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The Dragon's Mate

Page 130

by Emilia Hartley

  “Are you okay?” she asked, gently.

  Lucy swallowed, fighting the tears pooling in her eyes.

  “I’ve heard the first time can be rough,” Jo continued, her eyes suddenly looking past Lucy. “There’s Dan - dressed, thankfully. He’ll look after you.” Giving her a quick smile, Jo walked away, just as Dan reached them.

  “Lucy,” he murmured, putting a strong hand around her waist. “Let’s go inside.”

  Lucy let Dan lead her inside, wanting nothing more than to curl up on to the bed and cry until she had nothing left.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The following day, Nick gathered the pack together. Dan gave Lucy a worried look as she sat down. He had spent the night holding her, not knowing what to say. Lucy had alternated between tears and anger, and all he’d been able to do was be there for her. There was nothing he could say to make her pain any less. He had no experience of what it was like to have your own flesh and blood treat you so cruelly.

  At the same time, Dan wanted to tell Lucy how proud he was of her. She had stood in the face of terrible danger and had chosen to shift in order to protect him. As much as he had fought Dominic, Dan had to admit to himself that he probably would have been severely injured from Dominic’s beating, if not fatally. She had stood up to her brother once again, to the point of choosing Dan and the Alliance over her own brother. Even though Lucy truly disliked her brother, Dan knew that she was still hurt deeply by his words. To know that your brother would willingly attack you, should you come near his pack again, must feel like the bottom had dropped out of your world.

  “How are we all feeling?” Nick asked, his eyes on Dan.

  Dan winced, as he shrugged. Dominic had certainly left his mark. He had needed a couple of ice packs last night. He couldn’t see all that well out of his left eye and his mouth had a pretty bad tear. It would take a few days to heal.

  "That good, huh?" Nick asked, with a slight grin. "Well, hopefully, we'll be safe for a while. We've discovered that there are a few things going on in the Northern Wind pack, things they're going to have to sort out themselves before they can even think about launching a fresh attack on us."

  “What sort of things?” Dan asked, frowning. He’d been aware that Nick had disappeared for a while last night, once they’d all come back, but didn’t know where he’d gone.

  Nick glanced at Tom. “We did a little scouting,” he answered, quietly. “We stayed downwind but managed to pick up enough of their conversation to understand the kind of thing that’s going on.” His eyes darted to Lucy. “It’s not good, I’m afraid.”

  Dan saw Lucy visibly tense. Obviously, whatever Nick had heard was to do with Dominic.

  “What is it?” she asked, her voice quiet. “What is Dominic doing?”

  Pausing for a moment before answering, Nick let out a long breath. “I’m not going to lie to you, Lucy, but it’s pretty bad news. It looks like Dominic is planning a takeover of the pack somehow.”

  "A takeover?" Dan repeated, frowning. "But Lucas is the pack leader."

  “Yes, we know,” Tom interrupted, gruffly. “But we heard Dominic talking to one of the other pack members, far back from the others. Looks like he wants to lead, not Lucas.”

  “And that means there’s going to be a lot more fighting ahead,” Nick continued. “From what I saw of Dominic yesterday, he’s not one to hold back.”

  "He likes to fight first and think afterward," Lucy said, softly. "You're right, Nick. This isn't a good thing."

  Nick gave her a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry, Lucy.”

  She shrugged. “It’s not your fault.”

  Dan watched as Lucy got to her feet and left the shop, walking outside and into the cold air.

  “Do you think I should go after her?” he asked, helplessly. “I don’t know what to do.”

  Savannah put a calming hand on his arm. “Just leave her for a little while, Dan. Give her some space. She’s been through a lot.”

  “She did shift, at least,” Jo added. “That’s got to be a good thing, right?”

  Dan didn’t know, choosing not to answer. He wasn’t sure that Lucy planned to shift again, given how awful she felt about the whole thing. Perhaps the fight yesterday had just cemented the idea that all shifters were angry, hate-filled fighters.

  “Just give her some time, Dan,” Savannah said, apparently seeing the distress on his face. “You’ll get her back soon.”

  Lucy walked away from the others, and out into the cold wind, barely feeling it. Dominic was doing what he always did, vying for control. He wanted to be in command, to be the one calling the shots. He'd want to attack and rip this pack to pieces so that he could claim victory. That's all it was to Dominic. It didn't matter what other people thought, Dominic could never be the one in a lesser position. No matter what it took, Lucy knew she and the others wouldn't be safe from him.

  What was she going to do? A huge part of her urged her to run away, to leave the pack behind and go and start over somewhere else….but her heart told her she couldn’t. Not after the kindness they’d shown her. They’d taken her in, given her a roof over her head, food to eat and, now, a job she could call her own. And then, there was Dan.

  Lucy couldn’t deny she loved him, even with the pain in her heart. He was there for her, right from the start. Right when she needed help to step away from Dominic that night outside the bar, he’d been there trying to help her. Of course, he’d only managed to get a punch that had knocked him to the ground for his trouble, but he’d tried and that had shown her exactly the kind of man he was. He was the kind of man that would stand up for someone he saw being treated unfairly, the kind of man who wouldn’t let her down.

  She remembered how she had seen his bear, battered and bloodied but still fighting against Dominic. If she hadn’t managed to stop Dominic, Lucy wasn’t sure what would have happened to Dan. Would he just have kept on trying to fight for her, no matter what happened to him?

  Thrusting her head in her hands, Lucy walked towards the woods, not really knowing where she was going. She needed to get away from it all, to think alone.

  Lucy didn't know how long it was she had been walking for, lost in her thoughts, but she suddenly realized she had no idea where she was. The woods were dark, the tall trees blotting out a lot of the early morning sunshine.

  Looking around her, Lucy felt a frisson of fear rush up her spine. What if Lucas or Dominic was looking for her, caught her scent in the wind? She was entirely alone.

  Her bear growled, growing wary. The sensible thing to do would be to let her bear out so that she could use her senses to find her way home, but Lucy really didn't want to do that. Tired from forcing her bear back down, from refusing to let it tear out of her skin, Lucy dropped to her knees and began to cry.


  Looking up, Lucy saw Dan walking towards her, his arms outstretched. He’d followed her. He hadn’t left her alone. Crying even harder, Lucy felt Dan pull her into his arms, sitting down on the forest floor next to her.

  “Whatever you’re going through, I’m here,” Dan whispered in her ear, holding her tightly. “You don’t have to go through this alone, Lucy. I’ll always be here for you. I’ll never leave you.”

  Lucy sobbed into his chest, her heart breaking and healing at the same time. Dan had proven himself time and again, proving that he would never let her down the way Dominic had. He would always want her, he’d never turn his back on her and leave her to live life alone.

  “I’m here, Lucy,” Dan murmured, over and over again. Lucy let herself rest against him, letting out all of the emotions she felt until there was nothing left. And still, Dan held her tightly, reassuring her softly. She had never felt more loved.

  Chapter Twenty

  “How is she?”

  Dan shook his head. It was now a week since they’d fought against Dominic, Lucas and the Northern Wind pack and still Lucy hadn’t come out of her shell. She was still quiet and sad, often caught staring i
nto space, lost in her thoughts.

  “I don’t know,” he replied, seeing Jo’s eyes grow sad. “I don’t know what to do, Jo.” He glanced at the walls, which were now painted with a white undercoat. “How has she been here?”

  Jo shrugged. “She works just as hard, but, like with you, she’s very quiet. Nothing like the Lucy we’ve come to know.”

  Rubbing a hand over his face, Dan’s shoulders slumped. “I wish I could help her.”

  "You are helping her," Jo assured him. "Just being there for her and listening to her when she needs to talk is doing more than you realize."

  “But she doesn’t talk,” Dan replied with a frown. “That’s what I’m saying, Jo. She doesn’t talk to me. I get the impression that she’s holding something back from me, but I don’t know what it is.”

  Jo looked thoughtful. “Have you asked her outright?”

  “No,” Dan replied, quickly. “I don’t want to impose.”

  “I don’t think you would be,” she replied, gently. “You are closer to her than anyone else, Dan. Just try and talk to her. See if you can get her to open up.”

  Doubtfully, Dan shook his head again, although he didn’t outright refuse. Perhaps Jo was right. Perhaps that was the only way to get through to Lucy. Asking the difficult questions might help her to open up to him.

  Seeing her walking towards the office, Dan thanked Jo and walked out to meet her. Putting a wide smile on his face, he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  “Hi,” he said, softly. “How are you?”

  She shrugged, still with no smile on her face. “I’m okay,” she murmured. “I just wanted another walk by myself. I didn’t go far.”

  Dan smiled at her again, despite his anxiety. “How about we take a picnic up to our spot tonight?” he asked, hoping she would say yes. “I can get takeout again, or whatever you want?”

  For a long moment, he thought she was going to refuse but, eventually, she nodded. His breath came out in a whoosh of relief. “Great,” he replied, feeling slightly happier. “I’ll come and get you the minute I finish up.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Lucy said, in a monotone. She didn’t even sound excited, and Dan’s heart began to sink.

  Dan watched her walk towards the office, opening the door and going inside. Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair, desperately hoping that somehow, he’d be able to finally get her to open up.

  Lucy climbed the hill, already growing breathless as she attacked the steep climb. She had seen the way Dan had looked at her this morning. She'd thought about nothing else all day. He was trying so hard but she still couldn't bring herself to let him in, to let him know about everything that was going on in her mind. Even though she knew Dan and the rest of the members of the Alliance pack, even though she trusted them completely, she still couldn't completely believe that they'd never turn out like Lucas or Dominic. She wanted to, but she couldn't. It was like some kind of mental block that she simply couldn't get past. As she climbed, Lucy wondered if talking to Dan would help, even though her mind screamed that it was a bad idea. Lucy had never had anyone to talk to before, she'd just had to cope with her difficult situations and with Dominic by herself. Talking about her problems and her thoughts with other people wasn’t something she was used to, but perhaps that had to change.

  Finally reaching the top, Lucy stretched out her back and tried to catch her breath.

  “You practically ran up that hill,” Dan gasped, reaching her. “Trying to get away from me or something?”

  “From myself,” she muttered, sitting down. “I’m so confused, Dan.”

  Dan sat down next to her, his eyes filled with concern. “Confused about what, Lucy? I want to help.”

  Lucy sighed, not knowing what was best to say. There was so much in her heart that she barely knew where to begin.

  “Lucy,” she heard Dan whisper, felt his hand touch hers. “Can’t you trust me?”

  She looked at him, steadily. “I want to, Dan.” She saw the emotions flicker on his face, but he said nothing. Her gratitude for his silence rose. He still held back, respecting her enough to let her speak when she was ready. War raged within her. For so long, she’d been working things out on her own, not needing anyone else. But things had changed for her now. She was part of a pack. Part of the Alliance. She was with Dan. She had to let herself trust him completely, and tell him the truth about Dominic.

  “When I saw you fighting Dominic,” she began, quietly. “I was really scared.”


  Lucy swallowed hard, as she recalled how badly Dan had been beaten. “I thought he might kill you.” She looked up at him, her hand clasping his. “You kept on fighting, Dan.”

  “I wouldn’t have stopped,” Dan replied, hotly. “Not until you were safe, Lucy. You mean too much to me.”

  Her heart softened. “I know you wouldn’t have, Dan. That’s what frightened me.”

  His expression became serious. “Nick wouldn’t have let him kill me, Lucy. You know that.”

  “Is that what my life here is going to be?” she asked, searching his face. “Are we always going to be fighting something?”

  Dan frowned at her, shaking his head. “No, not something,” he replied. “But the Northern Wind pack, they’re not going to get off our back any time soon.” He looked at her steadily. “Who else did you think we would be fighting? There aren’t any other packs around this area.”

  Knowing that she was going to have to be completely honest with Dan, Lucy turned to face the sunset, dropping Dan’s hand and clasping her hands in front of her.

  “Dominic doesn’t like humans.”

  Dan didn’t say anything, although she felt him stiffen in response.

  "More than that," she continued. "He wants to be rid of them. He says that humans are weak and that shifters should be the ones in control. Lucas, apparently, is the same."

  “And you’re worried all shifters are like that,” Dan finished for her. “Deep down, you believe that we all want the same thing: control.”

  “Is that unreasonable?” Lucy asked, immediately. “I mean - ”

  “Yes, it is,” Dan interrupted, abruptly. “I can’t quite believe you think so little of me, Lucy.”

  She gaped at him, not sure what he meant.

  Dan’s expression softened as he saw her surprise, evidently attempting to remember Lucy’s personal background. “Sorry,” he muttered, reaching for her hand. “I shouldn’t have interrupted you.”

  Lucy shook her head, as a slow realization dawned. Dan was angry because she'd pretty much insulted him to his face. She hadn't meant to, of course, but by comparing him to Dominic, she'd greatly offended him. "I'm sorry," she muttered, dropping her head into her hands. "I didn't mean that."

  She half expected Dan to get up and leave, but instead, he simply wrapped an arm around her shoulders and sighed heavily.

  “I wish I could make you believe that, somehow, we’re not all like Dominic,” he murmured, pressing his cheek to hers. “What you’ve told me is utterly despicable - in fact,” he continued, straightening, “We’ll need to tell Nick, for the safety of the town.”

  “So there will be more fighting,” she replied, heavily.

  Dan’s arm tightened. “But not out of choice,” he said, softly. “If the Northern Wind pack became peaceful, then our pack wouldn’t have any fighting to do.”

  Slowly, the sun began to sink below the horizon, reminding Lucy of their last time here. Dan had been careful and gentle with her, always letting her take the lead if she wanted it. When he’d fought, it was for her. Not out of some need for blood, but because he wanted to protect her. It was time for her to start trusting him. Completely trusting him.

  “I’ve seen Dominic do bad things,” she said, so quietly that she could barely hear herself.

  Dan sat in silence, listening to Lucy tell him what he’d wanted to know for so long.

  “You don’t have to tell me just yet if you’re not ready.”

haking her head, and tears trickling down her cheeks she continued, “No, I need this.” She looked up at Dan, seeing his softened expression firmed her belief that, with Dan, everything will be alright. After a few moments she continued slowly, “He killed a man in cold blood, over something stupid. Then we ran. No-one’s ever caught up with him and probably never will.” That’s why I find it difficult to believe that shifting is good. Why I’ve struggled to believe you aren’t like him.”

  Dan’s thumb stroked her cheek tenderly, wiping away her tears. “And what about now, Lucy?”

  Fresh tears began to pour down her face as she slowly accepted that Dan, and the Alliance, could be trusted. “I believe you’re not like Dominic,” she whispered. “I know you want peace.”

  "Good," he whispered before his lips met hers.

  Their kiss was sweet, full of tenderness and passion. Dan held her tightly for a long time afterward, letting her cry out all of her pain and sadness.

  “I’m here for you now, Lucy,” he murmured into her hair. “The Alliance will be your family, like they are to me.”

  “I know,” she replied, her face pressed into his shoulder. “I love you, Dan.”

  He chuckled. “I love you too, Lucy. And for what it’s worth, my bear is never happier than when I’m with you.”

  Lucy pulled back, staring up into his face. “I - I feel the same way,” she replied, softly. “I’ve been trying to ignore the feeling, but it won’t go away.”

  He smiled at her, his eyes twinkling. "It's a feeling of contentment, happiness, and passion all mixed into one," he said, as Lucy nodded. "Apparently it means we've found our mate."

  Getting to her feet, Lucy gave Dan a brilliant smile. She had no need to be afraid anymore. Now, she was going to do the one thing she’d vowed never to do again, and she was going to enjoy it.

  “I think my bear is desperate to get out and run,” she said, laughing as Dan jumped to his feet. “What do you say?”

  He grinned at her, catching her in his arms and kissing her again. “I say yes,” he replied, putting her down gently. “I’ve been waiting for this, Lucy. There’s so much we can explore together.”


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