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Claiming Their Mate

Page 11

by Vella Day

  “You’re a little overdressed, young lady.” His voice was strong and full of promise.

  She whipped around. “Oh, yeah?”

  He stepped in front of her and undid the button on her shorts. A quick flick of the zipper, followed by a tug, had her shorts down by her ankles. She was surprised he didn’t take her panties with them.

  “Take them off.” He leaned in close.

  She became mesmerized by his gaze and did as he asked. “Maybe we should turn on the water.”

  He laughed. “Are you telling me what to do? Remember, I’m still the one in control.” He waved a hand. “Since I’m in a generous mood, I’ll get the shower going.” He stepped into the stall, then back out. “Turn around and slowly slide your panties over your ass. Make me want you more than I already do.”

  He was back—the man she cared for deeply had survived. Right now, she didn’t want to think about the future. Enjoying the here and now was good enough. She leaned over and hooked her thumbs in the waistband. As requested, she inched the panties downward until they were halfway off her ass. She wasn’t quite sure what possessed her, but instead of continuing, she slipped a finger into her pussy and groaned. A low growl sounded behind her. She was pretty sure he wouldn’t shift, but just in case, she peeked over her shoulder.

  “You are so close to getting a spanking for disobeying me. I never said you could pleasure yourself.” His jaw tightened, but in a good way. He didn’t appear to be angry, just on edge.

  “Yes, Master. My bad.”

  She leaned over even more and edged the panties over her butt. Inch by inch. She held on to them until they were down by her ankles. Then she stepped out of them. Slowly, she turned around and waved them like a flag of surrender. If they’d been red, she might have pretended it was a cape, and Drake was the bull she was trying to lure.

  He snatched them out of her hands, brought them to his face, and inhaled. “What you do to me. If you don’t get in the shower this instant, I’m going to fuck you right now.”

  Decisions, decisions. He did need to wash, so she obeyed. Like a good little sub, she stood back and awaited his next command. When he told her to do something, he wasn’t just finding something for her to do. He always had a reason for the command.

  He stepped in and ducked under the faucet. With the water pouring over his shoulders and across his rigid cock, she wanted him so badly, she almost turned around and begged him to take her. If she asked, he’d probably refuse. She’d learned that the hard way the first time.

  “May I ask you a question, Master?”

  “Since you asked so respectfully, I will grant your wish.”

  “The last time we were together, you said you had to abort what we were doing because you got too turned on. Is there something I can do to prevent that from happening again?”

  He moved closer and drew her near. “If I’m overcome by your sensuality and claim you, would you want me?”

  She appreciated his honesty. “Yes, Master. I want you.” That’s because I’m falling in love with you.

  “Then the answer to your first question is no. As long as you obey, I will make sure your every desire is met.”

  Her heart slammed against her chest. This was it—the time for them truly to be together.

  Keeping his gaze on her face, he reached over for the bar of soap. “Wash me, slave.”

  As soon as she took the soap, he turned around and palmed the wall. The water sprayed off his muscular back, forcing her gaze downward to his ass. While the stitches were present, there was little evidence of the fight. His ability to heal was truly amazing. She rubbed the bar in her hands, placed the soap back on its shelf, and washed his shoulders. The man had muscles on top of muscles. His body was finely sculpted, and she loved the texture of his skin. In order to cleanse his arms, she plastered her tits to his back and reached forward. Even then, she couldn’t stretch as far as his wrists.

  Since she was leaning on him, she ran her hands under his arms and down his chest. He flexed his pecs and she groaned. Making small circles, she worked her way down his belly, then drew her hands around his waist to his back. After refreshing her palms with more soap, she washed his back and then his ass, careful not to disturb the stitches.

  “Slave, my cock needs washing.”

  “Perhaps I could do a better job if you turned around.”

  He straightened and faced her. His fangs slid over his lips.

  “Master, you’re, um, shifting.”

  He glanced down and closed his eyes. Before her eyes, the fangs retreated. If she didn’t completely believe in werewolves before, she did now.

  “Do you see how hard it is being around you?”

  Wow. Maybe this whole mate thing had merit. The idea of being with him and Kurt for the rest of her life sent goose bumps up her arms. Any girl’s dream come true.

  “Show me some other evidence, Master.”

  His lips were on hers before she could blink. One hand reached around to her rear and squeezed. Since their chests were plastered together, he pressed his thumb over her nipple and flicked the pad up and down. His tongue demanded entrance, and she happily granted his request. Their exploration was fast and furious. The more contact they had, the hotter she became. His cock pressed against her belly and her juices flowed. She leaned back.

  “Since you’ve been injured, would you like me to suck your cock to make sure you’re ready?”

  He closed one eye. “You don’t understand the master and slave roles. I am the one who makes the suggestions. Not you.”

  Damn. She’d messed up again. To show her respect, she lowered her gaze. “I was only trying to help.”

  “I know, little one, and I very much appreciate it. Since you seem so contrite, I will grant your wish.”

  Yes! Now she could torture him. If he got too close to the edge, he wouldn’t let her continue, but it would be fun to try. Knowing how far she could push him would be a useful piece of information.

  She stepped back and gently cupped his hard sac with both hands. She rubbed his balls. His stomach muscles tightened. Good. He struggled to control his urges. When she finished enjoying the nubby texture of his skin, she slid one hand up his hard shaft and lightly moved her hand up and down. The growl that burst from his lips pleased her.

  Before he got angry, she leaned over and dragged her tongue across his slit. The salty taste surprised her. Apparently, the water hadn’t rinsed away all the evidence of the pre-cum. Wanting to give him some relief, she dragged her tongue around the head of his cock while she tightened her grip and rolled his balls.

  “Slave. You are. Very close. To getting. Punished.”

  She loved how he wasn’t able to say all those words in one breath. She straightened.

  “I don’t understand, Master. What would you like me to do?” She knew damn well he wanted her to suck on him, but perhaps he’d touch her again before he sought relief.

  “You know. However, I always like to show rather than tell.” He spun her so the water cascaded over her hair. “I plan on washing every single inch of your body. You will not climax until after you’ve learned to suck my cock properly. I want to show you what torture feels like first hand.”

  She so couldn’t wait.

  Chapter Twelve

  Drake dragged a finger over her nipple and then lightly pinched it. “Remember, rule number one is you don’t move or touch me. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “If you are good, I promise your reward will be worth it.”

  When Kurt told her that, he’d spoken the truth. Drake leaned over and drew a nipple in his mouth. The heady sensation spiked through her and swirled straight down between her legs. Contractions rippled through her clit. How could one touch nearly send her over the edge?

  He lifted his head. “You are so beautiful and so good.”

  “Thank you.” His affirmations always went straight to her core. The urge to touch his cock made her fingers twitch, but sh
e wouldn’t be fast enough to reach him. His reflexes were much better than hers.

  “Shall I wash your hair?”

  If I can hold onto your cock while you do it.

  His fingers touching her scalp would be soothing, but standing would still test her resolve. “I’d like that.”

  He picked up the shampoo and poured some on her head. Since the water was pummeling her back, he moved her away from the spray. As his fingers massaged her scalp, tingles raced down her spine, and her muscles relaxed under the light pressure.

  She closed her eyes and dropped her head forward. Drake moved so close, his cock almost brushed her belly. She wished he’d tuck it between her legs. The rubbing alone, though, might cause a reaction he wouldn’t approve of. Preventing her own climax would be the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  He clutched her hips and rotated her ninety degrees. “Bend over so I can rinse you.”

  She opened her eyes and leaned over. Why did he have to position himself so that her mouth was an inch from his cock? Her tongue twitched to lick him and her mouth watered.

  He used the handheld showerhead to rinse her hair. Being in the shower with a hot dom was great, but unless she disobeyed, she’d never get spanked. Just as the last of the soap rinsed clear, she grabbed his cock and drew him into her mouth.

  He didn’t move.

  Aha. He likes ittoo much.

  She sucked hard and tightened her grip. After three more pumps, he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her.

  “Chelsea, please.” In a flash, he turned off the water and flipped her around so she had to support herself with her palms on the wall.

  He stepped behind and rubbed her nipples. Streaks of pleasure filled her. She wiggled her butt, and he lowered a hand along her belly until he slipped a finger into her pussy. Her blood burned. When he crooked his finger and hit her sweet spot, she nearly blasted off.

  “I can’t wait to fuck your sweet pussy.” He widened her stance.

  Then hurry.

  With his right hand, he cupped her chin and titled her head back. His other hand guided his cock into her creamy cunt. Her need was so strong she wanted him to thrust into her. He swirled his dick around her opening, teasing her, and building the heat to near boiling. It was so unfair.

  “Do you want my cock?”

  She hadn’t been able to keep from moaning the moment he touched her. “You know the answer.”

  That should garner her some punishment.

  He tightened his hold on her neck, forcing her to arch her back. “Yes or no?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He impaled her with one thrust. Her walls screamed from being stretched to the max. It seemed his cock had gotten larger than the last time. The hand he’d used to hold his cock slipped around front and pinched her clit. Chaos slammed into her. With each thrust, her body coiled tighter as her climax threatened to topple her over the edge. She swallowed hard to keep from coming.

  He lowered her chin then let go of it. Together, with his other hand, he cupped her breasts. He juggled them at first, then twisted her nipples. Spikes of rampant desire flooded her. She couldn’t last much longer.

  “My cock loves your body so much.” He dipped his head onto her shoulder and nibbled his way toward her neck.

  His grunts increased, and when she inadvertently milked his cock, he growled. “Come for me, darlin’.”

  His command came none too soon. An inferno consumed her as her climax hit her with wave after wave of lustful bliss. Her walls contracted and flames licked her spine. She let out a scream that reverberated off the shower walls.

  His grip tightened and his huge cock filled her. As soon as his cum blasted out of him, stars burst behind her closed eyes. She was positive she was coming apart at the seams.

  He lowered his hands and, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, sharp pricks sank into her shoulder. It took a second for her mind to comprehend what just happened.

  Oh, my God. He’d claimed her.

  With his head on her back, Drake said nothing more as he withdrew and rubbed her belly. He pulled the showerhead from the wall, and once the water warmed, washed her pussy.

  Pink streaked over her breast. “Drake?” She ran her finger in the rivulet of what she thought was blood. “Did you bite me?”

  “Yes. I hope it didn’t hurt.” He cupped her face. “It means you are mine. Forever.”

  His wording seemed a little one-sided, but she liked the sentiment. “Do I get to accept or not?”

  He stepped close and kissed her with a feather soft kiss. “Of course. I will do anything if you’ll say you want to be with us.”

  That was the missing ingredient. Kurt. “Does he feel the same way?”

  “Yes, but he’s a little preoccupied right now.”

  “I know.” She pushed the hair out of her eyes.

  “Let’s get you dry.”

  “Can I dry you?”

  He laughed. “You will learn your merest touch gets me so excited that I’ll have to claim you again. Right now you need to rest.”

  That was true. “Can I get a rain check?”

  “I will grant you one towel drying experience, free of charge.”

  She palmed his chest. “Do I get to touch you wherever I want?”

  “Darlin’, you should know the answer to that.”

  That would be a no. Oh, well, she had to try.


  When Kurt returned home with the backpack, they’d just finished drying and dressing.

  “Let’s see what you’ve got,” Kurt said, and handed the gear to Drake.

  “Let me boot up my laptop, and we’ll have command central on the kitchen island.”

  It took Drake about a half hour to set up his computer and download the files. She tried to see what information he had, but to be honest, none of it made sense.

  She reheated leftover chicken casserole for a very late lunch. When she found a steamer, she chopped some broccoli and tossed in a bunch. Both men remained huddled over the laptop while she worked.

  Kurt tapped the screen. “The camera is so high, it’s hard to make out who anyone is.”

  “I only had a second to slap it up there. If I’d had more time, I would have installed several others.”

  Kurt patted his back. “You did great. Getting those files will be helpful, too.”

  “Even better would be if Mendez had a conversation in his office. We’ll be able to trace who he’s calling or, if we get real lucky, we can listen in.”

  While she prepared the food, she tuned in to their conversation, which became more disturbing as they discussed their next move. With so many people working in this drug plant, coupled with the fact the guards would have reported the breach, security would probably ramp up.

  She waved the knife she’d used for chopping the vegetables. “Why don’t you tell that general guy about Mendez’s operation? Can’t he send in reinforcements?”

  Drake glanced at Kurt, as if gauging how his friend would respond.

  Kurt tapped his chest. “Mendez is mine!”

  That was her clue to shut up. For a second, she debated calling Liz and having her tell Trax and Dante about the warehouse, and how Drake had almost died trying to get information. To do so, however, would undermine Drake’s and Kurt’s trust, and she’d never do that. But if Kurt went in alone and was killed, she wouldn’t be able to live knowing a phone call to Liz could have saved him. She hated these kinds of decisions. Both actions seemed to be right.

  Since the food was cooking, she decided to check in with her friend. Liz must be panicked, especially if neither Kurt nor Drake had kept her men in the loop.

  She located her purse in the living room and took out her phone. A touch of the button dialed Liz.

  Liz answered, a little breathy. “Chelsea? Where are you?”

  Chelsea winced at the near-panic in her voice, but hearing her friend’s voice helped with the tension. “I’m fine. I’m with Kurt and Drake.”


  She wasn’t sure how much she should tell.

  Kurt rushed into the room. “You can’t be on the phone. It could be traced.”

  Well, that sucked. “Liz, sweetie, I gotta go. The commandos are worried.”

  She sighed. “I hear ya. Give them a hug for me.”

  “Will do. Bye.”

  She looked up at him. “They can trace my phone?”

  “Yes. Use it only in case of an emergency.”

  Christmas was in three days. “Do you have a secure phone? I’d like to wish my folks a merry Christmas on Wednesday. If I don’t, they’ll worry.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” He headed back into the kitchen.

  Ever since he got that phone call from Drake, he’d turned inward, barely acknowledging her. She understood his need for closure, but in times of need, you should turn to your friends and loved ones for support. Stupid macho man.

  The oven timer dinged fifteen minutes later, and she went into the kitchen to dish up the meal. Although Kurt and Drake weren’t arguing, they seemed to have different opinions about how to proceed. She fixed three plates and brought them to the table. “Lunch is ready.”

  Drake started to close the laptop when Kurt stopped him. “Leave it up. We might be able to pick up some conversation.”

  Drake opened it again and shrugged. He came back to the table. “This looks good. Thanks for making it.” He looked up at Kurt. “Sometimes we get a little carried away and forget about food.”

  That was quite evident. “You both need to eat to keep up your strength.” Now she sounded like her mom, who was the queen of harping on a person.

  “Sorry, honey. That was my fault. When I get something in my head, I have to follow through.”

  Even if it means you might die?

  “I understand.”

  The meal was strained. She totally got that Kurt needed to take down Mendez, though how he was going to single-handedly topple an entire organization was beyond her. After learning about what had happened to Liz, she fully comprehended how Harvey Couch’s contacts could reach her anywhere. Kurt should have enough sense to know he needed help.

  As soon as he finished shoveling the food down his throat, he placed his dishes in the sink. “I’m going to scope out the warehouse.”


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