Jacks, Marcy - Handcuffed to the Werewolf [DeWitt's Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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More like fell over onto his stomach. Jason all but leaped off of him and was on his knees at Mick’s side in an instant. Mick could
sense the other man’s worry just from his body language and breathing, and he was glad he had someone around who cared whether or not he lived or died.
“What can I do to make it better? I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to get you with the silver.”
“It’s all right,” Mick said in a half slur. He was so tired he could have passed out. “You did great. I expected to have to slow down a lot sooner than this. Just wanted to go farther,” he said.
Jason looked around, because of the trees, any dawn light that peeked through the eastern horizon was shaded, but everything still looked yellow and glowed with life.
It made Jason look beautiful. His cock and balls twitched for what
seemed like the millionth time that night. The desperate need to mate with his chosen, the instinct to take him, would not leave and wait for
a more appropriate time.
Maybe Mick would still live after all.
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“I don’t recognize where we are.”
Mick managed to lift his head and look around.
He didn’t have a clue either. They should be only a couple of hours outside of his pack territory, though. Might as well be on Mars for all it mattered. Mick couldn’t get them there.
He was going to pass out.
“Wait, I see something through the trees,” Jason said.
That was nice. Mick closed his eyes.
“Holy shit, it’s a camper!”
Mick’s eyes snapped open. “What?”
He tried to look up, to see what Jason was seeing, and he should have been able to do that, but everything in the distance was a blur.
“Right there, see it?” Jason waved his arms, hoping to get the attention of whoever owned the camper that Mick couldn’t see.
“Don’t call out for them,” Mick said, his survival instincts kicking in to the point where he could remember some of the basic things.
“If we’ve got people following us, we don’t want them hearing that we’re here.”
Jason stopped waving and lowered his arms. “Could that camper belong to hunters?”
His sight was leaving him, but his nose should still work. Mick inhaled deeply and scented nothing. No breakfast cooking, no laundry drying in the wind, not even any recent campfires.
No people.
“I don’t think anyone’s home.”
Jason grabbed him by the shoulder and tried to haul him up.
Tried to being the key words. He could barely lift Mick’s shoulder. “Get up. If there’s no one there, then they won’t mind if we use their place to rest for a little bit, and after the ride you gave me, you need it more than I do.”
Oh, Mick’s brain thought naughty, dirty thoughts when Jason said those words. He couldn’t help but chuckle.
Jason grabbed him by the arm again and, using the strength of his
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one hand, the one that didn’t have that evil silver bracelet around the
wrist, managed to get Mick halfway up.
Mick pooled all of his strength down to his legs and got the rest of the way, still leaning heavily on Jason as they walked.
“What’s it look like?” Mick asked, seeing the brown blur coming closer as they walked, but he wanted the details.
“It looks like a newer model. Maybe its shower will be running, and there might be some spare clothes for you.”
A shower. Please, baby Jesus in heaven, let there be a working shower in there.
“I’ve heard of some people who did this. Bought campers and basically parked them and used them as cottages.”
Mick’s first thought was that it was probably better that there were no more humans around to get hurt should the hunters be on their trail. But then the next thing he immediately experienced was the extreme letdown he felt that there were no people there to help Jason. People nowadays tended to stay connected, and had there been people, Mick could have borrowed a cell phone, something that would call for help.
Lacking that, he’d settle for finding a saw, if these people kept tools and separating them as soon as possible.
Of course, the door was locked. But, seeing as this was only a camper, despite Mick’s weakened state, he had no trouble taking hold of the door latch and pulling until he forced the door open.
Jason helped him inside, and they shut the door behind them as quietly as possible, as though they were afraid of disturbing the birds.
There was a padded bench immediately in front of the door, and Mick gratefully let himself fall onto it, luxuriating in how good the tough floral material, which was dusty as all hell, felt on his face.
Like sleeping on a cloud for all he cared.
His body only half shut down after that. His instincts refused to let him go completely under when they were being pursued by hunters and Jason was all by himself, but he still managed to doze a little. His
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ears remained open to all the sounds Jason made, even in Mick’s
He was pulled awake, literally, by a tugging on his arm.
“Mick, you have to get up now. I think the bedroom’s in the back, and the bathroom should be in there.”
Mick pulled himself up, feeling a strange material sliding off his body. He looked down and noted the white cotton table cloth.
“It was the only thing I could find in here to give you for a blanket.”
Mick so wanted to grab him and fall asleep with Jason in his arms. Instead he grabbed the table cloth, wrapped it around his hips, and dozily followed his mate to the back of the camper.
“Did you find anything else?”
“No,” Jason answered, sounding about as pleased about that as Mick felt. “No cell phones, no radio, no food. These people haven’t been here in a while. But I still want to check the bathroom and
bedroom. Maybe there’s a first aid kit in there somewhere and some
clothes that will fit us.”
That gave Mick some hope, because, though he could live without clothes, they would still be nice to have. Jason, on the other hand, would need some shoes before they could proceed any farther.
Mick saw the surprisingly nice bed and wanted to lie in it, but Jason apologized to him and brought him into the tiny bathroom instead. It was made to be small, and with the two of them, it was
even smaller. Then Mick saw the shower stall, forgot all about the bed, and wanted to get inside of it.
While Jason searched through the cupboards, pulling out old beach towels and whatnot, Mick decided he was going to do just that.
He took hold of a beach towel with a giant Scooby-Doo on it, flipped it over the plastic, frosted sliding doors, and then let himself in.
The dials were so small he was afraid he would break them off.
“Here, let me get that for you,” Jason said.
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“Will there even be any water in here?” Mick asked, the horrible thought suddenly occurring to him.
“Only if the last people here left some for you to use, and it wasn’t so long ago that it all evaporated. It’s probably cold, too.”
“Whatever wakes me up.”
Jason turned both dials, and a weak spray of water hit Mick in the face.
Yup. Definitely cold, and it sure as hell woke him up.
He turned his face into the spray. The cold water was a blessing after all the heat and sweat he’d put up with these last several hours.
“Um, here, let me get that for you,” Jason slid the frosted door shut, as shut as it could go with the chain blocking it, but not before Mick could get a look at the deep shade of red on his face, or the heatthat was pulsing through his blood.
With a start, Mick realized what had happened. He was still completely naked, knew he had a pretty decent lookin
g body, and Jason had seen him in this tiny ass shower, cold water dripping over his muscled body and pebbled nipples.
That was awesome.
Despite the cold, Mick’s body reacted to Jason’s blush, and he had severe blue balls after denying himself the chance to have his mate so many times. He had to wrap his fingers around his pulsing cock or else he would die.
It was so good his knees buckled, and he came instantly, biting down hard on his lip with a groan.
“Mick? Are you okay?” Jason asked.
“Yeah, just stubbed my toe is all,” he panted. Christ he needed to fuck Jason. Holding off like this was not good for him. His dick certainly didn’t know when to quit, otherwise it would have gone down by now.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to have his mate and right
He slid open the door so hard it was amazing the thing didn’t fall
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right off.
Jason sighed and pushed past him, practically shoving him out of
the way. “Thanks, I was dying here.”
The plastic sliding doors closed on him, and he was left dripping on the plastic tiles of the tiny bathroom. Jason undressed in the stall and tossed his pajama bottoms over the top. They landed on Mick’s head, and he got the strong scent of the arousal the things had been hiding right before he yanked them off.
He wasn’t so far gone yet that he’d resort to sniffing Jason’s clothes.
There was a stumble of movement from behind the glass as Jason
groaned, as though in pain.
“Are you all right?” Mick asked, instantly worried.
“Stubbed my toe,” was the muttered reply.
Then another kind of scent reached Mick’s nose before it could be
washed away with the water, and he grinned.
Stubbed his toe. No, he didn’t.
Unlike Mick, Jason reached over the top of the shower stall and pulled down the beach towel to wrap himself with before stepping out of the shower. He ruffled the thing through his hair, and Mick tried not to stare at his little pink nipples, peaking from the cold they’d just
been in, or at his cock.
When he pulled the towel off of his head, his dark, sand-blond hair was sticking up in random spikes. “That felt great.”
Mick bet it did.
Then they both looked at each other, eyes meeting in that awkward way they tended to do, as though suddenly aware of the fact that they were both naked, standing within two feet of each other, and horny as all hell.
They were crammed so close together in this tiny bathroom that all Mick would need to do is shift his feet a little closer, and he could
have Jason pressed against the wall, their cocks rubbing together.
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Christ, this was too much. He wanted to—he needed to—
Mick opened his mouth to voice exactly what it was he needed, hoping to have the right words to not scare away his mate, but Jason beat him to it.
“You want to have sex with me, don’t you?”
Just how forward the question was threw him for a loop. “I—yes.”
He nodded.
Jason’s tongue darted out, touching on his bottom lip before his teeth nibbled on it. Mick’s cock throbbed in response.
“You’re my mate, and I desperately need to claim you. I want to fuck you,” he said, forgetting all about being gentle.
Jason nodded, letting that stupid Scooby-Doo towel drop between them. “Okay.”
That was it? Jason was a human. He wouldn’t feel the need to
finish the connection as urgently as Mick did. That was almost too easy. Mick expected to at least have to romance him a little bit.
Now Jason was the one to do a little mind reading. Maybe Mick’s face was that easy to read.
“I was kidnapped out of my bed, thrown into a hole with a giant wolf that I thought was going to eat me, told that I’m actually the love of your life, then we escape from that place, travelling through the woods at high speeds, just to have to stop here and rest,” he said, and Mick was still waiting to hear where he was going with this. “After all that, I would like to be fucked. The good way, as opposed to what’s happened so far,” he clarified.
Fine by him. Mick grabbed him by his wet shoulders and pressed his body into Jason’s smaller one, pushing him against the wall, just the way he’d thought about doing only a couple of minutes ago.
Jason made a noise of surprise as the forcefulness that Mick swallowed up with his mouth. He lifted Jason into the air just enough so that when he thrust his hips forward, his cock finally got some of that friction he’d been craving since he first laid eyes on his mate.
Jason’s prick instantly swelled under the force of the thrust, and
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he pushed back, the both of them just kissing and humping each other against the wall, groaning into each other’s mouths, holding on tight and not letting go.
Mick nearly dropped Jason, however, when he continued to squirm his arms around.
“What are you—?”
“The chain.” Jason held it up, and he was doing a pretty good job of keeping the silver handcuffs that kept them together safely in his fist, but it still left him with one less hand to hang on with.
“Don’t let go of that silver. Keep it in your hand,” Mick commanded then grabbed Jason by the wrists and hauled them high above his head, until he was stretched out and ready for the taking. “Now I have you,” Mick said.
“Good.” Jason planted a kiss on Mick’s mouth, darting his tongue out to taste them. “Now please fuck me.”
Mick didn’t need to be told as he began to move his hips again, swivelling them in strong, hard motions before picking up the beat once more, letting the pleasure of just rubbing his dick against Jason’s take over. And the sound of Jason’s panting moans was beautiful in his ears.
Mick had never reacted like this to another man since his first
time, when he was still a teenager. It was good, so good, that building pressure had started the second his cock said hello to Jason’s, and there was nothing he could do but let it all out as his orgasm exploded out of him. Like the lid had been blown off.
With his seed on his mate’s stomach, he felt a great deal better, but he still wanted to press his dick inside Jason’s hole.
Jason’s shoulders sagged, however. “Shit,” he muttered.
It occurred to Mick what he’d thought had happened.
“Don’t you worry, baby,” Mick said, taking the hand that was not holding on to all of that silver and pulling it down to touch on Mick’s still-erect cock.
“Christ, that’s amazing!” Jason said, eyes wide and looking
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genuinely impressed.
“I know.”
As much as Mick would have loved to turn him over and fuck him
right there, it was too cramped in here, and despite the cold showers, the heat level was rising to an uncomfortable temperature.
He settled for just grabbing the first thing that could be used for lube off that little space beside the sink and carrying Jason out of the tiny bathroom and to the bed, which was just around the corner, three feet away.
“No one’s ever carried me to bed before,” Jason laughed.
“Get used to it,” Mick said, swooping down on him like Jason was his prey.
Jason was a natural blond, it seemed. The same hair that was on
his head was lightly speckled all across his arms legs, and some even on his thighs and chest, but those were almost unnoticeable. The only place that was darker was his pubic hair.
Mick was a little different. He wasn’t exactly hairy as a grizzly bear or anything, but his hair remained constantly dark all over. Jason didn’t seem to mind it. His eyes were filled with nothing but lust as he stared at Mick.
Mick ran his hand over one of Jason
’s legs, enjoying the way his skin pebbled under Mick’s touch. God, Jason’s dick was pretty. Big too, considering the size of the man. Not that Jason was a small man, but for his size, Mick wouldn’t have thought he’d be carrying around a cock that size between his legs.
He had to get down and pay his respects to that with a kiss, a lick, and then he just settled for putting his lips around it.
“Holy hell.” The chain clinked as Jason lifted himself onto his elbows to watch then spread his legs wider, lifting his knees a little to let Mick have better access as he humped into Mick’s mouth.
“Just like that. Ugh! Fuck, are all werewolves this good at sex?”
All werewolves wished they had the skills that Mick possessed.
Right before he could reach up and gently take hold and massage
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Jason’s balls, Mick had to remind himself that Jason was a human, and he’d already brought himself off once in the shower.
If Mick made him orgasm again, this show would have to get put on hold until Jason could perform again, and Mick wasn’t willing to wait.
He pulled his mouth away when Jason’s thrusting became a little
more erratic.
“No, no!” Jason keened.
“I’m not leaving you high and dry, baby. Keep your pretty legs spread.”
Mick reached over and grabbed the bottle he’d brought with him. Sunblock. It would have to do.
He popped the cap and let the white, oily stuff drip onto his hand.
He rubbed his hands together until they were nice and slick, then
wrapped his hand around his ever-impatient cock, biting his lips as the pleasure of lubing himself took hold.
Jason’s eyes were glued to Mick’s hand as he pumped on his dick.
Mick smiled and brought two of his fingers to the puckered entrance of Jason’s asshole.
He wasn’t a virgin and didn’t need to be told to push out as Mick pushed in, but he was tight. His last time had been a good long while
Mick continued the slow thrusting of his fingers, watching as Jason bit down on his bottom lip, then as his eyes slid shut as Mick found his prostate deep inside.