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Trusting You (The Sutter Family Book 2)

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by Heather D'Agostino

  Trusting You

  By H. D’Agostino

  Trusting You

  H. D’Agostino

  Copyright © January 2018 by Heather D’Agostino

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed of electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted material in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental an intended by the author. The following story contains mature themes, profanity, and sexual situations. It is intended for adult readers.

  Cover Design by Pink Ink Designs

  Editing by Kellie Montgomery

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  Trusting You Playlist

  Other Works by H. D’Agostino


  About the Author

  Sneak Peek of Finding the Green Room

  For Melinda…

  You are the calm to my crazy; The one who understands the voices in my head; The one who ‘gets’ me. I could never put into words what your friendship or support means to me, so I’m giving you Aaron. Please don’t break him.

  The Third Musketeer,



  2 Years Ago…


  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” my mom questioned as she placed the last of her things into her suitcase. “It’s going to be beautiful this time of year.”

  “I’m sure,” I smiled as I watched impatiently. My parents were taking a trip to the coast for Easter week. I’d fabricated an elaborate story about a project that I needed to work on over the break. They bought it hook, line, and sinker, and now I was going to have the house to myself for five whole days.

  “I don’t understand why a teacher would assign something over break. Don’t they know that seniors usually go on vacation for Spring Break?” Mom scowled as she zipped the luggage closed.

  “I guess, but I don’t mind. It’ll be quiet here so I can concentrate. I might call Wendy to come work with me, that way I won’t be alone,” I tossed out. My parents were clueless when it came to my social life. As long as I kept my grades at an acceptable standard, they left me alone. I’d already been accepted to Eastman University, so now I just had to stay above water until graduation.

  “Well, if you need anything just call,” Mom smiled as she lugged the suitcase out of the room. I hopped off the bed where I’d been sitting and followed her downstairs. Dad met her by the door, and together they took their things out to the car.

  “Have fun,” I waved as I fought to hold back a smile.

  “See you Wednesday,” Dad called as they climbed into the car and pulled away.

  “Yes, Wednesday,” I whispered under my breath. Five days to do whatever I wanted, including spending time with Jason. Jason and I go to high school together. He isn’t what my parents consider desirable, so the only time we see each other is when I sneak out or skip class. Mom caught us making out one night when I was supposed to be studying, and they put the kibosh on it immediately. I stayed around the house for a month after that and gained their trust again. Now, Jason and I are more careful.

  Once I was sure they didn’t forget anything and turn around, I skipped up the stairs to my room and began preparing for the evening. Jason had gotten us fake IDs, and we were planning to meet some friends at a new bar that just opened near campus. I figure since I’ll be a student next fall, I should at least learn my way around. Maybe I could even meet a few people.

  I was determined to not make any mistake twice, so after dressing in a black mini dress, I grabbed my purse and keys, and drove myself to Shakers.

  “It’s about time you showed up,” my best friend Jennifer shouted when I climbed out of my car. She was surrounded by a group of about seven of our friends.

  A heard a low whistle followed by “she can show up as late as she wants if she’s going to look like that,” before Jason appeared. He looked delicious standing there in his torn jeans and black concert tee. He’d been wearing a black beanie lately, and his shaggy hair was sticking out around the edges.

  “Un huh,” Gage, Jen’s boyfriend, nodded as a grin spread across his face.

  “Watch it!” Jason slugged him in the gut, causing him to almost double over. “That’s my woman you’re talking about.”

  “Easy man,” he shook his head. “I was just appreciating the view.”

  “Appreciate someone else’s view,” Jason scowled as I stepped closer and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into his side as the line to get in moved along.

  The bouncer at the door didn’t even blink when he checked our IDs. Shakers had only been open for a few weeks, but it was packed. There was a bar near the back, and one on the outdoor deck. It was dollar night, and I planned to take full advantage.

  “Hey babe, can you grab me a shot and something to chase it with? I need to talk to Jen about something real quick,” I smiled innocently up at him. Jason always did what I asked when I gave him the puppy eyes.

  “Sure thing. Meet us outside?” he squeezed my ass before stepping away with the rest of the group.

  “This better be good. That bartender over there was staring at my boobs,” Jen hissed as I pulled her to the side.

  I did a double take before shaking my head, “You have a boyfriend.”

  “And that guy right there is hot. My boyfriend is in high school. He looks to be about twenty-five. It’s a no brainer, Mel.”

  “Oh this is good,” I yanked on her arm to get her attention. “My parents left this morning. I have the house to myself.”

  “Sweet,” she grinned. “Does Jason know this?”

  “Not yet,” I bit my bottom lip. “I was gonna invite him home with me tonight.”

  “Mel,” she giggled. “Are you actually going to do it?”

  “I think so. I mean, I’m ready. I’m tired of waiting, and I want it to be with him. He knows what he’s doing,” I felt my body tremble at just the idea of sex with Jason. What would it do when he actually did it?

  “You know it hurts the first time, right?” she whispered as she leaned closer.

  “That’s why I asked for a drink. I figure if I drink enough it won’t hurt as bad,” I shrugged. “He loves me, I love him…I think.”

  “You think?” she squeaked. “Here,” she opened her purse and rooted around for a moment. “If you’re doing it, you need to be prepared,” she produces a strip of condoms and shoved them in my hand.

  “How much sex do you think I’m going to have?” I rushed to hide them in the bottom of my purse.

  “If he’s as good as the rumors say he is, I’d hope a lot for your sake,” she giggled as she looped her arm through mine. “Now let’s go get that drink.”

  We laughed the entire walk through the bar, and when we got outside Jason had scor
ed us a table. The guys were seated, and the girls had gotten comfortable on their laps. A cocktail waitress stopped by and placed several drinks on the table. “I’m Tami if you need anything else, let me know.” She winked at Jason before strutting away. If I’d been more aware, I would have questioned it, but all I was thinking about at the moment was getting enough alcohol in me to numb the nerves.

  “Try this,” Jason handed me a glass full of blue liquid.

  “What is it?” I nuzzled into his neck. My head was spinning and every part of me tingled. Jason had his hand up my dress, but I didn’t care. I felt good. It was dark, and we were hidden by the table.

  “You’ll love it,” he groaned as he plucked at the elastic of my panties.

  “Jase,” I murmured as I turned slightly in his arms. “Can we leave?”

  “Where are we going to go?” his voice sounded amused. I was always the one to find off the beaten path places for us to fool around. We’d pretty much done everything but sex, and I was determined to cross that off the list tonight.

  “My house,” I shivered as his index finger traced over me.

  “I don’t think Mommy and Daddy will like that,” he teased as he shifted me in his lap. He was hard, and I could tell he was on the verge of snapping.

  If I hadn’t been drinking, I’m sure I wouldn’t have acted as I did but at the moment I was too horny to care. I turned, straddled his lap, and thrust my tongue down his throat. At first he resisted, but when I ground my hips down on him, he gave in. “Shit Mel,” he hissed when he broke the kiss. “I’m not into exhibitionism,” his hands locked onto my thighs in a vice like grip.

  “No one’s home. House to myself,” I panted before locking our lips again.

  “Somebody’s getting laid tonight,” Gage shouted from behind us.

  “Get her out of here before she starts stripping,” another voice called.

  “Don’t forget what I told you,” Jen patted my leg, bringing me back to the present.

  “Keys,” Jason held his hand out. “I’ll drive,” he pushed me off his lap, adjusted himself, and stood. “Thanks for the ride, man,” he clapped Gage on the shoulder. “Come get me in the morning,” he grabbed my hand and began leading me out to where I parked.

  I didn’t know it then, but that night defined the rest of my life. It changed me into the person I am today. It molded me, broke me, and showed me that I didn’t have all the answers. I wasn’t as smart as I thought, and the events over the course of the next two years would systematically build me into the person I am today. Jason broke me apart, and I didn’t realize how bad until I met someone who was as messed up as me. Aaron Sutter was my equal, and together we would build each other up. We would learn to trust one another, and that trust is what would help us survive the storm.

  Chapter 1

  Present Day


  “Oh my god, it’s freezing out!” I rushed through the door of my dorm room, the one I share with my best friend, Emma. “When does it warm up again?” I whined as I tossed my backpack on my bed, and began unwrapping my scarf.

  “Not for at least three more months,” Emma giggled. “It’s only January, remember?”

  “I know. I was just hoping that I was having some sort of amnesia, and it was going to be spring soon,” I grumbled as I tossed my coat on the back of my desk chair and threw myself dramatically across my bed. The spring semester just started and I was already counting the days until it ended. Christmas break had been pretty uneventful this year. I went home and spent the three weeks with my parents much like I did the year before. I never really went anywhere for any of the breaks. I spent a week with Emma last summer at her parents’ house on the beach, but other than that I’ve never gone anywhere.

  Things have changed dramatically for me over that last two years. I’ve worked really hard to leave my old lifestyle behind me, and start fresh. So far I’ve been successful. No one from my past goes to school here, and I’ve managed to satisfy Emma with vague answers. She’s been hinting about meeting my family though, and I’m running out of reasons to tell her no.

  “You got a minute to talk before heading to the library?” Emma grinned from where she sat perched on her desk chair.

  “What makes you think I’m heading to the library? It’s only the first day of classes.” I tried not to laugh, but Emma knew me. At least she thought she did.

  “I’m sure you’re going to start studying for whatever test you have next week, or paper you have due. You don’t know how to cut loose,” she giggled as she bounced on the chair. “I need to tell you something. Something big. Something so awesome!” she squealed as she rushed forward, thrusting her left hand out at me. “Look!” she shoved her hand in my face, making it hard to miss the giant diamond on her ring finger.

  “You’re engaged?!” I squealed. “Did Brock ask you to marry him?”

  “Yes!” she scrambled onto the bed beside me. “Oh, Mel. It was so romantic. He asked my parents and everything. They have this huge party every year at Christmas time. All our friends and family were there. He pulled me under the mistletoe and proposed,” she was trembling she was so excited. “It’s going to take forever for graduation to get here now.”

  “You really think you can wait that long?” I smiled.

  “I have to. Mom and Dad would not be ok with me quitting school. I don’t think Brock would either,” she shrugged as she picked at my comforter. “I have to tell you something though,” she nibbled her lip.

  “Ok,” I waited, knowing this had to have something to do with the one person I wished I could stop thinking about.

  “Aaron was asking about you. He wanted your number,” she cringed when she said the last part.

  “Did you give it to him?” I sighed.

  “No,” she flopped back as I sighed again. “Did you want me to?”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know. I don’t know what I want with him. One minute he’s nice, the next he’s a complete douche. After last summer I thought I wanted nothing to do with him, but there’s something there,” I grumbled as I flicked the screen on my phone to check my messages. I was expecting a call from my mom and I hadn’t gotten it yet.

  “I told you then that my cousin is a complete player. I stopped introducing him to my friends years ago because they wouldn’t come around after he’d gotten his hands on them,” she stood and moved to her bed. “Find a nice guy around here and forget him. Let him have his sorority sluts,” she rolled her eyes but soon smiled when her phone screen lit up with a Facetime request.

  “Answer it,” I laughed. “You know you want to.”

  “Hello,” she giggled as she clicked accept.

  “Hey, baby. How’s my fiancée doing today?” Brock’s chipper voice sounded through the room as his disheveled appearance filled the screen.

  “Weight training going well,” I giggled as I began packing my things for my afternoon classes.

  “Yeah. Hey, Mel,” he waved as I waved back.

  “I’m going to give you guys some privacy,” I called as I headed for the door. “I’ll meet you in the dining hall for dinner, Em.” I gave one more wave over my shoulder as I slipped out the door.

  I had two afternoon classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. When I stepped out of Maple Hall, my phone began buzzing in my pocket. I assumed it was my mother. She always called me around this time of day to touch base, but when I glanced at the screen I didn’t recognize the number. I clicked ignore, and pulled my coat tighter as I stuffed it back in my pocket. The dining hall was only a short walk away, and a Starbuck’s coffee was calling my name.

  When I stepped inside, I was assaulted with the smell of fried food. There was a small pizza counter off to the side, and the Starbuck’s booth was in the far corner. Depending on what day it was you could always find a menagerie of fast foods. Subs, burgers, tacos, you name it, we had it. I weaved through the crowd of students until I made my way to the Starbuck’s counter, and quickly searched for my dining card as m
y eyes scanned the tables looking for Emma.

  “Mel!” I heard her before I saw her. Emma always had a loud voice. I think it was probably from the years of playing sports. Emma used to be on the lacrosse team, and her dad was the football coach for Wilmington University. “What took you so long?” she sipped at her own coffee while she picked at a scone in front of her.

  “What are you talking about? I just got finished with classes,” I sighed as I slid down into the chair across from her. “What did Brock have to say?” I grinned as I watched her blush.

  “Just that he loves me, and he might come up here for the holiday weekend in a couple of weeks,” she smiled dreamily as she stared at her diamond ring.

  “That’s a unique ring,” I tipped my head to the side as I appraised it.

  “It was my grandmother’s. My mom gave it to him to propose,” she tilted her hand from side to side, letting the light in the room reflect off the stone.

  “Where are you guys going to stay when he comes? There’s not much room in the dorms,” I laughed as Emma pressed her lips together in thought.

  “I was thinking he’d just stay with us. We could squeeze on a twin. I don’t mind being pressed together,” she giggled before sipping her coffee.

  “I’m sure you don’t,” I rolled my eyes. “I, for one, don’t want to hear whatever that’s going to sound like, though.”

  “Mel!” she scoffed. “I would not do that with you in the room.”

  “Sure you wouldn’t,” I reached across the table and broke off a piece of her pastry. “I know exactly what would happen. You and Brock will start making out, and you’ll forget all about the fact that I’m over on my bed. Before you know it, I’ll hear the two of you going at it. No offense, but that’s not on my bucket list.”

  “We’ll get a room,” she waved her hands in air. “I wouldn’t want to put you out. Besides,” she giggled, “what if that guy from the library comes over?”


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