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Haven Of Obedience

Page 8

by Marina Anderson

  ‘No!’ protested Oliver. ‘I’m not meant to come yet.’ But although Natalie heard the words they didn’t really register because already her body was climbing towards another orgasm. As Oliver climaxed so did she, and this time she cried aloud with delirious pleasure.

  ‘What did you do then?’ asked Simon, as Oliver climbed off the bed and Simon lifted her off him.

  ‘Nothing,’ she murmured, still lost in a haze of sensuality.

  ‘What did she do, Oliver?’ asked Simon.

  ‘Tightened herself around me, milked me until I came.’

  Simon shook his head in disbelief. ‘It seems you never learn, Natalie.’

  ‘I didn’t mean to do it,’ she explained. ‘It was all so good that I didn’t want it to end.’

  ‘I think I’d better take you back to your room now,’ said Simon quietly. ‘I shall have to see if a little private tuition proves more effective. After all, you’re more than halfway through your first weekend, and yet you still find it impossible to be obedient for more than five minutes.’

  ‘Does that mean you’re going to punish me again?’ she asked, her mouth dry.

  ‘I’m afraid you haven’t left me any choice,’ he said ominously. Both Heather and Oliver gave Natalie a pitying look as Simon handed her clothes to her before leading her away.

  Chapter Eight

  BY THE TIME THEY got back to her room, Natalie was starting to feel annoyed. Although she knew that she’d made mistakes, it still seemed to her that Simon was taking great pleasure in disciplining her.

  ‘Is there something about me that you don’t like?’ she demanded as they entered her room.

  ‘Of course not,’ he replied, shutting the door. ‘I don’t want you to waste your money, that’s all.’

  Natalie wasn’t convinced. ‘What happens now?’

  Simon thought for a moment. ‘Get on the bed.’

  ‘Dressed or naked?’

  ‘Just as you are.’

  Obediently she lay on her bed, acutely aware that in the rush to leave the training room she hadn’t put her underwear on beneath her ice-cream-pink, button-through dress. ‘Tell me, do you have a proper job?’ she enquired.

  ‘Of course I do,’ he said brusquely, catching hold of her wrists and binding them to the headboard.

  Knowing that she mustn’t resist what he was doing, Natalie decided to continue the conversation to try and distract herself. ‘What is it?’

  He gave the silk scarf that he was knotting round her right wrist a sharp tug. ‘If you must know, I’m a freelance journalist, permanently at the mercy of people like you.’

  ‘I see,’ said Natalie triumphantly. ‘That’s why you don’t like me then, because you blame your failure as a journalist on people like me.’

  ‘Who said I was a failure?’

  ‘Your name isn’t familiar.’

  ‘Perhaps you read the wrong kind of magazines,’ he suggested as he began to fix restraining loops around her slender ankles.

  ‘Tell me who you write for.’

  ‘Most of the broadsheets have used me at one time or another. Anyway, that’s quite enough about me. Let me explain what’s going to happen next. I don’t have much longer to make sure that you’ve at least learned the basic lessons of obedience. The only way to stop you interfering, it seems to me, is to tie you up – which is why we’ve moved on to bondage this quickly. You’ll be relieved to hear that I’m going to give you a nice time – but only my way’

  Natalie started to feel very excited. Their eyes met and she had an odd sensation in the pit of her stomach, a sudden lurching feeling that was how she always felt when she set eyes on a man that she really wanted. A strange expression crossed Simon’s face for a moment, as though he too felt something more than professional interest in her. But almost at once his face became impassive again. ‘Time to get started, I think,’ he remarked. Then he opened the zip holdall that he’d brought with him from the training room.

  Carefully he began to undo the buttons on her dress, his fingers lightly stroking her soft skin as his hands worked downwards, and she felt him opening the dress up, exposing her long, lean, naked body beneath. She wished that she could remove the dress altogether, shrug her arms out of it and throw it away. But because she was bound she had to settle for what Simon was doing.

  Once her full length was exposed to him he took a large sable brush from his holdall and, beginning at her feet, proceeded to use it on every centimetre of her skin, using the most delicate of sweeping motions. The sensation was wonderful: Natalie was so excited that when he started to use the brush on the insides of her knees and the tender skin of her inner thighs she began to shake violently. She arched her hips off the bed as her body instinctively attempted to get the brush to touch her higher up.

  ‘I see you enjoy this,’ Simon murmured. ‘You know, you have a very responsive body. It’s a shame that you don’t want to learn how to get maximum pleasure from it.’

  ‘I do want to learn,’ said Natalie breathlessly. ‘That’s why I’m here.’

  ‘Then play by the rules.’

  ‘Why have you stopped?’ she moaned.

  ‘Because I don’t want you getting too excited straight away.’

  Natalie wanted to scream at him in fury. But instead she turned her head to one side, determined not to let him see the frustration that she knew must be visible on her face. After a few minutes her body quietened and then Simon started to brush her again. This time he moved the soft bristles over her hip bones and the curve of her waist, which made her stomach tighten. She thought that she’d go out of her mind because by now there was a terrible heavy aching between her legs. It was an aching that only some kind of touch would ease, and she knew that Simon wasn’t going to touch her there – at least, not yet.

  ‘It feels good, doesn’t it?’ he whispered.

  ‘It’s bliss,’ she moaned. Then she felt the brush start to circle each of her breasts in turn until the soft tissue swelled as they became heavy and engorged. Natalie heard herself muttering incoherently, her arms pulling against the restraints as she struggled to move, trying to bring her nipples into contact with the brush. However, Simon had tied her too tightly and, obviously knowing what she craved, he cruelly made sure that her nipples received no stimulation at all. Instead they were left so tight and aching that eventually Natalie gave a wail of frustration.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ he asked, with mock concern.


  Simon nodded approvingly. ‘That’s a good girl. Perhaps, at last, you really are beginning to learn. Now, I think we could do with a change.’

  When Natalie heard a low buzzing sound she felt a surge of relief, realising that he was going to use a vibrator on her. This was exactly what she needed, a firmer touch that would trigger her orgasm. At least, that was what she thought she was going to get. But Simon had other ideas.

  He used the slim, pencil-like vibrator with all the skill of a torturer, constantly touching and arousing her, but never in a place that would allow her release. He trailed it along the inner creases of her thighs, he lightly stroked her areolae and he even moved it back and forth across the base of her belly. But he never allowed it anywhere near her nipples or clitoris.

  Very soon Natalie was going out of her mind with frustration as her hot, tight, needy body wriggled and twisted in despairing attempts to get the elusive touch that she craved so much.

  ‘You look wonderful,’ said Simon when he finally switched off the vibrator. ‘I wish you could see yourself.’

  ‘I’m glad I can’t,’ she groaned. ‘When are you going to let me come?’

  ‘Not yet.’

  He walked away from her for a few minutes. Natalie realised that he was waiting for her body to come down from the heights it had reached so that when he next touched her there would be no danger of an instant orgasm. Never before had anyone kept bringing her so close to climaxing only to leave her body stranded, teetering on the brink of re
lease. When Simon finally returned to her with a long peacock feather in his hand she gave a groan of despair.

  Lightly, insidiously, he stroked her with the delicate point. He twirled it in her belly button until her hips jerked and her clitoris throbbed. He lazily stroked the inner tops of her thighs, even briefly allowing the feather’s tip to glide over her swollen sex lips. But even then she was unable to climax. She had no idea for how long he used the feather. Eventually, just as she felt certain that at the very next touch, no matter where it was, her body would explode into floods of pleasure, he dropped the vivid plume, on to her naked belly and then stood looking down at her.

  ‘Right. I’ll be back to see you when I’ve had my tea break.’

  Natalie couldn’t believe her ears. ‘You can’t leave me like this!’ she screamed.

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because I need to come.’

  ‘The wait will make it all the better for you.’

  ‘No, it won’t!’ she shouted as he began to walk out of the room. ‘Come back! You’ve no idea what I’m going through. Please touch me again.’

  ‘Where?’ he asked with apparent interest.

  ‘Anywhere,’ she groaned.

  ‘Sorry, that wasn’t quite specific enough. I’d have expected someone like you to know exactly what you wanted,’ he said with a smile. Then, before she could say anything more, he’d gone, closing her door softly behind him.

  It was only when Simon had left that Natalie realised how helpless she was. He hadn’t even loosened her bonds a little, which meant that she was unable to move her arms or legs. With no idea of when he was coming back she felt quite frightened. Then, remembering what he’d said about his work as a journalist, her fear began to change to anger. She sensed that this was his revenge, that he was paying her back for all the rejections that he’d doubtless received from female editors. Her anger saved her from becoming too frightened, but it also worked as an aphrodisiac. Although she was no longer being stimulated her body remained aroused. The sensations lessened a little but her jangling nerve endings still clamoured for satisfaction.

  Natalie tried to bend her knees, to rock herself back and forth and put pressure on her pubic mound, but there wasn’t enough give in her bonds. Her nipples continued to tingle, and there was an ache at the pit of her stomach that refused to go away. The more she thought about Simon and his work, the more she remembered the things he’d been doing to her before leaving. It was as though she could feel once more the gentle caress of the sable brush, the teasing pressure of the vibrator and the exquisite strokes of the delicious pointed tip of the feather that was now lying redundant on her body. It seemed to mock her, reminding her of the pleasure that it had given her earlier.

  She didn’t know exactly how long she lay there. She guessed that nearly an hour had passed before the door opened and Simon finally returned. Lifting her head from the pillow, she glared at him. ‘You took your time.’

  ‘That’s no way to greet me. You should be grateful I bothered to come back at all.’

  ‘You could hardly leave me like this. Even Rob Gill must expect his clients to turn up for dinner.’

  ‘Rob wouldn’t dream of interfering in my training methods,’ said Simon smugly. ‘Mind you, dinner wouldn’t be the same without you. Besides, there’s an interesting game being played tonight and I don’t want you to miss that.’

  Crossing the room he looked down at her supine body. Then, bending over her, he blew gently on her nipples, which immediately hardened into tight, pointed peaks. ‘Goodness, you’re still very aroused,’ he murmured to himself.

  ‘What did you expect?’

  ‘I’ve no idea what to expect from you.’

  ‘Well, I hope you’re going to—’

  Straightening up, Simon looked at her in astonishment. ‘I can’t believe it. You’re still trying to give me orders, aren’t you?’

  He looked so angry that Natalie lost her nerve. ‘No,’ she protested vehemently. ‘Of course I’m not.’

  ‘Well, that’s what it sounded like to me,’ he said softly. With a strange expression on his face, he ripped off his clothes. Then, without any preliminaries at all, he lay on top of her and with one quick thrust of his hips was inside her.

  Natalie gave a scream of delight. Simon was so big, so hard, and at last the terrible aching void was filled as he began to move violently in and out of her. She stared up at him. But his eyes were closed and his mouth shut tight with concentration as, with no regard at all for her pleasure, he concentrated solely on his own climax. She could tell that he was angry, but it was also obvious that he was very aroused – and this excited her. Soon she felt her body gathering itself together as her long-delayed climax approached and even though he wasn’t touching her anywhere else she didn’t mind. This was what she really needed, this was what she wanted, to feel him deep inside her and, as her hips lifted up off the bed, she tightened herself around him. Immediately the first tiny darts of pre-orgasmic pleasure shot through her.

  ‘Yes! Yes!’ she shouted and then, at long last, she felt the hot, flooding pleasure course through her body as her frantic nerve endings were finally assuaged by the blissful pulsations of her climax. As Natalie came and her muscles tightened involuntarily around Simon, she felt him shuddering. Then he gave a groan as he climaxed, emptying himself inside her.

  Now, at last, he opened his eyes. But there was no tenderness in his expression. Natalie didn’t know why, but she’d expected there to be. Although he’d taken her violently, uncaringly, she’d felt certain that this was because he was angry at having feelings for her. Now, looking into his dark, unfathomable eyes, she wasn’t so sure.

  ‘I hope that satisfied you,’ Simon said, as he withdrew.

  Her flesh twitched as she felt him leave her and she wanted to ask him to lie down with her, to make it more personal. But she knew that not only was that against the rules of obedience, it would also be unprofessional. For the first time she was grateful that she would be coming back the following weekend, because she was determined that somehow she’d get to know the real Simon better.

  ‘Well, did it?’ Simon persisted.

  ‘Yes, thank you,’ said Natalie, deliberately making her voice submissive.

  ‘Goodness, no complaints at all?’


  ‘Then I’ll have to untie you.’

  Natalie glanced up at him as he began to unfasten her wrists. ‘You sound quite disappointed.’

  ‘Nonsense. Surprised, perhaps, but not disappointed.’

  ‘Didn’t you feel anything at all?’ whispered Natalie.

  Simon’s body became very still. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Wasn’t it special for you?’

  ‘I was simply doing my job.’

  ‘Were you really?’

  ‘I’m afraid I was. I’m sure it would flatter your ego considerably to think that I find you special, but I’m afraid you’re typical of the type of women we get here. More obstinate, possibly, but that’s the only difference between you and all our other clients.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘Don’t take it personally,’ he said briskly, as he removed the last of her bonds and helped her into a sitting position. ‘Even if I was interested in you, which I’d like to emphasise I’m not, it wouldn’t be allowed. I’d lose my job here if I ever got involved with a client.’

  ‘And your job here means a lot to you?’

  ‘Yes. I get more satisfaction from this than from anything else I do.’

  ‘How sad,’ said Natalie.

  Simon was obviously surprised. ‘What do you mean, “sad”?’

  ‘Well, you can’t be any better than the rest of us at forming relationships if you get more pleasure from this than from anything else you do.’

  ‘We’re not here to discuss my private life, we’re here to sort yours out. I’ll see you at dinner.’

  She could tell that he was eager to be gone, but that didn’t matter. At lea
st she’d got through to him, rattled his composure a little, and that was what she needed to do if she was to make any progress. ‘What did you mean about this evening?’ she asked.

  ‘This evening you’re in for a rather different experience. It’s a way of training both men and women at the same time. The women are put into pairs and then they make love to each other while some of the men watch. The idea is that women get an opportunity to find out what it’s like to pleasure and be pleasured by other women, while it’s hoped that the men will learn, just by watching, what it is that women really want.’

  ‘I’m not making love to another woman!’ gasped Natalie, horrified by the very thought.

  ‘Why ever not? After all, you seem to think that you know your own body best when it comes to men making love to you. Surely a woman will know without you having to tell her.’

  ‘I can’t do it,’ protested Natalie, trying to visualise the scene that Simon had conjured up.

  ‘In that case you’ll have to leave. The class isn’t a voluntary one.’

  ‘But I don’t want to leave.’ Natalie could hear the fear in her own voice, and despised herself for it, but it stopped Simon in his tracks. He sat down on the bed next to her.

  ‘Listen, Natalie. When you decided to come here you made a very courageous decision. You decided that you weren’t happy with your sex life and you wanted to change it. The trouble is that when you change old habits it means trying new ones, otherwise you’ve nothing to replace your old ways with.’

  ‘But I’m not interested in other women.’

  ‘You don’t understand what this is all about. Whether you’re attracted to other women or not isn’t the point. The point is that during your two weekends here you’ll experience pleasure, but pleasure given to you in completely new ways. It isn’t as though you’re going to be locked up in a room with another woman and left on your own. There’ll be plenty of men around. I’d have thought that would appeal to you.’


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