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The Don's Baby: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 31

by Sophia Hampton

  “Hello,” she said, wondering if she should take the call somewhere else—but not wanting to be too far away from Rafe.

  “Hey, Emma. Where the hell have you been? We’ve been looking for you since last night,” Tricia said. Emma was pleasantly surprised that her friend was on the other end of the line. The phone had a special ring for Joe Burgundy, the president of the Headless Reapers. He’d put the ring into her phone himself. The fact that she was using his phone meant there were some hook-ups she’d missed while she was out on the town and on her back with Rafe.

  “I’ve been here and there. Got bored at the party and wanted to do something else,” Emma said, hoping that tale wouldn’t be questioned. It was unusual for her to be away from the house for any length of time, but she didn’t think Tricia would mention it.

  “There are a lot of plans in the works here at the house, and there is going to be a meeting for us girls this afternoon—so you have a few hours to get back to the house.”

  “Plans? For us club girls? Since when did we get meetings?” She was surprised there hadn’t been a dedicated meeting for the club girls since she’d started with the club.

  “New president…new plans, I guess. I think everyone will be here, but he specifically wants all the girls here, too. All I know for sure is Joe wants everyone here at 4 p.m. sharp. So, can you make it here by then, girlie?”

  Emma had always liked Tricia. She’d come from Texas, and although she wasn’t big on talking about her past, she had a heart of gold and would give you the butter off her biscuit if you asked her for it. “I’ll be there,” Emma said, knowing she really didn’t have any choice.

  “Good to know. I’ll check you off the sheet, go about calling the next person, and see you when you get here.”

  Emma ended the call and looked at her phone. Something didn’t seem right, but she wasn’t going to be able to figure out what was going on until she was at the meeting. Meeting? Everything was changing so fast. Plus, Joe was so different from the last leader, it was hard to keep up with what was expected of her. He wasn’t the nicest man or the most personable, but she hadn’t been in charge of picking the new president—so she just had to follow who’d been picked.

  “See. That didn’t seem as bad as you thought it was going to be,” Rafe said, watching her closely.

  She couldn’t get over the fact that she’d spent part of the evening and all night with the hottest biker in town. She’d heard so many things about him from their foster mother, as well as the women he’d been with. Every sexy thing she’d heard about him was true, and she wanted to know more. They’d shared a foster mother, but they had been in her home a few years apart. Yet, Miss Marlene had loved him like a son, and she talked about him all the time.

  Emma thought this would be a one-night thing, but their chemistry was off the charts. No sex she’d had before had prepared her for the way he played her body like a well tuned instrument.

  “I guess not,” she said, not wanting him to know how shaken she was by the call and the ominous sounding meeting she was supposed to attend in a few hours. “Do you have the makings of a meal in your kitchen? I love to cook, and I want to see you eat what I make for you.”

  “You have a way of making everything sound like sex is involved.” He chuckled, reached for her hand, and pulled her behind him. “It’s a good thing I like food and sex. I’ve got lots of food choices for you to put together. I’ll watch you do your magic in the kitchen, and then you can watch me do my magic on you.”

  “That sounds like you are saying that sex will be my payment for a great breakfast?” she said, watching his muscular rear view.

  When they reached the kitchen, he spun around and pulled her into his arms. His deep brown eyes were bright and focused. She couldn’t believe the excitement that ran through her, just being the center of his attention and watching his soft lips descend toward hers. The kiss he gave her was softer than all the others she’d received before.

  Getting a sweet kiss from this man—who looked like a hardened beast—almost took her breath away. She opened for him and accepted the kiss he gave her until she couldn’t stand still. Then, she kissed him back, hoping he could feel how much she enjoyed being with him.

  “You can think of it anyway you’d like, but all I can tell you is there will be more than one thing getting stuffed while we are in this kitchen.” He spun her toward the refrigerator and gave her a quick smack on her bottom. She giggled with delight because she loved his playful demeanor. There was that damn giggling again…what in the world was this man doing to her?

  She moved away from him and looked through his kitchen, noticing that is was well-stocked and had all the necessary utensils to make a meal.

  “Do you cook often?” She wanted to know all she could about him, and she’d heard that he was tight with any and all information about himself. It wasn’t a particularly intimate question, but she wanted to start small to see if he’d answer before moving on to something a bit more personal.

  She looked up periodically to see what showed on his face, and this time when she caught his gaze, she found him just staring at her. Was he going to answer? Beginning to feel very foolish for making what had been a great night and sexy morning awkward, she busied herself with making the best spinach, cheddar, and ham omelet she could make.

  “I cook a little. When I lived with Marlene, she showed us all how to take care of ourselves and that included learning a little about cooking and a whole lot about cleaning.” He moved then to set utensils on the table, and she missed the warmth of his stare. At least he was talking, so she couldn’t really complain.

  Emma could remember being with Miss Marlene and learning a lot of things from her. That woman had a heart of gold, and she’d told Emma that she’d not been blessed with children of her own so she figured that meant there were some children who were already on earth who needed her. She was right about that. There were a lot of kids that needed exactly her, and she had more patience than she’d ever seen anyone have with “her” children.

  Miss Marlene had taken in the worst of the worst—the children who no one wanted and were on the last stop before entering a juvenile facility. Yet, she made them all feel like they were her shining stars. There was something about a woman who made kids feel like they weren’t the garbage everyone else said they were and made them feel like they could be better and do better. She turned a lot of the children she’d worked with on the right path, but she and Rafe had chosen another path.

  Sometimes it hurt her heart that she may have let Miss Marlene down. Emma knew for a fact that Rafe had broken that woman’s heart when he left. She’d loved and mourned for him like her own son. She wasn’t there to witness what her departure had done to Miss Marlene; but, in her heart, she hoped she wasn’t as torn up about her as she was about Rafe.

  “I got a lot of good lessons from her, too,” Emma said, snapping herself out of her blast from the past and trying to enjoy the happy that was now—not wallowing in the guilt of the past.

  “I can tell. You are doing the signature omelet that she liked to make.” Rafe had gone back to standing on the wall, watching her. She must have been so into her thoughts and making their brunch she hadn’t been watching him.

  She looked down and had to smile—because he was right. It was the same combination of omelet her foster mother liked to make. Miss Marlene had often told her it was how she got the kids to get some spinach down without an argument—and damned if it weren’t true. Everyone wanted her special omelet. As a matter of fact, there had been arguments when there wasn’t enough. However, Miss Marlene would always make more. Emma hadn’t liked that particular vegetable before she’d eaten that infamous blending while in foster care, but it was a comfort food now. “You’re right. I am making this blast from the past omelet. How did you know that’s what I was doing?”

  “I knew what you were going to make when you lined up all the necessary ingredients. I make that for myself every once in
a while.” He went from leaning against the wall to sitting on one of the stools in front of her. She felt like she was on a cooking show, as he watched her; but, she enjoyed it immensely.

  “I’ve got to be back by 4 p.m. There’s something they want me to be there for.” Emma told him because she didn’t really know where they were, and it seemed like they drove for a good long while yesterday. He would know when they should leave to get her back on time better than she would.

  He looked at his watch and then back at her. “I’ll have you there with plenty of time to spare.”


  She waited until it was time to fold the omelet onto itself, and then she flipped it in the large pan. She’d made one big enough for them to split. He moved off his chair and into the kitchen to set out two plates, and she did the honors of separating his share from hers. He went and got a beer for himself and a water for her, as she brought their plates to the table.

  They ate in silence for a while. She savored her meal and enjoyed the fact that he was enjoying his, too. He still watched her like his favorite pet, but he shoveled in his breakfast as if he’d not eaten in weeks. However, she knew that wasn’t true. He’d taken her to his favorite dive just last night—although she was shocked he took her out to eat in public.

  “Do you have a plan to get me back to where I’m supposed to be with no one being the wiser of who I was with?” With their plates mostly empty, she was trying not to get nervous about the rest of her day, but she could feel the anxiety building with the passing of each minute.

  “I was planning to eat first and then think about it. I do my best thinking when my stomach is full and I’m well-fucked,” he said with that sexy grin. At least that did something to her anxiety, making her want to push the remains of this delicious meal to the floor and lay herself in front of him to be eaten.

  “Well, I did the first part, and I think the next portion is on you.” The sassy and witty come-backs were once again coming out of her mouth. The giggling girl she turned into when she was with him made her question whether this was just a huge crush she had the opportunity to see through to the bedroom or whether she was feeling something else…something stronger.

  He looked at her plate like he noticed she was done with her meal and then tipped his beer to his lips to finish off the bottle. His gaze roamed her body and then fixed on her mouth, as he gulped the last of his beverage.

  She stood and picked up her plate. “Are you done eating?”

  “Not in the least, but you can take my plate.” The playful smirk graced his face, and she was happy that he was able to make this fun. She had to focus on the present because whenever she thought about what she’d done or what was going to happen to her when it was found out, she had a mini-panic attack. She knew she had a smart mouth, but she also toed the line; so, she didn’t know what would happen if she was on the wrong side of the club.

  After she took both plates to the sink, she returned to get her glass, and he grabbed her hand. This man kept her on her toes, and she loved that.

  He pulled her toward him and said, “You’ve been walking around here in my shirt and no panties, and I can’t think of much else besides how sexy you are and how wet and juicy you must be. When I have my eyes on you, I can almost feel how aroused you get.” His voice was low, but she could hear the desire in his tone. It made his words sound like a sexy growl. Damned if she didn’t like that—so very much.

  “You think I get aroused because you follow me around with your eyes, like a lion on a vulnerable gazelle?” She put her hand on her hip and gave him back her most haughty attitude.

  He snickered at that, and she almost moaned at the wave of heat that swept over her body as he continued to caress her body with the heat of his perusal. Would she tell him he was right? Hell no. She didn’t want him to know he had that kind of power over her. Even if he already knew what he made her feel, she wouldn’t admit it.

  “I don’t know about the lion and gazelle part, but I know you like it. If I lift my shirt, that you are wearing so prettily, am I going to find you wet and ready for me?” He stopped and watched her face for a few seconds like she was going to answer. “I bet that I am.”

  “You are so cocky,” she said, not admitting or denying anything—but fighting to keep the huge grin that wanted to appear on her lips contained.

  “Hop up on the table.” Rafe patted the spot in front of him where his plate had just been, and she wondered if the universe had heard her thoughts—because it was exactly where she had wanted to be.

  She lifted the large shirt and straddled his lap, putting her bottom on the cool marble table. It felt so very pleasant against her overheated skin. They’d had sex several times during the night, and he’d had his scruffy face on and around her pussy several times; but, for some reason, in the bright light of day on his kitchen table seemed more intimate than it had during the night.

  “Here I am, and I hope you’re still hungry,” she said, knowing that she sounded breathy and excited. However, she simply was not able to remain aloof like she was with other men.

  “And here I thought I was full from your great meal, but now I find I’m extremely hungry.” Licking his lips, he looked like he was anticipating this treat and was ready to devour her. A shiver ran through her body in anticipation, and she hoped that he’d hurry up and pleasure her—almost as much as she wished he’d draw this out as long as possible.

  Emma hiked one foot up on the table, so she was fully exposed to him and ran her fingers up and down the wet lips of her opening, wanting him to take a taste. She opened herself up and watched him focus on her movements. She enjoyed watching him watch her play with her pussy almost as much as she enjoyed watching him eat the food she’d made for him. Almost, but not quite. She liked this teasing pussy play significantly more because it made her feel settled and a bit more in control.

  “I just wanted to play with your food before you ate me.” She brought her wet fingers to his lips, and he snaked his hand around her wrist and directed her fingers into his mouth. Feeling his tongue lick around her fingers tightened something deep within her womb, and she wanted this man now. She’d started the game; but, with just a few simple little licks on a part of her body that wasn’t even private, she was a few seconds from coming. How did he turn that around so quickly?

  He took her fingers out of his mouth and grasped her thighs, directing her naughty bits closer to his mouth. “Just like I thought you’d be…sweet, wet, and ready to be eaten.”

  She wasn’t prepared for the slow teasing licks he was gracing on her inner thighs because she thought he’d go right for the main course and—to be honest—that was what she’d wanted him to do. She must have made a noise of discontent because he chuckled again and looked up at her as he licked his way to where she wanted him to be. It was hard not to watch him, as he took his time savoring the flavor of her skin and watching her response. She placed her hand on the back of his head to get him where she wanted him—because he was killing her with this leisurely pace. He chuckled, and she could feel the smile on his lips; but, he wasn’t moving any faster than he’d been moving before.

  “So impatient,” he chided, resting his head on her thigh so she could feel his warm breath on the spot she wanted his mouth and lips. “I know you have to leave soon, but I want to give you a little something to remember me by.” He chose then to lick a wide stripe from her soaking entrance to her clit and she was trying so hard not to come that her legs quivered. She didn’t want this to end, even though she knew it had to be over soon. Fastening his lips on her clit, he hummed and pulled her into his mouth with pulsing draws, bringing her so close to the edge—and then he was gone.

  “Oh my god, why did you stop?” The men in her life didn’t do teasing. There was sex, and there was completion—not this getting her close and then stopping. Although she could admit it was hot, she was left there, pumping the air. It was like her body didn’t know she wasn’t going to finish, an
d it was trying hard to find the release that was so close.

  He didn’t answer. However, sometime when she was mesmerized by the wild workings of his mouth, he’d donned a condom and was ready for action. Standing up by the table, he rubbed his cock head up and down the length of her pussy, pausing to thump the weight of his cock on her clit a few times before wetting the crown of his member with her juices. She could almost anticipate where he was going to go, and it felt so good, but it still seemed like a tease. She wanted to tell him to hurry.

  He plunged into her wet pussy—fast and deep—before she could think to ask anything else. He knew what to do to bring her pleasure, and she could only hang on for the ride. She pulled him toward her, and she hoped she wasn’t leaving noticeable marks on his back; but, she just couldn’t stop herself. He was like lightening in her arms… wild, exciting, and unpredictable. Her body tightened up in preparation of the orgasm that she knew was going to rock her to her core. Tighter and tighter, she felt her body wind up like a coil until the dam broke, sending wave after wave of pleasure. As all the sensations washed over her body, she fought to catch her breath. Then, she looked up and found Rafe staring at her with an expression she thought was amazement on his face.


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