being restricted in your movements." His fingers curled over her shoulder, drawing her back against his chest.

  "I was stopped at the gate," Io whispered, biting her lip to hold back the moan that threatened when his lips followed the path his fingers had taken.

  She felt the smile that curved his lips. "The regular sentries are back in place, Io. That you tried to leave without an escort is why they wouldn't let you pass."

  "I have done well enough all this time without your people standing over me. I see no reason to again inconvenience men who are better served seeing to other responsibilities."

  "Io, your safety is not inconvenient." Xavier stepped around to stand before her, his hands settling on her arms. "But I will hear you out on the matter; perhaps we can find a middle ground." She felt his grip tighten and she was pulled against him. For a moment she listened to the sound of his heartbeat. A strong and steady sound that used to give so much comfort. Now though, she couldn't find that feeling. She stepped away then took a few more steps backward.

  She took a long moment to study him. What was he about that he was so willing to concede on this point? A chill swept through her. Could he be planning another attempt on her life? Did he mean to send her out unprotected so he could then blame her death on her unwillingness to take an escort? "You will hear me out?" Run, the word echoed in her head. He has been with Sabrina. The memory was still painful. He wants me dead. The danger only added to the thrill he always caused within her. She'd be gone in ten days; she'd be gone and he couldn't hurt her again. What harm to spend one day pretending she could have those things she spent her life dreaming about? What harm to leave with this day in her mind? Perhaps too it'd be a lesson on how to go on.

  "Sit, Io," he said moving to pull out a chair. "Speak to me about how you have set things while everyone was away."

  Io was taking a seat when someone knocked on the door. Landon stepped in and the delay gave Io time to consider what she wanted to tell him and what she wanted to keep to herself. If he was confident she wasn't going to cause him any problems, he could allow her the freedoms she had.

  "No, Io and I will dine in here tonight," Xavier told the squire. She turned in the chair and leaned around so Landon could see her.

  "Lady Charlotte is expecting—" Landon started.

  "She will need to change her plans. My wife and I have matters to discuss." Xavier looked back and Io managed a smile. "Have our meal brought here and then do not brother us again."

  Landon was still sputtering when Xavier closed the door in his face. His long stride brought him beside Io quickly. Rather than take his own seat he squatted down next to her and took her hand in his.

  "What do you want of me, my lord?" Io asked watching him carefully. Try as she might, she couldn't see his betrayal. He looked as he often did before all the ruin.

  "Io, I want what I have always wanted." He lifted her hand to his lips. The warmth made her arm tingle. "I want your safety and happiness."

  "Do you?" She pulled her hand away and leaned back in the chair. "That is not what I have come to believe."

  With a sigh he stood. "Then let me change your mind." With that he moved around the table
and took a seat.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Xavier took care to observe Io carefully. She was keeping something from him. He knew for sure whatever happened while he was gone had changed his wife. She was as distant as when he first encountered her and yet he knew she was burning with the same desire as him.

  He knew his wife well enough to know when she needed the release that came from sharing his bed. The way she watched him. The way she was slow to pull away but when she did, she put more distance between them than necessary. Her drawing in of deep slow breaths. The way she smiled softly only to realize she did and frowned. They hadn't spent this much time in each other's company in so long Xavier wasn't sure if his wife was being coy or if she was uncommonly shy with him.

  They'd only engaged in small talk around subjects that held no importance to either of them. And while he wanted to talk about the miscommunication that caused her to be left behind or even the true reason she sent Sarah away, they spoke of little more than administrative matters regarding the house. She seemed to want to inform him. Perhaps she thought he wanted to take those duties from her. Most of his responses simply reaffirmed he was satisfied with Io's handling of those things. Too she only picked at her meal, but she at least ate without the look of suspicion she often had since the poisoning attempt. It could be she was going to give him the chance to prove he wouldn't let harm come to her.

  A long silence stretched out before Io suddenly surged to her feet. "I should like an answer as to whether I will be allowed to continue to conduct myself as I see fit."

  Xavier rose to his feet slowly. "Io, I would that you take at least some of your personal guard when you leave the house." He saw her shoulders drop. Defeat didn't look good on his wife. He stepped around the table that kept them apart all night. "Io, is it so much a hardship?" He set his hands on her shoulders and drew her against him. "With everyone returned, those who have accompanied you will have to return to their duties. The only duties Gunther and the others have are to see to your protection."

  "And yet I did not need them at all these last weeks. I even found myself accomplishing more without their… over cautiousness." She stayed still as he moved closer.

  "I could speak with them, Io," he lowered his voice. Letting his hands slide down her back to her hips, he added pressure so she shifted forward and he could feel her full length along his. "I can make sure they do not cause you delay." He dropped his head and set his cheek on the crown of her head, which now rested on his chest.

  "I have been without encumberment. I have come to enjoy this." Io's arms wrapped around his waist, her hands smoothed over his lower back.

  "I could find reason to ensure this continues for you, Io." What were they doing? Was he really offering to allow Io to have her way in exchange for sex? Was she really going to accept the offer?

  "Could you?" Io tipped her head back to look up at him. He answered by bending down and claiming her lips.

  The kiss started out soft, almost chaste. But the sound of Io's moan and the cut of her nails as she gripped his arms had Xavier's long denied passions surging. His hold on her had to be crushing but she didn't complain and he couldn't get her close enough to satisfy. His mouth covered hers, lips worked to taste every bit of what he's missed every day they were apart. Io lifted up on her toes to bring them even closer. Her tongue was now stabbing at him. He opened his mount and moaned his own pleasure as she reached to wind her fingers in his hair and pull his head down.

  They hardly parted long enough to draw in air and both were panting by the time he'd maneuvered them into the bedchambers. He pulled away to close the doors. Turning back, Io's demeanor took him by surprise.

  In the dim light everything about her bespoke a seriousness he never encountered before when they were about to enjoy bed sport. While he couldn't say it did anything to dim the fires of his lust, he did wonder if he wasn't about to make yet another mistake regarding his relationship with her. Now that she was back, he didn't want to risk running her off again. Trying to go for months not able to touch her would kill him. He couldn't assume because she was here she wanted to be. He couldn't be so lax in his endeavors and think Io could find her pleasure as easily as she did before.

  He took a step towards her only to see her step back. "Io," he started.

  "Put out the lights," she told him as her hands went up to the stays holding her bodice closed.

  "The lights?" Xavier looked around to see only a few candles burned. Not even a fire burned in the hearth. If he doused the small flames, the chamber would be nearly pitch dark.

  "Put out the lights," she said again as she pulled the fabric open and her breasts were exposed.

  "Io." He knew he sounded choked, sounded more like an untried youth than a man who knew how this would progress. He watched her hands drop to the fastenings that held the dress closed to her waist. But when her fingers stilled, he looked up to find her looking at him, eyebrows raised and a scowl on her lips. He was blowing at the first of the candles before he knew he'd moved and stopped to curse himself for being so willing to rush this.

  Xavier heard the rustle of fabric as he moved to darken the room. The last candle went out and, for a moment, he could see nothing. As his eyes adjusted and the light from the waxing moon spilled in, he turned to face his wife.

  Cast mostly in shadows, she stood there beside the bed completely naked. The light of the moon worked its way from the floor only as far as her knees and the rest of her body was obscured by the length of her hair which she'd unbound at some point. He stepped closer and, while she did sway back, she didn't step away.

  "Io," he said taking another step closer. "If…" If what? Could he let her walk out now? Could he watch her turn from him again? As little as he valued this aspect of their marriage compared to everything else he was still being denied by her, he did need this from her.

  "Undress, Xavier," Io said stepping forward and taking hold of his codpiece.

  "Io." His hands covered hers, stilling them before she could free him. "Do you… do you want this, Io? I mean…"

  "I am here."

  "Io, yes, but if you will not, if you cannot enjoy… I mean if this is going to be a trial for you…" He closed his mouth not knowing how to tell her he didn't want a repeat of the last time he put her in his bed.

  "I am here, Xavier." She knocked his hands away and pulled at the ties until the cloth couldn't restrain him any longer. Her fingers circled the swollen, pulsing length and Xavier moaned and reached out for something to hold him on his feet. She knew just how to stroke him so his knees quaked. Down then up, tightening her grip as she neared the head causing a large drop of viscous liquid to seep out. She rubbed her palm over the head before again stroking downward. With the lubricant, the movement was smoother. She stepped closer and he felt her knuckles brush his groin before she lifted his heavy sack and gently pulled.

  His eyes closed and his head tipped back. In all these months he'd given himself a perfunctory release, often closing his eyes and thinking it was his wife's ministrations. He realized now how very far from the reality of Io's skills he was. She shifted again and he felt her hands working to lower his breeches. Before he could speak out and ask her to slow down, speak to him, ensure there was no matter he needed to listen to, her mouth closed over him and his knees gave out. Only by setting his hands on her shoulders did he stay on his feet. As her tongue swept around the underside of his cock, the heat in the depths of her mouth swallowed him until her own reflex stopped her from taking more.

  "Io." Her name came on a groan and his fingers dug into her flesh. He moaned again and fought down the urge to thrust his hips in time with her lips working at him. A wave of pleasure surged through him and he jerked his hand to the back of her head to still her before this ended too soon. Her mouth came off him with a sloppy sound and he took a breath before dropping his head to look down on her.

  The moonlight, once only on her legs, now sliced across her face. He groaned again when he
saw her lick her lips. "Io," he breathed out. "Io, slow down." He watched the question flicker over her features. "Io, you are here. I would do this as you deserve." Bending, he pulled her off her knees and against him. "I do not care to make this anything less. I care not to have you displeased in our bed."

  "What can it matter, my pleasure?"

  He barely heard her, wasn't even sure she meant to speak out loud but she wrapped her arms around him and leaned in. "Io." He bent and lifted her in his arms. "Your pleasure is my only purpose here." He laid her on the bed, divesting himself of his clothing and joined her on the soft furs. "I would know if you want this, Io. I would know if you are willing to let me give you what I once could give you without effort."

  "Have you effort to share with me?" Io turned her face away and sighed.

  "As much as it might take and more." He lifted up on his elbows and kissed her temple working his lips down to her ear. "Let me please you, Io." He shifted and covered her body with his. A hand on either side of her face forced her to look at him. "Right now, Io, right now I am listening. Tell me what is on your mind. What weighs on your heart? Tell me first so that we do not go forward with things unsettled between us. So there is no matter between us that we cannot both have what we will from tonight."

  He couldn't see in the darkness but he felt her eyes searching his face, knew she held her bottom lip between her teeth. The silky wetness of a tear dripped on his hand before she lifted her hand to his shoulder and said, "I have nothing left to say." Her hand slipped behind his head and she lifted hers to meet him halfway for a kiss so soft and brief he wasn't sure it happened.

  If she lied, if she didn't truly want this, if perhaps she was still uncertain of his feelings Xavier couldn't know. But when she lifted her hips from the bed and ground against him, he could only accept she wanted to share this with him. He slipped back and flicked her nipple with his tongue. She moaned softly and lifted her shoulder so he might reach her again. "Let me hear you." His mouth closed over her breast.


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