Book Read Free

Willow Dark Storm

Page 11

by ZL Morris

  “Would you care to sit? I’ll have Cassius fix you some drinks while a couple of others take your belongings to the guesthouse.” Zadimus points at the sofa he and Lazarus occupied earlier.

  “Teething problems?” Idris asks once he pulls me to sit next to him.

  Instead of Tallulah answering, the bigger of the three men respond. His voice is heavy with frustration. “There’s been a couple. Some of the pack weren’t happy with my decision for everyone to take up training when my father announced he was stepping back. Then, we had to announce we were going to war, and you three were joining us… it’s been dealt with.”

  Zadimus growls. “You’d think they’d learn we don’t consider them food by now. We’ve visited in the past and not killed anyone.”

  The second guy sitting next to Tallulah laughs. “Tally was quick to point out you don’t like the smell of wet dog.”

  Idris snorts. “And she’d be right.” His tone grows more serious. “Apart from that, how have things been?”

  This time the third guy speaks up, humour and something else clear in his voice. “Pretty fuckin’ amazing.”

  I hold my breath in fright when Tallulah punches the guy in the arm. I only release the breath when the guy laughs and playfully rubs his arm. A hand squeezes my knee, but I don’t bother to find out who it is. I’m too busy gawking at the wolves.

  Tallulah cuts him a filthy scowl, then turns to me with a smile. “Ignore him. He can be an asshole.”

  I’m left reeling when she doesn’t receive a blow for calling him an asshole.

  She must recognise my expression because her smile dims. “I know you’ve not had a good experience with wolves, but these three aren’t the same. These guys won’t hurt you, or me, if we call them out on their crap.”

  Confused, I frown. “Aren’t you included in the they?”

  Tallulah shakes her head and smiles. “I’m half-human. Can’t shift.”

  “And what a beautiful half-human you are.” The big guy pulls her towards him, pride clear in his voice.

  She beams at him, and they share some sort of moment together before he offers her a quick kiss.

  I take in the other two guys and expect to see jealousy or bitterness on their faces. Instead, they stare at Tallulah with the same expression the bigger guy did before he kissed her. Tallulah pulls back, half dazed and with a goofy look on her face.

  Is it weird to think that now would be the perfect time to have my camera?

  After a few moments more of the vampires chatting with Tallulah and her men, Lilith came in to escort us to the same dining room where the guys admitted I’m their mate. The memory of that conversation comes to the forefront of my mind. It’s only when a hand touches my back, making me jump, I’m pulled back to the present. I turn to see Lazarus smiling softly at me.

  His voice comes out as soft as his smile. “I thought we’d blown it with how that conversation went. I’m glad you didn’t decide to fight against the bonding.”

  A huff of annoyance escapes over him reading my thoughts again. “Will a moment pass where you don’t read my thoughts without my permission? It’s tiring to constantly try to keep my mind blank.”

  He kisses my cheek, an expression of guilt marring his handsome face. “I’m, we’re, sorry. I’ll speak to Cassius to see if he knows anyone who can teach you a way to shut us out. I’m not at all sure it’s possible, but if it would make you feel better, then we can try it.”

  My heart melts that he’d want to try something just to please me. I know it’ll make things harder for them if they can’t tell what’s wrong, but I might feel a little more comfortable if I know my mind is my own. “It can come in handy when I don’t want to speak out loud, but I’d like to keep basic things to myself. Some thoughts definitely shouldn’t be shared.”

  Tallulah must hear the conversation because her laugh echoes around the room as she takes her seat. “Have they been using that mind shit on you? Boy, did they catch me out with it. I tried my hardest not to put my thoughts on them, but in our first meeting, they knew I was figuring out how best to kill a vampire if I needed to.”

  Outraged by her words, I unconsciously look straight at Zadimus, Lazarus, and Idris to make sure they still have their heads. I know they do, but some idiotic part of my brain wants to check anyway.

  Lazarus barks out a laugh and gives my waist a reassuring squeeze. Bastard read my thoughts again.

  “And the rather disturbing thoughts you kept sending our way when you were thinking of your mates too,” Lazarus says. “No offence, Luna, but I’m glad I don’t have a food diet after hearing those. I would’ve suffered the unfortunate fate of being put off my dinner.”

  Tallulah’s face turns bright red, but she’s saved from further embarrassment when the door opens to reveal a silver serving trolley being pushed by some of the catering staff. With a sigh of what can be considered relief, she sits at the table with the assistance of two of her mates.

  My spine instantly snaps to attention, my hand settling against my stomach as it nervously rolls. I wait, expecting someone to bring up the incident earlier or make more snide comments about me being a greedy whore. None come though. Instead, the staff remains professional while they make quick work of laying the various plates and side dishes on the table. As each new dish is laid out, my eyes grow impossibly wider.

  No way can five of us eat this much food. Maybe I can put some in the fridge to pick at over the next few days.

  It’s not long before all the food is set out and the servers leave the room without a single word spoken. I watch as the bigger of Tallulah’s mates loads a plate, then he passes it to her. Once she has her plate set down in front of her, all three of her mates turn their eyes expectantly to me.

  Uncomfortable, the only thing I can think to say is, “Umm…”

  “Their mother taught them the ladies should be served before they get to eat. They’re waiting for you to choose before the three of them devour everything that’s left. Load your plate up. There likely won’t be a chance for seconds.” Fork in hand, Tallulah stares at her food, but her head whips back up in horror. “Oh bugger, I’m sorry. Theo was supposed to introduce you properly.” She drops the fork, and her fingers tap on the big guy’s shoulder. “This is Theo, and he’s Alpha to the Argent pack. It seems not all the manners his mother taught him have sunk in. The one next to him is Quimby, and”—she turns her attention to the guy next to her—“this is Kenji. Quimby is his twin, and both are Argent betas and my mates.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Pride swells within me that my voice came out strong and I didn’t stutter like a fool.

  The one Tallulah introduced as Quimby clears his throat, his expression serious. “I’m sorry those bastards had you. If we’d known they were taking people, then we would’ve helped. Were you the only one?”

  My hands settle into my lap at the sound of the guilt in his voice. They don’t sound or act like the Blood Moon wolves. Nervously, my fingers fiddle with the hem of my top, but when I speak, I place enough conviction into my words they can understand I harbour no hard feelings for them. “There’s nothing to apologise for. You didn’t put me in the cell with the col—never mind. I’m fine. The guys saved me. I did see one girl on the brief occasions I was allowed out. I assumed, after the screams stopped during the night, that I was the only one left.”

  Ignoring the cursing and growls around the table, I load my plate without paying attention to what I’m doing. The memories of those screams echo in my mind. I give my head a sharp shake to try to dispel the memory. I’m not there anymore. They can’t hurt me. I’m safe. It’s not until I look at my plate that I realise I’ll never be able to eat even the tenth of the food I’ve placed on it.

  “We’ll be having a party of sorts later. I’d invite you, but with you being freshly mated, I can’t imagine it’d be the best idea,” Zadimus says from the head of the table.

  I’m glad for the topic change, even if I am left confused by it. Slyly
, I glance in Tallulah’s direction and spot a frown on her face. She turns her attention to Theo expectantly, but he ignores her.

  Theo chuckles darkly. “You still throwing those sorts of parties even though you have a mate?”

  Zadimus’s lip curls into a wicked smile, his fanged teeth on display. “I doubt my own sort would be stupid enough to make a pass at what’s mine. Don’t you think?”

  “I think you might be right. We’re fighting on the same side in a war, but I doubt we’d be able to control ourselves if a vampire wanted to fuck Tallulah in a room full of people. We’ll retire to the guesthouse once dinner is finished. We can get down to business tomorrow. If you’re not all partied out.”

  Heat blooms within me when it finally registers what type of party they’re talking about.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter Fourteen

  By the time the meal comes to an end, I’m left staring around the table in awe. Not a scrap of food is left. Once Theo, Quimby, and Kenji decided Tallulah and I had a sufficient amount of food on our plates, they dived in. I thought I’d be living on leftovers for the next few days at least, but holy hell, they pack some food away. I can only imagine what their food bills must be like at their home if all shifters have the same appetite as these three brothers. It leaves the mind boggled.

  Tallulah and her mates stand from the table and wish the guys a good night. Uncertain of my feelings, I stare at the table while Tallulah and her men leave. I’m not sure what to make of the party the guys talked about with Tallulah and her mates. Is that what Zadimus and his brothers expect from me now that I’m their mate? Do they want to see me sleep with other people in front of them? I’m not sure I ever could. I can’t lie and say the thought hasn’t entered my head to take the female vampire up on her offer to watch us, but to actively participate… on my first time too? I’m not sure where this leaves me.

  Not wanting them to see where my thoughts have drifted off to, I make myself busy by stacking plates and dishes to make clean-up go smoothly. I move to grab a small stack of bowls, but a hand on my arm stops me.

  “You don’t need to clean-up. I’ve had a dress sent upstairs for you if you’d like to change into something more appropriate for tonight.” Zadimus pulls me away from the table and wraps his arms around me.

  My voice comes out barely above a whisper. “I’m not sure if this is such a good idea.” My fingers twitch at my sides, desperately wanting something to do. “I’m a virgin. I don’t belong at something like that. Won’t they be mad at me for being at something so… personal?”

  His eyes stare into my own, and a flicker of panic builds when I assume he’s reading my thoughts. But to my surprise, he ignores my racing thoughts and asks, “Did we misjudge? Is this something you’re not interested in?”

  Taking a breath, I force my nerves to calm and decide to go with the truth. There’s no other way around it. I suspect he did read my thoughts but is trying to give me the option to come clean when something troubles me. “I-I… no. You didn’t misjudge, but I don’t want to impose. I’m not a vampire, and not everyone has met me yet. What if they don’t like me? I don’t want it to cause problems.”

  “Not all the residents will be in attendance. It’s a private party for a select few who like to participate. Not all vampires like to be watched or are into everything that’s deemed not normal within the human world. But the few who attend won’t mind you being there. They overhead Idris giving instructions to Cassius about purchasing you a dress, and they guessed we’d be there.”

  Zadimus places a sweet kiss to my lips. “Nothing will happen if you don’t want it to. We can go, and if you decide you don’t like what you see, then we can leave straight away. We just thought it would be something you’d like the chance to explore. But there will be no expectations from us.”

  A heavy weight settles in my stomach, and my question comes out full of jealousy I didn’t know I was feeling. “Do you usually go?”

  A body presses against my back, squishing me between two brothers. His body shifts slightly before he whispers, “Not in recent times. When we were a lot younger, we attended the odd one, but we’ve never participated.” I recognise the voice as Idris’s.

  I’m unable to stop the way my body squirms when Idris drags his hands slowly down both my arms. Goosebumps pebble, and a shudder escapes. Looking at Zadimus, I realise his eyes are blue as he watches his brother’s hands skim down my body. My breath hitches when he lowers his head to run his lips across the pulse on my neck.

  Is he going to bite me? And why am I tilting my head to allow it?

  “I’ve arranged for the—” Cassius’s voice cuts off. He coughs once, then continues. “I’ve arranged for the catering company to go home. They’ll return here tomorrow once tonight’s event is out the way.”

  My eyes dart to Zadimus in a panic. Please don’t tell me Cassius will be at this orgy!

  The bastard has the nerve to laugh. “Don’t worry, Callidora. Cassius and Lilith will be nowhere near it.”

  I splutter at him for answering my silent question in front of Cassius. The whole reason I used my thoughts to ask was because I didn’t want Cassius to hear it out loud! What will he think of me for attending this type of party? He’s likely already come to the conclusion I’m some sort of harlot. I hang my head, not wanting to see the disgust on his face. I like Cassius, especially after he treated me so well. I’m not sure I could bear him being disgusted with me.

  “I’ll um… leave you to it.” I cringe when my voice comes out flat. I dare not lift my eyes in case they land on Cassius. I’m a coward, but I don’t want to witness his disgust. Knowing it’s there is enough to have me scurrying out of the room.

  “I’ve placed suitable attire in the bedroom for you, Miss Willow,” Cassius says before I can make it out, and my eyes drift up without permission. He’s frowning at me, but it’s not in disgust… more concern, maybe?

  I open my mouth, but the words won’t come. What do you say to someone who has bought you what is possibly a whore dress for an orgy? Because I think that’s pretty much what the party will be. I’ve never been to one, but it doesn’t take a genius to work out that lots of different people will be carrying out sexual acts in front of other people. I’ve never considered myself to be a prude, but hell, maybe little virgin Willow really is frigid.

  I offer Cassius a quick, sharp nod and rush out of the room before I can cause myself any more issues. The closer I get to the bedroom, the more my nerves kick in. My legs grow shakier with every step. It’s not until I make it to the top of the stairs I remember the predicament Cassius caught me in with the guys.

  What would’ve happened if he’d entered the room a few minutes later? Would I have given in to my urge to be with the guys? Catch us having sex or something? It’d be like being caught by a parent as a teenager. Yuck! And what the hell was I doing having my bare neck tilted to a vampire in offering? Would he have bitten me if Cassius hadn’t interrupted at that moment?

  Sighing, I push open the bedroom door and stop in my tracks when my eyes land on a beautiful deep purple dress hanging up on the four-poster bed. It looks very short, but I’ve no doubt it will come to a respectable length because of my lack of height.

  A snort escapes me. Respectable. I’m going to be in a respectable length dress while I attend a sex party, where everyone’s bodies will be on display while I’ll be dressed like a nun. I don’t know whether to find the whole thing hysterically funny or collapse on the bed and refuse to leave the safety of the bedroom.

  I’m way out of my depth. I’ve no clue what’s about to happen or what I’ll walk into. Will they be already naked when I walk in or will that happen later? Does someone ring a bell to signal it’s time to get naked? Will the guys want me to participate in front of everyone? Oh God, I’m not sure I’m ready for something like that.

  I make slow work of getting myself washed, dried, and dressed. I manage to tame my curls, so I don’t
look as though I’ve been pulled through a hedge backwards. A dress like that deserves tamed hair. Finally, I slip the dress on and almost choke on my tongue when I don’t feel any material against my back.

  The dress isn’t as modest as I thought it would be. It keeps the girls nicely covered with the way it sits high on my breasts, but it doesn’t offer me any protection in the back. I turn to get a better look in the mirror, and my eyes bug out when I realise the material swoops dangerously low to the bottom of my back. My bra strap is on full display, and I decide it’s best not to ruin such an amazing dress.

  Once I remove my bra, I tuck everything back into the dress and turn each way in the mirror to see if the removal improves the look. The material of the dress somehow magically holds my heavy boobs in place.

  I take another peek at the back and groan when I see the black material of my underwear on display. I refuse to leave the bedroom without knickers, so I shimmy them down my hips a little until they’re safely tucked away from view. Going without a bra is one thing, but to arrive at an orgy with no knickers would likely give everyone the impression I’m ready for a night of fucking. My cheeks flame to match the colour of my hair.

  A knock at the door makes that colour instantly drain from my face. I’m not sure I’m ready to leave the sanctuary of the bedroom and voluntarily walk into the vampire den. I’m way too far out of my depth. I’ve gone from a girl who hid behind her camera with no interaction with people to being the virgin attending a sex party in a vampire house.

  I really couldn’t make this shit up.

  Another knock sounds at the door. It’s likely one of the guys coming up to see what’s taking me so long, so I rush over and reach for the handle, only for my hand to shake.

  With a sigh, I open the door, but I’m caught off guard when I see Tobias. “Oh! Hey, I thought you were one of the guys.”


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