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Wayward Witch

Page 1

by Samantha Bell


























  Twenty One

  Twenty Two

  Twenty Three

  Twenty Four

  Twenty Five


  Free Book

  Author's Note

  About the Author



  Woodlock's Home for Magical Delinquents


  Copyright © 2020 Samantha Bell

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 9781652755937

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either

  the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,

  or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Cover art by Taurus Colosseum Book Cover Design


  "I'm the most powerful witch of my generation. I'll die before I let these bullies have their way."

  Most people in Woodlock's Home for Magical Delinquents swear they don't belong here - well, I do. If someone asked me if I was a good witch or a bad witch, I'd tell them I was the worst witch they could ever imagine. My parents are wanted fugitives and now I've been abandoned in the magical world's equivalent of juvenile hall.

  At Woodlock's, we're supposed to be rehabilitated into model magical citizens, but the teachers are weak and the bullies run the show. Three dangerously hot sorcerers - Blake, Knox, and Zane - have me in their sights, but I'll show them that this bad witch doesn't kneel to anyone - especially the Sons of Hell.


  Wayward Witch is a stand-alone reverse harem bullies-to-lovers romance. A full length supernatural reform school academy romance. Contains depictions of sexuality, profanity, violence, and situations that may be triggering for some readers.


  Woodlock's Home for Magical Delinquents





  They say a witch's magic comes from her soul. If that's true then my magic is as dark as they come.

  I stared out the window watching the buildings flash by in an ominous rhythm. Rain crashed down in waves, the wind buffeted the car and every time the tires hit a pothole, a splash of water would rise higher than the car itself.

  "A few minutes more and then we can relax. She'll be Woodlock's problem."

  I pretended not to hear the driver and his buddy talking about me. Normally, I'd be the kind of girl to punch someone right in the face, but my hands were cuffed behind my back.

  No, it's a reform school, it's not a prison, they said. Ya, right.

  My name is Evelyn Knight, but everyone calls me Evie unless they want to make an enemy. Evelyn was my great-grandmother's name and I couldn't stand it. Evie was more my style. Right now, I was on my way to Woodlock's Home for Magical Delinquents. If I had to describe it to a non-magical person, I'd say it was like juvenile hall, but for magical folk. They advertised themselves as a reform academy, but I knew better than that. Just because there were no holding cells or watchtowers didn't mean I was free.

  "I don't get these witch chicks. I mean blue hair? Grow up!"

  I sent a glare towards the driver. He'd be regretting those words if I had my wand with me. I fidgeted with the handcuffs, even though I knew it was useless. A witch's power came from her soul and without a wand or athame, I had no way to transmit magic. A wand or blade acted as a conduit for the magic inside my soul, without it I was as useless as a normal eighteen year old girl.

  Truth be told, I loved my blue hair. After so many years it had become a part of me since the day my spell backfired and permanently turned my hair from blond to pastel blue. I was fourteen at the time and I could remember that day like it was yesterday. Some girl was bullying me, a rich bitch with no regard for anyone but herself. I grabbed my wand and cast a spell. Unfortunately, it failed and struck us both; I ended up with blue hair and she landed in ICU. It wasn't my first run in with the Magical Control Squad, but it was definitely the most memorable.

  Speaking of the Magical Control Squad, (MCS), the two pricks up front were part of that organization. These were the assholes that were responsible for everything that had ever gone wrong in my life. I didn't know the name of the guy who was driving, but the jerk in the passenger seat was Agent Sully. He was the dick who had been breathing down my neck ever since I was a kid, just because my parents had also been in trouble with magical law. I thought I was done with him forever a few years ago when my parents went on the run, but somehow he caught up to us. Now I was on my way to Woodlock's and my parents were running from the law as wanted fugitives. I had stayed back to give them a fighting chance. If they'd been caught, they would have never seen the light of day again.

  I pushed down the feelings that my parents didn't deserve. Now was not the time to get emotional. Besides, I knew once the heat died down I'd be able to make my own escape. Would I try to find my parents? I hadn't decided yet. Sure they gave me life, but the life they had provided was nothing but trouble. If I had it my way, I'd hit the road and start my own life, far away from anyone who had ever known me or my blue hair.

  "We're here." The driver said to his partner. He hadn't spoken to me directly since I was taken out of the MCS office and shoved into a unmarked sedan with tinted windows.

  I saw the manor appear over the hill. It was a huge home with a wrought iron fence encircling it and towering pine trees to hide it from the main road. The manor had to be a few hundred years old at least. It didn't look like a prison, but the foreboding vibes were undeniable.

  The gates opened slowly to let us in. The car turned into the curved driveway and came to a stop outside the front door of the manor. A man stood on the covered porch with a large black umbrella that cast a shadow over his face.

  Agent Sully got out first and dashed through the cold November rain to speak to the man. He handed him something, but I couldn't see through the rain what it was.

  Now alone with me, the driver's nervousness peaked. I grinned at him wickedly, catching his glance in the rear-view mirror. We both knew I was useless without a wand, but that didn't stop me from getting into his head. Guys like this were fun to mess with.

  Agent Sully came back a minute later. He threw open my door and unbuckled my seat belt. He said nothing as he hauled me out of the car and led me to the man dressed in black. The Agent didn't even spare me shelter under the umbrella, leaving me drenched from the downpour. He threw my suitcase on the porch with such force that even airport workers would cringe.

  The man in the black suit met my eyes before dismissing Agent Sully. "Thank you, sir, we will take it from here."

  "Good riddance, Evelyn." The agent said under his breath.

  "See you in hell," I shot back.

  Lightning cast a bright pattern in the sky above us and thunder crashed a moment later. I stood rigid on the porch, staring at the black sedan until it was out of sight.

  The old man cleared his throat to get my attention. "Miss Knight, please allow me to remove your cuffs." He withdrew an athame from his sleeve and
muttered a few words. The handcuffs opened and fell to the floor. The man gave me a tight-lipped smile. "Come with me, the agents won't bother you anymore."

  I could grab his athame right now and get the hell out of here. My eyes flicked down to the silver blade in his hand.

  As if reading my mind, the old warlock spoke. "Don't even think about it, young lady. There are spells and wards cast all over the grounds. You wouldn't get far."

  I looked away and picked my suitcase up. "I wasn't going to do anything," I said, even though I knew he wouldn't believe me. If I was at Woodlock's that meant I was a bad egg. It was as simple as that. No one here would trust me and I'd do the same.

  The man opened the door and I entered the manor. The front foyer was grand with marble flooring, plush red area rugs, wood trim and a gleaming chandelier. It smelled like cedar and wood polish. A warmth enveloped me, threatening to lure me into a false sense of security.

  "I will show you to your room." The man said. He gestured to the grand staircase. He took the stairs one by one, moving at a maddeningly slow pace. I wished he would have taken the antique elevator, but that was probably just as slow.

  I followed him to the third floor. The manor had countless bedrooms, probably enough for twenty guests or more. The place was immaculate, no doubt kept clean with magic and charms. It was strangely quiet for the middle of the day, but maybe there was magical soundproofing too?

  The warlock stopped at the end of the hall and gestured to a door. "This will be your room for the duration of your stay, Miss," He said. He flicked his athame out and the door opened with a click. "I will give you a few minutes to unpack and then we will meet the Headmistress."

  I stepped into the room and the door immediately locked behind me. I jumped. I was trapped. I could sense the walls closing in on me and began to hyperventilate. I put my back against the door and put my hands on my chest, counting down from ten to slow my breathing.

  Once I regained control of myself, I was able to take a better look at the room. It was small and narrow, with enough room for a bed, desk, and wardrobe. The window was skinny, tall and sealed with magic just like the door. The energy pulsed through the manor, no doubt those spells and wards the old man had mentioned.

  My suitcase was wet and muddy from Agent Sully's merciless luggage abuse, so I opened it on the floor and took out the few belongings that I had. Two plain sweaters, leggings and jeans, socks, panties.

  The only item worth anything to me was the locket that belonged to my mother. It was a miracle that the jerks back in at the MCS office let me keep it. Once I proved that it truly was a regular locket and not charmed or cursed, they begrudgingly gave it back. I opened the locket, the empty silver frame stared back at me. I didn't know why I held onto this jewelry, after all, my parents hadn't exactly been upstanding guardians, but the little girl in me wanted something to remember them by.

  When I opened my wardrobe, I found clothing already inside. I wrinkled my nose in disgust at the crisp white blouses and the blue plaid skirts. Why did they bother with this whole reform academy facade? I was just a prisoner here. It'd be more fitting to wear orange jumpsuits. Well, maybe not. I could at least make the uniform look good. No one could rock an orange jumpsuit.

  I hung up my clothes next to the preppy uniforms and shut the wardrobe door. Once I had kicked my suitcase under my bed and clasped my locket around my neck, I had nothing to do but wait until the old man came back for me.

  I flung myself back on the bed, pleasantly surprised at how comfortable the plain white bedding was. I nestled into the down-filled pillows, letting out a small sigh. This was so much better than the bare room back at the MSC office. They hadn't even given me a sheet, as if I would try to hang myself or something. So over dramatic.

  A few minutes later the door unlocked and the man knocked. "Are you all settled in?" He opened the door.

  "Yep," I said flatly.

  "Then come with me, the headmistress would like to speak with you." The old man waited for me to pull my leather boots back on before ushering me down the hall and up the the forth floor.

  I followed him through the hall, noting that this floor seemed different somehow. The buzzing energy of magic was slightly weaker and the decorations were even more ornate and gaudy.

  "Some of the teachers and headmistress take up residence on the top floor," The man said. This area is strictly off limits to students unless they are invited." He walked with his hands behind his back. The athame in his sleeve glittered at me, taunting me.

  We stopped at the end of the hall and waited to be let in. There was a click and a spark as the door magically unlocked and swung open to reveal a hexagon shaped office. A woman behind a large black desk sat in the center of the room. She was thin with severe features and white hair pulled back in an elegant knot. She looked up from her work as we walked in and set down her fountain pen.

  "Ah, good afternoon, Evelyn Knight," She said.

  "It's Evie." I stood at her desk with my hands clenched at my sides.

  "Evie, then," She said, ignoring the bite in my voice. "Please to meet you, I am Gertie Woodlock, the fifth generation to oversee Woodlock's Home." She stood and offered her hand to me.

  I looked at her hand and didn't move. "Nice to meet you." I forced the words out through my teeth.

  The Headmistress' expression did not falter. She sat back down and motioned for me to do the same. "I understand that you have been through a lot and I wanted to reassure you that Woodlock's is a wonderful place to be. At this academy, we strive to rehabilitate young offenders and rewrite their futures into positive ones. I hope that you can at the very least give us a chance to help you."

  I didn't relax. "Fine," I said. "As long as you promise to call me Evie."

  "Very well, Evie," Gertie Woodlock said. "And to prove my willingness to work with you, I have something for you." She reached into her desk and pulled out a narrow box. A wand box.

  My heart jumped with anticipation. I could feel my magical powers surge through my body, begging to be reunited with my wand.

  "As a sign of trust, we allow all witches and warlocks to have access to their wand. However, I have cast a muting spell over it. Your use of magic will be limited but not forbidden. In order to rehabilitate young magic users, it goes without saying that you need to have access to your powers, although in a limited capacity." The Headmistress explained and she passed me the white box.

  I took out my wand with trembling hands and a wave of relief washed over me. It had been days since I'd held it. Since the Magical Control Squad grabbed it out of my hands when they captured me, I had felt as if part of me was missing. I choked back a sob and clenched my wand tightly. "Thank you," I said. I didn't even have to fake the gratitude.

  The Headmistress smiled at me before her shrewd look returned. "Now, I expect you to be on your best behavior. I have no tolerance of any misbehavior under this roof. You have been sent here by the Magical Control department and they have assigned you to at least one year of therapy and education before reassessing your fit," She explained. "I do not think I need to emphasize the severity of this, Evie. I know your parents are on the run and I would like to remind you that this is your second chance. You do not need to live in their shadow. You can still make a beautiful life for yourself."

  Her words should have touched my heart, but they fell on deaf ears. It was the same speech I heard over and over. Sure, I didn't plan on turning out like my mother and father, but I also was never going to play by the rules. I was too far gone for that bullshit. The only way to survive in this world was to carve your own path, burn bridges, and never look back.

  "Understood?" The Headmistress repeated.

  I snapped out of my thoughts. "Yes," I said. "I will respect your rules."

  That answer seemed to please her. "Very good," She said. "Well, I should be getting back to work. It was nice to meet you. Dinner is served downstairs at six, so please don't be late."

  Her zero tolerance po
licy extended to meal times? Great. I held my wand to my chest before slipping it up my sleeve. "I won't be late," I said.

  "See that you aren't. I don't need any more trouble in these halls," She said.

  The old man nodded in agreement.

  Suddenly, the doors burst open and three guys stormed in. The old man was nearly bowled over by the force of the magic that had been used on the doors. The windows rattled and papers were strewn in every direction. The trio of men was headed up by the most sexiest guy I had ever seen in all my life. He was that tall, dark and brooding type. The sort of bad boy that made panties drop faster than the speed of sound.

  The Headmistress sighed. "Speaking of trouble."




  I knew bad boys when I saw them. I had been addicted to them since I first thought I knew what love was. Their aura was intoxicating. I sat stiffly in my chair as the three guys stormed into the office, all looking very frustrated and incredibly pissed off. I couldn't keep my eyes off them, but they completely ignored me.

  The old warlock intervened, bravely stepping between the boys and the Headmistress. "Excuse me, we were in a private meeting."

  "Shut it, Hobbs." The leader spat. "We were sent up here by Mr. Fry, he says we need to talk to you about a mishap in the magical training room."

  The man, who I supposed was named Mr. Hobbs, shrank away from the trio and retreated to the door.

  The Headmistress pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. As she looked up an envelope came flying into the room and landed in front of her. She opened it and read the paper inside. Her frown grew more serious as her eyes flicked back and forth across the page. "It seems there has been another random explosion." She raised her eyebrows.

  "I don't know how many times we need to go through simple magical safety protocol, Mr. Hood." The Headmistress spoke to the leader and then looked at the other two. "I dread to see the damage that has been caused this time, by your carelessness no doubt."


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