Coti's Unclaimed Mate
Page 7
“Let’s go, we’ll stop and grab you something to eat on the way.” He didn’t give her a chance to agree or not, knowing she had an independent streak a mile wide, and she’d argue just to argue. Damn, he was actually looking forward to disagreeing with her. Nekkid.
“What’re you thinking about, right this minute?” she asked, halting directly in front of him.
He inhaled before answering. “I was thinking how sexy you are, especially when your back is up like a...well, I was going to say hissing cat. You get this glint in your eye like you’re daring someone to test you. It’s sexy as fuck. Makes my dick hard if you want to know the truth.”
NeNe looked down, then back up, her eyes comically wide. “Seriously, your dick should be outlawed.”
He brought her body flush with his. “I’ve been telling people that forever. Hence the names I call it.” Coti steered them out of his bedroom before he got any other ideas, and decided to say screw the pack meeting, and screwed his sexy mate instead.
She laughed. “I can’t wait to hear them. Go on, let’s hear some.”
“Heat seeking moisture missile,” he said without pausing.
“Oh, that’s a good one. I got one for the lady business. You ready?”
When she waggled her brows like she was ready to out do him, Coti was sure his mate was going to be his match in more ways than one. “Let’s hear it.”
“Wet tunnel.” She brushed by him as the door to his garage slid open.
“That’s not even sexy sounding.” Coti looked toward the other side of his garage where he’d had their bikes stored but didn’t want to chance having NeNe out in the open. The matte black truck with it’s blacked out windows would give him a sense of security, plus he could reach across the seat and hold NeNe’s hand. He led her toward the passenger side, laughing at her scoff. “Alright, my turn. You ready, baby?” He paused while opening the door and helping her inside the jacked-up truck. Once she was settled inside, he stood there, amazed how she could look sexy as sin, yet innocent and too perfect for the likes of him. At her nod, he grinned. “Mayo shooting hotdog gun,” he said, winking before he shut the door on her chuckle.
“That was a good one. Mount of teetle.” She waved her hand.
He waited for the bay to open, then backed out of the garage before talking. “One eyed yogurt slinger. And, before you say, ‘oh that’s nasty’, he said in a high-pitched tone, before continuing, “you should try it first.”
NeNe held up a finger. “Okay, first, never ever try to sound like a girl, because you just sound silly. Second, I wasn’t going to say that. I was going to say, ewww. Now, my turn. Pie corner of succulence.”
Coti licked his lips, thinking of eating some of her sweet succulence. “Purple helmet warrior of love.”
“Oh my god, you did not. I can’t get that picture out of my head.” She scrunched up her eyes.
Her laugh was deep, rolling over him like a lover’s caress. Damn, everything she did felt like she was touching him on some level. “What image would that be?”
She turned to the side, placing her back against the door. To look at her, one would’ve thought she’d been in an accident or brawl a couple weeks ago, not just hours. He winced at the bruising under her eyes he had to leave, so he didn’t draw too much attention to what he’d done.
Seconds ticked by and she still hadn’t answered him, he thought she wasn’t, but then she laughed out loud. “I keep picturing you naked with your ginormous dick standing straight out in front of you wearing a purple helmet on the tip. There, you happy?”
The smell of her arousal mixed with a hint of embarrassment filled the cab of his truck. “No, my little warrior. I’m not happy that it embarrasses you to admit you picture me naked. I’m also not happy I can’t create that scene for you, because I’d fucking love to do just that.”
NeNe leaned her left arm on the back of his seat, resting her head in the palm of her hand. “But then we’d have another issue. Where would we find a little purple helmet?”
He reached over and ran his finger along her cheek. “I’d search the web for it. Hell, I’d find someone to make the damn thing if I had to.”
His words made her laugh. “I can just see you explaining what it was for. Alright, my turn again. Hm, let’s see if I can beat the purple guy.” She batted her lashes at him. “French withered pear.”
“Ack, that doesn’t even sound appetizing. Nope, redo,” he said and grabbed her hand, not questioning the need to touch her.
“What? You don’t like pears?”
Never in his long life had he joked with another female the way he was with NeNe and felt so calm. Sure, he talked to women, got along with them quite well, but with the woman sitting next to him, he felt, for the first time in forever, peaceful. He didn’t think he’d ever get to that place. “I love pears. Sweet succulent pears. Not ones that have the word withered attached to them.” They were getting closer to town, making a sense of anticipation begin to set in.
“How about a two-fer.” She held up two fingers, a grin split her lips. “Huck hole and penis garage.” She laughed but didn’t let go of his hand.
He pointed out their choice of restaurants, making her turn in the seat to face forward.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Her relaxed pose had disappeared, which he hated to see.
“I don’t have my purse or any cash on me. Shit, I just now realized I’m going to need you to drop me off at the bank.” Delicate little teeth bit down on her lower lip, making him want to pull over and replace them with his.
“Ace found your stuff and returned them along with the clothes. Sorry, I thought I told you, but I think seeing you wrapped in my sheet must’ve short circuited my brain.” Hell, he was sure he was a few cells short at the vision she made wearing nothing but her skin.
“Oh my god, he did? Where are they?” She looked over the back of the seat then around the front of the cab.
Coti turned the blinker on, then pulled into the parking lot of a shopping center. “Calm down, it’s right here.” He reached behind him, pulling the small bag out and handed it to her. He’d made sure there was extra cash added to what she already had inside. If he was to guess, the females would’ve taken any money she’d had inside.
“Oh, thank you lord Jeezus,” she whispered, looking up at him with shining eyes. “I don’t know how much I had in here since I just shoved it all inside. I usually wait to count it until I get to my bike, but—”
He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “That’s good. Now we get you something to eat so your stomach quits yelling at me. Steaming seaman pump dong,” he laughed.
“What the ever-loving hell? That is so not sexy, Mr. Sharp.”
It may not be sexy, but it worked to take her mind off of the hows and whys of her money. After pulling through, ordering a couple breakfast sandwiches and a drink for both of them, they got back on the road toward the Iron Wolves Club. “I declare I’m the winner.”
NeNe coughed around a bite of her food, grabbing her drink and sucking down some to clear her throat before she answered. “That would be a hard no, sir. How about we call it a tie?”
At the sight of the Iron Wolves’ huge gate, he sighed. Tension filled him for what was to come. His mate was human and had no clue about other species. Shoot, the very fact there was more than humans walking the Earth was probably going to knock her on her sexy little ass. Throw in the fact he was a mix of more than one, and that his own pack had no clue? Yeah, he was most definitely not looking forward to the meeting.
“Sounds good. I mean, it’s not like you can truly beat me, so I might as well let you tie with me,” he joked, then caught her hand in his when she tried to smack him. Bringing her palm to his lips, he kissed the center. “Whatever happens, know I will protect you above all others.”
NeNe searched his green eyes, knowing there was more to his words than what he was saying. “I trust you, Coti.” The truth of that announcement amazed her. She did tru
st him for whatever reason. If he said he was going to do something, she knew he’d move mountains to see it done.
“Good, remember what I said.”
She opened her mouth to ask him what he meant, but they’d pulled into the club’s lot. She was stunned to see it filled with vehicles. “What the hell’s going on?”
He gave her hand another squeeze. “Mandatory meeting by the big guy. Come on, let’s get inside.” Coti backed into a spot, shutting the truck off with a sense of finality, leaving a quietness that was almost deafening in the cab. He didn’t say another word until he got out and came around to her side. “Want me to carry you?”
NeNe stared down at him from the seat. The huge truck gave her the advantage of being a little higher up than his six and half feet. Even so, she had no doubt he didn’t feel inadequate staring up at her. Ace had brought a pair of flip flops along with the jeans and tank top. Now, looking at the number of cars, trucks, SUVs, and motorcycles, she didn’t think she was prepared to go inside half dressed. “Why don’t you go in and have your little thing with your peeps? I’ll sit out here and listen to the radio.” Surely his radio worked.
Coti shook his head. “No can do, my little huck hole provider.”
She laughed, slapping at his arm. “You can’t use my words. Besides, why do I need to go in there?”
“Because this meeting is about the place you’ve been working at and the people who run it. We need to find out as much information as we can, and Kellen thinks you can give us that,” he bit out.
Her hand came up and touched his cheek, feeling the scruff of his beard. “And that makes you angry?”
He nodded. “I wish I could shield you from all of this, but I understand why he—we need to know more. If at anytime you want to leave, you tell me, and we’re out. You need a break, you say the word. Feel me?”
She traced her thumb across his cheekbone, down to his lips. “Do I have anything to worry about? Grace and the others?”
Coti sucked her thumb into his mouth before answering. “Those three won’t be bothering you again if they know what’s good for them.”
The fact he hadn’t answered her question completely didn’t settle her nerves in the least. “Let’s get this done then.”
Instead of allowing her to get down on her own, he gripped her around the waist and lifted her out. “Wrap your legs around me, armina.”
“I can walk. I believe we’ve gone over this before.” She rested her arms over his shoulders, relaxing into his hold instead of fighting it.
“Yeah, we went over it,” he agreed.
The sound of locks engaging, followed by a beep let her know he secured his truck. “Fine, carry me away my luscious, lickable, lollipop dong.”
Her words had Coti stumbling in the gravel before righting himself as they reached the entryway. “Well, damn.”
“That’s what I was gonna say. How’d you get a female who says crazy shit like you?” Turo held the door open.
Coti gave her ass a squeeze then allowed her to slide down his body. “Lucky I guess.”
“Um, hello, Turo. Is Joz here, too?” She looked around the big man guarding the door for her old friend, unable to hide the sneer.
Turo nodded toward the bar. “She’s over there.”
As soon as the door shut behind them, NeNe could’ve sworn everyone stopped talking. She backed into Coti. “Why’s everyone looking at us?” she asked without moving her lips.
Coti rested his hands on her shoulders, giving her a little squeeze. “Because they’re idiots. Come on, let’s go see Kellen.”
When her friends Joz and Lyric gave her a wave, but didn’t rush over and say anything, she felt like they’d slapped her. Taking a deep breath, she wiped her palms on the sides of her new jeans and turned away from the women. Screw them and their too good for her attitudes.
“They know Kellen wants to chat with you. Everyone knows if they started talking we’d never get away,” Coti whispered near her ear.
NeNe nodded. Let him think what he wanted. The women she’d thought were her friends clearly weren’t. She wanted to throw up her middle finger and jack it up and down. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”
Two sharp knocks heralded their entrance before Coti shoved the thick door open. If she could back pedal, she totally would’ve right then and there. Kellen Styles looked big and bad from a distance. Up close, like a few feet away, he was even bigger and badder. His blue eyes bore into her, daring her. NeNe had no clue what he was daring her to do, but she damn sure wasn’t going to do it. She took a step back and bumped into Coti. “How about I write you an email and explain to you what I know. I think better when I have a moment to, you know, process things. Besides, I’m not feeling too good.” She placed her hand over her stomach. The truth of her words had her stomach rolling.
“Dammit, Kellen, simmer the fuck down or we’re gonna have problems,” Coti growled.
NeNe had no clue what Kellen could do to simmer down. The man was just standing there looking mean. Her stomach rolled again. She put her other hand over her mouth. “Oh lord, please don’t let me get sick, and if I do, please don’t let me get sick on Kellen,” she whispered.
Her words had barely escaped her mouth, and then there were a few chuckles.
“I apologize, NeNe, please come in and have a seat. Would you like a drink?” He walked over to the corner, raising up a square decanter.
She shook her head. “I’m sure it’s five o’clock somewhere, but my body says no.”
The door opening had her turning to see who entered. She tried to remember the tall man’s name as he sauntered in, thinking he always seemed so calm and collected.
“Hey, Arynn, how’re the girls?” Coti asked Arynn before they hugged, pounding each other’s back like guys do.
Arynn stopped in front of NeNe, his hand going to her head. “At ease, girl. My Rebel’s raising hell, and my other girl Romie’s walking around soothing ruffled fur after her. I’m a blessed father, that’s for sure.”
She didn’t know what the man did, but her stomach instantly stopped tossing and turning as soon as he touched her. His gruff words nearly had her telling him to fuck off, however her food decided it liked where it was, which was in her instead of on the floor. She called that a major win and wanted Arynn with the magic hands to stay near. Heck, the next time she decided to try tequila, which was going to be the second Tuesday of next week, he needed to be there just in case.
“Your female has very strange, shoes,” Arynn said.
NeNe looked down at her flip flops. “Okay, that’s an odd thing to say.”
“Can we forget about what the female’s wearing and get to why we’re here?” Kellen slammed the decanter down.
“Oh, is the alpha throwing a hissy?”
She sighed at the newcomer’s voice. Was she going to be faced with every man she’d ever seen at the Iron Wolves, and have to explain to all just how badly she’d gotten her ass whooped? “Alright, can I ask who else is coming to this shindig? Because to be real honest, I don’t like having to explain just how stupid I was more than once.”
Coti spun her to face him. “Armina, you’re never to speak of yourself like that ever again. Everyone who’s here is only here because they have a vested interest in what you have to say. Not a single male here will say a damn thing in a negative manner about you, or they’ll face me. Trust me, they don’t want that.”
Xan coughed, the words sounding like pussy, but NeNe didn’t take her eyes off of Coti. She could see he meant every word he said. “Let’s get ‘r done then.”
“She even speaks our language,” Xan announced. He pointed at Kellen and held up his finger.
Kellen lifted his drink to his lips and drank. “It’s too early to be drinking,” he said after he finished the glass.
NeNe moved out of Coti’s arms, turning to face the room full of men. Each one was gorgeous with muscles and tattoos, yet none held a candle to the one standing at her back. H
e gave her the strength and courage to speak without fear.
Taking a deep breath, she told them what she knew. “I’ve worked every weekend there for the past two months. Since I didn’t really have much else to do, it seemed natural to find a second job, so I could save money up. The pay was good, and the tips were great.”
“How did you find out about the position?” Kellen asked. He’d come to sit in one of the large leather recliners, his arms resting on the sides.
“They came into the bank where I work and asked if they could put up a flyer. When the manager told them no, I told them which businesses in town allowed that sort of thing. The guy asked me if I was looking to make extra money, and the rest as they say, is history.” She shrugged, feeling as if they were all staring at her like she’d done something wrong.
Coti tensed beside her, a low growl coming from him.
“Let me ask you a question, and Coti leash your beast. Did you have any sort of relationship with the man who runs the place?” Xan asked. He too had taken as seat in a large leather recliner, yet he wasn’t as relaxed as Kellen appeared.
She shook her head. “Fuck no, Mac was a dick from the get go. I knew if I ever let him near my punani he’d never respect me. Hell, he’d probably have fired me within the first day or made me his personal bitch. Either option wasn’t good for me.”
“Just for clarity, punani is your lady bits, yes?” Xan asked, then caught a can before it hit him in the head. “Hey, I have no interest in anyone else’s punani other than my Breezy’s.”
“Back to the subject at hand. Can you tell us how many men Mac had with him?” Kellen steepled his fingers together.
“At the end of the night, there were at least thirty guys with Mac. They all gave off the same vibe as you guys. You know, don’t eff with me or else,” she explained.
Turo grunted. “I think we need to go pay this boy a visit.”
Coti walked around to stand in front of her. “Can you go wait for me out in the bar? I need to speak with these guys for a minute.”