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The Immortal Takes a Wife

Page 11

by Pamela Labud

  Matty watched as Hawke’s discomfort washed across his expression. “That’s none of your business,” he growled.

  “Ah, hit a nerve,” Max said. “Go on. Don’t be shy. Tell us all about it.”

  Hawke shrank back, reminding Matty of a trapped animal. “Back off.”

  “Dude,” Matty began. “I don’t really care what has you so boxed up. Except that it has to do with me. More than that, there is the possibility that we can help you. Or, whomever is hanging in the balance of all this. That’s what I’m thinking. They’re holding someone, someone you care about.”

  Matty settled back and let his words sink in. Clearly, the guy was in crisis and if he hadn’t been so involved in his own disastrous life, he might have noticed before now.

  “You need to leave this alone. There’s nothing you can do. Or, anybody.”

  “Is it a lady?” Max asked.

  Both of them looked at him, Matty was surprised at his brother’s intuition, the other was guarded but clearly shocked that his secret was so close to the surface.

  “I think you’ve got something, brother. Go on, Hawke. Tell us all about it.”

  No matter what Matty had thought, he wasn’t quite prepared for the other man’s story. This guy had it bad and it made Matty’s problems look like a walk in the park.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The last thing Hawke wanted to do was confide in these two idiots. While the one may have his life together, it was clear he had a huge blind spot where his brother was concerned.

  And, Matty? Well, he wasn’t a bad guy, per se, and Hawke surmised that he really did have feelings for Fiona, but he clearly didn’t care for her all that much if he was going to use her as a scapegoat out of his trouble.

  “It’s not your business.” He tried again. “I don’t see how you can make a difference one way or the other.”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere,” the older brother said. “Go on.”

  Hawke held his breath. “I was like you,” he told Matty. “Thought I didn’t owe anybody anything. I have a sibling, too. I’m a couple of years older than she is, so she sorta always tagged along.”

  “Little brothers and sisters can be such a pain,” Max said, shooting his brother a knowing expression.

  “Go on,” the Matty said. “I want to hear all about this.”

  “Right. For what it’s worth, Director Hyland, I was more like you on the continuum. I was the straight arrow. A law man, I worked hard to catch the bad guys, you know. Nothing was more important than that. Until one of the bad guys dated my sister.”

  He closed his eyes. All at once he saw the past, as clearly as the moon on a cloudless night.

  “What is wrong with you?” he’d asked her. “Do know what this guy is?”

  “I do. I love him.”

  They’d been sitting together outside the police station in their home of Fairfield Florida. A north Florida town of about twenty-thousand that had a really rich side and a dark underbelly of crime that always kept Hawke busy.

  “Drago is bad news. He’s been arrested dozens of times.”

  “And none of them have any substance and you know that. Or, he’d be in jail right now.”

  “You can say what you want, but it’s clear you don’t trust me. I love him, Ryan. I know I’m right about him. And you can either wish me well or you can turn away from me. I’m staying with him.”

  That had been the last time he’d spoken to her. There’d been rumors that they’d gotten married, but Hawke had refused to believe them.

  Then, before he knew it, there’d been robberies. Three liquor stores and a deli. After that, several home invasions and a turf war. Drago had been behind it all. He wasn’t above taking anyone down with him. Case in point, Hawke’s sister. Thanks to her boyfriend, she now had warrants.

  Their apartment building had been set on fire, two of the tenants had died.

  So, when he’d gotten the order for her arrest, it had nearly killed him. When he went to serve the warrant it had been Drago met him. He’d made it clear. Hawke would work for him or she’d suffer.

  Quitting his job with the force had hurt like the devil. Taking up the roll of bounty hunter had been even more humiliating for an ex-cop. But, he did it. He did their bidding for proof that his sister was still alive.

  “So, that’s the gist of it,” he told them. “I work for Remmington, who is in bed with Drago, or my sister suffers.”

  “Dang,” Matty said. “That’s rough, brother.”

  Max sat back and crossed his arms. “So, what we need to do is get your sister off the hook and then you can walk away from this?”

  Hawke’s temper flared. “And do what? You don’t get it. My situation aside, your brother is still in the soup with the Druids. I’d say that’d be your first concern.”

  Matty shrugged. “It would be the smart thing for us to do, but nobody ever accused me of being smart.”

  “Certainly not me, brother.”

  Hawke rubbed his eyes. The headache he’d gotten post the magical onslaught that had slammed into him was growing exponentially. All thanks to the Reaper girl’s spell. At least, it had put the kybosh on his own magical complications.

  “While you guys continue this not so stellar banter, think about what’s going down. By doing this, you’ve put a huge block on me and it may end up getting my sister killed.”

  Matty looked at him for a moment. “You don’t really buy into the ‘if you do this for us, you’re off the hook’ when it comes to those guys, do you? Because if so, you’re a way bigger idiot than either of us. Truth is, I know the criminal element far better than the both of you. They aren’t ever going to let you go, brother.”

  “He’s right,” the other Hyland said. “As much as it pains me to say so. One thing Matty here knows is the criminal element.”

  “At any rate, it’s my problem, not yours. Forgive me if I don’t buy into your efforts to save us all.” With that, he stood up. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to report in.”

  He started to turn away, when his bounty stood as well.

  “I know where you’re at, and it’s not a good place. Believe me, I get it. But I wouldn’t be so quick to turn away help. You’ve got more than yourself to think about, after all.”

  Hawke didn’t look back, but instead stiffened his spine and went to the door. He had a crapload of stuff to do. First, update Remmington on the situation. Second, see if there were any leads on what his boss was actually up to. And finally, the whole wedding business to deal with.

  It didn’t surprise him when he heard the two behind him, going into stealth mode, no doubt, making plans on what to do next.

  One thing Hawke knew for sure, is whatever they were planning it wasn’t going to work. All he hoped was that he could get in gear, get his sister to safety and get the heck out of the way of the fallout.


  “This is crazy,” Fiona said as she and Holly drove up to the wedding planner’s office.

  “I know how you feel. After the incident with the crazy situation that almost killed them both, I was in your wedges. Believe me, facing a crazed reaper who was bent on killing us all was not nearly as terrifying as planning a wedding.”

  “I certainly can understand that feeling.” She let out a breath. “I’d die to save Matty, you know. I can’t see how this is going to be anything but a disaster.”

  “You mean a ‘wedding of convenience?’ They do it all the time in romance novels.”

  “Yes, but they’re guaranteed to have a happy ending. I’m not so sure about this situation.”

  “Well, my friend Andi is the best. She can get you guys on a schedule and make it go off like a dream.”

  Fiona shook her head. “Oh, my god. We don’t even have a date. How long do you think we can put the Druids off?”

  Holly sent her a wary look. “A week, maybe two, but I doubt it. The thing is, you two have been dancing around
this issue for a long time. No doubt their intel will be on top of that. It’s not like they’re to give you months or years. I mean, gee, how long has it been?”

  “Too long to mention. In my defense, we had times when we were apart.”

  “Okay. Minus that, how long?”

  Fiona didn’t want to say, but it added up, after all. “So, a week.” She looked down at the engagement ring. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “I can. How long do you think he had that, anyway?”

  “Probably for a while. Matty’s impulsive, if nothing else. It was probably two or three break ups ago.”

  “Right. See what we have to work with?” She laughed. “Seriously, you two have set the record for most confusing relationship timeline.

  Pulling up to Ever After, Nocturne Falls’ bridal boutique.

  Seeing the displays in the window nearly took Fiona’s breath away.

  “Oh, how pretty,” Fiona said, climbing out of the car. “So, fancy.”

  Holly waved at her. “Believe me, this woman pays attention to detail. She can even alter gowns magically. You will love her.”

  So, doing as her friend advised, Fiona marched forward. After the boutique, the two went to the Enchanted Garden for their floral needs, and then Howler’s to arrange the catering. Fiona decided the best venue was the easiest. After a call to the Branson House, they’d completed their wedding checklist for the moment.

  “I know this seems a lot,” Holly was saying to her as they were climbing back in the car, “but you will thank me later.”

  Fiona sank into the custom leather seats. The Lexus was the supreme combination of comfort and design, and at that moment, she was very grateful to its engineers.

  “I know you mean well,” she said at last, “but this isn’t for Matty and me. We’re far simpler than you and Max.”

  Holly started the car and pushed the air conditioner button to the highest level. “I know you’re overwhelmed. I mean, after all, you only got engaged a few hours ago. Give it some time.”

  “I’ll try, but we’re different, you know. We like beer and brats instead of Dom Perignon and filet mignon.”

  “This is your wedding. Didn’t you have that perfect wedding planned out by the time you were ten?”

  “I did. But, I’m rethinking, you know. Who says a woman has to get married? I mean, that ideal was beaten into us by our fathers and brothers, right?”

  Holly got quiet for a moment. “I dunno. I didn’t have either. Foster child, here. It just seemed the perfect happiness, you know.”

  “I’m sorry. You’re right. I had that dream, too. I also wanted to be a fireman, and an engineer. Oh, and I really wanted to be a movie star—which was great except I have a terrible case of stage fright. I can act my behind off—if nobody’s watching.”

  They both laughed and for a moment, Fiona was really glad that whatever else had happened between her and Matty, at least she could now count Holly and Max as dear friends. She loved them both and knew they would do anything in the world for her.

  If only she was sure that Matty would do the same.

  It must have been her silence that caused Holly to glance over at her.

  “Is everything all right?”

  That’s when she felt the tears form. Sniffling, she quickly wiped her eyes. “Great. There’s nothing worse than a whiny wolf, eh?”

  Holly waved at her. “Please, you’ve never seen a reaper let the water fall.”

  “Thanks for understanding. It’s just that one moment I have all this hope that things are going to work out…”

  “And the next you know that it’s about to explode in your face. Hah. Welcome to romance.”

  “Well, at least you understand. Matty acts like I’m bat-crap crazy. Who knows, maybe I am.”

  “Of course, you’re not. I get it. The frou-frou stuff isn’t for you. Not to worry, my friend, I’ve got your back. Do you want me to handle all the wedding stuff?”

  “Would you do that?”

  Holly gave her a lopsided grin. “Do you trust me to? More importantly, wolf lady, do you promise not to go all fur and claws on me if you don’t like it?”

  “Oh, gosh. I would never… I mean, the only person in the world that makes me that furious is Matty. For the record, I’ve never laid a paw on him.”

  “So, deal?”

  “Oh my god, yes.”

  With that, Holly gave her hand a squeeze. “Good. Let’s get you back to your hotel. I see a spa treatment in your future.”

  “I can call and make the appointment right now.”

  It wasn’t as if all her problems had been solved, or any of them for that matter, but she felt quite a bit better. Knowing that Holly would take care of the details of the wedding, she could finally relax and focus on Matty’s problem.

  As they pulled up into the Branson House’s drive, she caught a glimpse of the bounty hunter on the far side of the entrance. He was on the phone, and based on the angry expression he wore, he was none too happy with whomever was on the other end of the call.

  Saying good-bye to Holly, Fiona walked up to the front of the mansion and skirted to the opposite side from where Hawke was. Her mood was pretty good at the moment and the last thing she wanted to do was mix it up with him.

  She had an appointment for a nice soaking and a little bit of pampering in store and she didn’t want to lose her mood just yet. There was enough time to worry and be disappointed later, she thought.

  Slipping into the side door, she made her way toward the main hall. Nothing was going to get in her way now. It wasn’t until she finally made it to the spa room and she’d sunk into the wonderfully warm bath that the rest of her anxiety slipped away.

  “Hey, sweetheart. Want some company?”

  She looked up and saw Matty silhouetted in the doorway.

  For a few moments, she considered spending the evening with him, falling back into the old routine of giving in to him and losing herself in the process.

  And yet, she sensed that she really needed this alone time.

  “Sorry, babe. Momma needs some personal space right now.”

  “Got it. Not to worry, the wine can stay on ice and I can take a rain check for later. That is, if you’d still like to…” he stopped, and Fiona swore she could hear the pain in his tone.

  “Oh, there’s going to be a later, trust me. Right now, I need this.”

  “Then, enjoy your time, my love.”

  With that he was gone, and Fiona sank back into the warm bath. Like a tonic, her muscles relaxed, and she could feel the fear and heartache of the last few days dissolve into the water. She would leave her problems to tomorrow. Tonight she’d just let her psyche heal.


  Matty slipped into his room and walking to the corner, settled on the small chaise by the window. Generally, he wasn’t one to mope around, but he was finding that when he was away from Fiona, things just seemed so dismal.

  “So, did she kick you out of her room again?” Hawke’s low, deep voice sounded. He’d slipped into the room while Matty had his attention focused inward.

  Matty jumped. “What’s wrong with you? Trying to give a guy a heart attack?” He paused a moment to catch his breath. “And no. She just needs some personal space.” He meant to say, ‘see what a good boyfriend I am?’ But thought it better to let his actions stand for themselves.

  “Well, it’s a good thing because you and I have an appointment to get to.”

  Matty’s warning bells went off in his brain like crazy. “Right. I’m going to go with you to meet someone and trust that I’ll get back?”

  Hawke crossed his arms. “If you want to avoid a furious Druid council, you will. I called Remmington and the robe wearers want to ask you some questions. They want to meet at midnight.”

  “Let me call my brother.” He went for his cell phone, but Hawke stepped forward.

  “There’s no time for that.”
br />   “Then, we need to reschedule,” Matty said. “Nothing against you but the only thing I can trust about you is that you’ve got a heavy interest in my getting turned in.”

  Hawke rubbed his eyes. “Fine. If you don’t trust me, call you brother. Or, better yet, maybe we should get Fiona to go, too. She’s closer, after all.”

  “No,” Matty said. “No need for that. Fine. I trust you. But, I’m going to at least call Max and let him know. In case we get held up.”

  Matty let that sink in while he dialed up Max.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” his brother said a couple of minutes later. “I advise you not to go anywhere. You don’t know if this guy is on the level.”

  “No. I don’t. A show of good faith might go a long way for the council to grant me some leniency.”

  Matty heard Holly in the background, though he couldn’t make out the words. Then, Max came back on the line.

  “Holly says you should probably go, and you’re right. Either way, I still don’t like it. Call me the minute you get back. If I don’t hear anything, I’ll know that you were taken. Rest assured, we’ll do everything we can to get you back.”

  The fact that Max and Holly cared so much touched him. “You think that’s even possible?”

  “You don’t know my wife if you think she’s not going to sit on her heels and let you be taken if there’s a way around it.”

  Well, being one of the lead Reapers of her guild, she was a pretty big deal. Though, Matty well knew that even moving heaven and earth was not enough to make the Druids budge.

  No need to let them know that’s how he felt, though.

  “Got it. Wish me luck.”

  With that he clicked off the phone and slipped it into his back pocket. “Okay, man. Let’s do this.”

  Hawke’s expression relaxed a bit. “I give you my word. I’ll get you back.”

  “Just in case you don’t, you might want to steer clear of Fiona. She’s got a bit of a temper.”

  He walked past the bounty hunter and didn’t wait to hear the other man’s footsteps behind him. Good thing the guy was not a coward, Matty thought. If he had any smarts at all, he’d give the lady a wide berth. She was going to be really upset that he’d left without letting her know.


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