Runaway Scold

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Runaway Scold Page 19

by Marie Hall

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Io rolled her head to the side and instantly regretted it. Even from behind her eyelids the brightness of the sun was painful. She might try again and roll to the other side but when one made their bed in the bushes the sun tended to be on all sides.

  She paused, using her fingers to feel what she lay on. It wasn't the wet grass of the last few days. In fact, it felt like fur. Soft, thick fur. Trying to lift her hand now, she felt the weight covering her. How had she come to be lying on, and under, such rich furs? She held her breath and listened. Everything sounded much more distant. The birds and the wind were there but not the way they'd been for months. And there was something else in the background. It almost sounded like a drum being beaten. Other sounds she recognized but knew she shouldn't be hearing as she'd been so careful to stay far enough from the shires. Even in the darkness she'd only skirted the very edges and if she had to go through because the road was the only manageable path, she went through at a near run. So, why now could she hear male voices shouting and noises more consistent with what she might have heard while she'd been living with Xavier?

  Xavier. Why did thinking of him still cause such a hurt? Why did she still wish for one more moment in his arms? A moment where he still wanted her. She turned her head and blamed the burn of tears on the sunlight. Xavier was lost to her. She was never going to be what he needed or wanted. It was only her wicked memory now that brought his scent to her on the breeze. She tried to open her eyes but the warmth and comfort she was enveloped in pulled her back into the painlessness of sleep.

  The weight of the furs covering her shifted, someone was tucking them around her. The feel of a callused hand brushed over her cheek and before the blackness swallowed her again her hateful mind put his voice in her ear.

  "Io, settle." She heard him say and swore she could feel his warm lips brush her head.

  * * *

  Io blinked and tried to focus on the ceiling. Grit kept her lashes sticking together. The room was dark, but she could make out a few things which spoke to the luxury she was experiencing. Pulling her arm from the heavy furs she used the heel of her hand to wipe at her eyes then blinked again. The walls seemed to dance with orange and red light. Turning her head slightly, she saw the stars appearing in the purple and blue evening sky. There were not enough for her to tell if she was still following the fish to the sea, but she could give it another hour before she determined her course.

  A loud creaking caused her to jerk her head to the left. Her vision took a spin and she let a low groan slip from her lips.

  "My dear," a soft voice said as a warm hand was placed on her head. "You are awake. Welcome back to the land of the living, Lady Io."

  Io swallowed and tried to get her tongue to work. "Where am I?" she managed to croak out.

  "Here, sip this." A hand went behind her head and lifted as a cup was pressed to her lips. Given she'd no idea where she was or in who's company, it might be a risk but she was thirsty. "Not too much," the voice warned. "Just wet your lips."

  Io did, then turned her head and asked again, "Where am I?"

  "You are at Bay Tower." A moment more and a woman knelt down by the bed. "You were very ill for the last few days. Tell me how do you feel?"

  "I…" All she could remember was feeling tired and she'd believed it was from whatever she'd eaten that made her sick. She'd not been able to figure out what of her supplies was spoiled that she felt the need to puke every time she woke up so she'd tossed everything and started collecting fresh each day. That only helped a little.

  "Do you have pain anywhere?"

  Io took a moment to assess what she felt. "My stomach cramps some," she said not sure how to say between her legs ached much like it had after she and Xavier finished with a more energetic coupling. She quickly blinked back the tears. Could she be allowed to forget even one thing that she wouldn't spend the rest of her lonely life comparing everything to something she had with that man?

  The furs were lifted and set aside and fingers began to press against her gut. Io winced at one push but it was not very painful. "I suspect you will recover fully when you can put more than broth inside you."

  "How long have I been here?" The woman seemed rather familiar with her person.

  "Well this will be the fourth night," she said as she put the covers back in place. "I am Lynnette; my cousin Roslyn is mistress here."

  "Io," Io said and saw Lynnette grin. Of course she already knew her name, she'd used it. Io ducked her head and tried to think. She couldn't really remember the last few days. The only thing that stuck in her memory was the way Xavier used to smell. She almost swore his scent was on the covers. Pushing up so she could look around, Io spied her small pack and the surcoat she prized but didn't see her clothes. She was almost certain she'd lost her boots a few weeks back, but maybe it was only a few days. She couldn't really remember walking too many nights without them. But she also didn't remember walking up to this house. "How did I get here?"

  "Your husband brought you here when you fell ill." Lynnette stepped away returning a moment later with a tray of bread and dried meats. Io still wasn't sure if she'd heard Lynnette correctly.

  "Did you say my husband?" Like the word had power to do such a thing, the deep woody, spice and leather scent that was Xavier's alone, rose up and filled the air. She could feel his lips on her forehead, hear him telling her to settle. It hadn't been her imagination.

  "Yes." Lynnette set the tray over Io's lap.

  "No, that is not possible." He wouldn't come after her. He shouldn't even be able to. He should be taking his new wife, his lady wife, to bed. He didn't want her anymore. His hope was she was in a hole being forgotten. "No, I do not have a husband," Io breathed out.

  Lynnette pulled back. "Lord Xavier Brice is not your husband?"

  Io pushed the tray off and scrambled off the bed. Her legs and feet tangled in the shift and she hit the floor with a thud. "I have to go. I have to go. Please my clothes, my things. I cannot be here."

  "Lady Io, please you are not strong enough," Lynette helped her stand. "You are safe here; if the man who brought you here is not your husband he—"

  "Xavier Brice wants me dead," Io whispered as she tried to shake off the hands forcing her back to the bed.

  "My lady—"

  "I am no lady, do not address me so." Io had to pant, even a little resistance tired her and she was soon sitting back on the bed.

  "Please, Io, do not upset yourself so," Lynnette said, lifting Io's knees and turning her so she was again in the bed. "If the man who brought you here is not your husband, he certainly does not want you harmed. I will fetch Roslyn and we will sort this through."

  Io could only nod. As soon as the woman was out and the door closed behind her, Io climbed back off the bed and began searching the room for her clothes. When she couldn't find them, she decided to simply make do with the shift. She pulled on her cloak and untied the laces so it covered her. After checking to see her pack contained the items she held most dear, she snatched the bread from the tray and stuffed it in the pack. She'd just swung it over her shoulder when the door opened behind her. Turning to see who it was sent her head spinning and she tripped backwards, slammed into the wall and landed on her arse hard.

  "Io." That voice caused tears to well and spill down her checks. She'd never thought to hear it again and yet she not only heard Mark but he was leaning down now trying to help her stand.

  "No," Io sobbed. "No, you cannot," she gasped for breath. She'd no choice but to clutch his shoulders and he lifted her from the floor. "You cannot be here. You cannot."

  "Io, hush," Jon whispered as he swept her up and carried her back to the bed. He set her down then sat next to her. "Io, what do you think you are doing?" he chided as he struggled with her to get the pack off her shoulder. He won and as soon as he had it set aside he reached for the ties on the surcoat.

  "You must go. I must go," she cried but didn't resist when Mark set his hand
at the back of her head and pulled her against his chest.

  "Io, you cannot go anyplace." He gently stroked her hair. "You are not well enough yet. You were so very ill, Io. Xavier thought, all of us thought, you were not going to live."

  "Then you should have left me to die. That is what he wants. He wants—" Io tried to tell him.

  "Io," he placed his hands on either side of her face and forced her to look at him. "Xavier wants you well." She tried to shake her head but he wouldn't let her. "Io, Xavier wants you well. He wants you to come back to Bransport and he wants you to remain his wife."

  "No, he does not," Io wailed and when Mark wrapped her in his arms she didn't resist. "You do not know; you did not see the way he—"

  "Io, I have not come to this conclusion without careful consideration. I did listen to Xavier when he spoke about what happened in the house. And…" He jerked his head towards the bag on the floor. "I did read," he paused when she gasped, "read some of what you have written."

  "That was not for you," Io complained and pulled away, wiping at her eyes.

  "I needed to read only a small portion to know—"

  "You should not have read any," Io insisted, then her stomach twisted. "He saw the things I wrote." If he'd not been serious about killing her before, he was now. What she wrote about his mother and his wife.

  "No, Io, Xavier didn't read your words." Mark smiled ruefully at her. "He even chided me for reading them." Io inhaled in relief and nodded. "What I know, Io, is Charlotte troubled you far more than Xavier knows and you do not think he took your concerns to heart."

  "No," Io shook her head. "No, he knew, knows, she is the better choice. She is a lady and his mother wants him to be with her. It is for the best, but I do not want to die that he can have her. I told him when we wed I did not want to die when he was ready to be done with me."

  "Io," Mark sighed.

  "I told him, I told him a man cannot be rid of a wife. I told him I saw how it was done. I told him if he made me his wife he would have to kill me to be rid of me. I… I…" She couldn't breathe after that for the sobs that racked her body. She was caught. He'd finish what was left undone in the stables.

  It must have been awhile she'd cried because Marks shirt was wet with tears and snot, but before the exhaustion claimed her, she became aware of the others in the room. She could hear Jon muttering, vulgar words that would normally get Io thrashed thoroughly. Ian's heavy, but uneven, footfalls paced to and fro. She wondered if the colder night air was making his knee ache the way her shoulder often did. She could hear Gerald's soft humming and she wondered if he hummed because he didn't know the words. But it was his scent that dominated the space.

  That scent use to heat her body and leave it warm long after he was gone. Even now as she wondered how her end might come, she could feel a wetness building. The memory of the last time she shared his bed, his hands as they stroked her flesh and the wicked smile he had before his lips claimed hers.

  The soft warmth brushed her chin and tickled her ear. He needed to shave, the stubble rubbed and burned a bit. She lifted her chin to get away from the burn but it cut in and the sticky wetness oozed down her neck and between her breasts. She tried again to lift her neck but she couldn't escape the burning. She could hear him now. He was saying it needed to look like an accident. It must look like an accident. It must.

  "Io! Io, for the love of God wake up."

  Io reached up to clutch the arms still shaking her. "Xavier?" The shaking ended abruptly and she was eased back into the cushions. A weight settled on the bed next to her and caused her to roll towards the edge.

  "Easy, Io. Settle. It was a dream," Xavier's voice floated over her as he repositioned her again on the bed. "It was a dream." He brushed at the hair in her face.

  "No," Io tried to tell him it wasn't a dream. She remembered this time. She didn't ever remember her dreams.

  "Go back to sleep, Io," Xavier said. She heard someone else say something but she couldn't make out the words. And then it was Xavier speaking again as he continued to smooth her hair back. "No, she never remembers her dreams. Except for the one about a fire. I do not think she was dreaming about that this time." Again another voice grumbled and the bed shook a little as Xavier chuckled. "No, she remembers more than enough as it is. I do not need life muddled more by whatever goes through her head while she sleeps."

  "Xavier?" Io called.

  "Go back to sleep, Io," Xavier whispered next to her ear. The kiss he placed on her temple was warm and soft, no trace of stubble. Maybe she still dreamed.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Xavier arched to stretch his back. Even with the few extra furs, the floor was still hard. And after another day of laboring to help repair the biggest parts of the house for the women here, he'd about kill to have his big soft bed, any bed for that matter. He rolled his shoulders, bent his arms and put his hands behind his head. A bed would be a pleasure, Io, willing to speak to him, would be a better pleasure.

  He listened now. Her steady breathing was soft. Almost too soft to be heard over Jon's snoring. Until Io stopped looking at him like he was going to murder her, he wasn't going to be allowed to be alone with her.

  He could be patient. She'd woken up three days ago and each day she grew a little stronger. He didn't truly care for the measures employed by the healer, but she had Io eating regularly, good solid meals, and Io was able to walk for short periods before she tired and had to stop. He'd find a coach to carry Io home in, but he didn't want her incapable of getting out of it and stretching her legs. The course home was already plotted; it wouldn't take very long at all. Io made good distance because she didn't stick to roads. What took her nearly seven weeks to go on foot should only take them about three with horses. They'd only need to contend with the weather. But with one coach and no heavy loads, even that wouldn’t be a factor. The concern was Io's complete refusal to speak and for the most part to even look at him.

  Mark said more happened between Io and Charlotte than he knew. It didn't matter, what he was aware of was more than enough and when he added the fact Charlotte told everyone Io was being replaced… For every time Xavier told Io she was his forever, she heard from dozens of others she was disposable. Mark said some things in Io's journal indicated she was well and truly afraid for her life. Given he was truly afraid for her life, Xavier didn't question that deduction. There was much he needed to learn. The reason behind Io fleeing the house, him. He wanted to know why she'd seduce him to gain her will and not remain to use that tactic again. But he wanted to hear it from her lips, not read it from her coveted little book. It seemed, to him, to be a raw violation of her privacy. She stopped writing letters to the men because she didn't want to share her personal thoughts and that led to her feeling isolated. And while she'd started being more secretive about it, he'd known from the start she wrote down her thoughts in the book.

  Rolling to his side, he again tried to get comfortable and sleep. Maybe if he did read some of what she wrote he'd be able to have some effective way to approach her. Something to get her talking to him. He just couldn't risk doing one more thing Io would view as a violation. He flopped to his back again and shifted around.

  "If you do not stop moving around over there I am going to nail you to the floor," Jon's harsh whisper caught him off guard. He sat up to see the man glaring at him from the other side of Io's bed.

  Xavier turned and scooted back so his back rested against the bed. Jon's footsteps could be as light as his own but Xavier still heard him as he came around. "I need to get her to speak to me." Xavier tipped his head back and looked at the ceiling.

  "This, my friend, is not about what you need or want. Io has declared you the enemy and until she is willing to open an accord, you must wait." Jon set his hand on Xavier's shoulder.

  "I know."

  "At least you are at the advantage here."

  "How do you come to this conclusion?" Xavier turned to look at the man straight on.

e stupid grin of his made Xavier want to smack him. "The siege force always has the advantage. Those inside eventually must surrender to the will of the ones outside."

  Xavier snorted. "Is that what I am doing, laying siege?"

  "I would say so. And I would also say Io might have some very good defenses but I am not sure she has the will to keep deploying them."

  "Has she said something?" Damn but the hope wouldn't stay out of his voice.

  Jon's response was a shrug. Xavier hated the shrug. Io did it too often. "She has not said anything, but I do notice when she is about she seeks you out."

  "Because she is afraid of me." Xavier let his head drop. Nothing could shame him more than to know he'd so failed his own wife that she feared him. He tried to think back to every time they'd disagreed, every time he disciplined her. Had he been too harsh? Did it seem to Io he'd lose control? Do more than redden her arse? Had he ever been unclear as to the reason he was punishing her? Never once had it been in anger, but it was a lie to not admit a few times he acted in frustration. He'd apologize to her for those times. He'd make sure it didn't happen again. He couldn't do anything until she was ready to let him.

  "She is very afraid of something. If it is you, I do not know. What I do know is that it is something that started at home, and if you mean to take her back, you will need to rid your home of whatever it is she fears or she will be gone again."

  "It is what I plan. I will take her home and make sure she is safe." Xavier knew he could do that. If he could do nothing else, he could keep Io safe.

  * * *

  "How far is this house from the coast?" Io asked as she looked out the window at the dark clouds rolling in.

  "Not too far, an hour by horse or cart," Lady Roslyn said, pausing briefly in her needlework to look at Io. "You have a desire to go to the seashore?"

  "Seems a pity to come so far and not look upon it once before I am forced back and…" Io let the words remain unspoken. No one here didn't know she believed Xavier was out to end her life. And after listening to him speak with Jon last night, she knew he had all of them fooled. They all believed he only wanted what was best for her.


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