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Home Run: A Texas Heat Romance

Page 7

by Camilla Stevens

  “Carter...” she whimpered, struggling to keep her eyes on him as he instructed.

  “You can scream out if you want to,” he said softly. “It’s just us here.”

  That brought Jordan around to where she was. On the street where her parents lived. On the street of the neighbors she’d grown up next to. In a man’s car—a truck! And not just any man, but Carter Fox…who had his fingers inside of her.

  Even as an adult it was scandalous, maybe even more so. Teenagers could be excused for being this reckless. Grown-ass women should be ashamed of themselves.

  That was all the encouragement she needed to send her over the edge. She threw her head back and cried out, not caring if anyone heard. Her body convulsed around his fingers, while her own dug into his back.

  When she brought her head back down to face him, he had broken out into a broad smile. He pulled his fingers out from her underwear, the sensation causing ripples of pleasure to run through her body all over again. He brought them up to his face, right under his nose. Then he put the tips into his mouth to taste her juices.

  It was a shocking display and Jordan stared at him like a stunned rabbit.

  “You taste amazing,” he growled.

  He brought his fingers close to her and she could smell her heated sex instantly. Something about it caused her to shudder with prurient delight. As if under his spell, she obediently parted her lips so he could place his fingertips inside. She felt the rough fingers on her tongue as it partook of the slightly tangy taste. She lapped his fingers like a kitten savoring a bowl of cream.

  “Nice,” he purred.

  When there was nothing left to taste, he pulled his fingers out.

  Jordan looked down at her lap and studiously began to smooth her skirt down. The practical part of her brain knew there was no way anyone could have seen what they had done. Another scandalized part of her secretly wondered, and not without a hint of excitement, at the prospect.

  What was this man doing to her?

  “I should probably go inside now,” she said.

  “I’ve got you,” he said, quickly opening his door.

  He had circled around the truck and was at her door before she could even release the handle.

  “It’s only proper that I walk you to the door. I am a gentleman after all,” he grinned down at her and she could feel her body getting warm with embarrassment. No gentleman would have led her down the path they had just gone.

  But who the hell wanted a gentleman?

  Jordan smiled to herself as she let him walk her the short way up the street to the front door of her house.

  She was surprised to find the lights on inside. The residual effect of two margaritas made her fumble in her attempt to find the key in her purse. When she finally pulled it out, her body was still so gelatinous she could barely guide the key into the hole. Carter released the key from her quivering grip and steadily slid it into the lock.

  When she opened the door she found her mother in the living room reading a book.

  “Mom!” she exclaimed, a little too excitedly. “You’re still up?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” her mother said mildly. Her eyes slid over to appraise the man standing next to her.

  “Mrs. Douglas,” Carter said respectfully. “It’s very nice to see you again.”

  Her mother stared at him a moment then offered a tight smile to accompany the brief nod she gave him. She didn’t bother to return the verbal greeting, instead choosing to cast a glance in her daughter’s direction.

  Jordan just stared at her in disbelief, unable to process the fact that her mother was actually waiting up for her. She was completely mortified.

  “Thank you Carter,” Jordan said, turning to him and eagerly guiding him out the front door. “I had a—a lovely time.”

  “I’ll call you,” he said in a rush.

  “Yes, that would be great. I really did have a wonderful time. Thank you,” she said in a rush, then closed the door on him. It was rude, but she had more important fish to fry.

  She spun on her mother. “Okay, do you feel like explaining this? Or have you forgotten I’m 24-years-old?”

  Deborah just stared placidly, then she patted the couch next to her and asked, “Can we talk?”

  Jordan stared back for a moment. “Are we going to talk, or is this going to be a lecture?”

  “I just want to explain. I think you’re ready to,” she gave a sigh, “understand why I am the way I am with you.”

  Jordan’s anger went down a notch but she didn’t move.

  “Please?” her mother implored.

  Finally, Jordan nodded and sat next to her mother.

  Deborah looked past her out the window, waiting a breath before she started.

  “I never told you this before because you never really dated in high school and didn’t seem too serious about anyone in college. I guess that’s my fault, pushing you so hard with your studies and all.”

  Jordan waited, wondering where her mother was going with all of this.

  Deborah gave a heavy sigh. “I was actually engaged before your father.”

  Jordan’s mouth fell open. She blinked rapidly at the news. Her mother? With someone before her dad? It seemed like a completely foreign idea to her. They fit so perfectly together, in a sort of yin and yang way. Her dad was easy going and quick with a joke. Deborah was more stoic and slower to thaw.

  Her mother saw her expression and gave her an empathetic smile. “I know, it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. I was young, still in college in fact.

  “Jay was perfect. Smart. Handsome. Charming. He was a junior, and he had me hooked my freshman year. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going to be his perfect little wife.

  “You know, originally I wanted to be a lawyer, like you. We were both at Cornell. He applied and applied and the only medical school he made it into was Baylor, here in Houston. I was still a junior but he eventually wore me down into following him and I transferred to the University of Houston. At that point, I figured I would end up marrying him and I focused my attentions on him and his goals. I even gave up trying to get into law school.”

  Jordan fell back against the couch processing all of this new information.

  “Mom,” she sighed, “I’m not giving up law school or my career for Carter Fox. For Pete’s sake, we’ve been on one date! It’s just, I don’t know…fun?”

  Deborah simply smiled again. “It started out fun with Jay as well.”

  Jordan sighed. “Mom—”

  “And then the first slap came.”

  Jordan gasped.

  “It was when it was too late, when I had given everything up for him. He knew I was trapped.”

  Jordan sat straight up and looked her mother in the face. “Carter has never once—”

  “They never do...until they do.”

  “That’s not fair, Mom. You don’t even know him.”

  “Perhaps,” her mother said giving a slight nod, “and I’m not accusing him, but…he does have a reputation.”

  “And now you believe everything you read in the papers?” Jordan asked skeptically.

  “All I want for you,” Deborah said, bringing the conversation back around, “is to be able to make it on your own, not by depending on someone else. You have no idea how hard it is to get out when you don’t feel you have any options.

  “It took me years, and Jay nearly killing me, before I was finally strong enough to leave. I got my teaching certificate and made it on my own before I eventually—thankfully—found your father. Now I’m with him, not because I have to be, but because I want to be.

  “That’s all I want for you Jordan. To be with someone because you want to be, not because you’re impressed with their lifestyle or money or fame or whatever. I want to see you succeed in your own right, be independent, know that you can make it on your own. Then find someone to be with.”

  It all made sense now. The dating—or lack thereof—when she was still in high schoo
l. The push to be successful. Jordan couldn’t even be sure that law school was actually what she wanted, or some idea that her mother had planted in her head. She was doing well, and there were even aspects that she loved, like the legal clinics. But what would she be doing if her life hadn’t been guided by the controlling hand of Deborah Douglas?

  “Mom, I love you and I know you’re just looking out for me. So far, I like Carter and for once this summer I’m having a bit of fun. This doesn’t mean I’m giving up everything I’ve worked so hard for to run off and be a ball player’s wife.”

  “I just—”

  “No. I’m going to bed now. This discussion is over.”

  Deborah just pursed her lips.

  “Goodnight, Mom.”

  “Goodnight, sweetheart.”

  Thankfully, this was the last time she’d be living at home. Next year this time, she’d have her law firm job and could rent one of the nice luxury apartments in midtown. Then, she wouldn’t have to make out with men in trucks.

  She smiled at the thought. On second thought, perhaps not everything would have to change.



  Carter watched as his 31st home run ball went into the stands. Finally. They were at an away game in Tampa Bay so the crowd was slightly less enthusiastic than the hometown crowd for this home run.

  Perhaps Jordan was his good luck charm. He smiled as he thought of their one and only date. He could still feel that smooth skin under his hands. The feel of her next to him as they lay there looking up at the sky. Even the dirty jokes.

  She had told him that she had to head back to Austin for school, which meant they probably wouldn’t see each other before then. It disappointed him more than he cared to admit. On the other hand, Austin was only about a three-hour drive away….

  As he entered the dugout, he high-fived the rest of his team, accepted a few pats on the ass, and sat back on the bench to watch the inning unfold.

  The Sluggers beat the Rays 7-2.

  “Congratulations. You have no idea how excited Ben is, even if his ball is pretty much worthless now.”

  Carter was in his hotel room on the phone to Jordan as promised. It was good to hear her voice, especially after such a spectacular game.

  “Well, we’re still third in the division. Not great, but if this keeps up we can probably eek it out as a wild card.”

  “I have no idea what that even means,” she laughed.

  “One of these days I’m going to have to teach you about baseball.”

  “Is that a threat?” she teased.

  The phone buzzed as another call came through on his end. He took a brief look to see who it was. The number was one he—thankfully—hadn’t seen in quite some time.

  “Shit,” he mumbled, under his breath.

  “Was that another call?” Jordan asked. “I can let you go.”

  He wasn’t about to break up this conversation, especially for this particular caller.

  “Nonsense. I can call them back.”

  “No, no. It’s late, and I have to be at work bright and early. It’s my last week. Gotta make a good last impression.” She sighed. He could hear her yawning. “Take your call.”

  “Alright then,” he said with resignation. He enjoyed hearing her voice, especially when it got sleepy like this. It made him feel like she was in bed next to him. One day he would have to get her there. He smiled into the phone. “I’ll call again tomorrow, and we can finish where we left off, maybe with a happy ending this time.”

  She gave a small laugh. “Don’t make promises your mouth can’t keep.”

  “Mmm, that sounds like an interesting challenge” he teased.

  Jordan laughed as she realized what she had just said.

  “Seriously,” he continued. “I’ll call you.”

  “Mmm-hmm,” she mused. “Okay then. I’ll be ready and waiting. Good night, Carter Fox.”

  “Good night, Jordan Douglas.”

  He hung up the phone and looked at the call that had tried to come through during their conversation. There was a message left but he didn’t need to click it to know that it wouldn’t have much in the way of information. No, he would have to call back. He always had to call back.

  He sat staring at the phone, debating what to do. He should leave it, let it go. He knew from experience—too much experience—that it would only lead to bad news. But if he didn’t take it, it would hang over his head until he dealt with it.

  Carter took a deep breath and hit return for the number. He brought the phone up to his ear and waited. It was answered on the second ring.

  “Sonny boy!” Bobby Joe Fox’s voice rang out a bit too cheerfully on the other end of the line.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  “How are things, Carter?” the voice said without so much as a pause. “How’s the lovely Madison Grant treatin’ ya these days? Still ridin’ your ass?” A cackle broke out on the other side.

  “Cut the shit, Bobby. What do you want this time?”

  “I’m just tryin’ to get to know my son a little—”

  “I’m this close to hanging up the phone,” Carter interrupted.

  The fact that Bobby Joe Fox had the nerve to refer to him as a son was enough to push him over the edge. The man hadn’t been a “father” since Carter was 10 years old, and he’d walked out of his life forever. Or at least until Carter had signed on with the Sluggers.

  Bobby Joe gave a deep sigh on the other end of the line.

  “Alright son—”

  “Don’t call me son,” Carter growled.

  Bobby Joe paused before continuing, knowing when to leave well enough alone.

  “Well, s—Carter—your old man got himself into a bit of a pickle. You see, there was this great plan. Solar panels! It’s the wave of the future. And this company in—”

  “How much?”

  Bobby Joe Fox had a way of spinning tales. If he hadn’t spent his entire life chasing down the next get-rich-quick scheme, he might have actually made a pretty decent living as a salesman or maybe even a writer. But both of those professions required a degree of actual work ethic and responsibility. Two things Bobby Joe Fox seriously lacked.

  “$20,000, but it would be an investme—”


  “Fine, but you just don’t know Carte—”

  “Who to?”

  “Well if you make the check out to—actually it would have to be a cashier’s check, you see—but you could make it out to me and I’ll make sure that—”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  “No!” Bobby Joe said in a panic. “No…dammit Carter! Haven’t I paid enough? Every damn time I call, I try to make up for—”

  “I’m hanging up.”

  “Dammit!” Bobby Joe yelled on the other end. After a moment, he sighed again then continued. “Fine. There are a couple of…associates I had to borrow from to invest in this project. How the fuck was I supposed to know it would take 10 damn years to— Anyway, I’ll give you the names and address. They’re gonna need it pretty quickly son—er—Carter. Your old man’s in a bit of hot water here and it’s reachin’ its boilin’ point. These guys, well they’re getting pretty impatient.” He cackled on the other end again, though there was no humor in it this time.

  Carter sighed. There were always guys who were “impatient.” People who were patient didn’t loan money to the likes of Bobby Joe Fox. People who cut off fingers and charged a thousand times the standard interest rates loaned money to the likes of Bobby Joe Fox.

  “This is the last time,” Carter said.

  “I understand. I promise I’ll pay you ba—”

  “Send me the information. This is the last time.”

  “I know. Thanks, Carter. You know, I love ya so—”

  Carter hung up.

  As he tossed the phone on his nightstand he looked at it and knew with absolute certainty: this was the last time.


  Jordan lugged the rolling s
uitcase up over the last step. She nearly dropped the box of clothes tucked under her other arm from the effort. She paused to hitch it on her hip a little more securely before heading down the hallway.

  She had driven back to Austin. Morris & Gibson had finally offered her a position, and her family had sent her off with a nice little Tex-Mex themed congratulatory party.

  It had left little time for Carter and Jordan to get together. But he had hinted at maybe coming up to see her at some point.

  Jordan and her roommate, April, had sublet their apartment for the summer and the key had been sent back to her last week. April wasn’t supposed to be back until next week so she’d have the place to herself for a while. She was actually looking forward to that. After such an eventful summer, with literally everyone knowing her business, a bit of alone time was refreshing.

  She shoved the key into the lock and used the elbow holding the box of clothes to push the door in.

  “Oh shit!”

  It was the first thing she heard and it caused her to drop the box of clothes and jump in panic. It took a few moments to register what she was looking at. A very naked April Palomino was sitting astride her boyfriend—a similarly very naked Matt Dueker—in the middle of the living room floor.

  “Oh my God, oh my God, ohmygod!” Jordan screamed, quickly swiveling her body to face the hallway.

  She heard the scramble behind her and waited until the frantic noises subsided.

  “Are you decent?” she asked after a while.

  There was a bit more whispering then she heard April’s voice, “Um…yeah?”

  Jordan waited a moment longer, then slowly turned around. Matt was M.I.A. and April was exiting her bedroom with her bed sheet wrapped around her like an impromptu toga costume.

  “What the hell, Jordan!” she said accusingly. “I thought you weren’t going to be back until Friday.”

  “You said you weren’t coming back until Saturday!” Jordan responded.

  April’s eyes went to the ceiling in recollection. “Oh…yeah, well sorry.” She laughed. “Guess you caught us.”


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