Passion’s Brewing Storm [Alien Passions 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Passion’s Brewing Storm [Alien Passions 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by E. A. Reynolds

  “Not all of them.” Zan shrugged. “The southern elders have a bigger vote than anyone else, and they won’t see this as beneficial to them.”

  “We’ll see,” Jarvis said in a warning tone and Zan knew the man had something up his sleeve.

  “I need to get to my office to see what’s on my agenda. I think the deputy normally handles lower profile items in town. One of the items on that agenda was education and more money, correct?”

  Jarvis frowned. “The educational system is fine.”

  “The school board was talking about the need for more funding. I’ll see if anything concerning that is on my desk and let you know what they’re after.”

  “Whatever,” he said. “I don’t care about that as long as there is no restructuring of the school districts to educate those cat freaks with normal children.”

  “None of our kids are normal, whatever the hell that means, in this town. We have those with strong psychic abilities and those with weak to none.”

  “I made myself clear,” he said. “Ashley Beets was killed last night and Alexa is handling the investigation.”

  “And what did Dade say about that? I don’t have a lot of confidence in her. I want someone else to handle it.”

  “Back the fuck off this,” Jarvis snapped. “I’m letting you keep Landon on as sheriff for now with prejudice.”

  Zan nodded but Ashley Beet’s death bothered him.

  “Naturally, the southern elders are all a part of the investigation, as well as Dade himself. Alexa said he killed Beets. Under our law, one I hope to change, the execution was justifiable. However, she admits there’s information on parts of the situation that she isn’t privy too that bears looking at.”

  “Appoint a special investigator. What’s that woman’s name—” Zan snapped his fingers. “Wilson. Alexa is close enough to taint the case.”


  “If charges are brought against Dade or anyone else, the jury could throw it out, especially as I expect Dade will have Cade or Jaxon move for a change of venue if he’s brought up on murder charges.”

  Jarvis glared at him. “Point taken. I’ll be out of town after my meeting with the council, so we’ll have to talk tomorrow on any other issues that we might need to discuss.”

  “Right.” He gave Jarvis one last look before retreating. Round one to him, but he was expecting a retaliation for it because Jarvis couldn’t see the big picture. All he saw was his agenda.

  * * * *

  When Zan exited the office, Jarvis checked to make sure the other man wasn’t listening outside his door before picking up the phone to make a call. The bastard was going to prove more of a challenge to get rid of than he’d first thought, but he did have to go.

  Zan had managed to live through the attack at his farm, but the bugs he’d sent Alexa to plant in his office, as well as at Zaria’s desk, should yield some fruit he could use to destroy Andron with.

  The Androns could be dealt with last, despite the threat they posed if united with those cat freaks. And those freaks weren’t a real threat, except there was a larger number of them than there were of any other alien group in town. So, the cats had to go first. He couldn’t risk the Androns leading those cats to join the southern elders against him.

  Jarvis’s grandfather had been human while his grandmother had been Barrian.

  The old man had raised a family here, but he’d worked quietly behind the scenes with a small group of people determined to bring an end to the aliens who’d made their life here.

  Jarvis had long suspected that his grandfather had been killed by one of the southern elders to prevent him from exposing this town to the feds as an alien haven.

  His father had spent his entire lifetime trying to find out who the anchors were and where the damned stones that were slowly transforming this town into a replica of Barria were buried. He’d planned to destroy them along with this town.

  Now, stopping the transformation and claiming control of this town was up to him and his small group. One among them was a federal agent whose great-grandfather had spent his life trying to find the aliens he’d once encountered.


  “It’s me,” Jarvis said.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard by now,” Anthony said. “One of our guys is dead and the other was arrested.”

  “I know,” he replied. “Relax. They won’t get anything out of him that I didn’t tell him to reveal. He’s a true believer and wants to see the aliens gone as much as we do.” The aliens who were masquerading as his allies wouldn’t see their destruction coming, but he knew they’d knife him in the back in a heartbeat.

  “So how do we get rid of the cats without the frezite?”

  “I have that covered,” Jarvis told him impatiently. “Have you been able to find out anything else about this town’s past? We need the key pieces of information on the anchors if we’re going to prevent this transformation.”

  “I did find out one small piece of information.”


  “There are two anchors for each direction at any given time, and they can be from any generation. The energy of the stones is woven into the anchors. They’re born from the families of the original anchors. I don’t know who they are yet, but Judge Logan is the only person who might have any kind of records on the transformation.”

  “Who told you this?”

  “Tom. He was helping me with the research. He said there was a small Founder’s Collection in the library. He tried to check out a few of the books but was told he couldn’t because they belonged to Judge Logan who’d loaned them with the stipulation the books never leave the library.”

  “Why didn’t he copy the pertinent parts?”

  “The Judge wouldn’t allow that either,” Anthony replied coolly. “He’s obviously worried about this getting around. If people knew what was going to happen here they’d be all for getting rid of the Judge and everyone not on board with erasing the past.

  “Go take them.”

  “I tried that, but they’ve been removed, along with three other books,” Anthony told him.

  “Who owned them?”

  “No one seemed to know, but Seymour did seem a little twitchy,” Anthony said.

  “Do whatever’s necessary to find out what he knows,” Jarvis insisted. “Finding those anchors may be the only way to stop this transformation.”

  “Then, I’ll engage the judge, but I don’t expect him to tell me anything tangible.”

  “We need to know whatever he knows, including where the stones are buried and how to get them out of the ground.”

  “Will do,” Anthony said.

  The judge was a threat in more ways than one, as it turned out. If he couldn’t stop the transformation, he’d expose these freaks and let the government test and kill them.

  Chapter Nine

  Cade finished up his work in the city just after one and headed back to town. As he drove, his thoughts kept drifting to Zan and how much he’d love to see him. They hardly ever saw each other during the light of day unless it was in passing, but he dreamed of hanging out with him in public, despite the stares and ridicule.

  But right now, Cade didn’t really need a public coming out. He needed to spend some time curled up in his man’s arms making love. That was so far off the agenda it made him grit his teeth.

  Instead of going straight home, he decided to stop by the diner and grab some food. As he pulled into the parking lot twenty minutes later, Cade made a decision.

  He pulled into a parking space and grabbed his phone from the passenger seat of his four-door. He dialed Zan’s number expecting him to refuse to join him for lunch at his place.

  “Hello, darlin’,” Zan greeted him warmly, sending tingles down Cade’s spine.

  “Hi,” he said breathlessly.

  “Still hanging out in the city?”

  “Actually, I just got back and I was wondering if you’d like to—I mean, I know your schedule is busy.” />
  “I’m just looking over a few things, what’s up?”

  Have lunch with me? He bit down on his bottom lip, hating himself for being so needy, so weak. Cade let out a hard sigh. “Nothing.”

  “Nothing didn’t prompt you to call.” Zan’s tone was patient and it almost broke his heart.

  Why couldn’t he have fallen for a nice gay man who was just afraid to come out instead of a bisexual one looking for a permanent ménage?

  “Come on, baby, talk to me,” Zan urged gently.

  “Have lunch with me,” he burst out and his heart beat loud in the car, drowning out the silence coming from the other end of the line.

  He knew it.


  “My place? I can pick up some food and head home. If I’m in the shower just, join me.” He smiled.

  “I’ll do that,” Zan said and chuckled. “Give me ten minutes and then I’m on my way.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” he said softly and disconnected with a laugh. Cade climbed out and headed into the crowded diner deciding to just grab something light. They both still had to work after that and he had no idea what was being served at the party tonight.

  “Hi, Cade.”

  He turned his head to see Zaria waving at him from a table. She was alone with a half empty glass.

  “Hi.” He waved and headed to the counter where Daisy gave him a smile. The Cat’s Meow was owned by Daisy’s family.

  “Hey, Cade. What can I get you?”

  “Umm—I need something light.”

  “Pasta salad. Shrimp and linguine with lemon butter sauce.”

  “That sounds good,” he said, nodding. “For two.” He grinned.

  Daisy laughed. “I see ya,” she said and wiggled her brows. “There is nothing like a little afternoon delight.”

  “It’s nothing like that,” he argued but she waved him off, leaving him with her laugher to haunt him.

  “Got lunch plans?” Zaria asked, taking the empty stool next to him.

  He looked into her brown eyes which sparkled with life. “Sort of,” he answered quietly. He wanted to tell her Zan was coming over and they were going to have crazy hot sex before eating. He’d love to see the look on her face when she realized she wasn’t the only one Zan wanted.

  “Who’s the lucky girl?” she asked.

  “No one,” he said. “I’m going to have lunch at home and relax before heading back to the office to finish off some work.”

  She rubbed her shoulder against his and a jolt of heat raced through him. Okay, he was attracted to her.

  “What are you doing tomorrow for lunch?”

  He met Zaria’s gaze again. “I don’t know,” he said. “Why?”

  “Would you like to join me for a picnic?”

  Her eyes were filled with hope that just cut straight to his heart, making him feel like a jerk for wanting to hurt her.

  “I don’t think that’d be a good idea,” he said.

  She leaned closer and turned on the stool to whisper in his ear. “Zan can join us.”

  He looked at her when she straightened. He frowned wondering if she’d already guessed from his reaction last night.

  “He told me,” she said, keeping her voice low.


  “Here you go, Cade,” Daisy said before Zaria could speak again. “It’s on the house.”

  “Thanks,” he said and climbed from the stool. He didn’t know if he was in a hurry to get away from Zaria or just running from himself. Either way, he quickly headed for the door without looking back.

  “Cade,” she said from behind him and he pushed open the door and stepped out into the cool fall day. “Come on, Cade. You’re not supposed to make a lady chase you.”

  He stopped and whipped around and Zaria almost ran into him. He blew out an impatient sigh and moved out of the line of traffic as two couples made their way to the diner.

  “Look.” She caught his arm and he started walking. “I’m not trying to take him from you, Cade. I’d like to get to know you both.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” he said tightly.

  “Zan told me he was involved with you,” she replied softly. “And he said you didn’t really want a third.”

  “I don’t,” he retorted. “But you don’t care, do you? Even if I get hurt in the process, all that matters to you is getting in his bed.”

  “Sex isn’t everything, Cade, you numb-skull,” she muttered. “Last night I felt like there was a connection between all three of us, and I’ve wanted you both for a while. So, why can’t we just have lunch? I’m not asking you for sex on the first date.”

  “But you wouldn’t say no.”

  “I kinda would,” she said. “I don’t do it on the first date and especially not in public, idiot.” She rolled her eyes. “Just one date, Cade, and if you don’t want to see if there’s something—and I know you feel it too—then okay.”

  He groaned inwardly. Why did she have to be so damn cute about it?

  “Fine. One lunch. What time?”

  “How about this same time?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Okay.”

  “I want you to come with an open mind.” She smiled and rose up on tiptoe to kiss his jaw. “See you tomorrow.”


  She backed away and then turned and headed in the opposite direction.

  She’d smelled so good, and her hand was so soft on his skin. Her touch made him want to have her hands stroking him all over, making every part of him hard and hot for her.

  Why in the hell was this happening? He’d never wanted a woman like this. Cade felt as if he was being swept into the tide of some sensual spell she’d put on him.

  Chapter Ten

  Cade lived out on the northern end of town in a relatively undeveloped area. His nearest neighbor was five minutes away by car. His house was a split-level ranch with five bedrooms and a pool out back. The trees, some dull green and others decked out in their autumn best of yellow-gold and fire orange, dotted the landscape providing plenty of shade in summer.

  He pulled into his driveway and reached up to the visor to click the garage door opener clipped to it. The door slid slowly up and Cade pulled inside. He cut the engine and hurriedly climbed out after grabbing the bag containing their lunch.

  Once inside, he put the bag down on the kitchen counter not seeing the beauty in the dark wood of the cabinets and floor combined with the newer stainless-steel appliances in his haste to get upstairs.

  In his spacious bathroom of blue and white, Cade went to the walk-in shower and turned on the faucet. He adjusted the shower head and then the water temp, grateful for the upgrades he’d done to his bathroom. The old one wouldn’t have held two men comfortably, but this one almost held three.

  He undressed, climbed inside, and just stood there as the hot water pelted his tight muscles. Zaria’s pretty face played on the screen of his mind. Her eyes had been so expressive and she’d smelled—

  Okay, so he was curious about her sexually, but that didn’t mean he wanted her disrupting his affair with Zan, he thought darkly, reaching for the bodywash. It was his favorite, lavender with a hint of musk.

  He grabbed the pale puff ball hanging from a hook and squeezed some onto it before scrubbing himself.

  But the fact that he was thinking about her meant something was there, and it scared him to that he didn’t know himself as well as he’d thought.

  * * * *

  Zan used the key Cade had given him a week ago so Zan wouldn’t have to wait for Cade to get home when they were meeting here. This was a good idea, a way for them to spend a little more time together, and he hoped they had time to talk, too.

  Cade seemed determined to use sex as a bonding tool rather than conversation. He didn’t mind it. In fact, he enjoyed every chance he had to savor Cade’s luscious body.

  Zan exited the cream-colored foyer and headed to the staircase at his left leading to the second floor, allowing the scent of lavend
er to lead him.

  Once in his bedroom, Zan listened for the shower, but not hearing it, he smiled. This wouldn’t be about sex, but he never could tell where things would lead with Cade, so he removed his shirt and carefully draped the button-down over a chair before going to knock on the bathroom door. He pushed it open before Cade could answer.

  “Hey.” Cade halted the fluffy towel in its brisk movements over his skin.

  Zan stared at him, swallowing tightly as his gaze slid slowly down Cade’s golden-skinned body. Cade was almost six feet with lean muscle that spoke of a man who enjoyed working out. His heritage showed in the banded blue and gray colors of his protruding navel, which were pierced with tiny slivers of crystal that were echoed in his thick cock.

  “Hi.” He closed the distance and took the towel from Cade’s fingers. “You missed a spot.” He wiped a drop of water running slowly down Cade’s shoulder away.

  Cade’s eyes darkened as he shifted his weight. “Is that the only one?”

  “No.” He wiped water from Cade’s hair. Zan dropped a kiss on his lips and nibbled his way to Cade’s ear. “You smell good.” And his skin was soft but not as soft as Zaria’s.


  He brushed Cade’s lips lightly with his own before taking a slow sip of him.

  Cade moaned and closed his arm around Zan’s neck, lips parted. Zan stroked his tongue into Cade’s hot mouth and savored the hint of sweetness that lingered.

  Their tongues tangled, the kiss slow, sweet, and Cade melted into Zan whose arms curled around him, holding him tighter against him. Zan ran his hands up Cade’s back, savoring the warmth of his bare skin.

  Damn, as much as he loved a woman’s body, he really loved Cade’s. He had a great ass that he couldn’t help palming right now. He shaped the firm glutes and gave them a light swat before breaking the kiss.

  “I love kissing you, Cade,” he whispered and Cade’s eyes fluttered open, the blue brilliant and bright as a flame.

  Cade gave him a slow smile. “I hope that never changes.”


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