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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

Page 60

by Nikki Ash

“I’ll also put in that if she chooses to take it to trial she’ll need to pay half of the employees’ incomes while the clubs assets are frozen. I’ll give you a call once I know anything.”

  Damn, she’s good.

  “Thank you so much. If you need anything from me please let me know. Who do I see to pay your retainer fee?”

  “Don’t be silly, Caleb. We’re practically family. Family doesn’t charge family.”

  “Thanks, Hannah.”

  Hannah comes around her desk and gives Hayley a hug and then we head out.

  After we leave the office, Hayley says she’s going to pick up Marco from the bus and then she needs to go to the gym to meet with a couple fighters.

  “I think I’ll join you guys. Kayla mentioned I’m allowed to do light workouts again.”

  “Okay, sounds good. Let’s go home first, so you can change and grab your gym gear. ”

  Once we get home, I run into my room to grab some workout clothes. I’m walking through the house half-dressed checking my phone when Hayley stops me.

  “You can’t walk around the house like that Caleb. It’s not fair. You’re such a tease.”

  “How long do we have until we need to get Marco?”

  She glances at her watch. “Not long… like half an hour.”

  “I know a lot we can do with that time.” I pick her up over my good shoulder and, giving her ass a smack, bring her into the room, where I spend the next thirty minutes proving to her I’m not a tease.

  Once we get to the gym, Hayley takes off to her office to get some work done, Marco heads to the ring to check out the guys fighting, and I head to the treadmill to warm up.

  “Well, look who it is.” Kaden jumps on the treadmill next to me. “You ready to get back to training, yet?”

  “I’m getting there. Doc said I could do a light workout, but no fighting yet. I need to strengthen my leg and shoulder first, plus my chest still hurts like a bitch.”

  “Well I’m ready when you are,” Kaden says, staring down at his phone. Whatever he’s reading must piss him off because he shoves it back into his pocket and turns up the speed so fast one would think he’s trying to literally run from whatever is bothering him.

  “You good?” I ask, trying not to sound like a gossiping little girl.

  “Yeah, just dealing with a stubborn ass woman.”

  I laugh at that. “Ashley?”

  “Yeah, she’s working as a cocktail waitress at a shitty strip club to make extra money instead of letting me help her out with her bills. Like I said… Stubborn.”

  “She was crying the other day when we went to get Marco from her house. Some shit about you two almost fucking, but you stopped it…” I just let that hang there.

  Kaden winces slightly at my words then lets out a strangled breath. “Fuck, man… She’s my best friend. I’m not about to treat her like all the other no-named women I’ve hooked up with over the years. She deserves better than a drunken fuck.”

  “Better like more… like you want to be with her?” Yeah, we totally sound like chicks right now.

  “No, like I don’t do the whole wife and kids shit. She’s my friend and that’s the way it needs to stay. If I fuck her, it’ll ruin everything and that’s not going to happen.”

  It’s common knowledge Kaden was married at some point years ago. So he definitely did the wife shit, but this was all before I met him. Whatever went down must have been bad because he doesn’t discuss it and he always makes it clear he will never settle down again.

  A few minutes later Bentley and Kayla walk over. She’s holding Chloe, and Bentley is holding Faith. Kaden and I both stop running to say hi.

  “We have some great news!” Kayla says.

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?” Kaden asks. We both wipe the sweat off our hands and face before grabbing the babies from their parents. I can easily imagine Hayley and I having one of these one day soon. Faith coos and giggles at me as I hold her above my head and blow raspberries on her belly.

  “DCF approved for us to adopt Chloe! We go before the judge next week to make it official.”

  “That’s amazing!” Hayley says, coming over and giving Kayla and Bentley each a hug.

  Marco joins us and takes his sister from Kaden, giving her kisses on her cheeks. She smiles and coos at Marco.

  “I’ll still be able to see her, right?” he asks Kayla.

  Her eyebrows furrow and she steps closer to Marco. “If I didn’t know how much Hayley and Caleb love you and how much you love living with them, Bentley and I would be adopting you and your sister together. You are welcome to visit her any time you want, Marco, and she will always know you are her brother and how much you love her. I will always be grateful to you. You brought her into our life. You cared for her when your mom wasn’t able to.”

  Her answer seems to make him happy, but it upsets Hayley. “Marco, do you want Kayla to adopt you? Do you want to be with your sister? I would never want you to be away from her if you want to be with her. I know you originally said you wanted to live with me, but I will understand if you want to live with her now.” Hayley’s eyes fill with tears but she wills them not to spill over, trying to stay strong for Marco.

  She looks at me and my heart breaks for her. She loves him so much she would do anything to make him happy, even if that means giving him up before she even adopts him.

  “Marco, sweetie. If you want to live with Kayla, I promise I won’t be mad.”

  I walk over to Hayley and put my arm around her.

  “Please don’t cry,” Marco says, giving her a hug.

  “Hey, bud, listen. She isn’t crying because she’s mad. She loves you and wants you to be happy.”

  “It makes me happy living with you guys. I don’t want to leave. I just wanted to make sure I could still see Chloe all the time like I do now.” He hugs Hayley again.

  She sniffles. “I’m so glad you want to live with us and you will always be able to see Chloe any time you want.”

  “Well, on that note, I think we should all go out to dinner and celebrate,” Bentley says, breaking up the emotional tension.

  “I agree!”

  “But after my MMA class,” Marco chimes in. We all laugh and head over to the kids’ ring to watch their class. Since I got hurt, Cooper has been running most of the classes and when we get over there we see him and Bella warming up with a few other kids.

  “Hey Marco!” Bella calls out, waving him over. Marco runs over to her and warms up with her.

  Kaden spots Ashley dropping off Tristan and goes to speak to her. I’m not sure what is being said, but they almost look like a couple arguing. She shakes her head and then storms out of the gym.

  Kaden comes back over and rubs his palms over his face clearly agitated. I can’t help but laugh. The guy almost never loses his composure. Then again he’s usually the one in control. Hopefully he’ll realize soon how bad he has it for Ashley.

  While we’re watching the kids’ MMA class my phone goes off with a text from Hannah.

  Hannah: Mediation set for Friday at 9 a.m.

  Me: That was quick.

  Hannah: When I petitioned for Gloria to pay half the employees’ wages her attorney agreed to speed things up. Friday was the soonest I could get. If all goes well you should have the clubs in your possession by Friday afternoon.

  Me: Thanks!

  Hannah: No problem!

  “What has you smiling?” Hayley asks.

  “Your sister got mediation set up for Friday. It might all be over by Friday afternoon.”

  “That’s great, Caleb.” She gives me a small kiss. Before she can pull away, I grab ahold of her and deepen it. I don’t care where we are. I can’t control myself when I’m around this woman.

  The guys all call out insults and tell us to get a room.

  “Leave him alone.” Kayla laughs. “He has years of celibacy to make up for.”

  Everybody laughs and I ignore them all, grabbing my woman for another kiss. I definitely
have a lot of time to make up for.

  We all decide to go to a local bar and grill to celebrate the adoption of Chloe. After we’re all done eating the girls decide to take the kids home and have a late night play date and gossip session. The guys end up hanging out here at the bar to watch some basketball. Since we knew we would be drinking we agreed to have the ladies take the vehicles home and we would grab a taxi once we are done.

  After Kaden slams his phone down on the bar for the millionth time, Bentley says, “Man, I don’t know what’s going on with you and Ashley, but maybe you need to find a way to release some of that pent up tension. It’s not like you to be wound so tight.”

  Kaden glares at him. “I didn’t see you sleeping all over town when you and Kayla were having issues. Plus, Ashley and I are just friends.”

  Bentley puts his hands up. “Whoa, there. Nobody said anything about having sex. I was thinking you need to go a few rounds at the gym… but if sex is on your mind, I see a pretty little thing looking in our direction and out of the four of us you’re the only single one.”

  We all look over to see who Bentley is talking about and that’s when I see her… Gloria, and she’s looking our way. As soon as she makes eye contact, she saunters over. I’ve had too many drinks to deal with this woman, but it looks like I don’t have a choice. “Cooper, call a cab, now.”

  “Well, hello there, stranger.” Gloria steps into my personal space. She grabs my bicep and squeezes. Because I’m damn near drunk, it takes me a second to get caught up, but once I see her hands on me, I push her away.

  “Don’t touch me. We were just leaving.” I throw down enough bills to cover our drinks and get up from the stool about to walk around her, but she steps in front of me. The alcohol is definitely slowing me down.

  “I just want to talk. Maybe we can work something out regarding the clubs.” She trails a finger down my arm. To an outsider it looks like a pretty woman flirting with a man. To me, it’s my rapist threatening me once again, and although I’m drunk, it sobers me up enough to stop this.

  I move her fingers off me and grab her by her arms roughly, setting her on the bar stool I was just sitting on. The guys are all staring at the scene in front of them not saying a word. “Are you fucking serious right now? Wasn’t forcing me to fuck you and then pimping me out for money enough for you? Do you have any idea the shit storm you have created in my fucked up head? I’m going to take you to court and let every fucking person know about your pedophile cunt ass.”

  For a second she looks shocked, but the bitch quickly composes herself. “Nobody would believe you. I’m a woman and you are a man, a man who beats people up for a living. What proof do you have?”

  I almost blurt out I have a recording of her confession safely locked away but decide to keep that information to myself. I can’t wait to see the look in her eyes on Friday. Looking at this nasty cunt all I want to do is get home to Hayley and Marco.

  “I’ll see you in court,” I say and then turn and walk out of the bar with the guys following after me. Luckily the cab driver is waiting for us in front of the bar, so we’re able to get right in and give him the address to Bentley’s place, where all the women are.

  The entire ride is silent. They obviously all heard the conversation. I’m not sure if I should bring it up or pretend it didn’t happen. I thought maybe Kayla would have told Bentley after I told her. I wouldn’t ask her to keep a secret from her husband, but she insisted it would stay between us. I guess she meant what she said and didn’t tell him.

  Cooper pays the cab driver, and as we’re all walking up to Bentley’s house, the three of them stop and wait for me to say something.

  “I don’t know what you guys want me to say.”

  “The truth,” Kaden says.

  “My dad fucked up, did some illegal insider trading, my stepmom found out and blackmailed me into having sex with her and other women for a few years. He died and left me everything. She’s fighting with me over a couple of clubs.”

  “Damn, man. I honestly thought all those years you were gay,” Bentley says with a laugh.

  Cooper hits him in the stomach. “Look, what she did was shitty. I hate that you felt you had to hide it from us. We would have been there for you.”

  “You were. All three of you were. You barely knew me, but you took me away from that place. The day you offered me a way out was the last time I had to have sex against my will. You three saved me. You just didn’t realize it. I will always be grateful to you guys.”

  Each one of them gives me a hug. Nothing else ever has to be said. We have each other’s backs and always will.

  * * *

  After everybody heads out and we say goodnight to Marco, I jump in the shower to rinse off. The thought of Gloria’s hands on me earlier at the bar makes me want to scrub my body until it’s raw. Once I’m clean enough, I switch the water off, grab a towel, and step out of the shower.

  When I look up from drying my bottom half off, Hayley is leaning against the bathroom sink wearing only a white lacy bra and matching panties, looking fucking gorgeous. I can see her dark pink nipples poking out through the thin material and I want nothing more than to put my mouth on them… So I do. Dropping my towel, I stalk over to her, pick her up and place her on top of the counter, then take one of her pert nipples into my mouth. I suck on it for a few seconds and then give the other one the same attention. Hayley moans loudly, squeezing her legs together around me.

  “Baby, you have to be quiet. Marco just fell asleep.” She nods in understanding.

  Taking both breasts out of the cups of her bra I bring them together and put both her nipples into my mouth at the same time sucking hard. Her hands fist into my hair as she pulls my face even closer to her chest moaning softly.

  “Oh my God, Caleb. That feels so good.” She tries to whisper, but she sucks at staying quiet.

  Keeping my hands on her perfect breasts, I massage them softly, my fingers tweaking her nipples while my mouth moves to her neck. She moves her head to the side granting me access and I waste no time trailing kisses down her neck to her collarbone. She squirms in pleasure tightening her legs once more. I back up a little bit and, moving her panties to the side, insert a finger and then two into her tight pussy.

  “Damn, Hayley. You are wet as fuck.” While my fingers thrust in and out of her, my thumb rubs her clit. She grabs the back of my head and brings my face to hers, kissing me like her life depends on it. The deeper my fingers go, the harder she kisses, and within minutes, her pussy is clenching around my hand as she orgasms. Her body shakes and she tries to close her legs to stop me, but I don’t stop until I know she’s completely ridden her orgasm out.

  “Mmm… that was so good,” she says.

  Before I can do or say anything in response, she’s pushing me backward and hopping off the counter. A second later she’s on her knees in front of me, guiding my shaft right into her warm, wet mouth.

  “Fuuuck, Hayley.”

  She looks up at me and laughs. “Baby, you have to be quiet,” she says, repeating my words back to me. This woman is going to be the death of me.

  With one hand, she brings my dick back to her mouth while the other cups my balls massaging them gently. I stare down at her while she fucks my dick with her mouth. She stops for a second, swirls her tongue over the head and then slowly glides her mouth upward as she takes me fully inside her mouth until I can feel my head hit the back of her throat causing her to slightly gag. The action causes a flashback and before I can think too hard about it, I’m grabbing Hayley by her arms, lifting her up into a standing position, and bending her over the sink.

  I rip her panties off her body, tossing them to the side. Then cupping her mound, I pull her ass toward me, pushing my dick into her pussy a little too roughly. Luckily she’s soaking wet so my dick slides in easily, but that doesn’t stop her body from hitting the edge of the countertop from the force of me entering her. She grabs ahold of the edge while I continue to pound into
her almost violently, my hands tightly holding onto her hips while my fingers dig into her skin. My eyes meet hers in the mirror and I then remember I’m not fucking one of the women from my past—I’m fucking Hayley…no, I’m making love to Hayley. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s hard or soft, every time I touch her, it’s out of love.

  With my eyes never leaving Hayley’s, my thrusts slow down and we quickly find our rhythm—Hayley meeting me thrust for thrust. I know when my cock hits her sweet spot because she moans loudly. I keep hitting the spot over and over again until we’re both finding our release at almost the same time.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  It’s been about a month since we celebrated Bentley and Kayla’s adoption news, and it feels like our life hasn’t stopped moving in full speed ever since. In the past month the threats have become more frequent and instead of them saying things like “Last chance Bitch,” they now say things like “Watch your back.” The police can’t prove who’s sending them so their hands are tied. Thank God the court date is coming up and soon we will be able to put it all behind us.

  On a more positive note, Hannah convinced Gloria it would be in her best interest to walk away from the clubs without going to court. I must admit getting to see my little sister in action was awe-inspiring. She said I was her assistant to get me in, but I had to promise not to reach across the table and strangle Gloria. My sister is such a badass!

  “Good morning. My name is Lyrica Goldstein. I’ll be mediating today. Who would like to begin?”

  Before Gloria’s attorney could even speak, Hannah was all over that shit.

  “Good morning, we’re here for mediation in hope of not having to go to trial so we don’t have to waste more time and money. My name is Hannah Roberts and I’m Caleb’s attorney. I’ll be presenting the evidence that will be shown to the judge should Gloria Michaels feel it is necessary to go to trial.”

  “Okay, Ms. Roberts. Please show your evidence and then we’ll go from there.”

  Hannah walked around the table with her laptop and sat it right in front of Gloria. On the screen was a digital copy of the letter Adam wrote to his son. Leaning over Gloria’s shoulder, Hannah read the letter out loud. When she was done everybody knew in the room what Gloria had done.


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