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His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance

Page 39

by Sullivan, Piper

“Cazzo !” he cried out as he drove his length into her wetness. Nothing could compare to what he was experiencing this very minute, and with each thrust into her, she met him. Stroke after stroke, her hips rose to meet his like an erotic dance between two lovers .

  Between his grunts and groans he heard her moan his name, pleading with him not to stop. The way she vocalized her desires was a complete turn on, and he was edging dangerously close to his climax. As he reached down where their bodies met, he found her clit. All it took was a single touch to send her crashing over the edge and as her body shook and her nails dug into his skin, he surrendered and spilled himself into her. He lay on top of her for a few seconds before he rolled over unto his side, propping his head on his hand, admiring her where she lay still with her eyes closed. A smile tugged at the corner of her full lips, and he bent his head down and kissed her .

  “Does this mean I am forgiven?” he whispered huskily and kissed her shoulder .

  “No,” she said and scooted to the edge of the bed, “but maybe if you do this again tomorrow, I will reconsider .”

  He chuckled and got off the bed reaching for his pants, then removed a small black box from the pocket .

  “How about this?” he said and flipped open the lid exposing a diamond ring .

  She smirked and reached for the ring then slid it on her ring finger, and without a word she gathered her dress and underwear and walked through to the bathroom closing the door behind her .

  She was a complex creature, he thought with a grin as he too got dressed and headed downstairs .

  Chapter 11

  B elinda stood at the top of the stairs studying all the guests. She knew the organization was large but she couldn’t help but wonder how many of these people were unsuspecting pawns unaware of the fact that the Angelinos and Benedettis were a part of this criminal organization .

  Within a matter of two weeks she went from an ordinary woman to one forced to embrace her place in the mafia. If she was going to survive this, she was going to have to be strong and make her mark in society .

  She tilted her chin defiantly and mechanically put one foot in front of the other as she descended the stairs. Her eyes locked on Louis as he stood at the bottom of the staircase. As she reached him, her father appeared alongside Stefano but she simply nodded at them both .

  It was Stefano who announced the engagement and the pretense of it all was sickening, but she remained composed nonetheless. She had a few tricks up her sleeve, and with her position in such a powerful family at the side of Don Angelino’s son, she was going to make this work to benefit her .

  The evening soon drew to a close. Her father approached her on a few occasions but never quite spoke to her. At times her heart ached to reconcile with him, but she shut her emotions down. She was no longer going to be this timid soul who allowed others to walk right over her .

  “Did you enjoy the evening?” Louis asked as he came to stand beside her after the last of the guests exited the house .

  “It was pleasant,” she said and sighed softly .

  “Yes it was,” he said and then took her hand in his, “you should to speak with your father .”

  She rolled her eyes and withdrew her hand from his, “I have nothing to say to him .”

  “Belinda, you can’t shut him out forever .”

  “You want to bet on that?” she said bitterly, “In due time I might talk with him again, but right now, I want him to wallow in self-pity and reflect on his actions .”

  He took her by her shoulders and tilted her chin up, “Life is too short to harbor hatred, and the woman I met two weeks ago would never have been so callous .”

  “Well that woman died,” she said blankly .

  She simply had no choice but to toughen up, the only way she knew how. She had to feel nothing, allow no sadness, hurt or love to cloud her judgement. If that meant shutting everyone in her life out and pretending to be a cruel hard woman, then so be it .

  A commotion outside drew their attention and Louis was the first to go and investigate, with her following closely. A small crowd of guests who still remained outside were huddled together in a group near the fountain. She shoved her way through the crowd to see what was going on and when she saw her father lying on the ground her heart stopped .

  “Papa!” she cried out and dropped to her knees next to him, “papa !”

  Louis was beside her immediately feeling for a pulse and checking his breathing, “I think it’s a heart attack, I can’t find a pulse .”

  “No!” she cried as horror gripped her heart, “Help him Louis!” she pleaded as tears streamed down her face. He immediately started CPR while Stephano called for an ambulance. Ten minutes later, her father was on his way to the hospital and Louis was driving like the devil himself following the ambulance .

  At the hospital everyone gathered in the waiting room. Louis was seated next to Belinda trying to console her. He knew that if her father did not pull through she would blame herself for the rest of her life .

  “Let’s go and get some coffee,” he said and took her hand .

  “I don’t want coffee,” she mumbled .

  “It will do you good, come,” he insisted .

  This time she didn’t object when he pulled her to her feet, and led her to the cafeteria. Seated across from her at one of the small tables, he studied her intently .

  “You shouldn’t blame yourself, these things happen when we least expect it. For such a severe heart attack, he was probably sick for a long time .”

  “I want Natalie to run El Pescore,” she said changing the subject completely .

  “Belinda, business can be discussed at another time,” he said and took a sip of his coffee .

  “No, it can’t. By Friday I’ll be Mrs. Angelino-Benedetti, I know you have already acquired a new accountant for the restaurant without consulting with me, so now is as good a time as ever .”

  He cursed inwardly. His father had the very bad habit to stick his nose in everyone’s business. He wasn’t even aware of this change at El Pescore. The agreement was that the restaurant will remain unchanged. There was something dubious going on, not that it was any different from any of the other business deals his father was involved in. But for the sake of peace he agreed with her and reassured her that Natalie will be the manager in her absence .

  “Miss Benedetti?” a somber voice spoke next to them. It was the doctor and the expression on his face was grave .

  “I’m sorry we did all we could, but the damage to his heart was too severe .”

  Louis met her gaze and she hardly blinked. Simply closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then stood up and walked out of the cafeteria .

  Chapter 12

  A few weeks later Belinda sat in the confession booth at the Catholic Church and covered her head with her scarf. There were so many questions that remained unanswered and she needed a sign, any sign to tell her she was doing the right thing. The little door slid open and she sighed and kneeled .

  “Bless me father for I have sinned, it’s been four years since my last confession .”

  “Why has it been so long my child?” the priest asked .

  “I don’t know, I guess life just happened,” she stated nervously .

  “I see…so what would you like to confess today ?”

  “I’m not sure Father, it’s quite complicated,” she said suddenly having second thoughts about being here .

  “Well, you do know that everything said here is completely confidential. So why don’t you start at the beginning,” he said in a modulated tone .

  “I’m in a tricky situation; I have been forced to marry a man selected by my family .”

  “Do you know this man ?”

  “Yes Father, I know him well,” she said not sure what else to say .

  “How do you feel about the man ?”

  “I’m not sure, he’s a kind man at times, but he’s involved with…” she paused. Does she tell him about the fact that Louis is p
art of the mafia, and that she has no other option but to go through with this, or does she just ditch this whole confession and get on with life ?

  “What is he involved with?” the priest asked .

  “I like him, I just don’t know if I am ready to marry him,” she said instead .

  “But there is no love ?”

  “I don’t know, it’s all so very complicated,” she started .

  “I understand, but you know that God can give you guidance in situations like this, and I’m here to assist .”

  She was silent for a moment. This was a mistake, not even God can help her, she was stuck in a situation with no way out .

  “I’m sorry Father, I just need a prayer .”

  “Of course my child,” he said quietly and then followed with a short prayer for guidance .

  “Thank you Father,” she said biting back the sudden wave of nausea that hit her .

  “Go in peace .”

  Belinda exited the booth and rushed to the nearest bathroom and dry-heaved over the toilet bowl. All this stress was starting to impact her health and if she didn’t get a grip on life, she was going to end up in some mental hospital for severe depression .

  She made her way out of the church and walked two blocks down to a café to get some coffee. The smell of freshly ground coffee assaulted her senses immediately but instead of liking it as she usually did, her stomach turned again and another wave of nausea hit her. This was not stress she thought and mentally calculated when she had her last period as she rushed out of the café. The tired spells, the nausea, everything pointed to one sure fact. She was pregnant !

  As if her life wasn’t complicated already, this took the cake. With the certainty of expecting Louis’ child hanging heavily over her head, she slumped back against the concrete wall in the alley next to the café, and pressed her rosary against her lips. This cannot be happening, she kept telling herself as she fought the morning sickness. You asked for a sign, her thoughts echoed back at her .

  “Impossible,” she whispered to herself, “how can this be happening ?”

  She made her way back to the Villa fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. She was going to have to raise her child in the mafia, exposing him or her to the dark world she now lives in against her will and how was Louis going to take the news ?

  “Bella, I was getting worried,” it was Louis voice that infiltrated her thoughts and her heart cramped painfully, “you’re so pale, are you feeling ill?” he asked worriedly .

  “I-I’m fine,” she lied, plastering on a smile, “just tired, I think I need to go lay down .”

  “Of course,” he said and immediately helped her to her room .

  Her heart was racing and it felt as if something was squeezing the very air from her lungs as she walked up to her room. She had to tell him, but she didn’t know how or when. The words were on the tip of her tongue, when she felt her stomach cramp. Without a word she rushed into her room shutting the door in Louis face, and rushed to the bathroom. This was an utter disaster , she thought as she hunched over the toilet .

  Chapter 13

  L ouis knew instantly that Belinda was not well, she was nervous and pale, and the way she bolted into her room had him worried. Concerned about her health he called their family doctor to see to her .

  “Thank you for coming around Doctor, I’m quite concerned about my fiancé, she doesn’t seem well. It could very well just be stress, but I’d prefer if you could take a look,” he said as he walked alongside the doctor taking him upstairs .

  “What are her symptoms?” the doctor asked .

  “Tired, pale, overall she seems quite edgy. She recently lost her father as you know, and with the wedding drawing close, I think it might just be stress,” he said quietly as they stood outside the room .

  “Well that could very well be the case, but I’ll take a look and run a few tests to make sure all is in order .”

  Louis opened the door for the doctor and then waited outside. This entire arrangement was handled incorrectly from day one, he thought as he paced in front of the door. He couldn’t help but feel guilty for allowing his father to influence his choices like this. He should have refused the arrangement and taken the brunt of his father’s rage instead of being such a coward. Now the woman he has slowly started to fall in love with is ill, and it was his fault. From the shy timid creature she was when he first met her, she now displayed the characteristics of a true Donna, unmoved and poker faced. She even refused to attend her father’s funeral, who knows what was going on in her mind .

  A little while later the doctor asked Louis to join him and he couldn’t help but feel the immense sense of sadness as he looked down at Belinda where she lay staring out the window, her skin pale against the dark hair that framed her face .

  “How is she?” he asked tentatively, taking her hand in his, surprised that she didn’t pull away from him .

  “She does show some signs of stress but it’s very normal when a woman’s body undergoes such extreme changes during pregnancy…” the doctor started .

  “Scusami , pregnant?” he asked in disbelief .

  “Yes, that is correct. She’s about four weeks now,” the doctor said and turned his attention to Belinda, “Signora , you would need to visit my rooms as soon as you feel up to it so that we can make sure everything is in order, but your blood pressure seems fine .”

  Louis stood in shock as he looked down at Belinda. This was the last thing he expected, he had assumed she was on birth control like most women should be in this day and age. How could she possibly be pregnant ?

  He walked the doctor to the door and let him find his own way out then came to sit beside her .

  “Did you know you were pregnant?” he asked trying not to sound accusing .

  “No, I didn’t,” she said without looking his way .

  “Belinda, look at me. Were you not on birth control?” he asked trying to control his impatience .

  She whipped her head around and glared at him, “No I was not. What seems to be the problem Louis, are you afraid that I might trick you into marrying me?” she bit out harshly .

  “You know it’s not like that,” he countered .

  “Do you think this is what I wanted, a baby born into the mafia!?” she said raising her voice .

  “Calmati ,” he said and took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for upsetting you. I just didn’t expect this,” he said quietly .

  “Well neither did I, so here we are. Getting married in a few days, and I’m having your baby. Instant family isn’t that just brilliant,” she bit out sarcastically .

  “Bella, please don’t stress yourself out, we can hold off with the wedding …”

  “No, I will not walk down the aisle looking like a house or give anyone reason to think I am a promiscuous gold digger,” she said bitterly, “we will wed as planned .”

  She had a point, everyone will think he is marrying her because she is with child, and the gossipmongers will have a field day. He just wished she could show more compassion, he wanted her the way she was when he first met her .

  “As you will, mio cara, we will continue as planned .”

  “I’m tired,” she said quietly turning her back on him .

  “Get some rest, I’ll bring you some food later, and we can talk about the wedding then .”

  He stood looking at her for a brief moment and then quietly left her to rest, closing the door behind him .

  Although he didn’t expect this to happen he couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride knowing he was going to be a father. Maybe in time she would grow to love him and they would become a true family .

  Chapter 14

  F our weeks later…

  W ith the passing of her father, the wedding was postponed but finally the inevitable day had arrived. She stood looking at herself in the mirror, the wedding dress was even more beautiful than she expected. Thankfully there were no signs of pregnancy as yet. Although her breasts were tende
r, she had gotten over most of her morning sickness which was a relief. To her surprise, Louis went out of his way to give her whatever her heart desired to make this day as perfect as it could possibly be. He even got Natalie to attend the wedding so that she could be the maid of honor .

  “You look amazing Bee,” Natalie said as she tucked some of the stray strands of hair back in place, “I still can’t believe this is all happening so fast .”

  “It was love at first sight,” she said quietly and stepped off the pedestal .

  “You’re so damn lucky .”

  You have no idea , she thought .

  A slight knock on the door drew her attention but before Natalie could inquire who it was, Louis stepped into the room .

  “Hey! You’re not allowed to see the bride before the wedding!” she cried and tried to shove him back out the door .

  “I have to see Belinda, it is of utmost importance .”

  Belinda looked at him and noticed the serious look on his face, then nodded at Natalie, “It’s okay Nat, will you give us a moment ?”

  “Ugh, this is such bad luck,” her friend mumbled and walked out of the room .

  Louis could hardly take his eyes of Belinda, she was the most beautiful bride he had ever seen, and although he would want nothing more but to have her promise her entire life to him, he had a pressing matter to discuss. And this could very well be the end of this fairytale wedding .

  “I had some of my men investigate an issue that has been on my mind for some time now,” he started and walked to the window, “Remember when you mentioned the accountant ?”

  “Yes?” she said curiously .

  “We’ll I never made that arrangement, my father did. So I had him investigated.” He turned to her and took both her hands in his .

  “It is true that our parents promised us to each other when we were just children, but my father had ulterior motives. You see, El Pescore has been a front for my father, it was the only way he could invest his money in the United States…” Louis started to explain. He told her how he found out about his father’s business, and how he used El Pescore’s Italian food supplier as a front to legitimize the movement of money from Italy to America .


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