Runaway Scold

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Runaway Scold Page 18

by Marie Hall

  "Mistress, you cannot allow them in. Look at them, they are men of war they will take everything and kill us," one boy said and lifted the bit of rusted steel he must consider a sword.

  "David," the woman scolded, "go on with you. Be helpful and find Meredith."

  "Mistress," the boy whined.

  "Just you, through the gates," she said to Xavier and taking his arm led the way.

  "My lord," Gerald called.

  "Wait here for the others; they should arrive soon," Xavier said, following the woman in and the gates, which wouldn't hold one man back, were closed and bolted.

  "Bring her this way." She rushed ahead and gave instructions to the girls and women standing about. Unlike the boys, they followed her command without hesitation.

  "Thank you," Xavier said because Io would want him to.

  "How long has she been this way?"

  "I… I do not know," Xavier said and saw the woman's eyes narrow. "We were separated for a time and she was already in a bad way when we reunited." Now that he was so close to getting Io back, the panic and fear rose up. He couldn't lose her now.

  "She is your… wife?"

  "Yes." Xavier began to sense the woman's hesitation and worried if it could be for any reason other than her doubt they could help Io. "Please, Madame, she is my life. Help her."

  "I will make no promise. Take her there." She pointed to where a few women were draping linens over a table.

  Xavier carefully laid Io on the table then moved to her head and knelt down. The others moved with efficiency. Several buckets of water and a tub were carried in. Without warning, a bucket was lifted and dumped over Io's body. The cold water splashed over Xavier's arms and he recoiled only to have to grab Io to keep her on the table as the shock of the cold made her try to twist. A second bucket was poured over her and she began to shiver.

  "Move back, sir," a young girl said. No sooner did he lean away, a bucket was dumped over Io's head, the girl was careful not to let the water flow over her nose and mouth. But the action caused Io to try to struggle and, with the struggle, came cries of pain.

  "Go on with you, go on." An old crone stepped forward and set a hand on Io's head. "Easy child. The fever has you." The gnarled hands worked their way over Io's body. Starting by feeling around her neck, the crone worked her way down pausing when Io moaned when she passed over her breasts. A strange look crossed the woman's face and she pushed on Io's ribs and then her stomach. The last caused Io to cry out, pull her knees up and try to roll to her side. "Hurry with the tub."

  Xavier watched the old woman go to the lady who'd given him entrance. They spoke a bit and then the women came back to him.

  "This is your wife?" the crone asked.

  "Yes, what is wrong with her?" Xavier moved closer to the table where Io still shivered and writhed in pain. "Io, shh. Settle," he whispered to her before looking back at the women. Their faces told of something more terrible than Xavier could allow himself to believe.

  "She has been your wife long? You have consummated the marriage?" The old woman stepped closer.

  "Yes we have been wed for…" Damn, were they already coming up on their first anniversary? "A year."

  "You did this to her?" the crone accused but without heat in her words.

  "What?" Xavier looked over his wife, he saw nothing but maybe… "I…"

  "You beat her?" Again the woman looked like it was nothing to accuse a man of something.

  "No," Xavier denied hotly and set his arms around Io. Perhaps they thought if he were so callus they'd be given leave to do as they pleased to her. What had he brought Io to? "No. I would not." He made to lift Io from the table. He'd take her from here and find someplace else.

  "Mistress," a girl called. "The tub is ready."

  "Put her in the tub," the lady said and set a hand on Xavier's arms, which still held Io in a protective circle. "Come, put her in the tub we must bring down the fever." She gave him a weak smile, perhaps even she could see he thought they weren't the best choice for Io's care.

  He lifted Io carefully, but she still cried out. Carrying her the few feet to the large wooden tub he hesitated but then set her in. The icy cold of the water made him jerk back. "That water will freeze her."

  "It will," the crone said, approaching and pulling on Io's ankles so Xavier had to dip down or have her pulled from his arms. "It will freeze her and drown the fever. Already it has gone too long. If it is not stopped and quickly, she will die. Now put her in the tub."

  Xavier couldn't decide, no choice seemed like the right one. Another moment and he knelt and let Io become submerged. Oddly she only moaned this time. The cold water didn't seem to be bothering her as it did when she was first soaked.

  "Here." The crone put a cloth in his hand. "Be useful." When Xavier just stared at her she snatched it back got it wet and began to swab Io's face. She handed it back to Xavier and nodded sharply at him.

  They left him holding Io's head above water and washing her face. He made sure to keep an eye on them but they didn't seem to be planning anything threatening. The table Io first was placed on was cleared of the wet linens and new ones were laid out. The table was turned and pulled closer to the fire and several oil lamps were brought in. Xavier took a moment to look around. It was late enough in the morning some light should be coming through but all the windows were covered in this hall. The little light he did see came through the roof. The lady and the crone were off to one side speaking in hushed tones. He strained to hear but no words reached him. Io's moan drew his attention away.

  "Io?" Xavier called, washing her face with the cold cloth. "Io, please. Please open your eyes. Io. Open your eyes and we will flee here." The cold feeling of dread continued to grow and Xavier went back to watching the women until Io began to shake in the tub. "Madame," Xavier called and watched them cross quickly over.

  "She feels the cold, good, good. Come lift her out and take her back to the table." The crone led the way.

  "Lay her out with her feet towards the fire… Lord Brice? Did you say you are Xavier Brice?" the lady of the house asked and helped him get Io centered on the table.

  "Yes, Xavier Brice. My wife is Io." He couldn't help the smile at the woman's surprised look at Io's unusual name. "You didn't give me yours." He again took up his place at Io's head.

  "I am Roslyn DeNal," she greeted, then pointing to the crone, "this is Meredith, she is a skilled healer. You must trust her."

  "Please, do what you can," Xavier begged.

  "Let me see now," Meredith stepped up and pushed Io's shift high above her waist. "Thin. Why is she so thin? You withhold food?"

  "No, no I do not. Io refuses food… to… to punish me." Xavier had no idea where those words came from but he knew it was true at least in part. It was Io's way of maintaining control. And when Xavier didn't give her what she wanted, she'd refuse his care because she knew it was hurtful.

  The old woman snorted, "She does not look so capable."

  "Do not underestimate my wife, Madame. She is more than capable of many things," Xavier warned then shook his head. They couldn't believe him with Io lying like death, wet and frozen on the table in their hall.

  "She has reason to hurt you?" Roslyn asked as Meredith began to again press her fingers along Io's torso.

  Xavier ground his teeth. How much did they have to know to help Io? "We have been fighting. It was a misunderstanding but Io… she was not happy of late."

  "She would not harm herself to get even with you would she?" Meredith asked as her fingers pushed and rolled over Io's right side.

  "No, no she would not. She refuses a meal or a dress but she would not…" Xavier wouldn't ever believe Io did something to cause this. The woman now pressed deep into Io's back. He could tell by the look on her face it was not an injury to the kidney.

  "You do not know when she began to feel poorly? You do not know was she puking? Complained she had pains?"

  "No. I mean I do not know. I… she…" Xavier stammered. "Ma
ybe she has been exhausted, needing to sleep more." He could say that much given what Jacob said.

  The old woman pressed into the center of Io's belly and, as before, Io cried out and arched up then tried to twist away. Xavier watched the women share a look. "You have bedded your wife," the healer asked as she took the edge of a sheet and draped it over Io's lower half. "Perhaps you were… forceful." Meredith took Io by the ankle and forced her knee to bend. Roslyn did the same on the other side.

  Xavier knew his mouth was gaping open. How could they so casually accuse him of raping his wife. But then hadn't they also asked if he beat her? It wasn't so unusual; he knew husbands and wives could be abusive towards each other but his father had condemned such things. Xavier and his siblings wouldn't either engage or stand by and let another engage in such things. But they were the exception not the rule.

  "No, I did not force myself on my wife," Xavier said, then felt the heat flood his face with his next words. "We were fighting; we have not…" Again he saw a look pass between the women.

  The healer was now doing something under the sheet. Xavier could think perhaps she was trying to see if Io's flux was on her. But he saw when the woman gave a short sharp shake of her head. Lady DeNal sighed sadly and when Xavier caught her eye, he felt his gut twist. What had they discovered?

  "What is wrong with my wife?"

  "Lord Brice perhaps you would wait in the chapel. We will be better able to see to your lady's needs as women and—" Roslyn said and set a hand on his arm.

  "No, no." Xavier pulled away and then slipped an arm under Io's shoulders to pull her against him. "No, I am not leaving Io. What is wrong with her?" The women remained silent. "No, you will help her." Kneeling down, Xavier put his lips to Io's temple. "Wake up, Io, wake up." He could feel the burn in his eyes. "Io, you fight. You fight. You cannot leave me." He pulled her closer and buried his face in her hair. "Fight, Io, do not leave me." He turned again to look at the women to find only Meredith still stood near. "Help her, for the love of God, do something."

  "Lord Brice we will do all we can for her but you must go." He heard Lady Roslyn say as two sets of strong hands grabbed at his shoulders.

  "Come, Xavier. The women need to have room. Let them work."

  Xavier was sure it was Lucas's voice but he'd left Lucas at the gate with the others. "Do something to help her," Xavier yelled as he struggled against whoever tried to pull him back from the table. "Get off me. Io" He grabbed for the table edge and hung on long enough the heavy piece of furniture skidded across the floor but then hands latched onto his wrists and he was lifted and carried backwards.

  "Take him to the chapel," Roslyn said. "I will come when this is done."

  "When what is done? What are you doing to Io? Get away from her," he yelled even as he was carried out and the doors closed against him. "Get away from her," he screamed and even he could hear the desperate madness. "Let me go, let me go. Io."

  "Xavier," someone shouted his name but he'd an arm free and his fist was connecting with someone. "Xavier." Again he heard his name but he was almost free and he'd get through the doors and kill those women. "Make it count." It was the last thing he heard before something struck his jaw and everything went black.

  * * *

  The pain in his knees was growing to a point of unbearable, but Xavier refused to move. He'd run out of prayers hours ago but he stayed kneeling on the dais before the large statue of the Christ on the cross. Studying that statue now he wondered at the depiction. Having actually seen men crucified, he knew the placement of the nails was incorrect. Thinking on it, driving them through the palms would cause excruciating pain as the flesh tore from the weight. He might have to employ that as his own method on those five traitors sitting behind him in the pews. The light in the chapel shifted and, without looking, he knew the clouds again covered the moon. The roof in this part of the house was almost half gone and the bitter cold of the night long ago made his body numb. Still he wouldn't pick up his cloak that Gerald set next to him. He'd not even looked at the plate of food Ian set there. He wasn't going to speak to any of them until he was reading their death warrants. How dare they remove him from Io as they did. They'd no better reason to trust these people. They'd no cause to disobey his commands to leave him where he could protect her. And damn them to hell if he wasn't there and Io died, he'd kill them all as slowly and as painfully as possible.

  "Xavier." Mark was the one sent to try to speak to him this time. He bit his lips, rolled his shoulders to work out the stiffness but didn't look at the man. "Xavier, you need to…" Mark tried again and this time Xavier's anger couldn't be contained.

  "You will not presume to tell me what I need. I am still your liege; you are still mine to command. Do not even hope I will let this treachery pass," he hissed.

  "My liege," Mark said and not without respect in his voice. "The woman said they could not help Io with you in the way."

  Xavier ground his teeth and refused to respond. It wasn't their choice if he should be with Io or not. He wanted, no he needed to be with her.

  "Xavier," Mark started then perhaps because of the growl Xavier made, "my lord." He stopped again and drawing in a long breath let out a sigh. "This serves no purpose. That you punish yourself like this." Xavier caught him reaching out as if to set a hand on his shoulder. Mark must have realized he'd been caught and dropped his hand away. "You should eat, and rest." He straightened and stepped back. "Io will need you to be strong when she wakes up."

  Xavier did neither and none of the others again tried to coax him to. It was a few hours past sunup when someone new entered the chapel. Xavier heard the men scrambling to their feet and the soft sound of slippers on stone as someone stepped up on the dais.

  "Lord Brice," Lady Roslyn called and Xavier turned to look up at her.

  She was tired looking now, and her eyes reflected a sadness Xavier wasn't going to accept. It took him a moment to work the lump far enough down his throat that he could speak. "My wife?" The words were hard as he braced for the news his life was over.

  "My lord," the woman seemed to hesitate. "Xavier, we have done all we could for Io. The fever has broken for now and… we have managed to get some broth into her."

  Xavier felt himself sway. He gasped for air and he reached out to grab the woman's skirts. "Io is well, alive."

  "She is alive, sir." Shouts of joy went up in the room startling birds from the open rafters. Xavier's own might have been among the chorus. "Sir, please, please listen."

  "Tell me." Xavier tried to stand but after so many hours on his knees he couldn't. Gerald and Gunther stepped up to pull him to his feet. Stabbing pain shot down his legs but he fought it off. "Please, tell me."

  "Lord Brice," Roslyn started again. "Io's fever has broken but she has not yet awakened. Sleep could be what is best for her for now so Meredith is not concerned yet. We have done all we can. Now you must be patient."

  "I want to see her." Xavier stepped away only to be stopped when the woman set her hand on his arm.

  "The maids are setting up a room for her. We do not have much here and—"

  "We have anything Lady Io will need and, if we do not have it with us, we will get it. Tell us and she will have it," Jon said, stepping up.

  Roslyn nodded. "I will make a list," she said then turned to look back at Xavier again with a sadness Xavier couldn't account for now with the news Io was recovering. "My lord," again she hesitated. "As I said we have done all we could for your wife…"

  "Yes and I cannot ever repay you I—" Xavier started only be stopped by the look Roslyn gave him.

  "Please, my lord, let me finish." The lady pulled her hand back. "We did all we could for your wife, but there was nothing at all we could do for the child. I am sorry."

  Xavier felt himself sway and only the hand of one of the men kept him on his feet. "Child? Io was with child?"

  "You did not know? She was a good way into her quickening."

  "No, I…" God in heaven, Io had
run carrying their child. Did she know? No, how could she? They'd only shared a bed the one time and it was the first time in a long time. He'd gotten her pregnant that night. He'd gotten her pregnant and she'd run. He still didn't know why, but he could guess. God what had they lost because of what he'd failed to do? No, he gave himself a mental shake. They'd lost nothing; Io was going to be fine. He'd take her home and she'd be fine and if it was God's will, they'd still have a child. As long as he had Io, he had all he'd ever need.

  All around him he could hear the grief expressed by the others. Looking around he could see they all must think this a great tragedy. But it wasn't. Io was going to recover. She was going to live and that was all that mattered.

  "This is going to break her heart," Gunther said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Again."

  "Say nothing to her," Xavier commanded. "There is a chance she did not know she was with child. You will say nothing to her at all."

  "My lord," Roslyn began. "A woman knows—"

  "Not Io. She did not know about her menses. It is possible she did not know she was with child. No one will say anything to her."

  "Xavier that is not right, to keep this from her," Mark said, shaking his head.

  "I will not keep it from her. If she knew she was with child, I will explain when she is strong enough." Xavier turned and started off the dais.

  "And if she did not know?" Mark asked.

  "Then I will explain when the time is best for it. For now, I only want my wife to recover." He again started down.

  "Lord Brice?" Roslyn called.

  "Please take me to Io now." Xavier waited at the bottom of the steps.

  "Lord Brice, your child? Perhaps you would like—" She tried again but joined him at the foot of the steps.

  "I would like to see my wife. Now please, I would see her."

  He watched her look from the men to him and back, but when none of them spoke out, she folded her hands before her and led the way.


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