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The Fighting Series (Books 1-5)

Page 86

by Nikki Ash

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “My name is Toni and I’m the ultrasound tech. I’m just going to wheel you down the hall to do an ultrasound and then the doctor will come in and speak to you once he reads the chart.”

  Toni wheels my bed to the room and once she sets up the ultrasound machine, lifts my shirt up. “I’m going to try to see from here, but since we don’t know how far along you are, I might have to switch to a vaginal ultrasound.”

  She squirts the warm gooey gel onto my stomach and starts clicking buttons on the monitor. “Okay, I’m able to see like this.” She presses hard into my stomach and I want to tell her to chill the fuck out before I puke on her, but I keep my mouth shut.

  “Let’s see here.” She continues to click. A whooshing sound hits the speakers, and I know it’s the heartbeat. The breath I didn’t know I was holding releases. Kaden squeezes my hand, giving me a knowing look. I forgot that even though he doesn’t have any children, he and his wife went through this so he must recognize the sound of a heartbeat.

  “Okay, that’s the heartbeat.” She types baby A on the monitor and screen shots it. “And…. there’s the other heartbeat.” She types baby B and screenshots it again. It takes a second for me to put two and two together, but it takes Kaden less than a second because he blurts out, “Holy fuck! There’s two… like two babies in there?”

  “Yep! Two babies, and it looks like you’re about ten weeks. Your due date is estimated to be September seventeenth, but it can change once you see your OB.”

  “Huh…Well, Kaden, which position do you think it was we created twins in?”

  The ultrasound tech looks at us in confusion, but Kaden throws his head back with a laugh.

  “It could have been any number of them. Maybe it was the time in the bathroom…”

  “Okay!” I cut him off. “I’m pretty sure Toni here doesn’t want a play-by-play of our sex positions.”

  “Hey now! You asked.”

  Thankfully, the tech speaks up. “I’m just going to take a couple more shots of the uterus for the doctor and then I can print a couple pictures of your little kumquats.”

  “Excuse me?” I manage to find my words. “What did you call my babies?”

  Toni laughs. “Kumquats. It’s a small fruit. I always use fruits to determine the size of the babies. Week eleven they’ll be the size of Brussel sprouts and at twelve weeks they’ll be the size of a passion fruit! My favorite week though is week twenty-nine, butternut squash. I love butternut squash! Oh, and week thirty-three! Pineapples! You’ll have two pineapples in you!”

  Pineapples? The heavy green fruit with hard pointy things sticking out of it? I must give Kaden a look of horror because he stops her from continuing. “That’s great. Can we get those pictures you mentioned?”

  “Sure thing.” She prints them and wheels me back to the room. My eyes don’t leave the pictures of my two Kumquats. Jesus! I’m going to need to find another way to describe them. I can’t spend the next seven months calling my babies fruits! Holy shit! I’m having two babies!

  “Yes, we are.” Kaden smiles at me.


  “You said you’re having two babies.”

  “I said that out loud?”

  Kaden laughs and nods.

  After the doctor comes in and confirms what the ultrasound tech already told us, he lets me know he’s going to keep me on fluids for a few hours to make sure I’m hydrated. Apparently being pregnant with twins ups your HCG count and can cause you to have even worse morning sickness. He prescribes me nausea medication and prenatal vitamins.

  After I’m released from the hospital, Kaden goes through the pharmacy drive-thru to pick up my prescriptions then takes me to get something to eat. After we’re seated, Kaden orders us both waters.

  “Anything look good?” He looks up from his menu to me.

  “Everything… nothing… I don’t know. I’m afraid whatever I eat will make me sick.”

  He hands me a pill for nausea. “You have to eat. Even if it’s something small.”

  I take the pill with the water the waitress delivers. When she returns to take our orders, I order chicken noodle soup and a piece of chocolate banana cake, then change my mind when I wonder if a banana is on the list of baby sizes. “Actually, I’ll take the cheesecake.”

  “With strawberries?”

  “No, no fruit. Thank you.”

  Kaden laughs, then orders a grilled chicken sandwich with a side of vegetables.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t texted you all week.”

  “Where have you been?”

  “At a hotel. Working out at the gym there. With Alex taking his honeymoon this week, I took the week off.”

  “I don’t want you to forgive me and marry me because I am pregnant.”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a rectangular box. “Open this.”

  Lifting the lid, I see two silver puzzle pieces. They’re put together and have an engraving across them. One reads: You are my missing piece. The other reads: You fit me perfectly.

  “I saw them in the storefront yesterday and had them engraved. You’re my missing piece, baby.”

  “You bought these yesterday?”

  “Yes, obviously before I knew you were pregnant. I planned to talk to you today after the party. I just couldn’t figure out how I felt about all of it. But I knew I loved you. I love you so much, baby. No matter what. And I’m sorry for leaving.”

  Kaden gets out of the booth and comes around to my side of the table, scooting in close to me. “You were assaulted and I put my anger above your feelings and wellbeing. Can you forgive me?”

  “Yes, I missed you so much. And I’m quitting the club. I just want to focus on our babies and on us and Tristan.”

  Kaden grins and gives me a kiss. “I would really love that, but only if that’s what you want to do.”

  “It is.”

  He takes my keys out of my purse and slides the keychain onto my keys. “So, you always have a piece of my heart with you.”

  “I love it.”

  “There’s actually something I have been meaning to talk to you about. You know the recreational center will be breaking ground hopefully next month.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to see it all done. It’s going to be amazing.”

  “The guys and I were talking and we thought you would be the perfect person to run the place. You’ll have help of course. Liz will be handling the accounting side, and we’ll have to hire people and reach out to those who wish to volunteer, but you mentioned you would like to work with kids so I thought maybe you would want to work there.”

  “Kaden, I would love to manage the rec center. I have so many ideas. The different sports and programs we can offer. While I was teaching, I saw so many kids wish for after school activities that weren’t offered because of budgeting. I’m so excited.”

  “Perfect. The place won’t be up and running until the beginning of next year, but we want to make sure we’re doing it right along the way. We can sit down and go over the plans, see if there’s anything we need to add or change. Sound good?”

  “Sounds amazing.”

  After we finish eating, we go to Liz’s to pick up Tristan. The party has ended and Tristan and Bella are in the living room watching Ultimate Fighter on the television.

  “How’d it go?” Liz whispers.

  “Kaden knows.”

  “Okay, good. I wasn’t sure whether to say anything outside. I’m so glad you’re okay!” Liz pulls me into a hug. “How did he take it?”

  “How did who take what?” Kaden comes over and puts his arms around me absently rubbing my belly as he nuzzles his face into my hair, giving me a kiss under my ear. I sink back into his arms welcoming the feel of his body against mine after a week of being without it.

  “How did you take me being pregnant.”

  “You’re pregnant?” Tristan comes into the kitchen with Bella following him.

�I am. What do you think about that?”

  “I think that’s awesome. I hope it’s a boy, so I can have a brother.”

  “You can borrow my brother if you want,” Bella offers.

  “You don’t like your brother?” Cooper asks.

  “Of course I do! I love him. But if Tristan needs to practice, I don’t mind lending Nathan to him.”

  We all laugh. “That’s very sweet of you.”

  “Well, it might be a boy and girl,” Kaden says, snuggling his face back into my neck.

  Tristan looks at us confused.

  Liz gasps.

  Cooper laughs.

  “You’re having twins?” Liz looks down at my stomach.

  “Apparently so.”

  “Well, that makes sense. Why you’re so sick and your tiny belly is already protruding!”

  “Yeah, I’m only like ten weeks. We aren’t going to tell everyone until I’m out of the first trimester, but there are definitely two little ones in there.”

  “Aww… If I remember correctly isn’t ten weeks a lemon?”

  “Oh no! Not you, too!”

  Kaden cracks up. “Nope, it’s a kumquat.”

  Cooper laughs.

  “What’s a kumquat?” Tristan asks.

  “Okay, I don’t know what’s up with you all and measuring the size of a fetus by fruits, but my babies are not freaking kumquats!”

  Everybody laughs.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “Um, what are these?” Ashley is standing in the backyard, staring at my four-wheelers like they’re personally offending her.

  “Baby, you’ve never seen a four-wheeler before?”

  “Oh, I’ve seen them. I’m just wondering what so many of them are doing back here and why my son is sitting on a mini-one.”

  It’s a three-day weekend and the entire gang is over for a barbeque. I’m assuming by the look on Ashley’s face, she hasn’t been to the detached garage in the back to see all my toys, four of which are four-wheelers. Since Tristan is too small to ride a regular one, I had a Honda 90 delivered for him, along with a chest guard and helmet. He took one look at that machine and jumped on it ready to go. But now looking at the death glare Ashley is giving me, I’m thinking that maybe I should have mentioned it to mama bear first.

  “Can I ride on the back of Tristan’s?” Bella squeals.

  “You should ride on the back of mine, Bella,” Marco cuts in. “I’m older and can drive better. You’ll be safer with me.”

  “Since when can you drive?” Caleb grills Marco.

  “Well, I haven’t yet, but I’m older and almost thirteen.”

  “There’s no way Marco is riding that death-trap by himself.” Hayley is standing next to Ashley and if I don’t do something quick the women are going to overpower us.

  “The guys will each take one, and Marco and Bella can ride behind one of us. Tristan’s got his own, though. He has to learn how to ride.” When Ashley’s eyebrows go up in defiance, I jog over to her to defuse the situation. “Baby, I’m going to be with him the entire time. It’s an automatic so he doesn’t even have to shift. He has head and chest gear. I wouldn’t let anything happen to him.”

  I give her a small kiss on her lips, but it doesn’t work. The tears well up in her eyes just begging to be released. “B-but he’s m-my baby.”

  “Yes, he is, but the babies in there”—I point to her stomach—“are making you a tad emotional.”

  If looks could kill, I would be a dead man.

  “Are you saying my concerns for my child aren’t real? That I’m only worried about the well-being of my only son because you knocked me up and I’m carrying two babies in here?”

  I hold my hands up, palms out, silently waving the white flag, but it’s too late. She’s revved and ready to ride.

  “And even if I am a tad emotional, don’t you think it’s a bit rude to point it out? It’s not my fault my hormones are all over the place. Maybe you should have thought about this when you insisted I get rid of my birth control. Now my son is sitting on a death contraption about to go riding through the millions of acres of woods where he can get lost or hurt.”

  Damn, I love this woman. I feel a smile grace my lips and quickly try to reign it in before she catches it.

  “So….does that mean we can’t go riding?” Bentley whines. Kayla smacks him.

  Ashley huffs and storms off, but I chase after her. Yeah, yeah, I’m pussy whipped. I’ll be the first to admit it. “Wait, Ash.” She stops and turns glaring at me. “If you don’t want him to ride on his own, he can ride on the back of mine. I’m sorry, baby. I don’t want you stressed.”

  I’m granted a small smile, warming my heart. “Ugh! He can ride. Just be careful, please. I’m going to go start on the side dishes for lunch. I can’t be out here and watch this. It’s going to give me a heart attack.”

  I look back and forth between Tristan and Ashley trying to decipher the code of what she just said knowing if I make the wrong choice, my ass will be in the dog house tonight.

  “Tristan, we’ll practice with your new four-wheeler later. You’re on the back of mine, bud.”

  I hear a soft giggle behind me, then tiny hands come up behind me. “Good decision. You’ll definitely be rewarded tonight.”

  * * *

  “Holy shit, bro! Those trails are something else.”

  “Yeah, we need to go again, and soon.”

  “I can’t believe after all these years, we’ve never gone mudding after a good rain.”

  We spent the good portion of the morning and early afternoon riding the trails that line up to my backyard. Once we returned and got cleaned up, the ladies had lunch ready to go. Ashley can make a mean homemade cornbread casserole.

  I look around and take a moment to thank God for everyone at this table. Everybody is chowing down and talking. The kids are laughing. We’re all healthy and happy.

  “You okay?” Ashley looks at me quizzically.

  “Yeah, I am. Thank you.” I bring my lips to hers, and what starts off as a quick kiss quickly turns into something more. Suddenly there’s a piece of food hitting me in the side of my head.


  “Quit making out like teenagers at the lunch table.” Cooper laughs.

  Ashley leans over and whispers into my ear, “Later.”

  That one word has my dick twitching.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “Mom, you landed on Park Place, and Dad has a hotel on it. You owe him…”

  “Fifteen hundred.” Kaden waves his monopoly card in the air excitedly. I would like to smack that smirk right off his damn face.

  Let’s have a family game night, they said…

  It’ll be fun, they said…

  Fun, my ass! While Tristan and Kaden are holding all the damn deeds to everything that matters, I have like two hundred bucks left and own Oriental freaking avenue!

  “I need to go to the bathroom real quick! Don’t let Mom steal my money.” Tristan runs out of the room to the bathroom.

  “Hey Ash…”

  “What?” I glare at Kaden, knowing I’m about to lose. I hate losing. And for the record, I am so done with family game nights.

  Kaden moves closer to me, giving me a kiss on my cheek, then bites down softly on my ear lobe. The act sends sparks right to my core. This pregnant woman is horny twenty-four-seven these days.

  “If you give me a blow job behind the hotel I own, I might consider your debt paid.”

  I laugh out loud, throwing my money onto the board. “I’m out.”

  “Oh, c’mon, baby. I’m sure we can work something out.”

  “How about you put Tristan to bed while I take a shower and then we can meet in bed to negotiate?” I squeeze his semi through his jeans.

  “Tristan!” he yells. “Time for bed.” Then he turns to me. “I’ll meet you in bed, and you better be naked.”

  * * *

  “Fuck. Yes!” Kaden is ly
ing in bed wearing nothing but a pair of briefs watching TV when I walk out of our bathroom naked, as he requested.

  I wave the Park Place deed in the air. “So, I apparently owe you fifteen hundred dollars. I’m here to work off my balance.”

  When I get close enough, Kaden moves to the edge of the bed, then grasping my hips, pulls me toward him, so his face is level with my protruding belly. I’m now fourteen weeks pregnant, and while you would think a month wouldn’t make a difference, when you’re carrying twins, it does.

  After placing several small kisses on my belly, Kaden looks up and smiles at me. “I love you.”

  I entwine my fingers into his hair, then lean down to give him a kiss. “I love you, too.”

  Squatting in front of him, I quickly pull his briefs down so his beautiful dick pops out.

  “Get up here.” I look up in confusion.

  “I don’t want my fiancée sucking my dick tonight. I want to make love to you.” Grabbing me under my arms, he lifts and places me on the bed.

  “Do you know what today is?” Kaden starts raining kisses all over my face: my cheeks, my forehead, my lips. Then he moves downward to my neck and collarbone.


  He laughs as he moves lower to kiss each of my nipples, causing me to stir.

  “Yes, it’s Sunday. But it’s also three weeks until we get married.”

  Holy moly! I can’t believe it! In three weeks, Kaden Scott will be my husband.

  “I need to make love to you as many times as possible before then,” he says with urgency.

  “Why? What will happen once we’re married?”

  Kaden looks at me like I’m stupid before he breaks out into a huge grin. “I’ll never be able to make love to you as my fiancée, again.”

  “You’re so silly!”

  He gives me a kiss on my belly. “Hey there, little ones. Hopefully you have no idea what is going on because I am about to make sweet, sweet love to your mama.”

  He looks up at me and winks, soaking my non-existent panties in the process. Then he does just as he promised, and makes sweet, sweet love to me for hours.


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