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Vampires Never Cry Wolf

Page 21

by Sara Humphreys

  “Holy crap,” Dakota said none too delicately. He looked from Killian to Sadie and took a lollipop out of his coat pocket. Unwrapping it, he popped it in his mouth. “This coven gets weirder by the day.”

  “You’re a vampire sucking on a lollipop, so I’d say you fit right in. Besides, your observations aren’t helping,” Killian said to the young, overeager sentry. Dakota had tackled him, but once he realized that Sadie was there, he’d backed off before any blood was spilled. “Call Olivia and tell her what’s going on.”

  “How can I do that when I have no idea what this is?” Dakota rolled his eyes and snagged a phone out of his pocket. “This city is fuckin’ weird, y’all. I shoulda stayed in Texas.”

  “You saw what happened,” Killian bit out. Sadie stirred in his arms and moaned, but stilled when he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It might happen again. I don’t know. There’s one thing for sure—she can’t possibly open her club later today. And, to be honest, that’s the least of our problems. Get the rest of Sadie’s things. Then call Olivia and let her know that I have Sadie with me at my apartment. She should come there as soon as she can.” With Sadie nestled against his chest, Killian strode toward the deserted street along the outskirts of the park where he’d left the car. Shouting over his shoulder, he said, “And tell her to bring Xavier with her.”

  “Sure thing, Yer Highness.” Dakota’s sarcastic tone wasn’t lost on Killian. “Jeez Louise, you are a fuckin’ bossy wolf man.”

  Killian knew he was being curt and risking a confrontation with the vampire sentry, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was getting Sadie back to the safety of his apartment. Her body had cooled significantly and her new heartbeat no longer throbbed, but that almost musical hum of her energy still whirled in the air around him. Walking through the moonlit park, there was no longer any sign of the wolf within her. She was a vampire once again.

  Pressing his lips to the cool, damp skin of her forehead, he murmured, “It will be alright, my love.”

  Had he said that for her benefit or for his?

  * * *

  Sadie had been asleep for hours, but Killian didn’t leave her side for a second. With the room-darkening shades drawn in the bedroom of his penthouse, Killian sat motionless in the armchair next to the king-sized bed with his gaze pinned to Sadie’s unmoving form.

  It was the first time that Sadie actually looked like a vampire. Gone were the fleeting heartbeat and shuddering breath. She lay totally still as though frozen beneath the covers…frozen in time.

  Killian rested his elbows on his knees and pressed his mouth to his clasped hands, recalling the frightened look on Sadie’s face when she’d shifted. He’d been as stunned as she was, but had tried to remain calm for her sake. She may have only been in her wolf pelt for a few minutes, a blink in the span of her long life, but Killian knew the ripple effects would have far-reaching ramifications—for everyone.

  “Killian.” Olivia’s gentle but insistent voice cut through the haze, pulling him from his thoughts. With a mug of hot coffee in hand, she strode into the room and held it out for him. “I thought you might need this.”

  “Thank you.” He glanced at the mug briefly before taking it and giving the czar a nod of gratitude. Turning his attention back to Sadie, he sipped the coffee without really tasting it. “She looks…”

  “Dead?” Olivia leaned against the wall and gave him a what-did-you-expect look. “She’s a vampire, Killian. This is how we look when we sleep.”

  “She’s a lot more than that now.” He drained the coffee and placed the mug on the nightstand. “I still don’t understand how that could have happened. How the hell did she shift into a werewolf? She wasn’t bitten.”

  Even as the words escaped his lips, he realized how wrong he was.

  “Yes, Killian, she was.” Sadness laced Olivia’s voice and she turned those earnest green eyes to him. “I’m sure it has something to do with the bite she suffered her last night as a human. I’m no scientist, but if you ask me, something in your blood triggered the change. She did feed on you, didn’t she?”

  Killian said nothing but kept his serious stare locked with the czar. He knew it was against the law for Sadie to taste his blood. He and Sadie both knew it, and yet neither of them had cared. With his body and mind fogged by lust and desire, all he could see, feel, or think about was Sadie. He had to be closer to her. It wasn’t mere desire. It was a carnal, visceral, primal need to join with her in every way possible. While various excuses and denials ran through his mind, a smile spread across the czar’s face and she waved one hand in the air dismissively.

  “Do me a favor, Your Highness. Don’t insult me and try to deny it, okay?” She arched one red eyebrow and gave him a pointed look. “I’ve been through the bloodmate bond, and there isn’t a bloodlust or craving in the world that can hold a candle to it. Besides, Dakota gave me a full report on what he found in the park. The scent of blood and sex was thick in the air.”

  “Understood.” Killian gave her a curt nod and looked back at Sadie, unwilling to discuss their personal escapades any further. “Will Xavier have some answers for us soon? I know you brought him another blood sample from Sadie, and I want to know if there have been any changes.”

  “You aren’t the only one,” she said worriedly. “Dakota will escort him over here after sundown, and if anyone can give us answers, it will be Xavier,” she said with her usual calm, even-keeled manner. “Although poor Dakota may never be the same again. He thought two wolves were attacking a vampire in the park. Apparently Sadie’s scent was completely unrecognizable, and given what happened, I’m not at all surprised at the mix-up. He feels like a jerk for attacking you the way he did, but to be honest, it’s more than that.” She rolled her eyes. “Like all sentries, the guy hates making mistakes.”

  Panic gripped Killian as he realized that word of Sadie’s unusual transformation could get out before they even knew what was going on. What if Dakota shared what he’d witnessed? He was about to protest when Olivia held up one hand, preventing his response.

  “Dakota is not going to say a word to anyone,” Olivia said. “Trust me.”

  “How can you be sure?” Killian asked quietly. “If anyone else—”

  “He’s a sentry.” Olivia’s voice was edged with a serious tone she rarely exhibited. “Aside from being skilled fighters, more than a little arrogant, and incredible trackers, they are the most loyal vampires you will ever encounter. They live and die for the Presidium. I know this is true because I used to be one.” Moving toward the foot of the bed with her sights glued on Sadie, she murmured, “In fact, the rest of my coven doesn’t even know what happened. Only you, me, Dakota, and Xavier.” Her sharp green eyes flicked to Killian. “And Sadie, of course. I trust you’ll be keeping this to yourself? You don’t have any plans to put it in the Werewolf Society monthly newsletter or anything?”

  “Of course not. I’ve kept Maya’s secret and I’ll keep Sadie’s as well,” Killian said firmly. “Ivan’s been fired, and he should be on a plane with my father headed for Alaska as we speak.”

  “Should be?” Olivia tilted her head and inspected him curiously. “Haven’t you telepathed with your father?”

  “I can’t anymore.” Killian’s mouth was set in a tight line.

  “Of course.” Olivia nodded her head in understanding. “The bloodmate bond eliminates telepathy with anyone except your mate.”

  “Yes. It didn’t happen as abruptly for me as for Sadie, but it sure as hell happened.”

  “Okay, what about the other guy? David?”

  “I told him I needed the apartment to myself. I put him up at the Plaza and gave him the week off. No one else can know about this yet. Hell, we don’t even know if it will happen again.” Killian quickly added, “There might not be anything to tell.”

  Silence hung between them and Killian shifted uncomfortably in his c
hair. He knew that was bullshit. And based on the look on Olivia’s face, so did she.

  “Sure. We keep it under wraps for as long as we can.” Olivia ran both hands through her red curls before folding her arms over her chest and leveling a concerned look at Sadie. “No one else finds out until we know what the hell is happening to her.”

  Movement in the bed captured their attention. Killian let out a sigh of relief as Sadie sat up, looking as bewildered as he felt.

  “I’d love to know the answer to that too,” Sadie said in a groggy, raspy voice, holding the sheet up to cover her naked breasts. “Did I actually turn into a wolf, or am I imagining things?”

  In a blur of speed, Killian went to the bed and settled in next to Sadie. He gathered her in his arms. Sitting up against the massive leather-upholstered headboard, he held her against him and rained kisses over her, uncaring that the czar was standing only a few feet away.

  “Thank God,” he whispered. Stroking her long hair, he pressed his lips to her forehead and held her face in his hands. “I was starting to worry that you’d never wake up.”

  “It’s still daylight?” Sadie nestled beneath the crook of his arm and glanced at the drawn shades, cracks of sunlight peeking around the edges. “Shit. I’ve been waking up a lot during the day lately.”

  “Yeah, that’s true.” Olivia sat on the edge of the bed. “But you don’t usually shift into a wolf either, so it looks like you have all kinds of fun new things happening.”

  “Good point,” Sadie said through a weak laugh. The smile quickly faded and a look of panic covered her face. Grabbing Killian’s wrist from where it sat draped over her shoulder, she looked at his watch. “The club! Oh crap. What time is it?”

  “Hold your horses.” Olivia rose calmly from the edge of the bed. “We’ve got it covered. Damien is running the club tonight, and Suzie offered to help out too.”

  “Really?” Sadie said with genuine surprise. “But I thought she hated being around that many humans. It makes her super-uncomfortable.”

  “You know our Suzie.” Olivia lifted one shoulder. “She may not know what happened to you, but…she knows. Anyway, I didn’t even have to ask her to step in. Damien texted me a little while ago and said the girl showed up in her old uniform ready to rock ‘n’ roll.” She pointed at Killian. “Your boy David is there too. Justine suggested that David work the door as bouncer tonight, since Damien will be on the floor running the show.”

  “I should have known,” Killian said with a smile. He cradled Sadie’s hand in his lap and brushed his thumb over her knuckles, needing to touch her and reassure himself that she was okay. “David is the go-to guy, you know? Steady and trustworthy, no matter what.” His brow furrowed. “Too bad I can’t say the same for Ivan.”

  “That’s good. Really, it is,” Sadie said with a hint of disappointment. Settling back into Killian’s embrace, she smoothed the sheet over her body in a soothing gesture. “I guess you guys have it all figured out.”

  “Well, sure,” Olivia said with a snort of derision. “Getting a nightclub open is a piece of cake compared to figuring out why my oldest and dearest vampire progeny is shifting into a werewolf. Now that is not so simple.”

  Killian held Sadie tighter and kissed her hair lovingly. You scared the shit out of me, woman.

  I scared the shit out of myself. Sadie’s voice touched his with a playful lilt. She peered up at him from beneath a fan of dark lashes.

  Olivia cleared her throat, interrupting their intimate conversation, and the two of them looked at her with mild embarrassment. They’d forgotten she was even in the room.

  “Anyway,” Olivia said with a smirk. “We’ll get this all figured out, but it will probably take some time. So, in the meanwhile, Sadie, I want you to lie low. Stay here in the penthouse with Killian.” She nodded toward a bag on the overstuffed chair in the corner. “I packed you plenty of clothes and stuff. I’ll tell the girls that the two of you needed some time alone together to get a handle on the whole bloodmate deal.”

  “What?” Sadie sat up and held the covers over her breasts, looking from Olivia to Killian. “Why do I have to go into hiding?”

  “Are you serious?” Olivia tossed her hands in the air and looked like she was struggling to maintain her normally cool exterior. “From what Dakota and Killian tell me, you were experiencing some pretty intense emotions when you shifted, and you obviously weren’t in control of what happened. Unless, of course, you’ve been shifting into a wolf for years and not telling me about it.”

  “I haven’t.” Sadie began to argue but thought better of it. She looked from Olivia to Killian before letting out a sound of frustration and sitting back. “Oh, fine.”

  “She’s right, Sadie.” Killian played with a long strand of her hair and kept his voice low. “I don’t know how or why it happened, but it was definitely triggered by your emotions. And that’s not uncommon with newly turned werewolves.”

  “But I’m not a werewolf,” Sadie whispered shakily. Her large dark eyes filled with tears as she stared up at him, her fingers curling against his chest. She lifted her lip and her fangs broke free. “I’m a vampire.”

  Lifting her hand to his mouth, he brushed a gentle kiss over her knuckles and murmured, “Did it occur to you that you could be both?”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Olivia said calmly. “The point is that we can’t risk you getting all wolfy in front of the humans, other vamps, or even worse, some of Killian’s people. You have to stay inside and on lockdown until we have a clearer idea of what’s happening. Xavier is running tests on your blood. He’s comparing the sample I took from you this morning to what he took from you before all this happened, and he’s comparing both of those against the one from the Presidium database. Xavier also said there was some interesting data from that watch monitor you wore, but the guy didn’t want to say anything until he had more information.” A sweet smile curved her lips. “You know how he is.”

  “Yeah,” Sadie said softly. “I know. He needs all of the facts.”

  “So we’re all on the same page?” Olivia leveled a deadly serious gaze at Killian and Sadie. “You do not, under any circumstances, leave this apartment until I give you the all clear. Right?”

  “Right.” Sadie made a saluting gesture. “Yes, sir.”

  “Bet your ass,” Olivia said through a laugh. Her expression grew serious again as she met Killian’s gaze. “I’m counting on you, Killian.”

  “You don’t even have to ask.” Killian nuzzled Sadie tighter and held the czar’s challenging stare. “I’ll have David check on the club and get me progress updates. Sadie and I will be here… I’m sure we can find plenty of things to do to keep ourselves occupied.”

  “I’m sure you can.” Olivia rolled her eyes and tried to suppress a knowing grin. The phone in her pocket buzzed and all humor faded when she read the message on the screen. “It’s Xavier. He’s hung up at the lab and won’t be here for a few more hours. Something about retesting the samples.”

  “That doesn’t sound good,” Sadie muttered.

  “Don’t worry in advance,” Olivia said while texting something to Xavier. “Listen, I’ll be back here with him at some point after sundown. In the meantime, you two sit tight. Just to be safe, I’m going to have Dakota stick close to this part of the city, and I’ll ask Shane to take the outer boroughs.”

  “Oh, he’ll love that,” Sadie said sarcastically.

  “He’ll be fine. Especially since he knows you two are going through the bloodmate bond.” Slipping her phone back in the pocket of her Armani suit, Olivia headed for the open door of the bedroom. “That boy didn’t know his ass from his elbow when he and Maya bonded. I actually felt sorry for the old stiff.”

  “Olivia?” Sadie’s voice stopped her maker in her tracks. “Thank you.”

  “I got your back, girl.” Olivia winked, and as she
pulled the bedroom door closed, she said, “But it looks like I’m not the only one who does.”

  The door clicked shut, leaving Sadie and Killian alone in the dimly lit bedroom. Silence hung between them and he pulled her closer before gently kissing the top of her head. Gathering her hand in his, he could feel her shivering and a sudden feeling of helplessness swamped him. She was frightened, and he was fairly sure she’d started to cry but was trying to hold it together. Whether or not the woman would admit it, she was terrified of what was happening to her and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  “Are you alright?” he asked quietly. Sadie didn’t respond but snuggled deeper into his embrace and curled her arms around his waist. He played with her long hair and wrapped a silky strand around his finger before stroking her back gently. His fingertips glided over her satin-smooth skin, marveling at how wonderful it felt just to touch her. “I know that is the dumbest question in the history of questions but…”

  “It’s not a dumb question,” Sadie said in a barely audible voice. Her cheek pressed against his chest, and as she spoke, he felt her tears seep through his shirt. Torture, he thought, this is pure fucking torture. “It’s actually a really great question and I wish I had a great answer. I don’t know what I am, Killian, and I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I loved—I mean, I love—being a vampire. I always have.”

  “You weren’t frightened after Olivia turned you?” he asked, wanting to know everything there was to know about the woman who’d stolen his heart.

  “At first, sure, but not as much as you’d expect. Honestly, I was more in awe than frightened.” She sniffled and curled her fingers around the fabric of his shirt. “Being a vampire is a dependable existence.”

  “Go on.” Killian adjusted the sheet over her before tangling her fingers with his once again. “I’m listening.”

  “When I was human and living in the wilderness with my family, everything was uncertain. There were times when we weren’t sure where our next meal was coming from, or if we’d survive the next winter. It was a terrifying way to live, not knowing what was around the corner of the next sunrise. But as a vampire, I’ve always known what to expect. The rules were clear. The boundaries have been solid and impenetrable. There were no surprises, and it made me feel safe.”


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