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His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance

Page 54

by Sullivan, Piper

  It literally felt as if my heart had been shredded into a million pieces, the immense emptiness and sorrow that ransacked my insides, were like a tornado leaving only destruction in its wake .

  She gave me a wan smile and then we flung our arms around each other, holding each other as we both cried for what seemed like ages. Eventually, sniffling we both drew back, and I was the first to speak .

  “Where is he being held ?”

  “He’s being held at the County precinct. I don’t even know if they will grant bail,” she replied, her lips still trembling with emotion .

  “Well let’s go and find out. I was there that night, I can attest to the fact that he was attacked first .”

  With no time to waste, we rushed to Jaime’s car, she was in no state to drive, so I drove and we made our way to the precinct, as fast as the speed limit would allow us. The whole way there, I couldn’t help but revisit the past. Now that I knew exactly what had happened, little things I never bothered to remember, surfaced. The times I used to stay over at Jaime’s place, and how she always insisted that I don’t leave her alone. The little things I never bothered to pay attention to, like when Wallace would casually smacked her bottom when we were in the kitchen and how she used to swat his hand away angrily. It all made sense now. And the more I thought about it, the worse I felt. I just hoped that it wasn’t too late to set things right .

  * * *

  O n our way there I was hopeful that they would have to let him out on bail because I was a witness in his defense. However, my hopes were soon dashed the moment we walked in. The vile matriarch of the Walters family was already there making a huge stink. She was telling anyone who would listen that Jason should be remanded to the custody of the state penitentiary immediately .

  She lost it even further when Jaime and I walked in. “What do you think you are doing here?” she demanded. “You can’t help your vile brother now. He’s proven to everyone what I already knew. He is a monster that deserves to be locked up .”

  Before Jaime could respond, I stepped in front of her and I wasn’t going to lie, but getting in Mrs. Walter’s face felt pretty damn good .

  “I was there last night, Gladys,” I said purposely using her first name instead of addressing her with respect, “Jason was acting in self-defense. Those men attacked him first, after they got handsy with me and he asked them politely to leave .”

  “Lies, it’s all lies! You probably already spread your legs for him, you wanton trollop,” she responded with spittle flying .

  A giggle burst forth, startling everyone watching the scene including myself. But I couldn’t help it. Who still uses the word wanton or trollop ?

  “My relationship with Jason is none of your goddamn business. And it still doesn’t change the fact that I was there and I know what I saw, along with dozens of other patrons, including Mac .”

  Gladys opened her mouth to speak but one of the officers stepped in between us. From the name on the badge, this was Officer Kristoff .

  “L adies, nothing is going to be settled here by yelling.” Looking a little nonplussed, he turned to address Gladys. “Now, Mrs. Walters, I understand your personal feelings in this matter, however we cannot forego the law and Mr. Armstrong’s right to due process .”

  I smirked smugly at her from behind his shoulder. But, he wasn’t done either .

  “And you, young lady. I will take your witness statement but I will warn you that should it be found that you are providing a false statement to protect him, you will be subject to the consequences .”

  Feeling defiant, I replied hotly, “I am not lying and I’d be willing to take a polygraph test regarding the validity of my statement .”

  I could see the shock and surprise behind Gladys’s eyes, but she quickly contained herself. “It’s a case of he said, she said. Besides, where is this supposed weapon you both speak of? Nothing was found on any of the men involved. I bet you are just making that up .”

  Before things could get further out of hand, the officer ordered us to apart. Gladys was escorted out and I was taken to a back room to give my statement. Jaime sat in the waiting room until it was over. By the time we were done at the station, it was time for me to go to work. I didn’t feel much like working that evening. Thankfully, business was slower on Sunday nights. Mac could tell something was up and finally cornered me in the stock room and after a moment of browbeating, I spilled everything .

  She stood there and listened as I confided in her about all the events that had led up to today. Once, I opened my mouth it was like a floodgate. I told her about Jason and me, the pregnancy, the arrest, and Jason’s prior conviction, which funny enough she knew all about. When I mentioned Wallace’s name and what he had done to Jaime, Mac turned white as a sheet .

  “Meet me at the precinct tomorrow at 9, we have a certain matter to settle,” she said icily .

  “Uh… okay, but why ?”

  She didn’t say a word, simply shook her head and walked out. I sighed and rested my hand on my stomach. I didn’t look pregnant, but I knew that in no time, my belly would be showing and everyone would figure it out. I was going to have to tell Jason and Jaime sooner or later .

  * * *

  T he next day, Jaime and I drove to the station. We were both anxious to know what Mac was planning, and by the time we got there, she was already waiting for us. The look on her face was one of pure determination .

  We followed her up to the counter. She asked to speak with Officer Kristoff, that she had important evidence in the case against Jason Armstrong. An Officer Maynard happened to be walking by and snorted with derision .

  “Don’t tell me we have another girlfriend, willing to testify on Jason’s behalf. That boy must sure get around a lot .”

  Mac directed her steely gaze towards the arrogant officer, “I would be very careful what you say to me Brett .”

  Jaime and I both looked at each other wide-eyed at the mention of his first name. The officer seemed taken aback too .

  She didn’t let up, she steamrollered on, “I know all about you. We wouldn’t want the truth about the little mishap with Old Man River’s brand new tractor to come to light now would we? If I am not mistaken, there is no statute of limitation on theft and destruction of property in our lovely little town, is there ?”

  Officer Maynard didn’t bother to respond. He just turned and stomped off, but not before we could see the flush of red creep up his neck under his uniform. Mac turned back to the officer at the desk and repeated her request to see Officer Kristoff .

  We only had to wait a few minutes before Kristoff came to the front. “Yes, ma’am, I understand you have information on the assault case against Jason Armstrong .”

  “It’s more than that. I have proof that he was acting in self-defense,” she replied calmly .

  “And you are?” the officer asked .

  “My name is Mac. Mackenzie Roberts. I own the Hennigan’s bar where the assault took place and was working there the night of the incident .”

  “I can take your statement, but understand there are six other witnesses who state Jason was the offending party .”

  Mac reached into her bag and pulled out a disc. She handed it over to the officer. “Here is a copy of the surveillance footage from the cameras inside my bar. There are six separate cameras, with plenty of angles to show that not only was Jason not the aggressor, your complainant is lying. There was in fact a weapon that he used to attack Jason with from behind. I am sure he also failed to mention that prior to assaulting Jason, he also assaulted one of my waitresses,” she explained. She pointed toward me at that last statement .

  “Let’s have a look then,” said the officer. We followed him back into an interviewing room where he cued up the disc. After only a moment, six different camera angles appeared on screen .

  “If you fast forward to midnight, that is right before the altercation began,” Mac instructed .

  Officer Kristoff did as he was told and then
we all sat back in muted silence as we watched the events unfold. I heard Jaime gasp when I was thrown against the table and again when the man came at Jason with the knife .

  The incident only took a matter of about 10-12 minutes in total, but that night it had felt like it had lasted forever. At the conclusion of the video, Officer Kristoff cleared his throat. Looking somewhat abashed, he turned to us and said, “It looks like an apology is in order. Based on the clear evidence of the tapes, I can see without a doubt that Jason was acting in self-defense. I will be requesting his immediate release .”

  “I think it should also be known that at the time of the assault on Ally, she was with child. So, the man in the video should be charged not only with assault to her and Jason, but to her unborn child .”

  A pin drop could be heard in the room as all eyes went to me. But Jaime’s were the only ones I connected with. I hadn’t wanted the news to be shared this way, but I understood why Mac did it. She was just trying to protect me .

  “Is this true, Ally?” the officer asked me .

  Swallowing hard, I nodded. “Yes, sir,” I mumbled .

  “We will need to get some more information from you in order to process the assault charge, but that can be done at a later date .”

  He left us in front of the station, while he went to process the paperwork for Jason’s release and I could hardly look Jamie in the eye .

  “Is it true?” Jaime asked me gently. “Is it Jason’s ?”

  I simply nodded, as I hugged my arms around my waist .

  “Does he know?” she asked

  I shook my head. “No, I just found out for sure yesterday morning. The only person I told was Mac, and she sort of bullied me into it .”

  T here wasn’t much to say after that. Jaime was going to stay at the station until Jason’s release, while Mac took me home .

  Exhausted by the events of the day, I flopped down on the couch and quickly fell asleep

  It wasn’t until I felt a pair of gentle hands brushing the hair back from my head that I finally woke up. It was still light outside but only just. I blinked the sleep from my eyes and realized that it was Jason who was tenderly stroking my hair. He was sitting on the ottoman across from me with a big grin on his face .

  I sat up quickly and threw my arms around him in a fierce hug. He laughed as he hugged me back. Tears welled up in my eyes as he pressed his lips tenderly against mine .

  “I’m so sorry Jason,” I sobbed .

  “Shhh, shhh. None of that matters now,” he cajoled. “What matters is that you, Jaime, and Mac saved me. All charges were dropped and my probation hasn’t been violated. I’m a free man again .”

  “Thank God. I was so scared for you,” I replied .

  “I’d rather talk about something else,” he smiled while looking down at my stomach .

  I blushed immediately. “Isn’t there something you need to tell me ?”

  I smiled shyly. “Err…yes. Um, well…” I stuttered but I couldn’t get the words out. Even though I knew the he already knew, I still couldn’t get it out .

  “Ally, there’s nothing I would want more,” he assured me .

  I looked up at him surprised. But all I could see was genuine love and excitement is his face .

  “Really, you’re not mad? I wasn’t trying to trap you or force you into having a family. I swear .”

  “Ally, don’t be ridiculous. I’ve had the hots for you since forever, now, it seems I’ve trapped you .”

  “You mean…” I said with a trembling voice .

  “I want us to be a family,” he whispered as he took both my hands in his, “I want to do this right. Time waits for no man. I know that better than anyone. Will you let me be there for the baby? And you? I promise I will do any and everything to make you both happy. You have my word .”

  I looked at him with eyes wide and my heart literally drumming against my chest. A few weeks ago, he was nothing but a memory, and now suddenly he was sitting in front of me asking me to be with him .

  “Yes, yes, I’d like that,” I whispered .


  It was Jaime who came bolting into the living room leaping onto Jason’s back, “I swear, if it took you two any longer to make-up, I would have done it for you !”

  All the stress of the past few weeks, or rather years, had simply vanished in the blink of an eye, and we all broke out in laughter. Jaime was ecstatic to become an aunt, and Jason couldn’t stop pressing his ear to my stomach .

  * * *


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  Nanny’s Halloween Down Under


  “H ey, sis. What are you thinking?”

  I turned around from watching surfers hang ten on the Surfer’s Paradise beach. Cara watched me closely. I could tell she was concerned; her forehead was furrowed. I had seen that look my entire life. Well, Cara was my big sister, and she had a habit of worrying about me .

  “Just thinking about where it all went wrong,” I answered, leaning against the balcony railing. Then I smiled, trying to take the sadness out of my words. “Don’t mind me. I’ll get over it .”

  “It’s not your fault,” she said. “You shouldn’t blame yourself .”

  I knew she was right, deep down. But it was hard to think rationally at the moment. My fashion business, which I had been working so hard to establish back home in San Francisco, had gone belly up. My major investor had suddenly pulled out, due to sickness. I had no choice but to close it down, at least until I found another. Cara had suggested Bryce could invest, but I didn’t know him that well, yet. I just didn’t want to put it on him .

  At least I was somewhere beautiful to lick my wounds. Queensland, Australia. I had been here a week, visiting Cara and her new husband, Bryce. And Charlie, Cara’s stepson. They lived in one of the most stunning places I had ever seen in my life. A waterfront mansion, where you could step out onto the beach. Cara had certainly won the jackpot. Bryce was great, and Charlie was the cutest thing ever .

  Yes, all up it wasn’t a bad place to think things through .

  “Bianca,” Cara said, looking at me gently. “It will be okay. Do you want to start getting ready? I said we’d meet Bryce at the restaurant at seven .”

  I nodded. “Of course. I’ll have a shower and be ready in fifteen .”

  We were chauffeured to the restaurant. I still couldn’t believe Cara’s new lifestyle. I saw Bryce on the restaurant steps, waiting for us. But who was with him? He was a tall man, with sandy colored hair and a rugged appearance. I turned to Cara .

  “Is someone else dining with us?” I asked. Cara looked out the car window, frowning .

  “It’s Zane,” she said. “Zane Connelly. One of Bryce’s friends. Funny, Bryce didn’t tell me that he would be dining with us. I didn’t even know he was in town. He lives on one of the largest cattle stations in the Northern Territory .”

  I studied the man, surreptitiously. Very handsome, if you like the rugged outdoorsy type. But he looked preoccupied, like his mind was a million miles away .

  “Cara! Bianca !”

  Bryce came to open the car door for us. He leaned in, whispering to Cara. “Zane turned up unexpectedly, and he’s a bit down. I asked him to join us. You don’t mind, do you ?”

  Cara smiled, touching his face tenderly. “Of course not. He’s very welcome .”

  Introductions were made, and then we all sat down at our table. I looked around, impressed. It was a fancy restaurant, there was no doubt of that. Waiters hovered around us like flies, anticipating every whim. Bryce ordered champagne, only the very best, of course. Well, he was a billionaire; it was an everyday occurrence for him. Whereas I had never even tasted this label before. I took a sip. The bubbles rose to my head like steam in a shower .

; I looked at Zane, sitting across from us. He barely touched his champagne. Instead, he kept checking his phone, frowning .

  “What’s the story, Zane?” Bryce sipped his drink, staring pointedly at the phone. Zane took the hint, and put it in his pocket .

  “Sorry, buddy,” he said. “I’m a bit preoccupied. You know how I’ve been fighting for custody of the kids? Well, I suddenly got them. Jo has relinquished them, completely. She’s taking off with Billy Baker, the rock star. She’s been seeing him for a while, now. They’re jetting off to his chateau in France. Apparently, the kids don’t mean that much to her, after all.” A thread of bitterness ran through his words .

  “But this is good, isn’t it?” Cara questioned. “You’ve been wanting the kids back .”

  “Yes,” Zane sighed. “It is. But the timing is all wrong. Jo is just dumping them at the Station, with no nanny. The nanny apparently quit as soon as she heard that Jo was going overseas. And Mrs. Price, my housekeeper, is an old lady. They have no one to look after them .”

  “Wow,” said Bryce. “That’s a pickle. Especially as you are going to Singapore, aren’t you ?”

  “I’m catching the flight tomorrow,” he answered. “It’s an important business deal, and I can’t get out of it. It’s been booked for a while.” He sighed, running a hand through his sandy hair. “All the nanny agencies I’ve called can’t help me at such short notice .”

  “Bianca could do it,” Cara said, looking at me, her eyes widening. “Couldn’t you, Bianca? It would be like a working holiday. You could save money to open your business, again .”

  “Cara…” I looked at my big sister like she had lost her mind. This was all too sudden. Nannying? Me ?

  But now Zane and Bryce turned to me, entreating me with their eyes .

  “Bianca,” Zane said, looking at me beseechingly. “You would save my life. Honestly. And I would compensate you well, don’t worry .”


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