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Five-Star Cowboy

Page 6

by Charlene Sands

  “That’s a relief,” she said.

  The waiter strolled by her office pushing a rolling cart. When Trent spotted him, he gestured for him to come inside. “It’s dinner for two now, Robert,” he said. “We’ll eat right here at the desk, unless Miss Lowell would like to eat downstairs?” Trent glanced at her, apparently looking for a change of heart.

  “This is fine. We’re working,” she said, offering a small smile to Robert.

  The waiter glanced at the meal. “I’ll be back with another plate and set of utensils.”

  Robert was halfway out the door before Trent stopped him. “Don’t bother, Robert. There are enough utensils here for both of us. Thanks for bringing it up.” Trent saw him to the door and handed him a tip, then returned to uncover the plates.

  Steam rose up and rich, savory flavors blended in the air, causing noises to erupt in Julia’s stomach. “Looks delicious.”

  Trent took all the dishes from the cart and placed them on the desk, then sat down.

  “Now what,” she said, hungering for the meal. Trent had dismissed Robert and there were no extra plates.

  “Now you can either sit beside me,” Trent said, his voice soft and low, “or sit on my lap and I’ll feed you myself. Sounds like a great way to enjoy a meal.”

  A sensual image flashed in her head. She strolled to where he sat and bent down to face him, coming very close to his face. Looking in his gorgeous dark eyes, Julia resisted the temptation. “I’ll be right back,” she said.

  “Where are you going?” he asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  A minute later, she returned from the lounge behind the receptionist’s area with a paper plate and plastic utensils.

  Trent only smiled. “Resourceful.”

  “I think so,” she said and Trent slid her the fine china and cutlery, then filled a paper plate of food for himself and waited for her to sit before digging in with his plastic fork.

  If nothing else, Trent Tyler had manners.

  The next morning, Trent parked the Jeep by the stables and walked inside the office. It irked him again, seeing Julia conversing with Pete, her soft laughter filling the small room as she kept her focus trained on the head wrangler.

  He trusted Julia about as far as he could toss her so he’d insisted on taking her up to Shadow Ridge and having her spell out her plans, step-by-step. It was the only way to fully envision her concepts.

  What she proposed was risky and Trent didn’t mind taking a calculated risk when necessary, but he had to make sure Julia wasn’t trying to screw him over to gain revenge.

  He wasn’t sure she was capable of such deception, yet he hadn’t expected her to be so darn hard to win over again. He wanted her back in his bed, plain and simple. And he wanted to believe in her new marketing strategy—the latter being extremely important.

  “Mornin’,” he said, interrupting their conversation.

  Julia looked up with a smile on her face. “Good morning.”

  Pete nodded a greeting and excused himself, leaving them alone in the office.

  “You ready for a ride?”

  “Yes, I even dressed for the part,” she said, her good mood overflowing. Trent would have engaged her, except he knew Pete had been the one responsible for her cheery attitude.

  Dressed in jeans and a soft cotton blouse, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, her face free of makeup and looking as fresh as a sunny day, Trent couldn’t deny her natural beauty. Whether elegantly dressed or in a business suit or looking like a rodeo queen, Julia Lowell made an impression.

  “Let’s get going.”

  “Are we burning daylight,” she teased.

  Trent roped an arm around her waist and brought her up against him. Her delicately soft body made him hard as granite.

  “Oh,” she breathed out.

  “Something’s burning, darlin’. And if we don’t get out of here soon, you’re gonna find out what that is.”

  Tension crackled between them. They stared at each other for a time, before he released her and she mumbled, “Okay, l-let’s go.”

  Trent cursed under his breath. There wasn’t a woman he wanted more, but he’d damned well wasn’t about to let Julia befuddle him into making a big mistake.

  Trent strode out the door and walked over to the corral housing his horses. Pete had Duke and Honey Girl saddled up and ready. Trent grabbed the reins. “Thanks, Pete. I’ll take it from here.”

  Pete glanced at Julia, who was steps behind. “Gotcha,” he said with a nod. “I’ll be back in the office if you need me later. Have a good ride.”

  Trent helped Julia mount the mare then climbed onto his own horse and they rode off. As they made their way to Shadow Ridge, he let Julia do most of the talking, laying out her plan. He listened intently and nodded, taking in the view of saguaro cactus dotting the property and the inspiring flame-colored mountains of Crimson Canyon. While they rode, his frustration cooled as he concentrated on Julia’s vision.

  “What made you think of offering art lectures?” he asked.

  “Not your everyday art lecture, Trent. We’ll employ a real artist at Tempest West. He’ll show his work in the hotel gallery and then we’ll offer inspiration at the most picturesque place on the property. When I checked your previous clientele questionnaire I noticed the majority of guests were lovers of art and music. Sounds like a no-brainer to me to entice guests with what they love. Remember, Tempest West isn’t an overnight stay on the way to a destination. It is the destination. And we need to give our guests what they love. Give them no reason to leave for outside entertainment. The word exclusive will be synonymous with Tempest West. That’s our selling point. Privacy, seclusion, natural settings and exclusive opportunities.”

  Trent reined in Duke when they reached the base of Shadow Ridge. “Sounds good.”

  Julia’s mare followed Duke’s lead and stopped beside him. “The artist will come to show his work and become better known in the art community. Your clientele are very wealthy, Trent. They’ll spend extra money for what we offer. As for the singer, I’ve worked with Sarah Rose with the Dream Foundation Charity.”

  “You got us Sarah Rose?” Trent was impressed. Country singer Sarah Rose was as famous and talented as Reba McEntire and Faith Hill.

  “I did. I’m working out details with her management. But I’ve spoken with her privately and she’s ready for a change of pace. She needs a vacation. Once I described Tempest West, she was willing to come and do a few intimate shows weekly as long as we guarantee her privacy while she’s here. She’ll be a guest as well.”

  Trent looked deep into Julia’s pretty eyes. Her passion for her work came though loud and clear. She seemed convinced and that was good enough for him. “If you say it’ll work, I’m all for it.”

  “There’s never any guarantees, but I think so. It’s all in the packaging, Trent. I’m working hard on a special invitation with the new slogan and I’m having a new brochure made up.”

  “Okay,” he said, then glanced at the ridge looming above. “You ready to make this climb?”

  Julia peered at the ridge shadowed by morning light. “Pete says there’s another way up.”

  “It’s a longer winding path. But, yes, there’s another way up.”

  “Show me.”

  Trent led Julia to the top of Shadow Ridge using a well-hidden path that wound back and around the mountain. He dismounted once they reached the plateau and helped her down, holding her close as she slid down his body from Honey Girl.

  Her eyes flickered as she stared at his mouth.

  Trent smiled and moved away, taking her hand in his. “Is this your vision?” he asked, walking to the center of the elevated flatland that looked upon Crimson Canyon, where naturally sculpted rock formations met western skies.

  “Yes,” she breathed out. “This is it.”

  “I see it, too.” Trent wrapped his arm around her waist and they stared out at the amazing vista.

  Quiet. Secluded. Natural.
  Julia’s voice broke the silence. “If you could find a way to broaden the path up here, I don’t think the guests would mind the longer ride on horseback. It’s the safest way up and they’d be well-guided.”

  “I’d planned on setting the mustangs loose behind the ridge.”

  “Can’t you set them in the canyon?”

  “No, they’d starve. They wouldn’t be any better off than where they were rescued from in the first place. We wouldn’t have a way to care for them down there.”

  “This is important to you, isn’t it?”

  “It is,” Trent admitted, enjoying the feel of Julia’s body sidled up close to his. He’d been too long without her and no other woman would do. “I can’t sit by and watch those horses die.” Trent owned a massive amount of land. There was room for the hotel and the herd. Though he’d grown up with his brothers in a midsize town, Trent had dreamed one day of owning enough land to maintain a wild herd. He’d always had an affinity for horses and when he’d found out these mustangs were dying, he’d had to help.

  Julia’s voice softened. “Is it more important than the success of the hotel? You could lose your bet with your brother.”

  “Darlin’, that’s not going to happen. I always find a way to get what I want.”

  Julia set her hand on his cheek, her caress the lightest feather touch, her eyes filled with regret. “Yeah, Trent. I know.”


  B aby shower guests arrived by company jet one day before the surprise party. Kimberly helped Julia greet them at the airport and usher them into Tempest West limousines to get the group to the hotel by midmorning.

  With Trent’s assistance, Julia had arranged for a barbecue welcome lunch on the outside patio facing Crimson Canyon and a guided ride up to Shadow Ridge this afternoon.

  Tomorrow, she’d hold the surprise baby shower on the banks of Destiny Lake. In a sense, it was a trial run for her new vision for Tempest West. Her baby shower guests would be privy to the hotel’s exclusive five-star treatment she’d planned for paying guests later in the month. It was a special treat for her, because her father, being a dear friend of Laney’s, was also an invited guest. She hadn’t seen him in weeks and she gladly welcomed his presence. They’d hugged and kissed at the airport and Julia was glad he’d made the trip.

  There was no equal to a father’s love.

  And right about now, Julia needed the support. She’d been dodging Trent’s advances since he’d manipulated her so expertly. He’d made it clear that he wanted her. Julia’s resistance had waned some, allowing him a kiss or two in the past few weeks. At night when her mind wandered she’d dream of being in his arms and allowing him free reign over her body…and laying claim over his. Keeping the sexy cowboy a safe distance away was easier said than done.

  An hour later, Julia spotted her father standing next to Trent and a lovely gray-haired woman under the lattice covering on the patio. She walked across the inlaid stone path and was immediately introduced to Rebecca Tyler, Trent’s mother. “This is my Julia,” Matthew Lowell said, smiling at Rebecca.

  Rebecca lent her hand and Julia took it. “It’s very nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Tyler. And for such a happy occasion.”

  “Oh, just call me Rebecca, please,” she replied with a sweet smile. “I’m thrilled that I’m finally going to be a grandmother. How nice of you to have this surprise for Laney.”

  “She’s my best friend. I’m happy to do it.”

  “I’ve been hoping for the same, Rebecca,” her father said, “but Julia’s career-minded at the moment. No babies on the horizon for me.”

  “Dad!” Heat crawled up her throat. She stole a glance at Trent, who’d been watching her intently.

  “I’ve been lobbying for years, Matthew,” Rebecca said.

  Trent nodded. “Can’t deny that. Mom’s put the word out loud and clear. She could show Washington a thing or two.”

  “Is that what it takes?” her father asked, smiling at Rebecca.

  “It’s been quite a while,” Rebecca started, “but seems to me it takes a bit more than that.”

  Her father let out a chuckle.

  Julia lifted her brows. Her father was flirting with Rebecca Tyler and the pretty woman flirted back.

  Rebecca glanced at Julia. “My son thinks you have brilliant ideas. He’s shared some of them with me and I have to say I’m glad you’re here working together, dear. Trent doesn’t give praise lightly.”

  “Thank you, Rebecca. I’m doing my best for—” she hesitated and peered at Trent “—for Tempest West.”

  Trent brushed shoulders with her. She caught the musky scent of his cologne and the firm stance of his body next to hers. “Julia’s going to change the image at Tempest West. Fact is, I’m banking on all her ideas. I trust her completely.”

  Julia’s breath caught hearing those words. Trent had never failed to believe in her abilities. She’d never given him reason not to, but hearing him say it to his mother and her father softened her heart.

  “Thank you,” she said, refusing to look at Trent. “I’d better check on the other guests. It’s almost time for lunch. Rebecca, it was very nice to meet you. If you’ll both excuse me now.”

  “You go on, honey,” her father said. “I’ll make sure Rebecca finds a seat.”

  Trent kissed his mother on the cheek. “I’d better get back to work, Mother.” Then he turned to her father. “Nice to meet you, Matthew.” Trent shook her father’s hand. “You both enjoy your lunch. I’ll see you later.”

  Julia headed for the lobby and before she got halfway there, Trent placed a hand to her back and steered her away. “I need to talk to you,” he said, guiding her toward the cottages on the property. “It’s important.”

  The walk toward the cottages reminded her of that late-night tryst they’d had when she’d first arrived at Tempest West. “It’s business, right?”

  “Right,” Trent said, keeping her moving and refusing to glance her way.

  Once they’d reached the farthest empty cottage, Trent maneuvered her into a lushly landscaped secluded terrace. “I’m not going inside with you, Trent.” Memories flashed of torrid bodies and steamy sex.

  Trent released his hold on her waist and walked to the far end of the walled terrace. She watched as he paced back and forth. “Did you tell your father how you came to be hired here at Tempest West?”

  His question struck home and she knew why he’d been adamant about privacy. “You mean how you seduced and tricked me?”

  “That’s your take on it. Did you tell him?”

  Julia made him stew on her answer a little while. She sighed and took a moment, meeting his direct gaze.

  “Well?” he asked impatiently.

  “No, Trent. I didn’t tell him. But not out of any concern for you. I didn’t tell him, because one, I didn’t want him to know I’d been so easily fooled. I do have some pride. And two, because he’d probably insist on me leaving Tempest West immediately. He has an unrivaled work ethic, not to mention a protective streak for his only daughter.”

  “Darlin’, you don’t need protection from me.” He took a step toward her.

  Julia raised her brows. “Don’t I, Trent?”

  “No. Hell, we make a damn good team. In and out of bed.”

  Julia ignored his comment because deep down she knew it was true. Other than his initial sabotage, they’d worked together pretty darn well these past few weeks. He was competent, efficient and easy to approach with new ideas. As for in bed, Julia was certain she’d never find a better sexual partner. “Why are you so concerned about my father knowing the truth?”

  “You saw them together, Julia. Your father and my mother. Damn, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but there were sparks between them. You must have noticed.”

  “Couldn’t miss the fireworks,” Julia said. “Ironic, isn’t it?”

  Trent moved closer and lowered his voice to a rasp. “Why? Because a Lowell finds a Tyler attractive?”

; Julia shook her head. “Because it’s my father and your mother, Trent.”

  That’s all Julia needed. She’d hoped she’d read too much into their brief conversation just minutes ago, but Trent, too, had noticed. Her father had been extremely lonely lately. From what she gathered, so had Rebecca Tyler. She’d lost her husband years ago and had never remarried.

  Good heaven, she didn’t need any more ties to Trent. But she’d never seen her father so smitten before. Her father seemed truly interested in Rebecca Tyler.

  Trent approached her, coming closer yet, his gaze darkened and his presence creating hot tremors inside. She backed up against the wall. “Trent, go away.”

  He placed his hands on the wall beside her head. Trapped, Julia could only stare into his hungry gaze. “Make me,” he said, brushing a finger along her jaw.

  His touch erupted goose bumps. And her tremors intensified, racking her body. Rational thought escaped her and her heart pounded with longing. She breathed in his scent, the earthy familiar remnants of his cologne turning her inside out. “What…do…you…want?”

  “Fireworks.” He bent his head and swept her up in a kiss that would have knocked her down if he hadn’t slid his hands to her waist. He pulled her close and held her steady.

  Julia craved him. He was a thirst she had to quench. The tall, rugged Texan could always push her buttons and make her squirm with desire.

  His kiss stole her breath. She wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He groaned when their bodies locked, his erection undeniable.

  He slanted his mouth over hers again and deepened the kiss. Julia savored every second of it, forgetting all the reasons she should push him away.

  Trent Tyler wasn’t a man easy to dismiss.

  “Meet me tonight,” he said, between kisses. “Spend the night at my place.”

  His place? His small cozy home set on the outskirts of the property. Oh, how she wanted to. In a perfect world where Trent could be trusted, she’d meet him in a heartbeat and they’d spend a glorious night together. Julia had a healthy sexual appetite and Trent had spoiled her in that regard. He’d treated her to every female fantasy she’d ever entertained and she’d begun to feel more for him than any other man who’d come into her life.


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