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Demon Tempted (Karmic Lust)

Page 14

by Nikki Prince

  “Yeah, every time we do, the binding spell makes it even harder to move.”

  Besides the spell, they were surrounded by at least twenty demons though it was hard to count them when one was upside down. They’d been going through the maze of tunnels and had gotten comfortable with the fact that no one had stopped or opposed them coming in. That’s when a horde of fiends had subdued them and bound them in the ancient trusses.

  “Well I guess we will soon find out who put this plan into action,” Clay said simply.

  They’d been hanging upside down for about an hour. Though time was really relative down there, it let them put what was happening into perspective. Once they’d figured out they should stop struggling so the bindings would stop pulsating and hurting them, it was all a matter of just getting used to seeing their world from a different vantage point.

  “Yeah, I expect we will. Whoever this bastard is, we need to rip him or her to shreds for taking Lili and Eva.”

  “The odds aren’t in our favor, being tied up as we are. Still I can’t help thinking where there is a will there is definitely a way. But yes an ass whooping is in order. Though we shouldn’t be surprised if whoever has them fights dirty.”

  “Oh but I’m expecting it.”

  “As am I, Samael, as am I.”

  “Just be prepared for anything to happen,” Samael warned.

  “I didn’t come this far not to be, and I’m sure you didn’t either. I’m sorry, bro. I should have heeded Kamuel and had someone watching both Eva and Lili. I didn’t think Lili would be used to get to Eva. Though in retrospect when I think about what Kam said, I should’ve.” He truly was sorry.

  “No, there’s no time for recriminations or being sorry. We got in this together, and we’ll save our women together.”

  “Agreed and I think someone’s coming. Have you noticed that our hosts have stopped all their growling and posturing?”

  Both men turned their heads toward the entrance. The other fiends had quieted, though some of them were shifting nervously.

  The demon that stepped into the room put a frown on Clay’s face. He recognized this demon out of all legions that filled hell. It was the same demon that had made trouble for him and Eve in the garden. He’d whispered words of dissention in Eve’s ears, told her she wanted things that she shouldn’t. Letting her prescribe to wanting knowledge and power for things that they didn’t need in the garden, this demon had been their downfall. This was the warning that Kamuel had given him, about an enemy of old.

  “Clay, I can see you recognize me by that look in your eyes. Glad to see you brought along a friend to join in your demise. It’s a win-win situation for me. Seeing as I plan to kill the lot of you anyways.”

  “I see nothing has changed in all the years that we’ve known one another. You’re still hiding behind women,” Clay jeered.

  “I have to admit to a little bit of disappointment though, Clay. You had Salathiel and Remiel watching me when I was Oz. Yet none of you pieced anything together. I’d thought you would have been here long before now. You forced my hand, and I had to change my plan of attack.”

  “So it takes a legion to capture us. Once again you prove you have to hide behind females and a whole slew of others to do your dirty work.”

  “What’s the point of being a leader if you can’t have others do shit for you? Fuck yeah, I got others to do my shit, and I will continue to have others to do my dirty work.” Asmoday began to pace back and forth in front of them, the excitement in his eyes evident. Clay didn’t know what was going to happen, but he could only hope that he was there when this asshole died.

  “Where are Eva and Liliana, and what have you done to them? You’d better not have done anything to them.”

  “I second that,” Samael said through his teeth.

  “You two are in no position to make any kind of demands. But in answer to your question, Clay, I have each of your females in a safe little hole designed just for them.”

  “What are your plans for us, Asmoday?” Clay had an idea, but he wanted it from the demon’s own mouth.

  “What’s my plan for the lot of you?” Asmoday looked only too eager to tell and in fact he settled down on the floor with his hands on his knees to continue.

  “I plan to kill you, Lili and lover boy over there. Eva I’m keeping for my own.” The gleam in Asmoday’s eyes spoke volumes to Clay. For one, he recognized the true craziness that existed in him, and two, this demon thought he had them over a barrel. All they had to do was play their cards right and perhaps, just perhaps, the four of them could get out of this unscathed.

  “Oh and tell me what does your boss Luc say?” Samael asked Asmoday. Asmoday made a strange face and didn’t answer.

  He’s off his bloody rocker. Clay peered over at his friend as Samael spoke in the way that fellow demons could to each other without others being privy.

  A skill that apparently Asmoday had forgotten they possessed in his haste to subdue them. Clay’s words informed him that he saw through Asmoday’s façade as well. One thing that Clay was hoping for was that Asmoday would underestimate who he held captive and his own ability to conquer them.

  He’s forgotten we can talk to each other like this, Clay stated.

  Yes, we need to make sure we use what we’ve got to destroy this fool.

  Asmoday let out a noise, and Clay turned his attention back to him.

  “Luc knows what he needs to know. This is my time. This is for me. It has nothing to do with him. All I have to tell him if he does find out is that you and Samael had plans to take over my legion. He’d understand fully and let me have my way and say I was justified in my actions.”

  “So you think that Luc, being who he is and as powerful as he is, would fall for something like that?” Clay asked.

  “Luc has problems of his own and is too busy to watch what the left hand is doing, let alone the right.”

  Asmoday snapped his fingers, and the world spun for a moment as he righted both him and Samael. The bindings that held their feet went away, making it possible for them to walk. Both he and Samael were propelled forward by a push to their backs from the demons that followed behind.

  “It’s time to take a walk, my fellow devils. I will let you see your women one more time. Never let it be said that I wasn’t a generous individual. One last time with the one you would die for. Quite fitting, I think.”

  With their hands still bound behind and several demons surrounding them, they were led out into the web of adjoining tunnels, he hoped towards Eva and Liliana.


  Eva heard the commotion outside of her cell and stood quickly, looking towards the entrance. When Clay was thrust into the room bound and fell to the ground, she let out a cry and ran over to him. She saw the strange bindings holding his hands behind his back and could feel the strange pulsing magic that lived within them. Kneeling over him she cupped his face, never so happy to see him in her life.

  “Clay!” She pressed kisses to his face over and over again, only pulling back away when she realized there was someone else in the room. Asmoday.

  “Aw, look, the reunited doomed lovers. Isn’t that special? Enjoy him while you can, Eva, for soon I will kill him. I will even be nice and let him touch what is mine for a little while longer. Oh and don’t get any bright ideas. Though the bindings are gone this area does basically what the straps did. You see, I thought of everything” He tapped his head with his finger and laughed. Then he waved his hand and the bands that held his arms disappeared. Turning on his heels he left them there alone. Glancing back down at Clay she could not hold back the huge smile that spread across her face. Before she could say anything his hands were stroking into her hair and tugging her head down towards his.

  “Where are Samael and Lili?”

  “A few tunnels back as far as I know. He pushed Samael into a room first. Asmoday basically said she was alive.” She nodded and held on to him.

  Clay’s arm wrapped around her, and h
is kiss was hot and heavy. Parting the kiss he placed one last gentle kiss on her lips.

  “I’m sticky and hot. It’s so hot in here, though I think he is keeping it at a certain temperature just for me.”

  “It’s okay. I’m not going to stop holding you because you’re sweaty.”

  She giggled. “I’ve seen better days.”

  His countenance turned serious. “I’m going to get you out of this somehow, Eva. I don’t know how, but I will.”

  “I’m so sorry, Clay. This is my entire fault, all of this. I should have told you about the dreams I was having and that I was being visited by the serpent.” She rushed head first into her apologies, wanting him to know that she messed up and she knew it.

  “Stop, baby. We have time for all that later. Right now I want to hold you and to figure out a way for us to defeat him.”

  “I already know a way and you’re not going to stop me.”

  “When you say it like that, that tells me it’s going to be something I don’t like.”

  “It probably is. But I can’t tell you what it is. It has to be done and it has to be my sacrifice, not yours. All of this is happening because of me, and I must end it.”

  “No! You’re not going to play the fucking martyr.” He’d stood and she fell to her butt. Clay paced back and forth in the small area, his eyes wild.

  “Kamuel told me that I needed to be who I was meant to be. I also think he wanted me to truly feel remorse for the things I’ve done and to walk in a human’s footsteps.”

  “That didn’t mean you had to sacrifice yourself.”

  “Tell me how you know that, Clay? Perhaps the moral of this story is for me reap what I’ve sowed.”

  He stopped his pacing and pulled her up into his arms, burying his face into her neck. She held on to him, trembling. It was so good to see him again and to have him hold her.

  “Why would they give you another chance if but to take you from me?” He took his face from her neck and asked in a gruff voice so full of emotion.

  “That’s the mistake I made before. This isn’t just about you and me.” She searched his eyes, hoping he could tell that she was determined to do this. His shoulders sagged, alerting her to the fact that her words hit home.

  “I don’t want to lose you, Eva.”

  “I can’t promise that this won’t be my end. I don’t know what’s going to happen and neither do you. But this is a path that I have to take.”

  “He plans to kill us and to keep you.”

  “I know, but I will die before ever letting him touch me,” she vowed.

  “There’s so much I want to tell you.”

  “It’s enough that you’re here. It speaks volumes. You didn’t have to come after me.”

  “There shouldn’t have been doubt in my coming to look for you. As for not having to come after you, no, I had to. There was no other choice.”

  She kissed the side of his mouth and pulled back. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

  “I think I should be asking you that. You’re naked. Why are you naked?”

  “He didn’t try anything if that’s what you’re wondering. He made me strip I think just to prove to himself that he could.”

  “He’s fucking crazy.”

  “Yeah I think we’ve already established that fact, Clay.”

  Gripping the edges of his t-shirt she lifted slowly to take it off of him. He held his arms up, letting her remove the shirt.

  “What are you doing, Eva?”

  “What does it look like? You’re way too over dressed for my liking.”

  “Baby, we don’t have to do this; you know Asmoday is probably watching.” He had his hands at the button of his pants, pausing.

  “That’s okay. He can watch all he wants. He will never have anything even close to this with me.” She kissed his chin, then his throat. “So come on … undress all the way,” she whispered softly.

  The speed with which he finished undressing all the way made her smile. He grabbed her quickly and pushed her up against the wall, his hands at her waist. He stroked his thumbs across her lower belly, though his eyes never left hers. His touch made her whimper.

  “I’ve missed you, Eva.

  “I’ve missed you as well Clay.”

  He kissed her then, roughly, no tenderness, but she didn’t mind at all. He bruised her lips, and she moaned.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m sorry.”

  “No, don’t be. We both want and desire the same thing—each other.” He kissed her bottom lip. Tugging at it with his teeth then sucking on it before letting go.

  “I think it’s more than obvious. Now pick me up so I can wrap my legs around you and we can do this right.”

  “You’re fucking bossy, but I love it.” He picked her up, and she wrapped her legs tight around his waist, rising so he could thrust into her. When he did she let out a deep moan of pleasure, pressing her forehead to his as he muttered an expletive. They stayed still for a few moments, the only sound their heavy breathing.

  “Are you ready, baby?”

  “More than ready. Fuck me, Clay.”

  He pushed forward, and she pressed down to meet his thrust. Soon they were gliding together in a sensual dance. When she sped up his hands went to her waist to still her.

  “No, Eva … nice and slow like this. I want to savor you.” With his hands at her waist he taught her the rhythm that he desired. Then he bent his head to kiss the tops of her breasts, and she arched her back to give him better access.

  She was so wet she could feel the juices coating her inner thighs. He did this to her, no one else. He made her crazy with need. Even in the midst of what was happening, she wanted him. She always would. She gripped the back of his head as he took a nipple into his mouth, rubbing gently as he teased that sensitive nub with his teeth and tongue.

  “Damn, you’re tormenting me.” White-hot need coiled deep in her lower belly. She felt the telltale tremble of her legs—a sure sign she was close to orgasm.

  “It’s only right. You’ve tormented me since the beginning of time.” He growled low, his hands caressing along her sides. She leaned up, licking his throat, then nipping him.

  “Mmm, damn you taste so good. Now fuck me like you mean it.”

  She wanted to savor every part of him. Who knew if this would be the last chance she got. Nibbling a path up his throat, she kissed him hungrily, as she started to ride him faster. She wasn’t going to let him tell her no this time. She wanted to come, and she wanted him coming with her.

  “Like this?” He plunged into her harder and harder, rolling his hips in a circle.

  “Ohhh, yes, just like that. I’m going to come, Clay.” She could hear herself whimpering.

  “Then come, come all over me.” His words released her. She let out a loud wail as she came hard, flooding him with her juices. It wasn’t long after that he was filling her with his cream, marking her as his forever.

  When the fever for each other had finally calmed, they lay huddled together just talking and enjoying what little time they had together. Nothing was certain for them, but what they could hold on to, they held on to tightly, not about to let each other go until they absolutely had to.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  She was cocooned pleasantly in Clay’s warmth when she was ripped out of his arms and pressed against someone else. She let out a terrified scream. That something else breathed hotly against her ear as she writhed in its arms.

  “Eva!” Clay called out, trying to reach for her as she held out a hand to try to grip his.

  “Enough with the kicking and shouting, Eva, or I will have Lili killed right now.” Asmoday’s words sent coldness through her body, and her struggles immediately stopped.

  “You too, Clay. Stop it or all you hold dear will die even more quickly and I will make you see it all. Now we are going to go and play a little game. All four of you will be playing. Your judgment has come, and I am so ready to hand out your fates.”

  A loud humming b
egan pulsing in the air around them, and that was when her arms were pulled behind her and she was led out of the cavern, propelled by Asmoday. She looked frantically back, searching for Clay. He was farther behind with a strange pulsing collar that had been placed at his neck.

  Lili and Samael also marched behind all of them. Demons pushed them to walk. Samael had that band about his neck as well—one of the ways Asmoday could control them. They were demons just like he was and if he didn’t pacify them, they’d be able to kill him.

  She was shoved so hard by Asmoday that she almost fell to the ground and would have had he not grabbed her and held her up by her wrists. He forced her forward again.

  “Keep going. Don’t worry, you’ll get to see them all one last fucking time.”

  She didn’t try to look back anymore. She didn’t want them to get killed because of some stupid mistake she made. They walked for a while until Asmoday stopped her inside a large room that held a throne. He pushed her in front of it as he sat.

  “Kneel, Eva, and do it quickly before I do something you don’t want me to do to that dear sister of yours.” Eva knelt before him.

  “Ahh, just how I like to see you, laid bare before me, ass in the air ripe for the taking.”

  He gripped her by the hair, forcing her to turn so that she could see Clay, Samael and Lili. All three of them were on their knees as well. It also allowed her to see the wall to wall demons that filled the place. Asmoday’s army of fiends snarled and growled, bowing before him as well.

  “Do you comprehend all of this, Eva? Do you get it? Really see what I’ve been telling you all along? This is what you could have. All of this could be yours to rule with me. Right along with us ruling the world. We could have it all.”

  “Yes, I understand Asmoday,” she purred softly. “This is what I’ve always wanted.” Clay’s head shot up.

  “Eva, what the fuck are you saying?” His dark gaze met hers and even though it hurt she held it. She’d save them at all costs. She’d be the lamb to the slaughter.

  “No, Clay, he’s right. All along since the garden I wanted everything. Wanted to have the understanding of why I couldn’t have certain things that were due me.”


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