Guardians: The Fallout

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Guardians: The Fallout Page 17

by Lola St. Vil

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Ameana, where are you going?” Rio asks.

  “Let me guess, you have a nail appointment,” Marcus says snidely.

  “Excuse me?”

  “No, excuse us for having a mission in the middle of your ‘all-day’ makeover.”

  “Are you saying I’m not doing my job?”

  “That depends, is your job to get a cut and color? Because if it is, you are doing that very well.”

  “Look, I know you’re worried about the human but—“

  “—Her name is Emmy.”

  “I know what her damn name is.”

  “You don’t care about her.”

  “Why should I? You have loved her enough for the both of us.”

  “I am not doing this with you right now.”

  “We won’t do this at all!” I snap and head down the hallway.

  Argh, he gets on my damn nerves.

  It almost makes me not want to make this call. But I know I have to. I should have done this hours ago. I take out my cell and make a call.

  After four rings, the Caller picks up.

  “I told you not to send the Virus, and you did it anyway.”

  “There was no way around it,” he says.

  “Bull, you should have listened to me. Now she’s at death’s door and its killing Marcus. Sending that Virus just made things worse.”

  “For now. But in the long run, my plan will work. I’m sorry that Emmy has to suffer. Believe me, I am. But this is the only way.”

  “Call it off.”


  “Call it off. Now.”

  “This is what’s best for Emmy; what’s best for all of us.”

  “I’ll tell them who you are.”

  “Then you’ll have to tell them where we met up.”

  “I don’t care. You’re killing her.”

  “To save her. This is all to save her.”

  “I’m going to tell them who you really are.”

  “Ameana, let’s agree you won’t tell my secret. That way I won’t have to tell yours.”

  I stand perfectly still as a chill passes through me.

  He doesn’t know about me and Rage. He couldn’t, could he?

  “Hello?” the Caller says.

  “What is it you think you know about me?” I ask.

  “The world of Angels and Demons is very small; too small to conceal big secrets. But don’t blame Rage. He didn’t say a word. I’ve just been doing some digging.”

  “You stay out of my business.”

  “Hey, if it wasn’t for the Virus I sent, the other Guardians wouldn’t have been so distracted. They would have picked up on your new relationship. You should be thanking me.”

  “I should be running a knife through you.”

  The Caller laughs.

  “Go to hell!” I spit back into the phone.

  “I asked, but they wouldn’t take me.”

  I hang up the phone and try to contain my anger.

  How did he find out?

  It doesn’t even matter. The point is he knows and now I have to keep his identity quiet. But can I do that at the risk of the human’s life? No. I have to tell them who he is.

  Unless she gives into whatever the Virus and the caller want…

  Yeah, that’s so not gonna happen. I know the Caller. I know what he wants to happen and there is no way Emmy is going to give in to that demand.

  Marcus will give in after a matter of time but Emmy, there is no way she’s going to give the Caller what he wants.

  I make my way back to Emmy’s room. Once again the team is in the hallway discussing Emmy’s condition. This time they are joined by Gray and another Healer.

  “You have a cure?” Marcus says filled with hope.

  “It’s never been tried on a human; it may not work,” the other healer informs him.

  “Doesn’t matter; we have to try,” Marcus says.

  “It’s a mixture made from the ingredients on this list. Some of the items can only be found in the black market,” Gray tells us.

  “Once we find these items, we can cure her right?” Miku asks.

  “As we said before, it’s never been tested on humans.”

  “How far into the second stage is she?” I ask.

  “She’s resting now but when she wakes up, she’ll be in even more pain as the symbol on her wrist has yet to form completely.”

  “What does the circle mean?” Rio asks.

  “There are hundreds of symbols in a Pressure Point Virus. In order to know what the symbol means, we have to wait for it to be carved out completely. If we are wrong about what the symbol means, we can’t give the maker of the Virus whatever it is they are asking for.”

  “Can Emmy survive the complete carving? She barely survived the first part of the symbol,” Miku adds.

  “Unfortunately, some can’t make it past the carving of the symbol itself.”

  “I have to go and convince Emmy’s mom that she’s okay again. It’s been hours now and my powers maybe wearing off,” Jay says.

  Marcus agrees and Jay Glides back to New York.

  “I can go look up the date again and see if we missed something or I can help find the items on the list,” Miku says.

  “No, we can’t lose focus on finding the Triplex. Hack deeper into the NYPD records. See if anyone reported seeing anything strange on that date. I’ll go find the items,” Marcus instructs.

  Miku nods and walks away.

  “Why don’t I take the list and you stay with her,” Rio offers.

  “No, I can get the items and--”

  “—And leave her alone? No, you stay and watch Emmy. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Rio takes off in to the sky leaving Marcus and I in the hallway.

  “What do you need me to do?” I ask.

  “Call Arden to see how they’re holding up. If the Hun has broken the second lock, we may have to leave Emmy here and go over there.”

  I can tell from the look on his face that he’s hopeful that he won’t have to actually do what he just said.

  I walk off and call Arden.

  Then I report back to my leader.

  When I walk into the room, Emmy is barely awake.

  “What did Arden say?”

  “The Hun hasn’t figured out the second mind lock. But they have the place surrounded, so both Arden and the Witness are trapped.”

  “Can we call on the Paras?” Emmy asks weakly.

  “They cannot interfere in a battle having to do with the Triplex.”

  Emmy screams again. But this time it is the sound of a person being burned alive. We both rush to her side. Gray enters at once. Emmy’s wrist is carving a pattern inside the circle.

  Emmy thrashes around so much that I can’t get a good look at the new addition to the symbol. Marcus calls out Gray’s name. I look up and see why. Emmy’s bleeding from her both her nose and eyes.

  Fear speared its way through Marcus as he realizes what I’ve known from the beginning.

  Emmy will not survive this.



  In the next few hours, things get progressively worse for the Human. Marcus calls Rio every five minutes to ask if he is any closer to gathering the ingredients required to make the mixture. It got so bad that Rio turned his phone off.

  I promised myself that if Rio doesn’t get back within the hour, I’m just going to tell them who sent the Virus. Yes, it will be devastating to have the truth come out about me and Rage but I have no choice at this point.

  I was in Emmy’s room a few minutes ago and I had to leave. Even I was having a hard time watching her be in that much pain.

  Another reason why I left is because Marcus is being tortured right along Emmy. He cares so much about her that it’s impossible to think he ever had any real feelings for me at all.

  As I headed out I heard them say they love each other. I couldn’t walk away
fast enough.

  As I round the hallway, I spot Jay, who had just come back from convincing Emmy’s mom that everything was fine. It must be great to have the power to make people believe things are okay when you know they aren’t. I wonder if I can have Jay convince me that I’m fine too.

  “You’re sure her mother doesn’t suspect anything?” I ask him.

  “Don’t trip. I handled it.”


  “How are things here? Is she getting any better?”

  “No, the pain subsides only long enough so that she doesn’t die but it comes back soon after.”

  “It’s killing her in slow-motion.”

  “Yeah, she was bleeding from her eyes.”

  “And there’s nothing that can be done, yo?”

  “Not until Rio comes back with the items they need. And even then, it may not work.”

  “How’s Marcus?”

  “Worse than Emmy.”

  “I don’t think he worried this much when he was dying.”

  “I don’t think he’s ever loved anyone this much.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “About what?”

  “About the way thing went down with the two of you. That’s got to hurt.”

  I can’t look him in the eye. Jay and I have never been all that close. He’s always made fun of me for being so strict and I’ve always thought he was too easygoing.

  Standing in this hallway having him feel bad for me is uncomfortable to say the least. I shift my weight and place my hands in my pocket. Still unable to look him in the eye, I stare out at the window.

  Jay continues to speak.

  “Marcus did you dirty, but you didn’t punk out and cry about it; you changed up. Now you doin’ the dark, sexy chick thing and I’m feel’n it.”


  “I just have one question.”

  “The question Rio referred to?”

  “Yeah; it’s about the tattooed blood drops.”

  Fearful we will be overheard, Jay leans in close to me. I hear the smile in his voice as he asks me the question I know is coming.

  “How far down do the drops go?” he asks.

  I can’t help but laugh at the wicked and lustful look in his eyes. I shake my head and whisper softly in his ear.

  “You’ll never know.”

  He shakes his head as if he’s just been denied access to the gates of paradise.

  Just then Marcus and Miku come around the corner.

  “Rio called, he’s on his way,” Miku informs us. Almost as soon as she says that, Rio comes towards us.

  Marcus runs over to him and takes the package that he is holding. He then hands it off to Gray, who goes inside the room to prepare the mixture.

  Rio doesn’t stop walking. He barrels right past Marcus, his sister and Jay. His face is clouded over in anger. His lips twisted with resentment.

  “Hey, what happened?” Miku asks him as he rushes past her without slowing down.

  He comes right over to me.

  “I need to see you alone; now,” he commands. Everyone turns to look at me. Rio’s voice left no room for questions. So, I followed, and the others wisely stayed back.

  Rio and I walk around the hallways of the Healing Academy but he has not yet said a word. His mood gets fouler with every step.

  He knows. Dear Omnis, he knows…

  Mimi, control yourself, there’s no way he could know. This is about the mission and nothing else. Just stay cool.

  “Rio, what is it?”

  He finds an empty room and orders me to get in. I do as I’m told. He locks the door behind us.

  “What’s up?” I ask him again.

  “Why don’t you tell me?”

  “What are talking about?”

  “I track down a demon and make him take me to Hun’s Market so I can get the items on the list. And who do I find in there?”

  Oh no…

  “Who?” I ask.


  “Did he attack you?”

  “Yes, but I’m fine because Rage’s aim was little off.”


  “Meaning, he had his mind on other things. I read his wave, Ameana. He was radiating hate and evil like he always does. But there was something else that was coming from him. Two colors that I have never seen in a demon; It was the color of inner turmoil and—”

  “And--” I snap.

  “-- love. Rage is in love.”

  My hands are shaking, as is my voice. I bite my lip and stare at the bed in the room as it floats lazily in the air.

  “Rio, I—“

  “—I’m over here fixing Trackers that aren’t broken, I’m reading that you have a dark, dangerous secret and now Rage throws like a girl because he’s in love.”

  I don’t say anything. I just turn my back to him and keep my focus on the city before us.

  He steps in front of me so that we are once again face-to-face. There is no getting away from him.

  “I am going to ask you a question; do not lie to me. If you do, I’ll read every single wave you’ve ever had and watch as your inner thoughts spill out before me like a gutted dog.”

  I look him in the eye now and wait for what I know is coming. His tone is fueled with fury, and bitter disappointment.

  “Who is Rage in love with?”


  “And how did that happen?”

  “We’ve been seeing each other.”

  Rio hurls me out the window.


  My body smashes though the glass. It sounds like thunder splitting a tree in two.

  I fall through the air for several seconds. I don’t use my wings for one reason: shock.

  I am so shocked that Rio has thrown me out of the plate glass window; I can’t even remember how to fly.

  He comes after me as I fall. I’m not sure if it’s to help me or to finish what he’s started.

  But suddenly, I remember that I’m an Angel (or at least that I have wings) and I pull up just in time to avoid a fatal fall.

  Rio grabs me as I make my way towards higher ground. He hurls me across the City of Daraquin and onto the White Forest. As I crash into one of many white weeping willows, I start to get pissed.

  “What the hell, are you trying to kill me?” I blare at him.

  I get no answer.

  “You selfish little brat!!” he screams.

  “Rio, stop freaking out and calm down.”

  “Calm down? You have gotten together with Rage; the guy who’s always trying to kill you, your best friend, and your whole damn team.”


  “—And instead of finding a way to kill him, you’re shoving your tongue in his ear?”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Where else have you been shoving your tongue?”

  I plow into him and he falls backwards taking down several trees along the way.

  “You will never speak to me like that again. Do you understand?”

  “Screw you.”

  “Rage and I aren’t together. We just made out but it was only a few times and it doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Are you smoking something?”


  “I know that Marcus hurt you but this is not the way to get back at him.”

  “This isn’t about Marcus.”

  “That’s crap. Every single move you make has been about Marcus. Ever since he broke up with you, you’ve been an empty shell. I get that. But why would you fill yourself up with evil? Why, Ameana? Why would you do this to the team; to me?”

  I open my mouth but I can’t find words to explain it. Everything I can think to say sounds lame. There is no excuse for what I’ve done. All I know is that it felt…good.

  “Rio, I’m sorry. If you read my wave, you’ll see that I really am.”’

  “Yeah, I can see that. You know what else I see? Guilt. Not the kind that comes from doing so
mething wrong; the kind from doing something wrong and liking it.”


  “Are you in love with him?”


  “So what is it, Ameana? Will you be with every guy but me?”

  “This is not about us.”

  “What ‘us’? I gave ‘us’ up on the bridge because you said Marcus loved you and you loved him. I let you go because I didn’t want you to have to be with your second choice.”

  “C’mon Rio, don’t do this.”

  “Now, Marcus has thrown you aside. And me, what do I do? I wait. I wait for you to come back to me. I wait and what happens? You fall for a soulless, murdering Akon instead.”

  “I just needed to feel something other than heartbreak. Can you understand that?”

  “Me? No. I don’t know a thing about heartbreak. My sister gets me killed in the most gruesome way in the history of mankind, the girl I love takes up with my leader and now, a demon. What the hell do I know about heartbreak?”

  “I’m sorry you had to find out like this. But it was just a one-time thing.”

  “You’re lying. So exactly how often have you seen Rage?”

  “Not often.”


  He picks up the trunk of one of the fallen trees and hurls it at me. I stop it midair and redirect it away from us.

  “It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen him. He means nothing to me.”

  “How could you be so stupid? This reckless?”

  “I know it was a bad decision.”

  “No, a bad decision is picking Marcus over a guy that actually loves you. A bad decision is waiting until the last moment to tell me that you and Marcus have fallen in love. But this: you and the leader of the Akons? That’s not a bad decision, Ameana. That’s a death sentence.”

  I look away from him. He comes closer and glares at me.

  “Rage will kill you.”

  “I thought you said he was in love with me.”

  “Marcus loved you, and he’s a good guy. Hell, he’s a damn Angel and he broke your heart into millions of pieces. What do you think a demon will do? Rage can’t process love. He has no idea what to do with it. And he’s gonna get really tired of being at the mercy of his emotions.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “He’ll burn you alive.”


  “All this because some guy chose a human over you? You’re willing to put everything in jeopardy: the team, the mission, the entire world?”


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