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Trusting You (The Sutter Family Book 2)

Page 12

by Heather D'Agostino

  “They worry. They want me to be happy, but they worry that I won’t make the right decision. I’ve made a lot of bad ones over the years,” she looked away as if she were thinking about something. “Brook’s dad wasn’t a very good guy,” she muttered. “Sorry, I know you don’t want to know about this.”

  “No,” I touched her arm. “I actually do.” Thinking about her being with another guy, one that fathered her child, was the last thing that I wanted, but I did want to know the story there.

  She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath as if she were talking herself into the conversation. “Ok, but I warned you,” she laughed with little humor. “His name was Jason. We met in tenth grade. He was the guy that all the girls wanted to date. He was popular, and good looking. We were paired up in English class for a group project. I was the girl everybody wanted in their group. I was smart,” she smiled and shook her head. “I got good grades, and I know Jason figured he could sit back and let me do all the work. At first I think I might have been a challenge for him, but he didn’t know that I’d crushed on him for years. We became friends after that, and I started hanging out with his friends. My best friend dated one of his friends, so when we all hung out together we just seemed to pair up naturally. We started dating at the beginning of our senior year. My parents could tell from the day they met Jason that he was bad news. They warned me, but I didn’t listen.”

  “First I started defying them, then when they forbid me to see him, I went behind their backs. We snuck around for months. It became a game. Jason and I would meet after school, I’d sneak out and go over to his house. His parents were never home,” she rolled her eyes. “He began pressuring me to have sex with him after we’d been together for about half the year. I’d already had sex, so it wasn’t that I was a virgin, it was that Jason seemed to want to corrupt me almost. The one and only time we did it, Jason didn’t use protection. I was drunk, and not really thinking about it either. A month later, I started throwing up. After taking a home test, I found out Brooklyn was coming,” she glanced back at her son before sighing. “I told Jason right away. At first he acted like he was happy, and we were going to be a family. That lasted about three months, then Ashlyn, a girl he dated before me, broke up with her boyfriend. Jason asked her out, and acted like we never existed.”

  “I’ve been raising Brooklyn on my own with my parents’ help ever since. I love him, but he looks just like his father. I just can’t understand why Jason wouldn’t want to be a part of his life,” she shook her head before leaning back against the seat and closing her eyes.

  “He’s an idiot.” I knew I sounded cavalier, but I couldn’t help it. Anybody could see that Mel was doing a great job. Her son was loved, and happy. Just seeing her with him tonight showed me how much she cared.

  “Yeah, well,” she shrugged before gritting out, “the idiot doesn’t pay child support either. I’ve been to court. I’ve seen how much of a loser Jason really is. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to dump all of this on you. I just want you to see what you’re getting into,” she murmured as she stared out at the pond.

  “I’ve said this over and over again. You’re worth it, Mel. I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to tell you, but I’ll keep telling you until you believe me. You. Are. Worth. It,” I leaned closer before continuing, “and if I ever have the misfortune to run into this Jason guy, I’m going to need bail money because I’m going to beat his loser ass.”

  “Who are you, and why didn’t I meet this guy last summer?” she turned and I noticed tears pooling in her eyes.

  “This is me. You met the guy everyone else knows last summer. This is me, the me I don’t let many people see. Let’s just say that the little guy,” I pointed my thumb back at where Brooklyn was sleeping, “reminds me of where I came from.”

  She pressed her lips together as she tried to keep from crying. “Aaron,” her lip trembled and she bit her cheek as her eyes darted around my face. “I love you too,” she leaned forward, meeting me halfway as I crashed my mouth into hers. This kiss wasn’t soft, it was hungry, and hopeful. It was hopeful that this was finally something real. We were finally there, and now we could build something solid. The walls to this house of cards wouldn’t topple.

  Chapter 17


  It’s been two months since Aaron came to see me. We’ve talked almost every night since. It’s amazing how different things are now that I don’t have to hide Brooklyn from him. Emma seemed cool with it too. When I’d gone back to the dorms she treated me as if nothing had changed.

  I’ve finally started living again it seems. With the secrets out in the open, I’ve been taking Brook out more. At first my parents were against it, but now they seem to understand that I’m trying to work toward being more independent.

  Today Brooklyn and I are taking our first road trip. Aaron is graduating, and he invited me to come and stay with him. He wants me to meet his parents officially, and introduce them to Brooklyn. He offered to let me stay at his apartment, but I didn’t really think that was the best place for a toddler to be, so I told him no. When I asked about hotels in the area, he threatened to come and drive me to his parents’ house himself. He said that they had plenty of room, and since Emma was coming too, we could all ride together. I tried to convince him that I could do things myself, but he wasn’t having it.

  So, that’s how I ended up in a car with Emma and Brooklyn. The drive hasn’t been too bad yet. Brooklyn has slept through most of it, but we’re only halfway into it. I’ve been a nervous wreck, constantly checking on him and trying to make sure Emma isn’t sick of us yet. I feel like I’ve been abusing our friendship, but Emma has assured me multiple times that everything is ok.

  “Mama, Mama, Mama,” I turned around to find Brooklyn slapping the sides of his car seat while swinging his legs back and forth.

  “We’ll be there in a bit,” I tried reassuring him, but he wasn’t having it. Three hours is a long time to be in the car.

  “Potty, Mama,” he kicked his feet again.

  “The next exit isn’t for another two miles,” Emma glanced over at me.

  “Potty now!” Brooklyn grabbed his sippy cup and hurled it toward the front seat.

  “He acts like it’s my fault,” Emma rolled her eyes.

  “Can you just pull off to the side? I can help him go in the grass,” I offered. I’d had to do this many times at home.

  “Yes, but that’s not very safe,” she frowned. “Let me find somewhere with a large shoulder.”

  When we pulled over, I climbed out and worked to get Brook out of his seat. He grinned at me and clapped his hands as if he’d won a prize. Emma and I just laughed. I gotta give the kid credit, he’s definitely entertaining.

  “Ok buddy, stand right here until I can get your pants down. No peeing on Mommy, ok?” I leaned down and pushed his shorts and undies down around his ankles all the while praying that one of the cars flying down the highway didn’t hit us. “Ok,” I held onto him so he wouldn’t fall while I turned him to face away from us.

  Now, I’ve learned the hard way over the time I’ve been a mom that you should always expect the unexpected, and if it can be done Brooklyn will find a way to do it. Things that are gross to the normal person don’t really bother me anymore because most of them have happened to me over the years.

  “Poopie, Mama,” Brooklyn giggled as I held him there, waiting for him to pee.

  “No, buddy. No poopie here,” I sighed just as he released one of the biggest farts I’ve ever heard. I didn’t even know that he could hold that much gas inside him.

  “Feel better,” he giggled again. It was then that I looked down and saw what he really meant. When he’d farted, he’d also pooped and it was now splattered on my legs where I was holding him. He grinned as my lip curled and I slowly released my hold on him.

  “Brooklyn,” I scowled. “Why’d you poop on Mama?” At this point Emma joined the conversation and began gagging at the same time.

  “Oh my god!” she screeched as she reached into the back seat and grabbed ahold of the diaper bag. She flung it out the door with orders to ‘clean the shit up’ before getting back in the car. Brooklyn laughed the entire time as I used baby wipes to clean off my legs and wipe him before getting him back in the car. “I can’t believe he did that. Ugh, that’s so gross,” she gagged again as we pulled back onto the highway.

  “Welcome to my life,” I shook my head and then glanced back at where my son was happily playing in his car seat.

  “Has he done that before?” she glanced at me.

  “Nope, but I’ve been puked on enough that it doesn’t really gross me out like it should. Just wait until you’re a mom,” I laughed.

  “My kid is going to come out potty trained,” she shook her head and laughed.

  “Un huh,” I chuckled. “I’m sure your mom said the same thing.”

  “I was a good baby,” Emma pouted.

  “Right, you slept through the night and everything,” I rolled my eyes.

  “I did,” she gave a quick nod before the car grew quiet and we enjoyed the peace while we had it.


  “Hey, Dad,” I pushed open the front door to my parents’ house. I hadn’t asked them about Mel and I staying here yet. They still thought I was going back to my place after the party tomorrow night. It was odd that it was so quiet, but I rarely ever came home. If I did, it was just to grab a few things and then I’d head over to Uncle Nick’s. “Anybody home?” I wandered through the house hoping to at least find my little brother, Cayden.

  As I slowly moved down the hall I could hear muffled voices and giggling, and then it happened. The one thing I never ever wanted to see was front and center when I stopped at the door to my parents’ room. “Fuck!” my dad shouted as he fell sideways off the bed, naked I might add. Avery’s laughter filled the air as the sheets on the bed were quickly tugged and wrapped around her. She was also naked.

  “Not what I wanted to see either, Dad!” I slapped one hand over my eyes and pinched them shut as hard as I could. “Jesus! I can’t believe you still do that.”

  “Don’t you know how to knock?” his voice was angry, but he was having a hard time hanging onto it. Avery couldn’t stop laughing, and I think that made some of his anger melt away. “Shit!” he growled as I heard a bang. “Fucking dresser!”

  “Honey,” Avery laugher increased as I heard sheets ruffling. “Calm down. He knows what sex is,” she reassured my dad as I heard the distinct sound of kissing.

  “Could you two put on some clothes. I really need to talk to you, and where the fuck is Cayden?” I sighed.

  “He’s with Ryan,” they both answered together.

  “So this is what you do when you have the house to yourself?” I used my free hand to motion around the room.

  “Sometimes, we’re usually more adventurous,” Avery tried to sound serious. “The kitchen counter is a good spot, but your bed used to be really soft too,” at that comment I dropped my hand. The fact that she acted like it was no big deal that they were having sex in my bed made me not care that I might see my dad’s balls. “See,” she ribbed Dad in the side. “I knew that would get him.”

  “That was mean,” I pouted.

  “Just getting a little payback for all the times you cockblocked me,” Dad chided as he pushed my shoulder and walked out of the room.

  “Well, do you to have a minute, or are you moving to a room with a door that locks? I really would like to discuss this weekend, and the fact that I’m insane enough to bring my girlfriend to meet this family,” I grumbled.

  “I’m hungry,” Dad called from somewhere down the hall. “You talk, I’m gonna eat.”

  “Glad to see my life is so important to you,” I sighed as I turned and walked in the direction he had gone.

  “Oh stop,” Avery shouted from where she was shuffling around the bedroom. “Are you two competing for who can whine more, or something?” she rounded the corner and grabbed a water out of the fridge.

  “Love you too, Mom,” I chuckled as I sat down at the table. “How about making me one of those too,” I motioned to where Dad was piling lunch meat on a slice of bread.

  “What is it that you’re here for?” he turned and narrowed his eyes on me. “I mean, other than eating my food, and interrupting my afternoon ‘fun time’?”

  “Really? Afternoon fun time?” I rolled my eyes. “I’m not ten anymore. You can call it sex,” I made a ‘duh’ face before rolling my eyes again.

  “Ok,” Dad grinned. Great, this would be good. “Why are you here interrupting my time with you mom? I was just about to really get into it and make her scream. We’ve been waiting all week to be alone and not be exhausted.”

  I sat there staring at him, “I told you Mel is coming this weekend.”

  “Sure,” Avery shrugged as she sipped her water.

  “Well, I was thinking she could stay here,” I cringed as I waited for one or both of them to tell me no.

  “I’m ok with that, if you are,” Avery glanced at Dad before rounding the table and giving me a side hug around the shoulders. “You know you could have asked us that over the phone, honey.”

  “There’s got to be more to this,” Dad sighed. “Why don’t you want her at your place? You know I’m not letting you two bang all over this house. You’ll be respectful here,” he pointed a knife covered in mayo at me.

  “I thought this place would be nicer than mine. Plus, all the guys are there. It’s not really a place for a woman, and since when do you care if I ‘bang’ someone?” I used finger quotes. “Again…I’m not a kid. If you weren’t ‘banging’ someone at my age, I wouldn’t be here.” I pointed at my chest with my thumb. It was a low blow, but I couldn’t understand why he was getting all parental on me right now. In the past, he’d just toss a box of condoms my way and tell me to be careful.

  “What has gotten into you?” Avery glared at Dad. “Is this because you didn’t finish?”

  “Ugh! Gross!” I curled my lip. “Can we not talk about sex anymore? That’s not what I came here for.”

  “So, what’s up?” Avery sat across from me and shot a glare at my dad.

  “You might want to sit down for this,” I warned my father.

  “Ok,” he dragged the word out. “Why do I get the feeling that this is not good?” He rounded the counter and started to come over to the table, holding the sandwich in one hand, and the knife in the other.

  I swallowed, “Can you put the knife down first?”

  “Jesus, what did you do?” he tossed the knife in the sink and ran his palm down his face.

  “Why do you think I did anything?” I glanced at him before staring at where I’d placed my hands in my lap.

  “I’m your dad. I know when you’re hiding something, and right now you’re hiding something. Something big by the looks of it.”

  “Fine,” I rolled my eyes. “Mel has a son.” I watched Avery’s mouth form a little oh before her lips turned up into a smile. “He’s coming with her, and I want them to stay here.” I glanced over at dad. He hadn’t said anything, and I was afraid if I stopped talking, he’d tell me how crazy I was. “I really like her, and I don’t want this to be weird, but I think this is the best place for them to be. And, I want them to get to know you guys.”

  “A baby?” Avery cooed. “Oh Cam, it’s a baby.” She clapped her hands together like I’d just told them I was giving them a million dollars or something.

  “Well, he’s two, not really a baby,” I bit my cheek as my eyes pinged between them. “Say something,” I stared at where my dad was wiggling his jaw from side to side.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re getting into?” he mumbled. “A kid is a lot of work.”

  “I know,” I relaxed into my chair. They hadn’t said no, so that meant I had a chance.

  “Do you?” he crossed his arms over his chest. “Do you have any idea what you’re taking on? I gave up so much to raise
you, and I had help.”

  Avery turned and gave Dad an evil look, “He’ll have help too.”

  “What if it doesn’t work out, then what? What happens when this kid grows attached to you, and you’re no longer in the picture? Are you ready to just walk out of his life?” his head tipped to the side as he stared at me. “Are you ready to settle down? You just finished school. Are you going to give up the single life to be a dad full time? You do know it’s a job that you never get time off from, right?” He sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Where is this coming from?” Avery glared at Dad. “I said yes to you, and stuck around. I knew what I was getting into, and I wouldn’t change any of it.”

  “I know what’s at risk,” I was angry. I couldn’t believe after all the ridicule I received about being a player from the family that he would question why I wanted to settle down.

  “I don’t think you do. You want to do this, I can’t stop you, but I’m also not going to encourage it,” he stood up and shoved away from the table.

  “They can stay here,” Avery reached across the table and patted my arm. “I’ll talk to your dad. He’s just worried about you. I know he struggled when you were little and he just wants more for you.”

  “Thanks, Mom,” I shook my head as I stared at the floor. “She’s really great. She loves that little boy, and I think I do too.”

  “I’m sure he’s great,” she smiled before standing.

  “You’ll see. They’ll be here tonight,” I grimaced as the words slipped from my mouth.

  “Way to give me time,” Avery rolled her eyes.

  “Sorry?” I cringed.

  “We’ll make it work. Now, you better go back to your place and pack some stuff. I’ve got work to do,” she wagged her finger at the hallway where Dad had disappeared to.

  “I don’t want to know,” I laughed lightly before heading outside. I’d walked to their house, and now I was thinking the walk home would do me good. I needed to clear my head and think about how I was going to keep the peace between my father and myself this weekend.


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