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Haven Of Obedience

Page 5

by Marina Anderson

  ‘Lie back and enjoy the sensations,’ said Simon. ‘Marc knows what he’s doing. He was well instructed by me before we collected you.’

  Natalie was becoming very excited. There was something deliciously decadent about having two men concentrating on giving her pleasure. Her toes curled as Marc’s tongue ran along the tendons of her high instep. When he nibbled on the tight flesh around her ankle bone she shivered with delight. All the while Simon’s hands continued to caress her lower body, but they never strayed between her thighs.

  Finally Marc removed his mouth from Natalie’s feet and now Simon positioned himself above her, his dark eyes staring down into hers. ‘You know you could have a climax if you wanted to, don’t you?’ he said quietly. ‘You’re aroused enough.’ Reaching between her thighs he ran his fingers over the tell-tale dampness of her vulva.

  ‘I want to come,’ she cried. ‘But I know I won’t.’

  ‘Of course you will.’ He began to lower himself on to her, but only the bottom half of his body rested against her because he kept himself supported on his arms, lifting his chest away from her. For the first time she felt his penis touching her, nudging between her outer sex lips and then moving up and down the slick channel as her body opened to welcome him.

  To Natalie’s delight Simon didn’t enter her at once. Instead, he moved his hips around, pressing against her pubic mound and sliding the soft tip of his erection over her clitoris. Unlike most men, he’d positioned himself with his legs outside hers, which meant that there was more pressure on her vulva: her nerve ends reacted immediately. She felt tendrils of pleasure spreading slowly through her body, moving upwards from between her thighs all the way to the small swollen globes of her breasts.

  Natalie could feel that she was near to climaxing, that if she could only give herself over to what was happening, allow herself to receive the pleasure that Simon was giving her and completely relax then she would come. But it was impossible. No matter how skilfully he moved, or how slowly he slid inside her, rotating his hips in a circular motion before withdrawing and sliding up to touch her clitoris once more, the final moment of release refused to come.

  Her body was so tight that she felt she’d explode if she didn’t climax. But she longed to roll Simon over, to sit astride him, moving herself up and down on his wonderful erection, bending forward so that he could suck on her aching nipples as she came. It was all she could picture, and the more she thought about that, the quicker the delicious sensations that Simon had brought about faded.

  Frantic for satisfaction, Natalie jerked her hips upwards, trying to control the pace as her hands gripped Simon’s buttocks in an attempt to alter his rhythm. Immediately Simon’s body froze.

  ‘Now you’ve spoilt it, haven’t you?’ he said.

  Left stranded, her nerve endings still jangling and the sensations slowly dissipating, she looked miserably at him. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘You tried to take control again.’

  ‘I couldn’t help it. You weren’t doing it right, you—’

  ‘And I thought you were doing so well,’ Simon said sadly as he lifted his body off hers.

  ‘Don’t leave me like this!’ she cried.

  ‘I’m sorry, but you have to learn. I warned you that you were going to find it difficult. Let’s see if Heather has better luck than you.’

  ‘Can’t we try again?’ asked Natalie. She knew that if she could only have one more try, if she closed her eyes and allowed him to do what he wanted, then the pleasure would come again. She was frantic to feel the glorious excitement once more.

  ‘You only get one turn,’ Simon said curtly. Then, catching hold of her hand, he pulled her off the bed. ‘Put your nightdress and robe back on, and see if you can learn by watching Heather.’

  ‘I don’t want to watch Heather,’ she muttered.

  ‘Then you should have done as you were told, shouldn’t you? Come along, Heather. Do you think you can do better than Natalie?’

  Heather didn’t answer. She was clearly turned on by what she’d been watching, and for a moment Natalie hated her. If she’d gone second, then she’d probably have done better. It was unfair of Simon to make her have the first turn, and she knew that he’d done it on purpose to make it more difficult for her.

  As Heather climbed on to the bolster, and Simon began to caress her slightly larger breasts, Natalie remembered how it had felt when he’d touched her. She shivered. Her whole body was becoming aroused again, and there was nothing she could do about it. She was going to have to watch while Heather received all the pleasuring that she, Natalie, had so foolishly thrown away.

  Simon did all the things to Heather that he’d done to Natalie. As far as Natalie could tell there was no difference at all in his approach, and this upset her because while he’d been touching her it had seemed personal. She’d believed that he felt something for her. Watching him now, she saw that she’d been wrong. It was as he’d said: he was simply doing his job – and, by the sound of the noises that Heather was making, doing it very well.

  When Marc started licking between Heather’s toes the other woman became frantic with excitement, allowing the pleasure to swamp her and not resisting it as Natalie had done. When Marc had finished and stood back from the bed, Heather did attempt to wriggle free as Simon placed his body on top of hers. But the brief moment of resistance quickly passed once she felt him pressing against her pubic mound. Soon Natalie saw the pink flush of arousal spreading over Heather’s chest and neck.

  She could imagine only too well the pressure that was building inside the other woman. The wonderful tightening of her muscles, the piercing shards of pleasure that were almost certainly shooting through her lower belly as Simon moved up and down her soft, moist flesh before sliding into her welcoming entrance.

  Unlike Natalie, Heather was moaning aloud with excitement and she made no attempt to control Simon in any way. In fact, she seemed to be lost in her own world, a world made up entirely of sensations, sensations that Natalie, standing helplessly as she watched, could only remember and regret. It quickly became obvious that, unlike Natalie, Heather was going to climax. Natalie, who had never before watched a couple having sex like this, wondered if she was going to come as well. She felt ready to, but her body needed a caress, an intimate touch and she knew that Marc wouldn’t be allowed to touch her.

  After several minutes, Simon’s pace quickened, but he was still well in control of himself. The same couldn’t be said for Heather, whose breathing was loud and rapid. Then, with a keening cry, she came. Natalie watched as Heather’s body twisted and turned beneath Simon’s lean hardness until suddenly the other woman’s eyes closed and she lay still and relaxed, her body limp.

  ‘Was that the first time you’ve ever come when you were underneath a man?’ Simon asked dispassionately. His clipped voice shattered the erotically charged atmosphere in the room.

  ‘Yes,’ admitted Heather.

  ‘You did very well. We’ll be able to try you with someone else later this morning.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Time for you both to get ready for breakfast. At half-past ten I’m taking you to watch the men learning to be submissive. You should enjoy that,’ he added, looking directly at Natalie.

  I don’t like submissive men,’ she said defensively.

  ‘Really? Then what sort of men do you like? Dominant males don’t take very kindly to being told what to do.’

  ‘That’s probably why I’m so unsuccessful in my relationships.’

  ‘Precisely,’ he said softly. ‘Which is why I want to help you learn to change. The trouble is, you don’t really want to be helped.’

  Natalie wanted to tell Simon that he was wrong, that she did want to change but it was hard to give up control. However, she didn’t have a chance because, before she could reply, he and Marc had walked out of the room, leaving her and Heather alone together.

  Heather looked at Natalie. ‘It’s rather embarrassing, all this, isn’t it?’

‘It’s not at all what I expected,’ admitted Natalie. ‘I hadn’t thought there would be so much ... practical work, as it were.’

  ‘I had no idea what to expect, but I didn’t really care,’ confessed Heather. ‘I was so tired of losing men whom I really liked that I was willing to do anything if it was going to make me happier.’

  ‘But will this make us happier?’ asked Natalie. ‘How do we know it’s what we really want, rather than what men want us to be?’

  ‘That bothered me a bit. But after this morning I’m beginning to see the advantages,’ said Heather, with a laugh. ‘He’s absolutely incredible, isn’t he?’


  ‘Simon, of course.’

  ‘He’s all right.’

  ‘Oh come on, he knows all the right buttons to push.’

  ‘Of course he does, that’s his job. It doesn’t mean he’s a particularly nice person, or even a particularly sexy one. I think you must have to be a bit strange to be able to do the kind of work he does.’

  ‘I should think most men would give their eye-teeth for a job like that,’ remarked Heather. ‘I certainly don’t think he’s strange. I just wish that we were allowed to fraternise with the tutors after we leave here. If I’m going to start a new way of life, I’d like him to join in the fun. He’d be a great party guest.’

  ‘Did you find it easy to have an orgasm?’ asked Natalie, hesitantly. ‘I thought it was really difficult. I never like being underneath, but having people watching, and knowing that Simon was assessing me, made it even worse. I nearly managed it, but he wasn’t moving quite how I wanted him to.’

  ‘It was probably easier for me,’ admitted Heather. ‘After all, I’d watched the pair of you and, believe me, that was an incredible turn-on. That’s another thing: I could never have imagined myself watching people having sex before this weekend. Actually, I thought he did everything right. You probably wanted to guide him just to show that he wasn’t having things all his own way.’

  ‘What are you, some kind of amateur psychiatrist?’ asked Natalie, beginning to get irritated.

  ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. It’s just that I know how difficult it is, and I thought that we should try and help each other.’

  Natalie felt ashamed of herself. ‘You’re right, we should help each other. Probably I was too busy worrying that my pleasure was totally in his hands. But it’s a difficult habit to break.’

  ‘What do you think about watching men being forced to be submissive, then?’

  Natalie thought for a moment. ‘I can’t really picture it, can you?’

  ‘No, but it should be very interesting. The men here are all like us, very successful in their particular line of business. I was talking to one in the grounds yesterday when I arrived. He’s head of a big multinational company and when he says “Jump” everyone jumps. He’s been married twice and had three other failed relationships. He says that he can’t modify his behaviour at all, that he finds himself taking over in bed even when he knows that’s not what the woman wants. I’d quite like to watch him being tutored. He was very attractive.’

  ‘He was probably attractive to you because he is powerful and important,’ pointed out Natalie. ‘He won’t be nearly as attractive if he’s seen being submissive.’

  ‘It’s odd, isn’t it?’ said Heather. ‘We both like being in control in bed, but neither of us are attracted to submissive men. No wonder we were making such a mess of our private lives.’

  Natalie glanced at the clock on the wall. ‘We’d better go and get ready for breakfast. I think they stop serving at nine.’

  ‘Yes, better not be late or no doubt that will be considered a punishable offence as well.’

  Natalie looked thoughtfully at the other woman. ‘You know, I think you’re going to learn to change quicker than I am.’

  ‘Why do you say that?’

  ‘I don’t know. Perhaps it’s because you’re more relaxed about the whole thing than I am. Anyway, seeing you with Simon just now it was obvious that you were able to relinquish control to him.’

  ‘That’s not to say I’ll be able to relinquish control to someone else.’

  Natalie sighed. ‘I know. But I haven’t managed to relinquish it at all yet.’

  Heather smiled reassuringly at her. ‘Don’t worry, it’s early days and I heard that Simon’s never had a failure.’

  Natalie shivered. ‘He’s not going to be very pleased if I’m his first, then, is he?’

  ‘No,’ agreed Heather. ‘He certainly isn’t.’

  Chapter Six

  AT TEN-THIRTY, OVER an hour after they’d breakfasted, Simon came and collected Natalie and Heather from the lounge, where they’d been chatting together and surreptitiously eyeing the other guests. ‘Time for the next part of the learning curve, girls,’ he said. ‘I expect you’ve been looking forward to this.’

  ‘Not particularly,’ said Natalie. ‘I don’t think it’s going to turn me on.’

  Simon looked sceptical. ‘How about you, Heather?’

  ‘I’m not sure,’ confessed the other woman.

  ‘At least you’re open-minded about it. The trouble with you, Natalie, is that you’re resisting change every step of the way. You don’t seem to realise that you’re the only one who’s going to lose out. It doesn’t matter to me whether you gain anything from your weekends here or not.’

  ‘Really?’ asked Natalie. ‘I’d have thought it would matter quite a lot to you. After all, you’re famous for never having failed.’

  ‘There’s no question of passing or failing,’ he said sharply. ‘This isn’t an exam, it’s a self-improvement course. You came here because you wanted to change yourself, and if you leave without doing that, then that’s your personal choice.’

  ‘So you wouldn’t consider it a failure on your part?’

  Simon moved closer to her. ‘If you’re trying to annoy me, don’t,’ he whispered. ‘It’s a very dangerous game to play.’

  ‘Perhaps I’m getting a taste for dangerous games.’

  ‘You’re not ready to take me on yet,’ he said softly. ‘You’d be playing out of your league.’

  ‘Are we going or not?’ asked Heather.

  Simon nodded. ‘Yes, we’d better hurry or they’ll have started without us. It isn’t likely, though: Rob prefers the men to have spectators for this particular exercise.’

  The room to which Simon took them both was on the ground floor. It was large and, again, plushly carpeted, with three old-fashioned chaise-longues, but little else in the way of furniture. Rob, his piercing blue eyes bright, was standing at the side of the room with three girls next to him. In the middle of the room there were three men, all of them completely naked.

  ‘Are the women tutors?’ Natalie asked Simon.

  ‘No,’ he said quietly. ‘We don’t employ enough staff for all the activities that we run here. Fortunately most of us have friends, broad-minded ones, naturally, who are more than willing to help Rob out. These three are friends of Marc’s. They take great pleasure in their work here.’

  ‘What’s going to happen?’ asked Heather.

  Rob glanced over at them. ‘Would you all sit down on the floor by the door, please? And I’d be grateful if you didn’t chatter while we’re working. I know that Andrew, Oliver and Sebastian will appreciate having an audience, but I’d rather it was a silent one.’

  ‘That’s told us,’ muttered Natalie. Rob gave her a sharp warning glance before turning his attention back to the men, still standing naked in the middle of the room. ‘I’d like you to introduce yourselves now,’ he ordered them.

  The first one stepped forward. Natalie thought that he was probably about forty. He was of average height, with dark brown hair and designer stubble. He looked a typical macho man, and she could imagine the way he’d behave at parties, grasping women’s elbows, certain they’d be very grateful to receive his manly attentions. ‘I’m Andrew,’ he said, his voice aggressive. ‘I’m managing director for a
sales-and-marketing company and the only thing I really dislike is being called Andy.’

  The second man stepped forward. He was an entirely different type. Tall, probably a little over six foot, he was quite slim but raw-boned and his light brown hair was tousled and curly, swept back off his face. He looked to be in his mid-thirties and what made him stand out were his large brown eyes, which were quite soft-looking and fringed with extraordinarily long, thick lashes. ‘I’m Oliver, I run my own distribution company and there’s nothing I particularly dislike, except women who try to take control in bed.’

  ‘By that I take it that you think you always know best,’ commented Rob.

  Oliver seemed surprised by the question. ‘I think I know how to please a woman.’

  ‘You don’t think that women might know their own bodies better than you do?’

  Oliver smiled. It was a charming smile. ‘They might think that they do. But I know that if they gave me a chance to show them what I could do, they’d change their minds.’

  ‘I can understand why you’re here, then,’ remarked Rob. ‘Next.’

  The third man stepped forward. He was about the same age and height as Oliver, but more heavily built. ‘My name’s Sebastian. I’m a company director in the City and I’m here because women tell me I’m too aggressive in bed.’

  ‘Do you think they’ve got a fair point?’ asked Rob, with interest.

  ‘Not really, no. I think most women would like to turn the clock back, but they think it’s politically incorrect so they make token objections.’

  ‘I see. You think they’d like to return to the caveman days, do you?’

  ‘Not exactly,’ protested Sebastian. ‘I’m not suggesting I should hit them over the head and drag them back to my cave. It’s just that men are meant to dominate. That’s what nature intended.’


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