The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5) Page 59

by Nikki Ash

  She wiggles her ass, needing me to move, but instead of me being in control, I give it to her.

  “Ride my dick, Hayles. Move up and down.” And she does. She begins to bounce her ass on my cock and fuck if it doesn’t feel good in her tight ass. Bringing my hand down from one of her breasts, I fingerfuck her to the same rhythm she’s bouncing on my dick. I add another digit and one more and within minutes she’s coming all over my fingers. “Oh my God, Caleb. I feel so full.” Her orgasm causes her to push down farther onto my dick and within seconds I’m releasing my seed into her.

  We both come to a stop, and moving her sweaty hair off her shoulder, I give her a kiss on her neck before she pulls herself off me.

  “Shower with me?”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, baby.” I give her a kiss and we make our way to the shower where we end up making love against the wall.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  After we have sex up against the shower wall, Caleb washes my body from head to toe and then I gladly return the favor. Once the water goes cold, we get out and Caleb runs to his room to grab a change of clothes. While I’m drying off I feel the excess of cum in me. I can’t believe we seriously forgot to use protection again. I’m a freaking doctor for God’s sake. I know the risks.

  When Caleb comes into my room, dressed, he can tell right away something is wrong.

  “We didn’t use protection,” I blurt out.

  “I’m clean, Hayles. I was tested after I left Boulder years ago and you’re the only person I’ve been with since then. Wait… have you been with someone else? Alex?”

  “Whoa there! Back up. I haven’t been with anybody but you. My point is I’m not on birth control and we had unprotected sex several times. I know better than this.”

  He just shrugs “Oh.”

  “Oh? What do you mean ‘Oh’?”

  “You said it yourself, Hayles… you’re getting older…”

  I’m in the middle of putting on my comfy reading socks when he says this and my head whips around to glare at him. “Excuse me?”

  He throws his head back with a laugh. “I’m just kidding, babe.” He walks over and sits next to me, turning my head to face him. “I’m just saying if you get pregnant, would it really be that bad? You said you wanted to have a baby…”

  “So I shouldn’t get on birth control?” I ask, just making sure I’m hearing him correctly.

  “No, and if it happens it happens.”

  “But we aren’t even together, Caleb…”

  “Yes, we are. You’re mine and I’m yours, Hayles. I have already told you that before. I’m not going anywhere, ever.”

  “Okay,” I say, trying to remain calm and not run through the streets shouting that Caleb just said he’s mine. Instead, I give him a chaste kiss on his lips and say, “I like the sound of that.” Then we climb into my bed and he holds me close. We lie in silence for a few minutes and I think he might be asleep when he says, “You know how you mentioned talking to your sister for me? If she agrees to help me, I’m going to have to tell her my story.”

  I roll over to face him and, taking his chin in my fingers, give him a soft kiss. “She isn’t going to judge you.”

  “I know. I just don’t know how I’ll feel if I have to start telling everybody especially in the open, like in court.”

  “What’s really going on, Caleb?”

  “What if everybody finds out and thinks I’m a pussy? I spent years fucking women. Most guys would high five each other over it, not cry rape.”

  My blood boils at the way he thinks people would view what happened to him. “Anybody who would want to high five someone for being blackmailed and forced to have sex at fifteen years old needs some serious help. Nobody that matters will think any less of you, and I’ll be there every step of the way.”

  Caleb nods and gives me one more kiss before rolling me back over to spoon me from behind. Within minutes I can hear the evenness of his breathing and know he’s asleep. I vow to myself, if I ever get the chance, I will destroy Gloria for what she’s done to Caleb.

  I wake up to an empty bed and hear cartoons on the television out in the living room. Caleb must have let me sleep in and gotten up with Marco. After showering and getting dressed, I make my way out to join my guys.

  “Morning sleepyhead,” I say to Marco, fluffing his hair as I walk by him cuddled up in his blankets, barely awake, watching cartoons. I head to the kitchen to grab a pen and paper to make a list of items we need for brunch. Before I make it to the kitchen, Caleb grabs me by my waist and pulls me toward him. I bend over and give him a kiss without thinking about it.

  “Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?” Marco asks, obviously seeing the kiss.

  Caleb looks at me then to Marco. “Would it be okay with you if we were?”

  Marco rolls his eyes. “I told you a long time ago you wanted to give her cooties.”

  I’m not sure what he’s talking about but I can’t help but laugh.

  “Yeah, yeah. Marco told me months ago I liked you.”

  “Smart kid.” I give Caleb a wink and make my list.

  Marco and I head to the store while Caleb picks up the house and waits for everyone to arrive. After walking up and down the aisles and me agreeing to get all the junk food Marco suggests, we head to the register to check out. After bagging up the groceries, Marco pushes our cart to the car. My phone dings with a text, so I check it.

  Hannah: On our way! See you soon.

  Me: Sounds good!

  I’m hoping Hannah will be able to help Caleb get the clubs from his stepmom, so he’ll be rid of her for good, but that would mean he would have to tell her everything. I’m not sure he’ll be comfortable doing that.

  I look up from my text and run right into the back of Marco. When I begin to ask why he’s stopped, I glance around him and see words written across the side of my vehicle.


  Instinctively, my hands grab Marco’s shoulders. While scanning the area for any sign of threat, I practically drag him and the cart back to the store. Once we’re inside, I call Caleb.

  “Hello?” he answers on the first ring.

  “I need you,” I say, trying to hold back my tears. I need to be strong for Marco. I don’t want to scare him.

  “What’s wrong?” he practically shouts, hearing the fear in my voice.

  “We’re at the store and someone wrote on my car. I need you to come and get us. I don’t know what to do.”

  “I will be right there. Stay in the store, in plain sight. Okay? I’m going to three-way the police, so we don’t have to get off the phone.” Caleb calls the police and tells them to meet him at the store.

  Once Caleb and the police arrive, they take pictures and ask questions. They say they’re going to ask the store about cameras to see if they can see who did it.

  “Why are they threatening me?” I ask the officers on scene. I’m not even the one testifying against them. I wasn’t there. Only Caleb is testifying. Marco is underage, so he gave his statement, but we agreed it’s best for him not to testify.

  “My guess is they’re hoping the threats will force Caleb to drop the charges out of fear for you.”

  “Which I won’t do,” Caleb says, putting his arm around me and pulling Marco into his side.

  “The court date has been moved up because the prosecutor found significant evidence of drug trafficking and is ready to nail several of the guys,” the officer says. “I think this is their way of trying to get Caleb to back down. With his testimony to the attempted murder charges, these guys will be going away for a long time.”

  Caleb offers to take my car through a car wash on his way home and insists I take his truck home with Marco.

  We get home just as my parents are pulling in. I don’t want to worry them, so I don’t bring up why we’re running late. They help me bring in the groceries and then I make introductions.

  “Marco, this is my mom and
dad, Lori and Bill. Mom, Dad, this is Marco.”

  My mom grabs Marco in a hug and tears spring to her eyes. Even though she hasn’t met him yet she’s listened to me talk about him the last couple months and has seen all the photos I’ve posted and sent her. She already views him as her grandson.

  “Nonsense! You call me Nana and him Pop.” She continues to wrap Marco in a hug until I insist she let him go so he can breathe.

  “I don’t really mind,” Marco says with tears shining in his eyes. The thought of a child crying because of receiving love and affection makes me want to pull his mother out of the grave and beat her, but I stop the thoughts because the truth is she was sick. She had a lot of problems and wasn’t given the chance or opportunity to fix them. I can’t waste my energy being mad at her. I just want to feel blessed I get to have Marco in my life.

  Caleb walks in and sees all of us practically in tears and looks horrified.

  “What the hell happened?”

  “Nothing,” I say, laughing through my tears. “My mom was just very excited to finally meet Marco. Mom, Dad, this is Caleb. Caleb, this is my mom and dad.”

  “Nice to finally meet you, Bill and Lori.” He gives my dad a handshake and then gives my mom a kiss on her cheek.

  There’s a knock at the door and in walks Hannah and Gavin with presents in their hands. Hannah has met Marco several times and insisted he call her Aunt Hannah once she found out I’m adopting him.

  “Hey, kiddo!” Hannah hands him the gifts and gives him a hug.

  “Are these for me? But it’s not my Birthday.” Marco looks confused.

  “I don’t need a reason to buy my favorite nephew gifts. Now go open them!”

  My mom says she’s going to the kitchen to start brunch and insists we all hang out while she cooks. Since Marco is busy with the new stuff Hannah and Gavin brought him, I mention to Hannah about Caleb needing an attorney.

  “So, it’s not really my story to tell but Caleb was left some clubs his dad owned, and his stepmom is fighting him for them. Do you think it would be possible to help him?”

  “I can pay you of course,” Caleb says. Hannah waves him off. Money is the last thing she needs. Gavin comes from old money and between the two of them being attorneys they’re not struggling to make ends meet.

  “Caleb, why don’t you come and see me this week?” She hands him her card. “We can sit down and discuss your options.” She looks at her phone and then says, “Actually I have a cancellation for tomorrow morning. Would that work for you?” He looks over the card and then to me. “Yes, we’ll be there,” I tell her.

  “Thank you,” Caleb adds.

  “Hayley! Look what Aunt Hannah got me!” Marco waves a pad of paper and colored pencils in the air. He had mentioned he loved coloring to us one day at lunch and of course she remembered.

  “Thank you so much!” He runs over and gives her a hug.

  “You’re very welcome, kiddo.”

  Hannah and I join mom in the kitchen to help her finish up brunch while the guys set the table and pour drinks. Once the food is set out and we’re about to dig in, Hannah says they have an announcement to make.

  “So, we were hoping to do the whole engagement, marriage, then baby thing in order but…”

  “Oh my God!” Mom yells, springing from her seat to give Hannah and Gavin a hug.

  “Yep! We’re expecting. I’m only three months along, but we have decided to move the wedding up so we’re married before the baby comes.”

  “Congratulations!” I say, getting up to give each of them a hug. My dad and Caleb both congratulate them as well. We all start eating, when Marco says, “So that’s what it takes to have a baby? You just have to be together?”

  I drop my fork on my plate and look to Caleb for help. But of course he has a shit-eating grin on his face. He’s such a damn guy. I guess I’ll be handling this one myself.

  “It’s more than that. Two people have to love each other and when they’re ready, they choose to share a bed and they create a baby.”

  He nods and goes back to eating. I hold my breath, hoping he’s done. I definitely plan to have the sex talk with him, but I’m hoping this will pacify him while we’re all eating and we can discuss this in private.

  “Okay, so does that mean you and Caleb are going to have a baby since you guys shared a bed and you’re boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  Oh my word! He just had to go there. He is lucky I love his cute little behind.

  Caleb cracks up laughing until I give him a death glare. He attempts to control his smile, but I can still see it peeking through.

  “You and Caleb are together?”

  “When did this happen?”

  “How did I not know?”

  Between my mom, dad, and Hannah, I’m being bombarded with questions that I have no idea how to answer. What I would like to do is take a biscuit and chuck it at Caleb’s head. I grab ahold of the biscuit in one hand and just as I’m about to take aim and fire, he takes my hand in his and smiles warmly.

  First, he answers Marco’s question. “Marco, there’s a little bit more to creating a baby, and after Nana and Pop and everyone leave, we’ll sit down and discuss it, okay? As for right now, no we’re not having a baby.”

  Then he says, “And yes, Hayles and I are dating, and yes, we slept in the same bed last night. I care a lot about her.”

  Everybody seems to accept his answer and thankfully goes back to eating. I look over at him and he leans in and whispers, “And I fully plan to practice those baby making skills… Every. Single. Night.”

  His words cause my cheeks to heat and I quickly look around grateful nobody heard him. I squirm a little in my seat and he chuckles next to me, then reaches over and takes a bite out of the biscuit I had envisioned hitting him on the side of the head with.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  It’s Monday morning. After putting Marco on the bus, Hayley and I head downtown to her sister’s office to speak with her. On our way I stop at the bank to get the recording my dad left for me in the safety deposit box. I figure if Hannah is going to hopefully represent me she should be aware of all the evidence I can bring to the table in hope of Gloria dropping her lawsuit for the two clubs. And I’m hoping we can get her to drop them sooner rather than later. There are employees that need to work to make a living and if we don’t figure this out soon I’m going to eventually have to dish out more money to keep them employed.

  After I run in to get the recording, which was exactly where my dad said he left it, we go to Hannah’s office. Once inside, she ushers us straight back to her office and closes the door.

  “Okay, what do you have for me?”

  How do I even begin to explain all this? Thankfully Hayley is here and takes over.

  “Caleb received two clubs from his father when he passed away. Technically his stepmom ran them, but his dad owned them outright and left them to Caleb. Now his stepmom, Gloria, is fighting for them.”

  “Okay…what am I missing?” She’s a lawyer—of course she senses there is more to the story. And she isn’t asking Hayley—she’s asking me.

  I clear my throat and then proceed to tell her everything—starting with my stepmom forcing me to have sex with her at fifteen to her pimping me out to other women.

  “And you said your dad left you a recording of her confessing?”

  “Yeah.” I pull the flash drive out of my pocket and hand it to her. “I haven’t heard it yet. I just grabbed it out of the safety deposit box on my way over.”

  “Do you mind?”

  “No, go ahead.”

  She plugs it into the side of her computer and, after clicking on the file, presses play. I hear my dad’s voice come over the speakers. It’s crystal clear like he knew he would be recording.

  “Gloria, I want a divorce.”

  “I don’t really think that’s what you want, Adam. I would hate to have to turn you in for insider trading.”

  “I don’t
care what you do anymore. I can’t be with you knowing you forced my son to have sex with you and then forced him to have sex with other women. It’s disgusting. I should have divorced you sooner.”

  “Don’t be mad because he was better in bed than you! And give me a break. I’m less than ten years older than him. You’re almost twenty years older than me, Adam.”

  “That’s true, but you had sex with him when he was fifteen years old, Gloria! You were of legal age when we got together. And then when I caught you guys, you made it sound like it was entirely his fault. None of this was his fault. I lost my son because of you.”

  “No, Adam. You lost your son because you are self-centered and chose to save yourself over him.”

  Hannah hits stop on the computer. “Well, I would say we have enough to definitely scare the shit out of her, and if she still wants to go to court, between the letter from your dad, the will, and the recording, we have a very strong case. What you need to understand, though, is if this goes to court it will become public knowledge about you being raped and used as a male escort. Are you okay with that?”

  I know what she’s saying. In today’s society a man being raped isn’t the same as a woman being raped. As a UFC fighter, the attention this will get will be ridiculous, even if I’m not extremely popular. This is exactly what I said to Hayley, but when Hayley told me she would be by my side I knew my decision. I’m not letting Gloria get away with this.

  “I understand and I’m willing to deal with the shit storm that will follow. I can’t let her win. Let’s hope she walks away without fighting.”

  “Okay, I’ll file a response with the court requesting mediation and hopefully when she sees the evidence laid out against her she’ll be smart enough to cut her losses and walk away.”

  “What should I do about paying the employees? I’ve had to pay them all for several weeks now. It was only supposed to be one week then it turned to two. Now I’ve been paying them for weeks.”


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