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Vampires Never Cry Wolf

Page 10

by Sara Humphreys

  Given everything that happened so far with Killian, she knew that if she slept and dreamed of Killian, it would seal her fate as his bloodmate.

  That possibility meant no sleep for Sadie.

  She stayed awake all day, keeping herself busy going through the books for the club and placing more booze orders with her distributors. Sleep deprivation aside, she’d also been unable to shake the distinctly woodsy scent of Killian Bane and it flirted along her senses all day. Just when she thought it was gone, the warm enticing aroma would curl around her like an invisible mist, making her weak at the knees. Sadie had hoped that focusing on work and surrounding herself with the noise of the club would scrub her brain clean.

  No such luck.

  In fact, she could swear his scent was getting stronger as the night wore on. The only saving grace was that, so far, Killian and his crew hadn’t shown up. With any luck, they wouldn’t show at all. Walking toward the DJ platform, Sadie flicked a glance at the empty red-leather VIP booth and a pang of longing struck her. God help her. In spite of the insanity of it, she still wanted to see him.

  I’m such an idiot.

  Why? Trixie’s voice touched her mind suddenly. What did you do now? Forget to smile and wave to a customer?

  Oh, stick it. Sadie thought back with a laugh when the familiar sound of Trixie’s voice filled her head. After the cleaning crew settled earlier today, Sadie had finally found the courage to try and telepath to Trixie. She’d never been so happy to hear from her friend in all her life. When Trixie’s sleepy voice came in loud and clear, Sadie almost wept with relief. She could still telepath with her siblings, which meant there was no bloodmate bond with Killian. The telepathy with him had been a fluke, a side effect from tasting his blood. I’m just missing the DJ position, that’s all.

  Are you sure you’re not missing a certain werewolf hottie and his buddies? That VIP booth does look awfully empty.

  Not likely. Sadie shot Trixie a look over her shoulder as she climbed the steps to the DJ platform. She hadn’t told Trixie or the others about her little run-in with Killian last night, and if she had her way, she never would. That moment of weakness would stay a secret until the end of time. How are we doing at the bar? Do we need to pull anything from the stockroom?

  We could use some more vodka, a bottle of Jack, and maybe another case of Michelob Ultra. Trixie flipped a bottle and caught it before pouring three shots. At the rate we’re going, you’re gonna need to double next week’s order.

  You got it. I’ll make a run down to the storage room for you in a few minutes.

  Are you ever gonna hire a new busboy? Even a human one would be helpful, because the owner of the club shouldn’t have to make product runs.

  I know. Trixie was right. They did need to hire more help, and first thing tomorrow, Sadie was going to remedy that particular problem. You’re right…I’ll place an ad tomorrow.

  “What’s up?” Sadie shouted to Justine over the bone-rattling music. The girl loved tunes that were heavy on bass, and the current choice was reverberating through her chest.

  “Hello there, gov.” Justine linked the headphones around her tattooed neck and smoothed the long waves of her blue-and-yellow-streaked hair. She was wearing only a white tank top, no bra, and black leather pants, which put her lean, wiry frame on full display. Her green eyes, lined with dark, heavy makeup, stared back at Sadie with unmistakable mischief. “I have a favor to ask you.”

  “I knew it.” Sadie laughed and crossed her arms over her chest. “You want a raise already.”

  “Nah.” Justine leaned closer and smirked. “Was hopin’ I could have Sunday night off.”

  “Nope.” Sadie pressed her lips together and shook her head firmly. “I’m sorry, but you can’t take it off.” Justine’s face fell and before she could start begging, Sadie smiled and patted her on her bare shoulder. “You can’t take the night off because we’re closed on Sundays. Remember?”

  “Balls!” Justine smacked her forehead and laughed loudly. “I can’t bloody believe I forgot that.” She shook her head and flicked a sheepish glance in Sadie’s direction. “Sorry.”

  “What? Do you have a hot date?” Sadie peered out over the crowd and elbowed her DJ playfully. “You do have the best view of the crowd from here, and I was always able to spot the best-lookin’ humans. Not that I ever fed in the club,” she added quickly. “Because that’s a big no-no.”

  “No worries.” Justine held up both hands in surrender. “My handsome hottie is not out on the dance floor. He’s kind of shy and sweet. Dancin’ in a club ain’t his style, gov. Funny thing is, you’d never guess it by lookin’ at him. He’s a huge bloke.”

  “A big brute, is he?” Sadie asked with genuine curiosity. Justine was new to their little group and Sadie knew it was in her best interest to get to know her. “Tough guy?”

  “Oh yeah.” Justine waggled her pierced eyebrow as she put her headphones back on. She gave Sadie a wink. “You might even say he’s an animal.”

  “Right.” Justine’s remark was not lost on Sadie, and based on the look that werewolf, David, had given Justine last night, Sadie knew to which animal the DJ was referring. She’d also bet a million bucks that’s who Justine had been texting with last night. Sadie leaned over, pulled her headphones off her ear, and whispered, “Just don’t forget the rules, Justine. You can play with the animals but don’t feed on them.”

  Justine nodded her understanding and gave Sadie a thumbs-up before grabbing the microphone. Sadie descended the stairs and wove her way through the crowd as Justine riled the humans up into a frenzied mob. Glancing over her shoulder, Sadie watched her colorful and talented DJ. Bathed in the flickering lights of the club, she looked like a wild woman, but a glimmer of concern covered her face. Sadie winked, hoping to put her at ease. Who she hooked up with was Justine’s own business. Shit. Sadie certainly wasn’t in any position to pass judgment on anyone.

  Her primary concern was the club, and the last complication The Coven needed was their hot, new DJ bursting into flames from too much werewolf blood or—God forbid—getting so hopped up that she took too much and killed the wolf before dying herself. That would be a clusterfuck of epic proportions.

  A vampire having sex with a werewolf was ill-advised.

  Bloodlust and physical lust were too tightly linked for most vampires. Although once Sadie learned how to block the blood memories, it also helped dampen the sexual hunger that often went along with them.

  At least until last night.

  God damn that Killian Bane and his sexy naked body for messing with her head and her routines! All she’d wanted was a relaxing swim, and instead he had her head swimming.

  Sadie must have had a scowl on her face, because Trixie’s worried voice touched her mind and interrupted her private flogging. What the hell happened with Justine? Trixie waved Sadie over to the end of the bar. You look like you’re ready to drain somebody dry.

  I’m fine. Sadie shook her head and pointed to the back hallway. I’m going to go downstairs and get the booze you need.

  Running her hands through her long hair, Sadie headed for the storage room. She didn’t mind making the run, actually. It was nice to take a momentary break from the sounds and scents within the club, especially the thrumming heartbeats of the humans. Even after two centuries, she experienced moments of weakness and the pull of bloodlust could be overwhelming. She suspected it was tugging at her tonight because of her lack of sleep. Wonderful.

  Boss. Damien, the club’s bouncer and one of Sadie’s newest siblings, reached out to her. As always, he was manning the doors of the club and handling the crowd on the street. We have a pack of visitors again tonight, and this time they brought a few more of their friends.

  Sadie was about to respond and ask how many there were, and that’s when it hit her. The thick, pungent scent of wood burning on a crisp winter night curled a
round her like smoke…Killian. Sadie’s fangs hummed and erupted as a pang of desire shot through her, warming her normally cool body. Sadie stopped dead in her tracks, barely feeling the humans who bumped into her while jostling past her to the dance floor. Eyes closed, she willed her fangs away and wrestled for control amid the sudden tsunami of carnal need.

  Sadie, the wolves are—

  I know. Sadie snapped. With her back still toward the door of the club, she squared her shoulders and turned around slowly. I’m coming.

  Yeah, but he brought—

  Trixie, she interrupted with more than a little annoyance, I said—

  —A date. Trixie sounded as shocked as Sadie felt. Or do you call the females of their kind bitches?

  Trixie, what are you—every thought was driven from Sadie’s mind when she spun around and spotted them—talking about?

  A beautiful, elegant blond was draped all over Killian like a second skin, and there was no mistaking that this woman, whoever she was, was a wolf. David and Ivan were present, and each of them had a woman on their arms as well. The other two were also she-wolves, and although they were well dressed, they didn’t look quite as good as the blond. Figures, Sadie thought with a huff. It reminded her of brides who chose hideous bridesmaid dresses so their friends were guaranteed to look worse than them on the big day.

  Sadie’s eyes narrowed and locked onto Killian’s smug, satisfied-looking face.

  He waved his free arm—the one that didn’t have the blond clinging to it. That son of a bitch actually had the audacity to wave at her, like it was no big deal that he had showed up at her club with a date. Anger and an odd feeling of possessiveness filled Sadie as she held his stare and stalked over to the bar.

  Shaking off the uncomfortable emotions, Sadie chided herself. They had only shared one stupid kiss. He was free to bang cocktail waitresses or heiresses two at a time if he wanted to. Besides, they weren’t going to kiss again anyway. Nope. Not gonna happen. Tearing her gaze away from the wolves, she straightened her back and snagged a stack of drink menus off the bar.

  “She looks expensive,” Trixie said while wiping a glass dry. Jutting her chin toward the group, she shook her head with disapproval. “A chick like that will bleed a guy dry. I’ve seen broads like that a thousand times in this city.”

  “I know who that is,” Maya whispered loudly, her big blue eyes pinned to the group of wolves at the door. She scurried to the very end of the bar and put herself between Sadie and Trixie. “Given my condition, Shane thought it would be smart to study some of the more prominent members of their people. Just in case, you know?” She lowered her voice further, worried that even with all the noise and music the wolves would hear. “That’s Christina Wolcott. She’s General Wolcott’s daughter and, by all accounts, the woman that Killian is supposed to mate with. Girls, you are looking at the next werewolf king and queen.”

  “Good for him.” Sadie gripped the laminated cover of the drink menu and fought the urge to run. “They make a lovely couple.”

  “She looks like she wrinkles easily,” Trixie said with a snort of laughter. “The face and the clothes.”

  “The Wolcott family is one of the wealthiest families among their people,” Maya murmured. “Some people say they’re even richer than the royals.”

  “I’m sure they’re perfect for each other. Get the Cristal ready, Maya.” Doing her best to seem uninterested in Killian’s date, Sadie smiled broadly. “Those ladies look thirsty.”

  She headed over to greet their guests, knowing that she should have been happy to hear that Killian had a mate. Sadie should have been completely thrilled for them, ready to run out and buy the lovely couple a wedding gift or some shit like that. After all, wasn’t she the one terrified by the thought of being Killian’s bloodmate? Hadn’t the mere notion of being mated to a werewolf filled her with pure unadulterated fear? Sure. She should be feeling one hundred and fifty percent relieved.

  Then why wasn’t she?

  Chapter 7

  The scent of the wolves swamped Sadie’s senses as she got closer, making her almost dizzy. Even amid the pungent onslaught, she detected Killian’s distinct aroma above all the rest. It was richer and almost sweeter than the others, tickling her from the inside out. A pang of desire shot through to Sadie’s core, and it took inhuman willpower to keep her fangs at bay.

  “Ms. Pemberton.” Killian bowed his head and Sadie almost laughed out loud at his professional airs. His glittering eyes latched on to hers and the hint of a smile played at his lips. “We were hoping to occupy the VIP booth again this evening.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Bane,” Sadie said in the most formal tone possible. Two can play at this game, she thought to herself. Killian’s expression faltered and Sadie had to keep from laughing out loud. Turning her attention to his date, she smiled broadly. What? Did the guy think she’d burst into tears because he showed up with another woman? Guess again, Casanova. “Please follow me.”

  “It’s about time.” The Wolcott woman stuck her nose in the air and plastered her admittedly hot body up against Killian. Her busty, curvy form was covered in a barely there pink dress, and a black wrap draped dramatically over her slim shoulders. The woman might be a werewolf and sprout fur under the moon, but even Sadie had to admit that Christina Wolcott was sexy, beautiful, and elegant. No wonder Killian wanted her for a mate.

  Christina was everything Sadie wasn’t. Most importantly, a werewolf.

  “My apologies, Ms. Wolcott.” Sadie forced a small smile and didn’t miss the look of surprise from not only Christina but Killian as well. “I can assure you we want all of our clients to be well served here at The Coven. If you’ll follow me, the VIP booth is right this way.”

  Not giving any of them time to respond, Sadie turned on her heels and went directly to the VIP booth. Pulling the red velvet rope aside, she waited as patiently as possible for the pack to settle into the massive curved booth. Killian was the last to take his seat.

  “Mr. Bane and his friends are regulars here at The Coven, and I’m well aware that they enjoy partaking of bottles of Cristal.” Sadie placed drink menus in front of each of the women. She took turns looking each of them in the eye while intentionally avoiding Killian, even though she could feel his gaze on her. “However, I haven’t met you ladies before, and I wouldn’t want to assume that you’d order the same drinks as your dates.”

  “Well, well.” Christina placed her wrap and clutch on the seat next to her while keeping her blue eyes on Sadie. “You seem to know quite a bit about us. How is it that you know my name?” She nuzzled closer to Killian who, to Sadie’s delight, actually looked uncomfortable. “Did my Killian tell you about me?”

  “No, he’s never mentioned you,” Sadie said flatly. Christina’s smile fell and she sat up straighter in the booth. The two other girls smirked until the woman shot them a look of warning, quickly squelching their reactions. “I’m Sadie Pemberton, and since this is my club, I make it my business to know my customers.” Sadie stood taller and arched one dark eyebrow at the group. “Especially my supernatural customers. I find that being prepared and knowledgeable is the best way to avoid complications.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement,” Christina responded in a voice edged with anger. She snatched up a menu and flipped through it quickly before letting out an exasperated sigh. “Where’s the food menu?”

  “We don’t serve food at The Coven.” Sadie widened her grin and dropped her voice low, knowing the wolves would still be able to hear her. “Only drinks.”

  “That figures. What else would you expect from a bunch of vampires?” Christina huffed and brushed her long, blond hair off her shoulder. “I don’t know why you consider this place any type of competition, Killian. We’ll be serving food at our place and giving our customers much more variety.”

  “I’m sorry?” Sadie cocked her head and folded her arms over her
breasts. Christina must have meant the werewolf club, not that she actually owned it. “Did you say ‘our place’?”

  “Yes.” Christina linked her arm through Killian’s and looked at him lovingly, but he kept his serious gaze on Sadie. “When I heard Killian was opening a nightclub and restaurant here in Manhattan…well, I just had to be a part of it.” She flicked that stony blue stare at Sadie. “I don’t let profitable opportunities pass me by.”

  “I’ll just bet you don’t.” Sadie locked eyes with Killian for a split second, and an ache bloomed deep in her chest. She hated herself for feeling jealous and getting worked up over a man who couldn’t possibly be hers. Glancing back at the bar, she touched Trixie’s mind sharply. Get that Cristal over here now and take their order. I need some air. “Trixie will be over in a moment to take the drink order from the ladies. If you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.”

  Not waiting for any kind of response, Sadie moved swiftly through the crowd, desperate to get away from the wolves. Who was she kidding? She needed to escape Killian, or more to the point, the feelings that being around him evoked. She burst through the edge of the sweaty crowd, barely seeing where she was going as she ran down the hall to the door that led to the storage facility.

  Tearing the door open, Sadie trotted down four steps to the small landing before opening another door on the left. She stepped into the cool space and let out a sound of relief when the door shut silently behind her. Surrounded by bottles and boxes, she leaned against the glass door of the temperature-controlled wine case. The smooth surface felt wonderful and helped her fight her way through the intoxicating effect of Killian’s scent.

  Eyes closed, she tore off her jacket and tossed it onto the floor before undoing the top two buttons of her ruffled white shirt. It had felt as though it was choking her. Even the black leggings she wore and the tall black leather boots seemed tighter than they ever had before. The world was closing in on her. That’s how Sadie felt. Like she was being smothered. Smothered by her body’s reaction to Killian Bane, and if she didn’t get control of it soon, someone or something was going to break. And it would probably be her.


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