Passion's Fire [Alien Passions 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

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Passion's Fire [Alien Passions 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) Page 11

by E. A. Reynolds

  Jaxon gave him a smile. “Baby, you brought my favorite I hope?”

  “You know I did, sweets,” he said.

  “What about me?” Zier asked lightly.

  Kel looked at him and Jaxon saw the hint of tension in his face. He rubbed his thigh and kissed his jaw before whispering in his ear, “It’s okay.”

  “You got caramel,” Zier said, digging into the ice cream.

  “I like that kind too,” Jaxon said. “What’s your favorite kind of cookie?”

  “The oatmeal raisin.”

  “Mine too. I like to switch it up and add walnuts sometime. Kel loves his chocolate chip walnut.” He looked up at Kel.

  “I guess the invasion has officially begun,” a male voice at another table said, bringing their heads up. The man was sitting with three others, two women and a man.

  “Apparently,” the other man commented dryly.

  “It’s not so bad,” the woman said. “As long as he’s a good mayor, it’ll be find. You’re not going to get naked in here right, guys?”

  “Not tonight,” Kel said. “We might treat you to a show some other time.”

  “Kel, you’re a clown,” she said. “Jaxon, you and Zier need to teach him some manners and keep him on a leash.”

  Jaxon gave a wicked smile. “Oh we plan to keep him tightly locked up.”

  “I bet,” the other woman said with a smirk. “I know I would.”

  “So, you’re not going to do a switch-a-roo on us once you’re in office right?” one of the men asked.

  “What do you mean?” Jaxon asked.

  “With the constitution? It looks good. Doesn’t look like we’re going to be prisoners of the Barrian state or something.”

  “What are you going to do about the police killing people?” the other man asked. “We know Dade killed Beets, those two lawyers, and Marcy Greene. Is he going to be punished for that?”

  Jaxon was even more curious about that after Dade’s cold response this afternoon, but he didn’t know the case He’d been reading up on Barrian law. He knew the Utarian cats, cat shifters from a planet not far from Barria who’d migrated to Barria, killed those who killed their mates. However, he still needed facts before he could handle it legally.

  “That’s a complicated issue,” Jaxon replied. “And once I’m elected, I’ll mandate classes on the laws of Barria so everyone can understand the new legal system.”

  “You’re not going to do anything,” the man said coldly. “One of those lawyers was a friend of mine. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I’m not familiar with the case,” Jaxon answered evenly. “But I will be and if Dade needs to be sanctioned he will be.”

  “Right,” he muttered. “You’re just all about getting you queers in power.” He turned back to his friends.

  “That went well,” Jaxon murmured.

  “Let it go,” Zier said quietly. “Not everyone is going to welcome the change. Just win the election and show them the good man you are.”

  “He’s right,” Kel said.

  “I know.” Jaxon nodded and kissed his cheek.

  They finished their ice cream and cookies and headed out for a walk in the town square. It was almost empty. A small group of kids were laughing on one side and called a greeting to them before going back to their conversation.

  “It’s been an interesting evening so far,” Jaxon said, his fingers linked with Kel’s.

  “Too bad I wasn’t invited to dinner,” Zier said walking on the other side of Kel. “It might really have been a fun evening for me.”

  “Zier,” Kel said in a warning tone.

  “I’m not trying to piss you off,” Zier replied in a placating tone. “I was saying that I’ve been having a good time too.”

  “Maybe next time,” Jaxon said quietly.

  “Are you getting ready for the debate?”

  “I’m almost ready, but tonight was a testament to just how ready I’m not.”

  “You did fine, sweets,” Kel assured him. He pulled him close and wrapped an arm around his waist.

  “I have work to do and we both know it,” Jaxon said as he put his hand in Kel’s back pocket. “I’m going to have to go into the city for a few days, but when I get back we could all have dinner.” He looked up at Kel.

  “The day after you get back,” he said and dropped a kiss on Jaxon’s lips.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Zier said. “What are you going into the city for?”

  “I’m working a case, and the client wants me close for the last few days,” he explained.

  “Criminal or corporate?”

  “It’s a criminal case,” he said. “The guy didn’t do it, and I’m sure he’s going to be acquitted, but he’s nervous. I also have another case going too and I have to meet with an investigator about a few things.”

  “You and Cade work together?” Zier asked.

  “Sometimes,” he said. “He’s working on a case now that’s keeping him in town. I think he took it because of Zan and Alicia. He’s got a big crush on Zan.”

  “He knows,” Kel said. “Actually, things are cooling off. If Cade just hang in there he might get in his chance.”

  “He doesn’t really want to share Zan with her,” Jaxon said. “Can’t blame him.” He threw Zier a look. “You into women?”

  “Never have been,” he answered returning his gaze.

  Kel brought them to a stop beneath a tree. “I guess we should call it a night.”

  “I need to go over some papers,” Zier said and his gaze darted to Jaxon. He went to kiss him before Jaxon or Kel realized what he was about to do. Jaxon didn’t pull away. His lips parted and Zier’s tongue darted into his mouth.

  Electricity fired in his stomach and coursed through him. Jaxon’s hands went to Zier’s hips as he leaned into him. Kel’s hand on his back sent fire licking through him even as Zier cupped his face. His touch felt so good, so provocative it startled Jaxon. Their eyes met and the heat and loneliness in Zier’s eyes took his breath away.

  “It feels right kissing you,” he said softly. He brushed Jaxon’s lips again. “So damn right it hurts to have to let you go.”

  There was a connection he truly needed to consider. He just didn’t understand why it was so much more pronounced when he touched both men at the same time. Jaxon stroked Zier’s cheek.

  “I better go,” Zier said drawing his hands back.

  “Night Zier,” Kel said quietly. They exchanged a look and Jaxon saw longing pass between them.

  “You should have kissed him goodnight,” Jaxon said. “He misses you.”

  “I know,” he said and pulled Jaxon against him and kissed him slowly. Jaxon’s arm went around him as he sank against him. “Let’s get you home.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Three days later Kel leaned against the wall in Keyos’s office with his brothers Zan, and Rhys were there as well looking somber. The four of them had always talked things over when there was a problem that impacted them all. So, Kel wasn’t surprised, Keyos had called the meeting this afternoon.

  “I’ve been doing a little nosing around,” Rhys admitted. “I’ve found out who let Daniel into Breakers that night Daniel was killed.”

  “Who?” Kel demanded flatly.

  “Christian, one of the guards. He took the job so he could help the Purists get dirt on the gay men. He said they were going to blackmail the ones in high positions to step down so Purists could take their places,” Rhys told him. “That night Daniel was there to get dirt on Jaxon and a judge.”

  “Which judge?” Keyos asked.

  “Base, Julian’s father,” he said.

  “Base was there,” Kel said.

  “As far as Christian knows, Daniel went looking for him. Said he found him. He also said Colm and Daniel had an argument about something the day Daniel was killed,” Rhys said.

  “What?” Kel demanded. “How to screw gay men over?”

  “Actually, they argued about a woman,” Rhys said. “D
aniel had been sleeping with Colm’s woman, and she’s pregnant.”

  “Well, that’s reason enough to go after him, but not kill him,” Keyos said. “He’s not married to her. All he had to do was dump her ass. We need a real reason why he’d go after Daniel and Tom.”

  “Tom wasn’t down with calling in the feds, and the Purists are planning to do that if they can’t get their way,” Rhys said.

  “Jarvis in control of the town and the Purists lording over the rest of us,” Zan guessed.

  “Exactly,” Rhys agreed. “But I haven’t found any leads on who’s after Jaxon. I’ve been to the crime scene and checked out his car, but there’s nothing to find. The eyeball was Daniel’s along with the tongue and the brain matter.”

  “Anything on Tom’s crime scene?” Kel asked flatly.

  “Well, I managed to get something out of Dade that you aren’t going to like,” Rhys answered.

  “What?” he asked tightly.

  “First off, Tom and Jaxon had a little argument that afternoon Tom was killed. Travis witnessed it and said Tom did mention exposing Jaxon as something other than what he appears to be.”

  “What else?” Kel demanded dismissing that argument. He knew there was nothing bad in Jaxon’s past that would tarnish his reputation.

  “Alexa found an SD card with a second, more restrictive version of the bill of rights and constitution on it. They think Jaxon wrote it, and Tom somehow got a hold of it. So, he killed Tom to get it back, but there’s no proof of that. Even the hair they found at the scene wasn’t a match for Jaxon.”

  “Shit,” Zan muttered. “If any of this leaks—”

  “Card’s been stolen,” Rhys cut in. “Dade said he told Alexa to make a copy, but both are gone. He thinks the information might be leaked to the paper.”

  “Damn it!” Kel snapped. “How could Alexa be so careless?”

  “Depends what she believed when she saw it,” Zan muttered. “Maybe she thinks it true. Is it?”

  “Fuck no,” he snarled. “Jaxon isn’t into subjugating anyone. He wants to see things improved around here. It has to be a plant.”

  “Did you ever see the original?” Keyos asked.

  “No.” Kel shook his head knowing how bad things would look for Jaxon.

  “Let’s just hope people believe the fake is a fake,” Keyos said. “If not, all hell is going to break lose around here.”

  “Maybe that’s what the Southern elders were hoping for,” Zan said. “Maybe they’re looking for an excuse for a war.”

  “We don’t need that,” Keyos said tightly. “Rhys you do what you have to, to find Daniel and Tom’s killer. I have a feeling that’s the same person who engineered the attack on Jaxon. If I’m wrong, then the Purists are behind the attack on him while Daniel and Tom’s killer is someone with a more personal motive. Either way, we need to contain this before the feds get wind of it.”

  * * * *

  “I can’t let them get away with killing Tom and Daniel,” Jarvis muttered.

  “We can’t do anything,” his companion said. “Anyway, Dade is looking into Colm as a suspect. He’s getting a warrant to search his place even as we speak.”

  “Why? Colm wouldn’t hurt Tom or Daniel.”

  “Daniel was bedding his woman,” the other man said dryly. “Colm wasn’t too happy about that especially when he found out she was pregnant and it might not be his.”

  “He broke up with her,” Jarvis snapped.

  “They found Colm’s hair at the crime scene, and he has no alibi.”

  “They’re trying to set him up,” Jarvis muttered.

  “I agree, but no one’s talking, so this has to be on Jaxon and his camp. Whatever Daniel found out that night at Breakers is still missing. His boss said he was certain he had something special.”

  “Damn it!”

  “We’ll never know what he had, but we need to decide what we’re going to do if Jaxon wins the crowd over at the debate,” his companion said.

  “I heard there was an SD card found at Tom’s. It contains the real version of the bill of rights and constitution. What are the odds the SD card is real?” Jarvis asked. “Tom could have gotten it from Daniel. He did see him that night.”

  “I don’t know. You want to gamble on it? People will be pissed when they see it.”

  “I need to see the card before I can put any stock in it,” he said. “They aren’t going to just go away even if I win.”

  “Jaxon no longer has support, so he’s not a threat. It’s those elders you have to worry about now. Even if you win they’ll do whatever they can to take you down. However, we can’t erase the problem by calling in the feds. They’ll just take over the town.”

  “You’re right. I’ll talk to Colm. He’s itching to call them in. I’ll talk him down.”

  “I hope so.”

  * * * *

  Jaxon pulled back into Willow Brooke after being in the city. He hated being away from Kel, but it wasn’t because he feared his lover would cheat on him. He simply hated being apart from him now that he was no longer hiding their relationship.

  Then, there was Zier. The three of them really needed to spend some time together. He wasn’t sure if it would lead past attraction to something special, but he was willing to find out. That loneliness in Zier’s eyes was something he wanted to chase away.

  Kel had suggested they have dinner out tonight, but he wasn’t really in the mood for that after a long day in court. All he wanted was a quiet evening in.

  He slowed down as he pulled past the site where he’d been attacked the last time he’d returned from the city. A pair of headlights blinded him temporarily and he grimaced.

  He passed a cop cruiser and felt a bit of relief. He wouldn’t be attacked out here tonight. He arrived at his apartment complex just after dark and found the lights on in Sue’s apartment. He let himself into his own wishing he didn’t have to go all the way out to the orchard.

  The smell of cookies greeted him and Jaxon smiled. His man. Jaxon headed to the kitchen. “Hey, baby.” He crossed his small kitchen with a smile.

  Kel wiped his hands on a dishcloth and turned to take Jaxon in his arms. “Hey you.”

  Jaxon smiled against his lips. “I missed you,” he murmured as Kel claimed his lips for a slow kiss that had Jaxon moaning and clinging to his lover tightly. “I’m going to take a quick shower, and I’ll be right back.”

  “Take your time.”

  “Is Zier coming over?”

  “No.” He frowned. “Why? Did you want him too?”

  “I need to talk to you about something, so I’m glad it’s just us.”

  “Go shower.” He brushed his lips against Jaxon’s. “I’m almost done. I made warm steak salad with your cookies for dessert.”

  “You didn’t make the cookies,” Jaxon said with a mock frown. “I know you didn’t.”

  “Course not,” Kel agreed with a grin. “Zier sent them.”

  “Sexy man,” he said. “I’ll have to thank him tomorrow with a big kiss.”

  Kel cocked a brow at him. “A kiss?”

  He stroked the back of Kel’s head. “You love him don’t you?” he asked.


  He put a finger to Kel’s lips to silence him. “It’s okay. I know you love me, and I want you to think about something while I’m gone.”


  “I like Zier, and I was thinking that you were right. I should spend some time with him, get to know him. If nothing develops then, we’ll see where we go.” He caressed Kel’s jaw, seeing flicker of hope in his eyes. “Tell me if you still think it’s a good idea when I get back.”

  He stood beneath the shower spray moments later with the water pouring over him. Things could get complicated real fast with three hearts involved but if he didn’t do this, they might all regret it. He didn’t think Zier was going to be content to stay on the sidelines long with that much need inside him.

  He knew he had part of Kel’s heart, b
ut not all of it. Zier had the rest of it. If he and Zier didn’t click after all, then he could deal with what might happen between Zier and Kel. If there was anything left to worry about.

  When he returned to the kitchen clad in a pair of sweat pants and T-shirt, he had to stop dead in his tracks. The small dining nook that adjoined the kitchen was aglow with candlelight. “Kel!” he whispered, his hand going to this stomach. Butterflies were fluttering like crazy there.

  Kel appeared from the nook and gave him a smile. “Everything’s ready. Come join me.” Kel held a hand out to him and Jaxon took it and allowed his man to pull him into his arms. “You look surprised.” Kel smiled, looking pleased with himself.

  “I am.”

  Kel gave him a peck on the lips before leading him to the table which he’d set with a centerpiece of flowers in a beer bottle. Jaxon laughed. “Kel, a beer bottle?”

  “Couldn’t find a vase.” He shrugged.

  Jaxon laughed again and kissed his cheek. “This is—” More than he thought Kel would ever do. The man wasn’t the most romantic thinker around. “It’s romantic and beautiful. Did Zier help you with this?”

  He frowned. “Course not. This is about us, not him.” He pulled out a chair for Jaxon.

  “Have you thought any about what I said earlier?” Kel sat down across from him with a sigh. “I don’t really know what to do with it,” he said. “I told you I loved you. What I feel for him isn’t going to get in the way of that, so you don’t have to do that just to keep me from cheating.”

  “Because you’re mated to me?”

  “I don’t think that’s the reason, sweets,” he said reaching for his longneck beer bottle. “What made you even bring it up? Is this about something you need with Zier?”

  He stared back at him frowning. “Maybe. I can’t tell if it’s just attraction or good sex.”

  Kel lifted his brows in amusement. “So you want to find out?”

  “I guess I kinda do,” he said in a small voice. It hadn’t occurred to him he might be projecting his needs or feelings off on the other men rather than taking responsibility for them.


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