Book Read Free

Willow Dark Storm

Page 8

by ZL Morris

  Cassius chuckles from his place at the door. “Come on, sweetheart. Let the poor girl go, so she can enjoy her new camera in peace.” Cassius comes over and helps Lilith to her feet. He wraps an arm around her waist and ushers her towards the door. “I’ll come up and let you know when your food is ready, Willow. Take your time.”

  “Thank you. I promise I won’t be too long. I just want to”—I tilt my head towards the box—” open this and have a quick nosy at it. I’ll be right down.”

  I don’t lift my head to see if they left, but I hear Lilith chuckle. “Sure you will, honey. I’m sure you will.”

  Chapter Ten

  My brain catches up when the sound of the door clicking shut echoes through the room. I glance up from my camera. Lilith thinks I’m right for them? How? I’ve been here less than a day. How can I possibly be any good for them? She doesn’t know me. The guys don’t know me. Whatever Lilith meant will have to wait, because right now, my excitement is firmly fixed on my shiny, new camera.

  Since tape secures the contents of my prize from me, I glance around the room to find something to open it. Coming up empty, I run my nail across the sticky tape a few times. Three broken nails later, I finally manage to get the tape off, and I slowly open the lid. I’m disappointed when more packaging rests between me and the camera. Getting my prize out of the box will be a nightmare. I don’t let that deter me though, and after a little wiggling, I free my camera. I remove everything I don’t need and set the camera on the floor next to the instructions.

  I relax once more on my tummy and admire my shiny, new toy for a few moments. This camera is the newest model of my old one. I try to ignore the impatience going through me. It’s been far too long since I’ve had a camera, and I just want to savour it for a while. I decide to read the manual first and brush up on all the new gizmos. So many new features complete this model it makes me halfway scared to press any of the buttons. Knowing my luck, it’ll have a self-detonating one, and it’ll blow up in my face.

  I’m a third of the way through the instructions when a light tap sounds on the bedroom door. Lilith steps in and shuts the door quietly. I move to sit up, but she tells me not to.

  She elegantly lowers herself to the floor until she’s perched next to me. “I need to apologise on behalf of my son. I can’t offer you an excuse for him having your underwear in his hands, but I promise he’ll never do it again.”

  Shocked by her admission, I quickly sit up, my face growing red. “Oh, I, um…”

  Her shoulders tense, and anger bleeds into her voice. “He confessed to me what he’d done when he thought there would be severe consequences if you spoke to the guys first. He has received suitable punishment for his behaviour.”

  “Y-y-you don’t mean they…” Oh my god, they killed him for holding my knickers. That’s another one gone because of me. Maybe it’s better if I do leave.

  The anger bleeds from her face, revealing her soft features. “Oh no, honey, of course they didn’t hurt him. I’ve set him up to do garden work for a month, and he’ll be staying in one of the cottages throughout his punishment. There’s enough land here it should be a sufficient punishment, and he must do it without using his vampire speed. I was going to suggest laundry duty, but well, with him being caught with your frills, it wouldn’t be suitable.”

  Without meaning to, I snort at her punishment, but my body slumps in relief knowing they’re not going to hurt him. It’s not another person dead because of me. I peek at my camera in longing, but it’d be rude to just dive back into the instructions while she’s here.

  “Oh, there’s another reason I came up. The Sires have cooked you a meal. It’s an old recipe of mine. I watched over them, and I had plenty of practice cooking it while I was still human. I obviously didn’t taste the food, but I hope it’s up to your standards… I can always have them order something in for you if it’s not though,” Lilith rambles nervously.

  “I’m sure it will taste lovely. I’ll pack this up, and I’ll be right down.”

  She gets up and heads towards the door. Once she’s left, my attention turns back to my camera in disappointment. I’m not going to be able to use it today.

  Making sure I gather up all of the packaging, I gently place the camera back inside the box and close it. I put everything on the bedside cabinet, which looks to be part of a new furniture set that must have arrived while I was out. I’ve no clue how long it took them to clear the room, but we were only gone a few hours. Aside from the furniture being different, everything else appears to be the same.

  I make my way downstairs but stop short when voices come from the direction of an unknown room near the kitchen. I hesitate for a moment, unsure of which way to go, but quickly decide to head towards where I can hear them talking.

  When I enter, the chatter in the room dies down, and they turn their attention to me. Having them all staring at me feels a little unnerving, but I straighten my spine and try to ignore my nervousness as I step towards the huge table.

  All three stand at my approach. Idris holds a chair out for me to the right of the head of the table where Zadimus sits. Cautiously, I sit as Idris pushes the chair underneath the table. Once situated, my hands settle in my lap to nervously play with my fingers.

  “Do you like your camera?” Lazarus asks while taking his seat.

  “I do, but it’s really expensive, and I’m scared I’ll break it. We could take it back and change it for the older model I had. Although, I’m not sure the shop will take it now that I’ve opened it.” I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but I can’t allow them to buy me something so extravagant, especially after they’ve fitted me with a whole new wardrobe.

  Idris frowns. “But if you like it, then why would you want to get a different one? We have the money, and we want to spend it on you.”

  “You’ve already spent so much on me with the clothes.” Knowing I’m not going to win this one, I tap my foot harshly against the floor. “Even if I didn’t see the prices.”

  Zadimus adjusts himself so he can make eye contact with me. “We know you like the camera. Returning it isn’t up for discussion. Cassius explained we can replace it under the warranty if it’s what you’re worried about. As for the clothes, you couldn’t live in the only set we had for you. What would you wear while they were being washed?” He sits back in his chair and smirks. “Although, maybe we shouldn’t have got you clothes after all. I quite like the idea of you naked while the others are in the wash.”

  My eyes grow impossibly wide as his words register in my mind. He likes the idea of me being naked?

  “Very much so, and it’s not a question of if it will happen, but more a question of when.” He answers my unspoken question with confidence.

  “R-really?” Realising what I asked, I force out the rest of my words in a bid to ignore my embarrassment. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I-I—it’s just… you’re you, and well, I’m me. I didn’t think. I don’t know what I think. Um… isn’t there some kind of vampire law or something where vampires don’t like humans and we’re only supposed to be food?” I slam my hand over my mouth in horror at that last bit.

  Oh hell! Shut up, Willow!

  “Humans like to have a snack in bed.” Lazarus sniggers. “We’re not worlds apart in that department.”

  My head whips around towards him in shock, my eyes feeling as if they’re going to pop out my head.

  Idris groans. “Way to go, brother. You scared her before we even get to the best bit. Now, she’ll likely never to get in a bed with us for fear we’ll eat her.”

  “Okay, that’s enough. I can hear Callidora’s thoughts working a million miles a minute from here.” Zadimus smirks. “It doesn’t scare you, does it? Your pupils have blown, which suggests our words have had the opposite effect on you.”

  I slam my eyes shut before I give anything else away and slowly count to ten. I don’t know what they’re doing to me. My thoughts keep straying to things I’ve never before c
ontemplated, never even dared to wish. And now, with these three, I can’t keep my thoughts clean.

  Deciding on a safer topic, I ask, “Cassius mentioned you take people in when they’ve been turned. Is that… did you… Did you save me because you’re used to saving people who need it?”

  “Absolutely not. We saved you because you’re Callidora.” Zadimus answers, and I’m able to hear the truth through his unforgiving tone.

  “What does Callidora mean, exactly?”

  Idris smiles. “Gift of beauty.”

  My mind blanks, and I’m unable to come up with anything in response to what they’ve been calling me. Thankfully, the sound of a door being pushed open gives me a reprieve from their intense stares. Lilith steps in, surely unaware of what she’s just saved me from. I’ve never been more thankful for a distraction. She looks at the guys with a frown, quickly blanks her face, then brings a tray over to the table. She gently places it in front of me, and my nose fills with the delicious aroma of beef and mashed potatoes.

  Lilith pats my shoulder. “I’ve not put too much on your plate, but there is more in the fridge if I haven’t served you up enough. I hope you like it, Willow.” Then she leaves the room.

  My mind blanks as I take my first mouthful. The delicious flavours burst on my tongue, and I greedily go back for more. I’ve had the meal before, but Lilith added something extra. I’m not sure what, but I’m not complaining. My tummy certainly enjoys it. Within minutes, I’ve scraped the plate clean. I wipe my mouth on the napkin and finally notice the room is deathly silent.

  My head lifts, only to drop with burning cheeks when all three are gawking at me, shock marring their features. I take a moment to steel my resolve and lift my head once more to take in the three of them. Underneath the shocked gawking, something else is there, but I’m unable to work out what it is.

  It’s like a light bulb switches on above my head—the three of them watched me eat, and I all but licked the plate clean in front of them. I’ve always had a healthy appetite and even though Lilith only gave me a small portion, it was enough to have me craving seconds even if my stomach can’t take it.

  The awkwardness between us only stops when Lilith arrives to collect my empty plate.

  “How was it, honey?” Lilith asks, sounding unsure.

  “A clean plate says it all. It was very nice, thank you.”

  The smile that brightens her face tells me she recognised the truth in my words. She turns her attention to Zadimus. “I’ll let everyone know you’d like some privacy, Sire. Anything pressing, and I’ll have them direct it to Cassius until one of you are free.”

  “Thank you. I’m not sure how long we’ll be in here,” Zadimus tells her, and his words make me uneasy.

  “Remember, go slow. The sweetheart is only human. She’s bound to be confused.”

  Lilith’s parting words escalate my tension. The need to run or hide goes through me. I feel as if the shit is about to hit the fan. I fidget in my seat, and the door shutting makes me jump in surprise. My attention turns to each of the guys as I desperately try to work out what they want from me.

  Zadimus turns his body towards mine. I flinch and pull back, my chair scraping noisily across the hardwood. The sound reminds me of nails on a chalkboard. He doesn’t allow me to go far though. The coldness of his hands seeps through my jeans as they brush my legs when he grabs the chair to stop my escape. Desperation from being trapped crawls up my throat, and trepidation fills me as he pulls my chair slowly towards him.

  Fog clouds my head, and my heart beats wildly in my throat. I somehow hear him softly command, “Breathe.”

  It’s then I realise I’ve unconsciously held my breath, and the light-headedness is from not getting any oxygen. My mouth opens, and I take huge gulps of air. I take too much, too fast, and choke.

  My face burns in humiliation. I effectively managed to choke on air. Could this day get any worse? Then I remember what caused my panic. I stare at Zadimus, trying to work out what they want. His face is blank of emotion, and I give up out of frustration.

  Instead, I bluntly ask, “What do you want from me? Are you going to kill me? If you are…” I gulp. “Could you make it quick?”

  At my words, Idris and Lazarus move around the table until they’re behind Zadimus. All three tower over me, even with Zadimus still sitting down. They have me pinned in.

  Before panic has a chance to set in again, Zadimus says, “I’m not sure what you know about vampires. And I’m not sure what to tell you without it making you panic more.”

  He glances over his shoulder towards his brothers, and from the expression on Idris’s and Lazarus’s faces, something passes between them. Idris and Lazarus nod and turn their attention back to me.

  Zadimus faces me and gulps. “I’m not sure how to say this, but we’re mates. You were chosen to be a part of us, and we’re a part of you. Because you’re human, you won’t have the irresistibly strong desire we have towards you, and you’d not know about it at a first meeting.”

  My brain sticks on the word mate. I don’t know how to process the information. My mouth opens and closes several times like a fish out of water while I wrap my head around what they’ve disclosed, and I come up with too many crazy scenarios on how this could have happened. Slamming my mouth shut, I attempt to shut my thoughts off so I can focus. More under control, I blurt my first question. “Do you know what I would feel?”

  All three of them offer me a nod, and Idris answers, “Attraction. It wouldn’t be as strong for you as it is for us, but you’d still feel a strong pull towards us.”

  My gaze rapidly moves over them while I consider his explanation. I don’t know what to say or do. I’m their mate? I’d like to think I’d know something that important, but I’m apparently completely clueless. I mean… I know I’m not the wisest person when it comes to feelings and relationships, but surely, I’d know or have an inclination about something this big.

  Hell, before I met them, I’d never bothered to look at anybody else… shit! Did my body know I should wait for them? Is that why I’m still a damn virgin? Some higher-up decided they didn’t want me to do normal teenage shit and made me wait for them? I squint at them in suspicion while I try to work out if they had something to do with that.

  Their eyes widen, and I realise I gave away what I was thinking. All three simultaneously stick their hands in the air in a show of surrender.

  Lazarus trips over his words. “We are vampires. There’s no way we would, or could, possibly have anything to do with that.”

  Zadimus allows me to push my chair away from him, and I swiftly stand. I pace to one end of the huge table and back, trying to grasp what they’ve said. A hysterical laugh bubbles up. How can I possibly begin to work this all out? Twenty-four hours ago, I didn’t even know vampires existed, and now, here I am, like a deer in the headlights—vampire headlights—and I’ve no clue what to do.

  I stop and stare at them. Their strong faces are almost identical, but I can tell them apart. The way their hair flops over their forehead in a cute way. The five o’clock shadow on Zadimus I felt under my fingers. Their beautiful purple eyes as they take me in. In the depths of their gazes, I recognise the truth of their words… I’m their mate.

  Swallowing thickly, I slowly make my way back to my seat. My legs give out, and none-too-gently, my ass plonks onto the chair. A hiss escapes between my teeth because I no longer have the padding to cushion my ass against the unforgiving surface. I barely stop myself from standing back up to rub away the soreness.

  “I’m not sure where to go from here, guys.” Confused, I shake my head. “I’ve never had a relationship before, and now, I’m being told I belong to the three of you… it is the three of you, right?”

  Zadimus nods. “It is. And as much as I like the idea of you not being with anyone else, I want you to know, we, the three of us, will take this as slow as you want. It’s all new to us too, and we don’t want to pressure you into anything.”

  “Okay,” I agree hesitantly. “I need to go to bed. All this has made me suddenly tired. Would that be all right?”

  From the looks they exchange, I can tell they’re hesitant to let me leave. But they agree, so I stand to exit. I stop when I see their eyes turn a light purple. I almost give in and stay to make them happy, but I need to be alone and allow everything to sink in.

  Who’d have thought? The once chubby, virgin, human girl has three vampire mates.

  I shake my head one last time and pull the door closed behind me.

  Chapter Eleven

  For the past few hours, I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling because I can’t sleep. In an effort to find a comfy spot, I toss and turn, but sleep still evades me. I’ve even dug out the new, fleece PJs from the shopping trip, but I’m unable to properly enjoy them. My mind won’t allow me the few hours reprieve I desperately need because the conversation from earlier constantly plays over in my head.

  I’m their mate… I don’t know where to even begin piecing together the puzzle of this one. It’s one big clusterfuck. I’m a mate. To three vampires! This doesn’t happen to normal people. Normal people have relationships with other normal people. They own a house, a car, live a boring life with two or three children, and have a white picket fence. They don’t end up as a mate to three vampires.

  A glance at the clock shows it’s a little before two in the morning. Huffing, I give up on the idea of sleep and kick off the covers. I didn’t grab a drink earlier in my haste to leave, and my mouth feels as though it’s full of cotton balls. Resolving myself to the fact I’m not going to sleep anytime soon. I pray I don’t bump into one of the guys, though. I’m still not sure what I should be feeling, and I don’t want to make things worse than they already are.

  Being mindful of the time, I quietly sneak across the bedroom and open the door. Unable to make out any obvious noises, I shut the door and head down the stairs while being careful to avoid some of the creakier ones I stepped on earlier. I make it to the bottom without alerting anyone and decide the kitchen is my best bet.


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