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Cupcake Kisses & Dragon Dreams

Page 4

by Julia Mills

  I really need to get out of this house. I have to think…

  Making a quick excuse, he stammered, “Ah - Ah forgot. Ah promised tae meet wit Rian. Ah’ll be back in an hour or so.”

  Not waiting for Annie’s reply, he swept through the kitchen, callws his goodbyes out to Brannoc as he exited the same door he’d arrived through and raced towards the forest.

  He needed to be alone, to think, to figure out what the hell he was going to do. Not only did he know beyond all doubt that the woman from his dreams existed, but there was no more denying that she was his mate. He’d felt it to the bottom of his very soul. Kalliope, the Cooking Witch, had been made by the Universe just for him.

  Stopping at the back of Dragon’s Lake, Murdock had just taken a seat on the end of the wooden dock as Raibert snickered, “And so it begins. Yur little Witch already has ye all tied up in ye knickers, dear Murdock.”

  “Shut up, Raibert. Just shut up.”

  Chapter Seven


  Bang! Bang! Bang!


  Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

  “Kalliope Jane Sugarbaker, get your ass outta bed or I swear to Gianni Versace’s ghost that I’ll climb this trellis and drag you outta there by the hair on your head!”

  Staring towards the window as Meredith and Daphne ran into her room, Kalliope let her legs slide off the bed, and her feet hit the floor. Shoving her long dark curls out of her face, she got to her feet, stumbled across the floor and opened the curtains.

  There, standing in the middle of her front lawn, looking like he’d had a few too many Cosmos and woken up on the wrong side of someone else’s bed stood none other than Jesse James waving his hands and sounding like a fog horn as he once again screamed, “KALL-I-O-PE!”

  Opening the window, the less-than-thrilled-to-be-awake-on-a-day-with-no-show Earthen Witch, shoved her head out the door and shrieked in retaliation, “JESS-E JA-MES! SHUT THE HELL UP!”

  “Oh no, you don’t!” He shook his fist and stomped his foot. “You do not get to yell at me an act all high and mighty when you are the one to blame.”

  “Blame for what, Crazy Pants? I was asleep until you decided to have a coronary on my front lawn.”

  “Get down here and open this effing door, Girlie, or I’m breakin’ it down,” Jesse demanded, still shaking his fist in Kallie’s direction. “And turn on the TV while you’re at it.”

  The thought of leaving Jesse outside until he’d cooled off crossed her mind, but then she’d just have to listen to more bitchin’ when he did finally gain access. So, turning away from the window, she grabbed her robe, slid her feet into her slippers and motioned for her roomies to follow.

  Stalking down the stairs, she marched across the room, thankful Daph had remembered to turn on the TV as she ripped open the door and shouted right into Jesse’s face, “What the hell crawled up your Calvin Klein’s, Dude? My neighbors are gonna report you to the ASPCW.”

  Stopping whatever he was about to say and standing with his mouth wide open for nearly three whole seconds, Jesse slammed his hand on his hip and asked, “What the fuck does that stand for?”

  “The Astrological Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Witches,” Kallie huffed, spinning on the toe of her pink, fluffy slippers and walking away.

  “Whatever, Kals,” Jesse grumped before beginning to once again scream. “We’ve got bigger problems than your precious little feelings.” Grabbing the remote from Meredith’s hand, he clicked the button to change the channels so hard that Kalliope thought his finger was gonna go all the way through to the battery before he stopped on Sunshine Morning News with Sunnie Day and Jack Smart.

  Pointing and screeching, Jesse jumped up and down as he screamed, “Look! Look! Look what you’ve done.”

  Sitting on the coffee table with her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands, Kalliope stared at what she immediately recognized as the station where she worked. What confused her more than Leprechauns delivering Christmas presents were the men, thousands of them, lined up both sides of the street, circling around behind the building and continuing into the seven-story parking garage.


  “Oh, just you wait, Buella Badass. You ain’t gonna believe what comes next.”

  Turning her head back to the TV, Kalliope watched as Sunnie Day, the nauseatingly cheerful anchorwoman, dressed in one of her signature bright yellow frocks, walked up to one of the men and asked, “Can you tell us your name and why you’re here today?”

  “My name is Charlie, Charlie Brooks and I’m here to meet Kalliope Sugarbaker of Kalliope’s Kupcake Kitchen. I love her and I want her to marry me,” the young man with sun-bleached hair and a dimple in his chin announced, loudly and just a little too proudly.

  As Sunnie moved down the line, the answer from every man she interviewed was the same, they were all in love with Kalliope and wanted to marry her. There was even a guy who played an accordion and sang a ballad of his undying love and devotion to the ‘Witch with the long brown locks’. It was all too much. Jumping to her feet, Kallie waved her arms in her best impression of a freaking-out-chicken and accused, “What did you do, Jesse James? Who did you pay off for this stunt? I swear…I swear I’ll…well, shit, I don’t know what I’ll do, but it’s gonna be…”

  “What did I do?” Jesse was on his feet, the tip of his nose touching Kalliope’s as he yelled, “What did I do? You have to be fuckin’ crazy. I’m not the one with superpowers. That’s you, Sista.” He poked Kallie in the shoulder. “You’re the lovesick, lovelorn, love-what-the-ever who’s done something stupid.” Taking a step back and throwing his arms wide, Jesse wailed, “It’s fucking raining men, and God help us, they all want you.”

  “I didn’t do it?” Kallie adamantly denied at the precise moment that the air around her was drenched in magic and the scent of night-blooming jasmine and sage filled the room.

  The space between the Witch and her TV started to undulate, kind of like the surface of a lake after a stone is thrown through it, right before the usually smiling but now frowning face of the Grand Priestess of her Coven appeared. “Kalliope what have you done?” Calysta’s voice was low and foreboding. “What magic have you let loose that is now running amuck among the men in your vicinity?”

  “I…I didn’t…well, I don’t think…that is, I was just…” Falling onto the couch with a loud, “Shit!” Kallie continued, “I was making those stupid cupcakes for yesterday’s show and telling my audience how the object of their affection was going to love them. I even went so far as to set the stage.” She looked up at the magical visage of the most powerful Earthen Witch in the world and motioned with her hand. “You know, with flowers and candles. Maybe a bottle of wine.”

  When Calysta didn’t smile, or even a move a muscle, Kalliope hurried on, “Well, dang it all, I kinda zoned out. I knew Grams had put a little oomph in her recipe. Then I thought about all the love spells she’d written for people and how many of those people were still happily married because they’d come to her. By the time I came to my senses, I was signing off.” She shrugged then whispered, “Since nobody was actin’ weird, I figured I was just overreacting. I said, ‘Good show’ to the crew, went to my dressing room and after talking to Clarice and Jesse came home.”

  Shaking her head, looking more like a pissed off mom then an angry all-powerful Priestess, Calysta scolded, “How could you do that, Kalliope Jane? Do you even know what spell you used or the words you said?”

  “Well, I know the one that was part of the recipe, but it wouldn’t even make a honey bee jump flowers.” She thought for a second more then mumbled, “No, ma’am,” she mumbled, letting her head fall forward before almost immediately jerking it upright. “But I can find out. There’ll be a tape of it at the station.” Up on her feet and racing towards the stairs, she hollered over her shoulder, “I’ll go there as soon as I’m dressed and fix this, Calysta. I promise, I will.”

  “Just pray that y
ou do before the Council hears gets wind of it.” Were the only words Kallie heard as she sped into her room.

  Throwing on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt then twirling her hair up on top of her head in a big messy bun, the sassy Witch grabbed her purse off the chair by the door and headed back down the stairs. No sooner had her feet hit the wooden floors then she was out the door, hollering over her shoulder, “I’ll be back in a flash with good news.”

  Dear Fate, please don’t make a liar outta me…

  Chapter Eight

  Skimming the bottom of the rocky coastline less than a mile from the steep mountains he and Atticus roamed as children, Murdock pushed away the Mating Call beating at not only his mind but his heart and soul. He was even refusing to answer Raibert. Now that he’d seen Kalliope in person, well as close to ‘in person’ as he was ready for, there was no escaping what Fate had in store for him.

  The Universe has always had a flare for muckin’ up my day…

  Never in all of his considerable years had he had such a soul deep reaction to another person. Not only did his heart beat faster, but his body yearned for her, his soul reached for her and his cock, well, that bastard got so hard so quickly Dock could scarcely get away from Annie and Brannoc fast enough.

  Sure, they’d gracefully accepted his excuse for not returning for dinner, but he’d heard the disappointment in his nephew’s voice and felt the hurt in the younger Guardsman’s heart. How could Murdock make them understand? There was no comparison he could imagine that would make them realize how used to being alone he’d gotten. So, he’d sought the only solace he’d ever known, the water. Black Lake, although exceptionally large and deeper than most, helped but was still a sore substitute for the ocean.

  “But ye cannae go back tae the sea. No yet.” Raibert’s barely contained chuckle drifted through Murdock’s mind making the Gaurdsman reinforce his mental blocks.

  He knew the Dragon King was right, the bastard always was, but that didn’t mean Murdock had to like it. Tired of circling the lake and seeing the full moon was high in the sky, the Dragon slowly floated to the top, gently pushing his snout through the surface. Careful not to disturb the team of ducks as they floated by, deep in sleep, dreaming about whatever ducks dreamt about, Murdock gave a gentle swish of his massive webbed tail and headed towards the bank.

  Changing back to his human form and walking up onto the soft grass, Murdock collapsed onto his knees, rolled over onto his back and let out a deep, wistful sigh. Folding his arms and putting his hands under his head, he looked up at the stars, instantly wondering if Kalliope was looking at the same night sky.

  “The sun will be up soon,” he mused. “Does she wake early or like to sleep in?”

  And why the hell am I worrying about such things?

  Years of listening to the Elders preparing each and every young Guardsman-to-be for the moment their mate became known to them should have prepared Murdock for Kalliope’s entrance into his life. He should have known there was so much more at work when Kayne had called then just coming to help his brethren. If he’d heard it once, he’d heard it a million times – ‘The Universe does not make mistakes. Fate will not be denied’.

  “And of course, they should’ve added, ‘both will mess with your world and make you damned near crazy when you least expect it’,” Murdock grumbled.

  “But They did say she wooud be the light ta’ yer darkness, th’ missin’ piece of yer sool, the one an’ oonly person who cooud and wooud complete ye in ways ‘at until ‘at moment you’d oonly imagined.”

  “There really tis no way tae escape you, is there?”

  “Nay a one,” Raibert snickered. “An' besides, yoo'd be lost withoout me.”

  “Aye,” Murdock had to chuckle. “Guess Ah would.”

  Drifting off to sleep, the Guardsman felt the touch of magic on his bare chest and down his arms. It felt like the touch of butterfly wings, just a soft kiss followed by a tingle that immediately conjured the image of Kalliope’s sparkling green eyes coupled with the inescapable scent of warm vanilla and sweet chocolate that filled his senses.

  There was something different this time though. Something that did more than simply beckon him. It felt as if it was actually tugging at the very fiber of his being, warning him that Kalliope needed him more than even she realized. Looking deep inside his soul, Murdock let his eyes slowly close as he focused on the bright sparkling light that was radiating warmth then followed the tail of glittering magic straight into his mate’s consciousness.

  A sly smile curved his lips as he saw her dreams were oh-so-very amorous and he had the starring role. Slipping into the body of the dream man in Kalliope’s fantasy, the one he knew was the only representation her mind could summon since she’d never seen him in person, Murdock was overwhelmed by the feel of her soft womanly curves against the hard muscles of his chest and abs.

  Her lips felt like silk as she kissed along the line of his jaw, pulling his earlobe between her teeth and gently worrying it with the tip of her tongue as she whispered, “I don’t know where you came from, but I never want you to leave.”

  Letting his hands slide down the curve of her back, Murdock’s greedy hands found the soft globes of her ass at the precise moment her lips found his. Lifting her off the ground, he turned, gently laid her back on the bed, and never again wanting to be without her, followed her down, letting his body settle atop hers.

  Kissing her hard, needing her more than he had ever needed anyone or anything, the Guardsman growled low in his throat as their tongues collided, melded, and caressed, pushing the couple’s desire higher with every touch. Tearing his lips from hers, Murdock struggled to breathe as he confessed, “You’ve woven your way into my heart, become a part of my soul, seeped into the very essence of my being, and made me an addict. I can’t be without you. Don’t want to be, simply will not be anywhere but by your side.”

  Shoving her fingers into his hair, Kalliope gripped the long strands, using them like the reins of a carriage to pull his lips back to hers. Opening completely to his mate, a growl rose from the depths of his chest as her legs wrapped around his waist, her center grinding against the steel length of his cock.

  Running his hands up the outside of her thigh, Murdock’s hand ventured across the smooth skin of her hip and slipped between her legs, finding her wet center. Aching to be inside her, needing to feel her pussy massaging his cock as they became one as the Universe intended, he slid first one finger and then another deep inside her.


  “Murdock,” he demanded. “Say my name, Kalliope. Acknowledge the one who makes you burn like no other ever could.”

  “Yes, yes…please, Murdock. Please…” she begged.

  He loved the desperation in her voice, the unbridled need she didn’t even try to hide. Her muscles shook with the raw power of her desire as Murdock began to move his fingers in and out of the one the Universe had made for him.

  Rubbing her clit with the tip of his thumb on every swipe, he curled the tips of his fingers in a come-hither motion teasing her sensitive bundle of nerves until Kalliope panted with need and her short, well-manicured nails scratched at his back. Over and over she wailed his name as he pushed her higher and higher until with one final thrust, his miraculous mate was overcome with the most beautifully blissful orgasm Murdock had ever seen.

  Slowing his motions, watching as she floated from the heights of her ecstasy, he fought to maintain his focus as an irritatingly nasal voice shrieked so loud it was as if the confines of Kalliope’s mind were shaking from the impact.

  “Kalliope Jane Sugarbaker, get your ass outta bed!” The voice burst through her mind.

  The wonderful euphoria created by Kalliope’s dreams exploded into a million shards of light.

  Popping up as if launched from a catapult, Murdock’s eyes flew open as he cursed, “Damn it all to Hell. Now, I have no choice but to find her.” Picking up his shirt and boots, he added with a growl, “And kill
whoever dared to disturb our dream.”

  Chapter Nine

  Racing over every back road she knew of from her house to the station, Kalliope couldn’t shake what remained of the dream Jesse had interrupted with his caterwauling and screeching. It was just another kick in the tail from dear ol’ Fate. She was having the best ever, erotic fantasy and boom everything exploded.

  “Damn, I can still see his face,” she whispered to herself, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. “Lordy, could that man kiss, as well as a whole bunch of other delicious things.” She shivered at the memories, seeing his deep blue eyes – the exact color of the sea, his long dark eyelashes, the high cut of his cheekbones, the aristocratic line of his nose and his jawline that begged to be nibbled. “And nibble, I did,” she murmured.

  Wiggling in her seat as she finally drove into town, Kalliope sat up straight still feeling the weight of his hard, muscled body pressing into hers. She’d always said her perfect mate would be tall, with wide shoulders, a slim waist, and an ass that made her mouth water, “And boy howdy, did that man have it all.” Her fingers gripped the steering wheel even tighter, reliving what it felt like to have his long, dark hair within their grasp.

  Touching her cheek just as the stoplight in front of her turned red, Kallie swore she could still feel Murdock’s stubble caressing her skin. “Murdock,” she whispered his name as she let a slow, nostalgic sigh cross her lips. “How do I know that?” Hitting the accelerator as the light turned green, she shook her head sarcastically chuckling, “Wow, you really do need to get out more, Kalliope, old girl. You…”

  Her next words froze on her tongue at the horde of men, all standing in line outside WTCH, the station that aired her show. Feeling as though she crossed into an alternate universe, Kallie stared at the guys, some carrying signs asking her to marry them or date them or Goddess forbid, cook naked for them, all chanting her name. “What the hell have I done?”


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