The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 58

by Nikki Ash

  “You are absolutely breathtaking, baby.” She looks down and if the lights were on, I would bet her cheeks are shaded with a light pink tint in embarrassment.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Hayles. This is the most selfless, thoughtful thing anybody has done for me.”

  I remove my shirt and walking boot and then my jeans, leaving myself in only my briefs, and crawl over her to sit on top of her legs.

  A flashback begins to hit me… A time from my past when I was in this same position with another woman, but I shake it off immediately. I refuse to let my past ruin this moment. I take in a deep breath and focus on the beautiful woman in front of me.

  “Baby, I can’t wait to make you scream my name.” I reach forward and tweak one of her nipples through her bra. She wiggles and I know she’s turned on. I don’t really know where to start. Every time I had sex somebody was telling me what to do, what she wanted, what she needed. I never had to think about how to please a woman. I just did what I was told.

  Looking at Hayley, all I want is to please her. I want to explore her body and find out for myself what turns her on. I want to see what makes her scream and squirm and orgasm. I want to know every inch of this woman. I lift myself off her and spread her legs so I’m now between them. I lean over her and start with kissing her. If I could spend the rest of my life simply kissing this woman I would be a satisfied man.

  While still kissing her, I take one hand and pull her bra cup down, exposing her pert nipple. I break the kiss and move my mouth to her nipple, licking around the tight pink nub. She squirms a little, releasing a soft moan that causes my dick to remind me he’s still here. I push the other cup down and lick around her other nipple while pinching the one I’d just licked.

  “Oh, Caleb.”

  Her soft sounds let me know she’s enjoying this. I take the bud into my mouth and suck on it. I notice her tits fit perfectly in my hands while I massage them, switching from nipple to nipple, sucking hard on each one and then licking the pain away.

  “Caleb, please…” The handcuffs clink against the bedpost as she attempts to move. She wants more. She wants to tell me what she wants, but she stops knowing I need this. I need the control.

  I suck on each nipple one more time before I begin to trail kisses down her flat stomach toward her pussy. When I get to it, it’s covered with the same fabric as her bra, but it is glistening wet. I touch her middle and feel the wetness covering the material. My girl is dripping for me. I pull her panties down her legs and throw them to the side.

  Her pussy is trimmed neatly and all I want to do is put my nose right up to the center to smell her scent… so I do. I inhale deeply and can smell the strawberry scented body wash she uses with a bit of something else that is just her. I spread her lips, so I can lick up her slit and I’m addicted. She moans out my name and her legs try to close. I push them back apart and lick from bottom to top, lapping up her juices.

  “Do you like that, Hayles?”

  “Yes, please,” she says, sounding out of breath.

  I push a finger into her and then another. Her ass comes off the bed meeting my thrusts as I fingerfuck her. It’s even more fulfilling knowing I’m causing this woman’s pleasure by choice and doing as I want to. I take a third finger and push it into her warmth continuing to lick her clit. Moving my fingers inside her in a come-hither motion I feel when I hit her G-spot. She screams out and my fingers are instantly coated with her arousal. I keep moving them inside her while licking and lapping at her clit. Her pussy tightens, so I lick faster and harder until she comes all over my hand and mouth.

  “Oh my God! Caleb!” Hayley screams out, but I don’t stop my fingers or tongue until she completely rides out her orgasm. Once I know she’s satisfied, I grab my shirt from the floor and wipe off her juices. Then I climb up the bed on top of her.

  “I want…” she begins to say but stops. That’s when it hits me. Everything with this woman is so different. I want to do what she wants. I want to please her. And while I want to be in control, I also want her to be in control. I don’t want her to ever not be able to tell me what she wants or needs because of my past. Trying to find my control has caused her to give up her own and that doesn’t sit well with me at all. We need to find a balance.

  “Tell me, baby. Tell me what you want.”

  “I want…”

  “It’s okay. I want to know. Tell me, Hayles.”

  “I want your dick in my mouth… please.”

  And if that request doesn’t cause my already hard cock to get harder…

  I move to release the handcuffs and she stops me. “No, just move up on my chest and put it in my mouth.”

  Fuck! This woman is just full of surprises. I straddle her upper body and move my cock slowly toward her mouth, not wanting to force it in. She lets out a frustrated huff and a few seconds later her knees hit my ass pushing me closer. Then she lifts her head to take me in her mouth. I move close enough so she can suck me but not too close that I’m choking her. She licks the slit and then swirls her tongue around the head, causing me to almost come on the spot. In my defense, it’s been over seven years since I’ve been with a woman, and never one I wanted as badly as I want Hayley.

  She takes me in farther and I know if I let her continue I’m going to explode in her mouth.

  “Baby, stop.” I back away and undo the handcuffs before climbing back on top of her. I need to make love to this woman and I need her hands on me.

  Her hands are freed, but she lies still, unsure of what to do.

  “Thank you for tonight. For giving me the control. But I was wrong, Hayles. I want you to be in control, too. I want you to touch me. Please, baby.”

  I see tears glossing over her eyes and then one falls down the side of her cheek. I bring my lips to her cheek to kiss the fallen tear, as I slowly push into her.

  “Wrap your arms around my neck, baby.” And she does. Her arms come up around my neck tightly as her legs wrap around my back, pushing my cock into her, and for the first time in my life I make love to a woman willingly.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I can feel the sun hitting my face so it must be morning. I stretch my body and can feel the soreness between my legs. After Caleb made love to me, we showered together and once back in bed made love again before falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms. Sometime early this morning my phone went off waking us up. It was Ashley letting me know she’s picking up the kids and will pick up Marco as well so we can sleep in. I was so exhausted I immediately fell back asleep.

  Now I’m awake and when I look over I see the bed is empty next to me. Caleb must have already woken up. I jump in the shower quickly and while I’m washing myself it hits me we didn’t use protection nor am I on birth control. I highly doubt I’ll get pregnant from one night of unprotected sex, but isn’t that what everyone says before they find out they’re having an Oops! Baby?

  I make a mental note to pick up condoms until I can get on birth control. I inhale deeply and smell the coffee beckoning me. I throw a shirt on and grab a pair of underwear from my drawer before following the aroma of caffeine. I also remind myself I need to let Caleb know we didn’t use protection. When I get to the kitchen, he’s sitting at the table with a piece of paper in front of him, looking pissed off.

  “What’s up?” I ask, ignoring the coffee calling my name and forgetting the birth control talk we needed to have.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” he growls, causing me to stop in my tracks.

  I look at the paper that looks like the one I grabbed off my windshield last night and read what it says. I was wrong. It’s not an advertisement… it’s a handwritten threat.

  Snitches get stitches. Tell your boyfriend to back off or you’ll both regret it.

  I drop the note on the table and feel myself shaking. “Caleb, I didn’t know it said this. I thought it was an ad, like for weight loss or something. It was on my windshield when I got into my car last nig
ht. I threw it into my purse without looking at it. Is that where you got it? My purse?”

  His anger morphs into worry and he pulls me onto his lap. “I’m sorry, Hayles. I thought you saw this and kept it from me. Yes, I got it from your purse. I was moving it from the counter to the desk to make coffee and it fell over. The note fell out. We have to report this to the police. This is a threat. Just like the one I found at the airport. My guess is, this is Hector and Santos trying to scare us so I won’t testify against the guys who tried to kill me. Get dressed and we’ll go by the station before we pick up Marco.”

  After bringing the note to the station and reporting the threat, where they said they can run fingerprints but can’t really do much because it could be from anyone, we go to Ashley’s to pick up Marco. When she answers the door, her eyes look red and puffy like she’s been crying, so I ask Caleb to go check on the boys to give us a minute alone.

  “What’s going on?”

  She slumps in defeat and the tears start again.

  “Kaden and I almost had sex last night, but he totally pulled the brakes on it when things got hot and heavy. I just don’t get it. He’s with women all the time, but he won’t sleep with me. It just doesn’t make sense. I’m so stupid. I know we aren’t anything more than friends. I never should have let things get that far. Hopefully he’ll act like it never happened. He has become one of my best friends.

  Then we got into a fight this morning when I told him I wouldn’t take money from him when he saw a couple of my bills on the counter. I can’t let him pay for my mistakes. We aren’t even together. I’m just so exhausted from working two jobs. I’m tired of having to have my parents and the babysitter watch Tristan so often, but it’s what I need to do.”

  Ashley seems to purposely leave out what bills she needs to pay, so I don’t press her. I wrap her up in a hug and tell her it’ll be okay not really sure if that’s true but not sure of what else to say. We hear the loud footsteps approaching and when we look up Caleb is standing in the doorway.

  “What’s wrong?” Caleb asks, clearly worried for Ashley.

  “Umm…” I’m not sure what she wants him to know, so I give her a look telling her to tell him what she wants.

  “Why won’t Kaden sleep with me?” she blurts out.

  Caleb’s eyes go wide with shock and maybe even a bit of nervousness before he quickly composes himself. “Ashley, I can assure you Kaden really does care about you, however, I can’t answer that question for you. That’s Kaden’s story to tell.”

  Ashley and I exchange confused glances, but Caleb walks away calling out to Marco it’s time to go, making it clear he’s not going to say anything else on the topic.

  “That’s interesting… So Kaden has a story to tell?” I whisper to Ashley.

  “I have no idea,” she says clearly as puzzled as I am.

  “Ready to go?” Caleb asks with Marco by his side. Tristan plops onto the couch and begins to flip through the channels.

  “Hey, sweetie!” I give Marco a kiss on his cheek and hug him tightly. I missed him last night. He has become a part of us and when he isn’t around, it feels like a piece is missing.

  I hug Ashley once more goodbye.

  “Call me if you need anything,” I whisper to her.

  “Thank you.”

  After leaving Ashley’s house, we decide to stop at a local restaurant for lunch and to figure out what to do the rest of the day. Grabbing a newspaper, Caleb looks at what is going on locally. While flipping through the pages the real estate section falls out causing me to ask the question I don’t really want to ask but know I need to.

  “Have you looked at any apartments?”

  Before Caleb can answer, Marco grabs the paper. “What do you mean? Who’s moving?”

  Caleb takes the paper from Marco. “Nobody, buddy. We aren’t moving anywhere.”

  “Oh, good. I like where we live. Plus you guys just painted my room. You would have to paint it again. And if we move, I would have to switch schools and I like my school.”

  “We aren’t moving anywhere and you definitely don’t have to switch schools, but Caleb…” Before I can finish my sentence, Caleb cuts me off.

  “Nobody is moving anywhere.” Caleb glares at me and balls the paper up. “Now let’s figure out what to do today.” He’s shut down the conversation of moving just like he shut down the conversation regarding Kaden. While Kaden isn’t my business, he must know our living situation is and it’s something we need to discuss. Maybe he just wants to wait to discuss it until we are alone.

  “There’s indoor miniature golf, Hershey’s Chocolate World, The Children’s park, or the Aquarium.”

  Marco gives it some thought. “Can we go to the aquarium? But can we invite Bella? She loves dolphins and I know she would love it.”

  “Sure,” Caleb says. “Let me call Liz and Cooper and see what they’re up to today.”

  He gives them a call and since they have no plans they join us.

  And that’s how we spend our day, at the aquarium as a family. I wonder in this moment if life can possibly get any better.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  After I put a stop to the apartment hunting talk, we enjoyed the rest of our day at the aquarium. Sure it’s probably not a good idea to ignore the obvious, like the fact that I’m capable of living on my own and shouldn’t be shacking up with a woman I may or may not be in a relationship with, but can you blame me? When everyone you want and need is under the same roof, who in his right mind would want to move out from under said roof? Sure as hell not me.

  I’m not ignorant to believe by ignoring the facts they’ll go away, but I’m hoping maybe I can come up with a plan to keep myself under the same roof as the two most important people in my life, especially with the recent threat to Hayley. It’s even more important I continue to live with them… for their safety, of course.

  Being at the aquarium with Marco is like experiencing everything again for the first time. He has got to be one of the most grateful, innocent kids I’ve ever met. He’s truly thankful for everything he is given. It just sucks he’s come to be this way because of the shitty life he was raised in. I would rather him be a spoiled brat than him having witnessed his druggie mom being raped and then committing suicide.

  Every single time Hayley or I bought him something he would light up like he was being given the most incredible gift. It made me want to just keep buying him stuff to see his face light up. We walked around the aquarium all day with Cooper and his family and as I compared us to them I realized to the naked eye we look just like them—a family. And that is exactly what I want—a family with Hayley. Biological or not, I don’t care, as long as it’s with her, and Marco is a part of it.

  We get home and Marco showers and passes out from exhaustion. We both fall onto the couch equally exhausted and laugh. I could listen to her laugh forever.

  “Your family will be here in like twelve hours for brunch. We should probably get some sleep.” But even hearing myself say these words, I don’t believe them.

  “Mmm… I know, but I just want to cuddle with you.” And if by cuddle she means rubbing her palm on top of my dick making it jump, then cuddling is definitely what we’re about to do.

  “Can you be quiet?” I whisper into her ear. A slow mischievous smile creeps across her face and she nods. I stand and, taking her hand in mine, guide her to the room and close the door behind us.

  We aren’t even all the way in the room before she’s pulling her clothes off her body while I’m doing the same to mine. She finishes quicker and before I can push my boxers down she grabs hold of them and pushes them down for me, her body going to the floor with them. Out of instinct, I almost push her off me but catch myself at the last second. My head hits the back of the door with a thump and I close my eyes for a second to calm myself down. A flashback hits of a woman giving me head and I have to open my eyes to remind myself it’s Hayley and not another woman in this moment wit
h me.

  I look down at Hayley on her knees before me as she takes my cock in her hand and, after kissing the tip and swirling her tongue around the head, deep throats me like she doesn’t have a gag reflex.

  My hips thrust forward as the pleasure of her mouth assaults me causing me to almost come on the spot. Not wanting to come in her mouth in two seconds, I reach down and force her mouth off my dick, picking her up and tossing her onto the bed on her stomach, ass in the air. I land a playful smack to her ass cheek when another flashback assaults me of the last time I had sex in Boulder, but I shake it off willing my brain to remain in the here and now with Hayley. She deserves my full attention.

  She looks back at me with a smirk and then wiggles her ass without saying a word. Lying down on the bed, I lift her pussy up into the air a little more and then attack her clit with my tongue from behind. I lick and suck and then move the juices with my tongue to her ass, sticking one finger into her tight hole. I feel her tighten up and know she hasn’t been taken there. It’s probably a horrible thought to have but knowing she’s never been claimed in the ass makes me want to try to replace my old memories with new ones that are with Hayley.

  I go back to licking her pussy and sucking on her clit until she’s coming all over my mouth.

  “Baby, I’m going to claim your ass.” She doesn’t give me anything but a moan, letting me know she is down. Knowing her juices won’t be enough, I grab some KY jelly from the drawer and smear it onto my dick and into her tight hole. I start off by sticking one finger back in her ass, fingering it slowly.

  “I need more,” she begs, so I give her more. I add another digit and continue fingerfucking her ass. I reach over and have her sit up straight so I can massage her tits. Pinching her nipple, she shivers and begins to ride my fingers with her ass, needing a release.

  Once I know she’s ready, I remove my fingers from her ass and replace them with my dick, slowly lowering Hayley onto me until she’s taken me all the way inside of her. I bring my hands to her breasts and massage them.


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