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Meant to be Kept

Page 16

by Amelia Foster

  Tanner crossed the few feet into the small bathroom in their hotel room and lowered her onto the cold white tile floor. “Last chance, Belle. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  She wanted to tell him that the wedding itself really was meaningless to her. She wanted to tell him that no matter how their marriage started, being married to him was really all that mattered. She wanted to tell him that starting their lives together happy and uncomplicated was her version of a fairy tale come true.

  But she couldn’t seem to find the words or the composure to say them. She pointed at herself and then at him. “This is what I want.” She tugged her nightgown over her head and shimmied her underwear down in one seamless move with a grin. “And I really, really want to take a shower.”

  Three and a half hours later, marriage license stashed safely away in her purse, Izzy turned from one side to the other in front of the full-length mirror. Tanner dutifully waited at the front door of the small boutique, insistent on the fact she needed a dress for their wedding.

  And she couldn’t help but agree as soon as she’d slipped the strapless lavender knee-length dress over her head. She smoothed a hand over the tulle skirt, fighting against the tears collecting in the corner of her eyes. Not that she’d ever admit it to him, but that one simple piece made the day feel real. And exciting. And terrifying.

  She traded her basic black flip-flops for flat silver sandals with deep purple gemstones dotting the straps, matching the contrasting sash on her dress. Izzy closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and stepped out from behind the curtain. Tanner stood leaning against the far wall, his legs crossed at the ankles, but as soon as his gaze landed on her, he jumped to attention and crossed the room.

  “Belle…I…” He shook his head and gently brought her hand up to his mouth. “You look gorgeous.”

  Tanner winked at her before he slid a charming smile in place and pinned the middle-aged woman behind the counter with it. “Ma’am, I’m sure it violates some store policy, but is there any way my fiancée could wear these out of the store? We’re on our way to get married and…” He let his words trail off and shrugged his shoulders.

  Izzy wasn’t sure if she wanted to laugh or smack his shoulder. Maybe both.

  But every drop of mock irritation fell away when she found herself pulled into a jewelry store three doors down from the boutique. Her eyes were drawn to a matching set of white gold bands with channel-set diamonds encased in the middle of the store. They were exactly what she’d dreamed of, but the attached price tag immediately made her look for another option.

  He tugged on the hand held firmly in his, and she spun around to look at him. His other hand cupped her cheek and he rested his forehead against hers. “I saw that look, sweetheart. This is our day, right? All about us and what we want?”

  She nodded her head against his. “But baby…”

  A smile curved his lips, and Izzy had to concentrate on restraining her mouth from seeking his. “How about we just try them on, okay?” His smile settled into a smirk. “But if they fit and you like ‘em, you know damn well I’m going to buy them.”

  “Pushy jerk.”

  “But you love me.”

  Her hand wrapped around his neck, and she planted a gentle kiss against his lips. “More than anything, baby.”

  An hour after they tried the rings on, they stood before the chaplain reciting their vows. “With this ring,” Izzy repeated, unable to stop her emotion from thickening her voice, “I thee wed.”

  Tanner’s deep voice sounded gravelly and rough. A single tear slid down his cheek. “With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Before the chaplain could finish the command, Tanner leaned down and kissed his wife and Izzy held her husband close.

  “Nobody leaves.” He whispered their private vow against her lips in between kisses.

  “Nobody leaves.”




  “Your ass looks hot in those yoga pants.” Tanner let out a low whistle as Belle walked past the foot of the bed.

  She popped her hip out, put a hand on it, and lifted one eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

  He laughed and jumped out of the bed. He snaked one arm around her waist and drew her close. “I said, have fun at yoga, sweetheart.”

  Her hands slid up his bare chest and behind his neck. “But you should be thrilled I’m going to yoga.” She lifted up on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear. “Think of all the positions we can try with my new…flexibility.”

  His mouth went dry and the thin boxers he wore did nothing to disguise the effect her words, and her deep throaty chuckle, had on him. His hand slipped down from her waist to cup her firmly against him, and he started to think of all the ways he could encourage her to skip one class. She’d been going every other day for two weeks now; surely she could miss just this once. “Damn, my greedy little vixen showed up again.”

  Belle pulled back a little and smiled up at him with the same damn smile that never failed to stop his heart. “My husband showed up again.” She gave him a peck on the cheek and stepped out of his embrace.

  Tanner watched in stunned silence while she grabbed her mat and her bag and trotted out the door, long chocolate ponytail swinging behind her.

  Well, hell.

  He wasn’t done trying to win her back, but no matter what happened last night and every other night this week, comments like that made him feel like he still had a long way to go. He still had two weeks to show Belle that their relationship was worth saving, worth fighting for. And tonight would be another date he hoped she loved.

  Tanner stepped beneath the icy spray of the shower. Every night this past week had been…indescribable. He couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up. Five hours ago, he had been tangled up in Belle and yet he still found himself in need of a little help cooling off. Damn, that woman drove him wild.

  He groaned at the memory of her hair falling over her shoulder as she climbed on top of him. He closed his eyes and started reciting Italian trade regulations. Hell, that was better than a cold shower.

  Finally feeling in control of himself, he stepped out of the shower and quickly dried off. He tugged a dark gray shirt over his head and pulled on a pair of khaki shorts. As soon as Belle got home and showered, they’d be ready to go.

  He grinned. Hell yeah, she was going to love their date this afternoon.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a tiny voice right outside the bedroom. “Mommy, Noah wants waffles for breakfast, but I want French toast and…” The words died on Ava’s lips as she barged through the door. She stopped and stared, blinking a few times, at Tanner. “Where’s Mommy?”

  He threw his daughter a look of mock hurt before picking her up and tickling her tummy lightly. “She’s at her yoga class, sweetpea. What, isn’t Daddy good enough?”

  Ava giggled and wound her arms around Tanner’s neck. “Yeah you are, but Mommy’s always here. You’re always at work.”

  Well, double hell.

  “Daddy’s here today.” He kissed her cheek. “Daddy’s been home more, right?”

  Her small face split in half with a smile identical to her mother’s. Her soft chestnut eyes shone brightly. “Yep.” She popped the last letter. “I’m really glad you like us again.”

  An icy feeling, far colder than his shower, started at the top of Tanner’s head and trickled through his entire body. “Ava, sweetie, I’ve always liked you. I love you, you know that right?”

  She tilted her head to the side and, as ridiculous as it was, he felt himself squirm under her intuitive gaze. “But you like work better.”

  Tanner swallowed past the lump in his throat. “Sweetpea, I’ve always, always, loved you and Noah and Mommy more than anything else. Always. I just…forgot. For a little while.”

  Her face brightened again, and she kissed his bearded cheek. “I’m glad you remembered. I missed you.”

  Never once had Tanner thought his heavy workload and need to watch
over every detail of the company would affect anyone else. Not Belle and definitely not the kids. But his daughter’s innocent comments added another level to his guilt. And reaffirmed his commitment to make as many changes as he needed to fix everything he had so royally screwed up.

  He pushed back the strong emotions Ava’s words had stirred. “I’m glad I remembered, too.” He cleared his throat and forced a smile. “And I’m really glad I didn’t forget how to make waffles or French toast.” His fingers tickled along her rib cage as he carried her out of the room and down the stairs.

  Once both kids were seated at the table with their food in front of them generously coated in syrup, Tanner poured a cup of coffee and sat across from them. “We have something really important to talk about.”

  In that way only twins could, Ava and Noah looked at each other, and Tanner swore he could almost see their silent conversation. Noah shoved another piece of his waffle in his mouth. “What’s that, Daddy?” The words came out mumbled around a mouthful of food.

  Tanner quirked a smile. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, son.” He took another long draw of his warm drink. “I want to do something special with Mommy tonight.”

  Ava’s face fell a little. “Just you and Mommy?” she asked, peeking at him through her long lashes.

  “Nope.” He winked at his daughter and watched her immediately perk up. “It’s going to be something really special for all of us. But I’m gonna need some help. Do you two think you’re up to the challenge?”

  Ava and Noah exchanged another conspiratorial look, this time ending with a nod and matching grins. “Yes!” they answered in unison.

  Tanner grinned. “Okay, but the first rule is, we can’t tell Mommy…”


  Six more weeks.

  Tanner marched resolutely up the stairs with a heavy sigh. Six more weeks and they would be moving into a condo in Asheville. He’d close the tiny branch of Carlisle International in Winston-Salem and start working in his father’s sleek and modern home office.

  As he reached the third floor and walked down the hall to their apartment, a grin spread across his face. Six more weeks and Belle would start teaching at the small private school just outside of town. Damn, she was adorable when she came home from the interview almost giddy at getting an offer right away.

  He slid his key into the lock. Yeah, just six more weeks of this, followed by a few years in the condo, and then they would start building their dream house and their family.

  What in the ever loving hell?

  The sight before him when he walked through the door pulled his lips down into a frown. “Belle, what’s wrong?”

  She paused her pacing and looked up and him, distress evident in her eyes. “We need to talk.”

  Tanner dropped his case on the floor just inside the door, stepped out of his shoes, and crossed the room to pull her into his arms. “Anything, sweetheart, we can talk about anything. Whatever is wrong, we can fix it.”

  “Just…we…I…” She huffed out a breath. “Let’s sit down.” She stepped out of his arms and pulled him over to the couch.

  Her eyes fixed on their joined hands where they rested in her lap. Several minutes of silence passed and Tanner thought he was going to go crazy. She needed to talk to him. Tell him what was wrong. Give him a chance to fix it. He could do that. He could fix anything that was wrong in their relationship. His job, his role since birth, was to take care of everyone. And he sure as hell could take care of Belle.

  He hooked a finger under her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. “We can handle anything, sweetheart. You just need to talk to me.”

  She held up a white, plastic rectangular object he hadn’t even noticed before. “I’m pregnant, Tanner.”

  The three softly spoken words slammed into him with the force of a prizefighter’s punch. His eyes took in the two pink lines, one slightly lighter than the other, on the pregnancy test she still held in her shaking hand. A tingly feeling spread through his entire body. “Pregnant?”

  Belle swallowed and nodded her head. “Pregnant.” She lifted her shoulders in a helpless motion. “I-I don’t know what happened. I never, ever missed a pill. I took it at exactly the same time every day just like I always have, I just…”

  Tanner couldn’t help the small smile that curved his lips. And he really couldn’t help his eyes drifting to her still-flat abdomen. “Pregnant.” He repeated the word in an even lower tone.

  Her grip tightened on his hand. “I know this isn’t at all what we planned and it’s happening so much faster than we wanted and I know we are going to be moving soon, but Tanner even though I’m scared to death, I’m really happy too and—”

  His lips brushed across hers and took away her words. “Yes, it’s not what we were planning and certainly not what I expected to hear you say, but damn, I’m happy too.”

  The tears that had been hovering at the corner of her eyes spilled over and tracked down her cheeks. “You are?” Her hands flew to his face, and she slid onto his lap. “Y-you’re really happy, baby?”

  Tanner chuckled and locked his arms around her waist. “Hell, yeah, I’m happy, sweetheart.” He kissed her again, deeper this time, and bit back a moan when her hands speared his hair. Geez, he loved when she did that. “Dammit all to hell, I love knowing you’re pregnant with my baby.”

  He laid her back on the couch and continued to kiss her, moving from her mouth to her jaw to her neck. “Hell, sweetheart, that might be the hottest thing you’ve ever said.” His hand had just started to travel beneath her shirt when a thought stopped his movement.

  Wait. What had she said? He propped himself up on his forearms and studied her face. He knew her better than he knew himself and searched for any sign she wasn’t actually as happy as she said. “Are you okay, Belle? Be honest with me, sweetheart. I need to know how you feel about this.”

  A serene smile he’d never seen before made her face look even more beautiful. Something he never thought possible. “First of all, this is our baby.” She moved beneath him until her legs were wrapped around his waist. “And I was terrified about what you would think and how you would react, but I am so happy.”

  His stomach clenched. “Y-you were scared of me? Of my reaction?”

  Belle quickly shook her head. “Not like that. I just…we had everything planned and I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  He sat up, pulling her with him, and pressed his lips hard against hers. “Never.” His voice sounded rough and thick, even to his own ears. “Never think that. You’ll never disappoint me. I love you, Belle. And I love our baby.”

  She kissed him back, holding his face in her soft hands. “I love you too, Tanner.”

  He stood up and hooked an arm underneath her with a grin. “I think this requires a celebration.”

  Her eyes widened, and she clasped her hands behind his neck. “I like that idea, baby. Does that mean we’re going out to dinner?”

  Tanner threw his head back and laughed, carrying her to the bedroom. “Sweetheart, if you have enough energy to get up when I’m done, then obviously I haven’t done my job right.”




  “Are you sure about this?” Izzy wrinkled her nose at the green mixture in the glass.

  Caroline tilted her head back and laughed. “Trust me, Iz. It’s a cucumber mint juice that will help you rehydrate and refresh.”

  She quirked a disbelieving eyebrow but obediently took a small sip, quickly followed by a larger one. “First yoga and now this. I really should blindly trust everything you tell me.”

  Her proclamation was met with another round of laughter from her friend, and they lightly clinked their juice glasses. “So if I tell you that I think you should become a yoga instructor, you’ll just do it without arguing?”

  Izzy nearly choked on the mouth full of juice. She grabbed a napkin from the dispenser on the counter, coughing into it and waving a hand at the attendant who
came over to see if she was okay. “Me? Caroline, it’s only been a couple of weeks. You can’t possibly think—”

  “I think,” Caroline cut in, “that you grabbed the mats and started cleaning them at your second class. No questions asked. And when Rosa called off, you manned the front desk for me and, frankly, you were probably nicer to the clients than she ever has been.” She rolled her eyes.

  Izzy laughed and opened her mouth to say something, but Caroline continued. “And more than anything, I think that I’ve seen you happier and lighter the last two weeks than in the past three years. I know Tanner is a big part of that, but, Iz, I think you’ve found some of you again. This is the girl I first met when we were standing in the NICU and you were screaming at the doctor.”

  Izzy couldn’t help but blush at the memory. Right after she had gotten done lecturing the arrogant, offensive doctor, a harrowed Caroline had run up to her and wrapped her in a big hug before introducing herself. Over the next three weeks, Izzy and Caroline had bonded over beeping monitors and growing babies.

  The words sank in and she had to admit, only to herself, that for the first time in a very long time she felt confident. Self-assured. And it felt…good.

  Caroline fiddled with her straw before sighing and looking at Izzy. “I’ll be honest, Iz. I do believe that you would be a fantastic instructor. You are naturally calming, and with your teaching background, you have lots of patience and a genuine desire to help people learn. But I also have a selfish reason.”

  Izzy drew her brows together. “I don’t understand.”

  She lifted her one shoulder and readjusted the tie-dyed headband holding her short brown hair back from her face. “The company that owns the building just raised the rent on my studio space. If you become certified, you could become my partner and we could offer more classes.”

  Hurt and doubt tried to creep into Izzy’s mind as she processed the new information, at first allowing herself to believe that her friend didn’t really think she was good enough to be an instructor, just that she needed the extra help.


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