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The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 29

by Sophia Hampton

  “I’ll be damned,” Fat J. murmured.

  “What?” Rafael turned his attention back to his friend. The man looked even more distraught than he had the last time he looked at him.

  “You can’t believe you really like her that much after one night, and not even a full night at that.” Fat J. had gone from looking shocked to incredulous. Rafael couldn’t believe how many expressions had crossed his friend’s face. It was probably more than he’d seen at any one meeting. If anything should make him ponder what was going on with this situation, it would be that.

  “I’m not going into what I believe—and with that I’m going to grab a bite to eat with my newest friend.”

  “I can’t stop what you are going to do, but please take what I’ve said under consideration. That’s all that I ask. Alright, Lucky?”

  Rafael looked at his friend and could see real concern in his eyes. It was warranted, and he knew that, but it didn’t make him want to stop whatever was happening between him and Emma. He would consider what he was doing, but his gut hadn’t placed any warning bells since he met her. Yet, he hoped what they had for each other didn’t disarm his defenses somehow.

  “I’ll think about what you’ve said. It’s a good thing we’re friends, Fat. I can’t imagine talking to you about this if we weren’t…unless you count my fist in your face as a conversation.” He was done with this little talk and his friend for the moment. Thankful for the additional point of view, but not willing to let Emma go just yet he stood from the booth and prepared to walk away.

  “You’d be surprised at how often I hear that,” Fat J. said with a laugh. “Tell Emma I said hello.”

  “So you know her…not just know about her?” Rafael asked wondering what Fat J. knew.

  “I know a lot of things about a lot of things,” he responded. Now, this was the man he knew: cryptic, and knowledgeable.

  “Anything you think I should know in particular?” Rafael asked his friend.

  Fat J. looked like he wasn’t going to answer him. He took a big bite of his sandwich and washed it down with his drink, but then he sighed deeply. “She seems to be a great conversationalist, witty, funny, and well-liked by the club members and the other club girls. The last president, McMillan, brought her in and deemed her practically untouchable until recently.”

  “Maybe that’s because the new president has taken over and McMillian is nowhere to be found.” Rafael added still confused about the state of affairs with that situation, but like Marlene used to say—Not his monkeys…not his circus.

  “Could be. All I know is with new leadership there are big changes and also the need to prove oneself.” Fat J. narrowed his eyes at Rafael. “This really doesn’t seem like a good time to stir the pot, but that’s not my decision or my spoon.”

  “Keep safe, Fat J.,” Rafael said, as he walked away from his friend. The air felt immediately lighter the farther he got away from the whole situation. It was a given that he would need to deal with the situation—unless he could shake the feeling that he wanted to see more of Emma.


  Sitting down at the table, Rafael was glad that Emma hadn’t waited for him. Full throttle—that’s how he liked to live and that’s how he liked the people around him. She was thoroughly enjoying what was left of her food.

  “I was going to wait for you, but it looked like the conversation you two were having was intense, and I wanted to taste this hot and fresh.”

  “Good, huh?”

  “You were right. This food is delicious. I’ll refrain from thinking bad thoughts about things before I look more fully at what is being offered,” she said, sitting back in her chair with the look of a person with a full belly.

  “How long have you been with the Reapers?” After talking with Fat J., Rafael wondered where Emma’s head was along the lines of loyalty and what they were doing together.

  “I’ve been with them for about 5 years. I can tell by the look in your eye and the person you were talking to that you now have some doubts about whatever this thing is we’re doing.” She looked sad. He hated that look on her, but it was time for some real talk.

  “What do you think would happen if you were seen with me…eating in a restaurant…just taking it easy?” He watched the color drain from her face. “I know. Not a good thought. I’m used to doing my own thing and saying to hell with the consequences, but I wasn’t sure if you’d thought about that.”

  “I owe the Reapers my life. They saved me from a fate worse than death.” She took a minute to take a sip of her beverage, and she appeared to be thinking it over. “Lately, I’ve been rethinking this life choice I made. I told you that before, but I knew when I did it that this lifestyle wasn’t one I could opt out of easily. I wasn’t using you to get out of anything, but when we flirted at the house and you wanted to take me somewhere, I think that was as much excitement as I’ve had in a good long while. When I found out who you really were—there was no way I was going to let you go without having a slice of ‘The Lucky One.’” Her smile coupled with the pink in her cheeks made her adorable. Adorable? Who the fuck was he becoming?

  He didn’t know what to say to her because, whatever came of it, he could take care of himself. That she had thought about it and knew what her role was supposed to be was refreshing. It would have been easy for her to say that she didn’t know about the life and the loyalty that was supposed to come with it. He would have known she was lying, but he’d have known what kind of person she was. Now, he added honesty to all the other things he liked about her.

  “It’s not something we have to think about tonight. I just wanted to know where you stood and what, if anything, you were considering.”

  He picked up his burger that was cooled down but still tasted delicious and watched as she ran her remaining French fries through the ketchup on her plate. “I really brought the vibe down.”

  She smiled at that. “I like to be handed the truth straight out, so I appreciate open conversation. It’s hard for me to believe that I was having so much fun I didn’t even think about what could happen if we were seen out together.”

  He just nodded and continued to eat.

  “What about the guy you were talking to? I’ve seen him several times at the clubhouse. Do you think he would say anything?”

  “I don’t believe so. Nothing in this world is a 100 percent guarantee, but I’ve got a lot of faith in Andreas and I can’t say that about many people outside of my club.”

  “I think they call him Fat Jesus,” she said with a giggle, “but that’s not what the girls call him.”

  “That is what he’s called, even though I think it’s because of his looks it hasn’t really been verified. I wasn’t sure if you knew him or not.” This one knew a lot more than she let on at first. She hadn’t acted as if she’d known who he was, but she knew enough to know his nickname and from the way she sounded, the girls in her club called him something else so he must be there a bit. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the women called Fat J., and he didn’t want to have whatever they joked about on his mind the next time he had to talk to him about business.

  “You said you left Miss Marlene’s house and joined up with your mother. Is your mother still around?” Try as he might, he kept going back to this. He knew why he left his foster mother’s house; but, if Emma was so unhappy, why didn’t she just stay where she was?

  “I said I liked honest conversation, and then you jumped right in there,” she said with a sad smirk on her face. “Like I said, I went to live with my mother. She was into some illegal stuff, and that’s how she got me into running drugs here and there. One of the operations went bad and the people I was supposed to deliver the drugs to wanted sex, as well. I wasn’t willing to put out, and they decided they would just take it. I don’t think they ever planned to let me out of there. They were going to kill me or sell me to someone. I had a bad feeling as soon as I got there, but it was too late. Dustin was one of the men there.”

>   “Dustin was one of the leaders of the Reapers a couple of years ago.”

  “Right,” she said looking at him like she was glad he knew who she was talking about without more explanation. “He saved me from the whole situation and kept the peace. I walked out of there on his arm, and he took me home. I was never so grateful to anyone until later that night when my mother had made another bad deal, and I had to watch the men who came for her shoot her in the head while we huddled together.”

  “Damn!” That was more than he expected to hear, but now he knew why she had a fear of guns. He couldn’t imagine what that would be like. His mother wasn’t anything to write sonnets about but watching someone kill her while he hung on to her for dear life would be life-altering.

  “After the men left, I stayed on the floor holding my mother in my arms. I think I was in shock. I didn’t look at her, but I was covered her blood. Dustin had given me a way to get in touch with him, and when I’d gotten myself together enough to get up and get out of there, I called him. He came to pick me up, and that’s where my club life began.”

  Rafael listened to her story. When she finished, he was amazed at her strength. He also didn’t remember eating his food; but, when he glanced down at his plate, he noticed that it was empty. Emma looked like that story had taken the rest of the umph out of her, but it could be that it was so late. Plus, she’d had a full night and now a fuller belly.

  “You ready to get out of here?” For some reason, he wanted to give her something he’d not given to anyone else. A night in his bed. Rafael had learned early that it was easier to leave than to wait for someone else to get the hint that the party was over and it was time to go. Most of his hook-ups were in hotels, alleys, or at the lucky woman’s place of residence. That way it was over when he said it was over.

  “Sure,” she said standing up and putting the trash on the tray. He did the same with his tray and then led the way out to his bike.


  He took the helmet that she’d placed on the back of the bike and picked it up. For some reason, he wanted to take care of her—just a little. That story she had shared with him really made him think of her in another light. She was a survivor…just like him. Emma had taken a bad situation and didn’t wallow in it but tried her best to keep moving. That’s all anyone could ever ask. She just stared up at him as he put the protective wear on her head, and she lifted her chin higher when he fastened the straps.

  There were no words that he could think of that would adequately tell her all the things that were going through his mind, but sometime in that beat down diner he’d come to a decision. This woman was his—and he wanted to keep her. She grinned and his gaze was drawn to her full lips. At that moment, he wanted a kiss more than he could ever remember wanting one. Kisses weren’t usually high on his list of desires. They were a bridge to getting his cock sucked or getting balls deep in pussy. However, just a kiss that—at least at this time—wasn’t going anywhere was different for him.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” Emma said, and he wondered how long he’d been standing there adjusting her helmet.

  “Because I’m enjoying what I’m seeing.”

  Her cheeks pinked up a little, and he wondered if her ass would turn the same shade with a few well-placed pats. He may be feeling a bit off when it came to her, but that didn’t stop the thoughts of wanting to fuck her. Leaning down, he kissed her softly; but, she sighed and that kicked the kiss up a notch. He’d been going for something a bit softer, but she tugged his hair and was so accepting of his entrance into her mouth. She sucked on his tongue, as if she wanted to fill her mouth with his cock. In and out, she slid her mouth on his tongue—until he put both hands on the side of her helmet and turned her so he could show her what to expect when they got back to his house. The kiss was more like him fucking her mouth, and she moaned like she was in heat. When he broke the contact between their lips, she whimpered and it was all he could do to not pull down her jeans and bend her over his bike. The mental picture was a hot one, and he could see her ass up and helmet down—ready for whatever plans he had for her. He needed to get her home.

  Home? He knew he wanted to keep her but his mind was on fast track. Maybe he was tired. It had been a long night for both of them and the ride to his house was quite a ways from where they were now. He moved away from her and put his own helmet on before he lifted his leg to seat the bike. She got on behind him and put her arms around his waist, and he started the engine.

  He loved to ride his cycle; it was freeing. It was just him on the road with the wind swirling all around him; but, with the added person on the back of his bike, it was even more exciting. It was going to be sunrise before he’d got home and he loved the added beauty of watching the sun come up especially after a great night. Emma had been very quiet during this ride. Granted it was hard to talk over the noise of the cycle and the wind, but he’d have thought she’d move around a little more, until he realized how hard his cock was getting. The seemingly innocent brush of her hand had been going on since they’d first sat on the bike. Whether it was from the occasional brush of her hand or the vibrations from the bike, he was getting more and more aroused with every mile they drove. She moved a bit, scooted up closer to him, and undid the buttons on his jeans.

  Emma took out his cock, and he just waited to see what she’d do next. She lazily stroked him from the base to the very tip squeezing more at the base. It wasn’t enough to get him off, but she was keeping him nice and firm. With her other hand, she scooped in and freed his balls from the confinement of his pants. He was thankful that they were almost at his place because he was going to make her choke on the amount of come he had for her.

  He slowed down the bike just a little, and he was happy that the road they were traveling didn’t have many people on it, as it was so early in the morning. Under normal circumstances, if his cock was out and a woman was stroking it while on a bike, it would have been noticeable. Although most police enforcement looked the other way to most of the Tribesmen’s antics and activities, he wasn’t sure what would happen if he had to go through a traffic stop right then. It may be hard to explain why his cock was out in broad daylight and a hot woman was fondling his balls in one hand and his cock with the other. Hard to explain or not, he wasn’t going to tell her to stop.


  The sun rose when he was a few minutes away from his house, and he was happy to greet the sun with a hard cock and the beautiful vessel that was going to take care of it. He turned the last corner to his home.

  Emma wasn’t going any faster with her stroke than she had when she started, and he had to assume that her goal wasn’t to have him squirt all over his bike. Maybe she just liked the feel of his cock in her hand or maybe she was trying to entice him to stay with her a little longer. When he pulled up at his house, he’d never been happier that he lived off the grid. There weren’t any neighbors or convenience stores as far as the eye could see. His hard cock was swollen and ready. Although he wanted to get Emma in the bed as soon as possible, he’d also wanted to realize the sexy scene that had played in his mind outside of the restaurant.

  Turning off his bike, he waited for her to get off, and then he hopped off himself. She was getting ready to take off her helmet, but he stopped her.

  “Hold on,” he told her, as she stood there watching him and waiting. The innocent look on her face was almost funny since she was the one who’d been stroking him for the last 35 minutes. Reaching over he unsnapped and unzipped her pants, and then he stood there watching her. She slid her pants and panties down over her hips, and he stopped her.

  “What? Don’t you want me to take my pants off?”

  “Not for what I have in mind. You’ve lowered them far enough.” He took in the vision that she created with her helmet on, bare from her belly button to mid-thigh, and felt like a starving man who’d had a feast set before him. She made him hungry, as if he’d not had sex in a while—when he’d
had her a few times that night already.

  “How do you want me?” she asked. Although he didn’t think his cock could get any harder, it did. He wanted to stuff all of it into her wet pussy. He knew that all that cock play on his bike had to have done something for her, and his cock couldn’t wait to find out.

  “Put your hands on the seat and bend over. Stick that ass up in the air and arch your back for me.”

  She did exactly as he told her, and as he moved closer, he could see the glistening folds that seemed to be waiting to be put to good use.

  “This is what you were craving when you stroked me on the open road wasn’t it?” He liked the way she moved her hips ever so slightly at his description of what she’d been doing. “Are you going to answer me?”

  “I didn’t think it was an actual question. I thought you were just figuring me out all on your own.”

  He loved her verbal sparring and was surprised he could chuckle with his cock as hard as it was. “I know what you were doing, but I wanted to hear you admit it.”


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