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His Christmas Baby: A Friends to Lovers Romance

Page 64

by Sullivan, Piper

  Sure enough, the two women waving frantically at one another, panicking over the fact that she’d disappeared. Being Fire Elementals, they couldn’t exactly dive into the water after her, not without a fair amount of preparation. Not to mention the fact that should they do so, she could easily outmaneuver them in the cloudy depths .

  Waving her arms to and fro, keeping herself submerged, she wished she could stay underwater forever, or maybe just long enough to formulate a way out. But her human form needed oxygen or she’d force a shift. She reluctantly resurfaced and smiled at the glaring women .

  “What’s wrong?” she taunted. “You girls don’t like to swim ?”

  “You bitch,” the blonde one accused. “If we don’t deliver you in pristine condition to his Majesty, he’ll do worse than kill us.” The other one, the red-head reached forward and grabbed a handful of Jazz’s short hair .

  “Don’t fuck with us, you Dragon slut,” she hissed and the implied insult made Jazz pause .

  “You two are human,” she stated as suddenly the reality of everything clicked. “You’re human and he’s offered you immortality.” She marveled at Coffer’s audacity. The lies didn’t surprise her. Dragon-kin were born not made; there was no way he could give them what they sought .

  Apparently he couldn’t raise the numbers he wanted from among the Dragons, he’d turned to manipulating humans .

  Dragon-kind kept their existence a secret until just recently when the Elder’s decreed the Prince’s take mates. Prince Jaxen had gone public when he’d taken a diluted Dragon/Human hybrid. Ever since, he’d acted as Dragon-kind’s Ambassador to the various human governments .

  The Dragon groupies were an unwelcome side effect .

  Smiling, in spite of her current predicament, she reached up and used her Dragon strength to pry the girl’s hand from her hair. She had to give the human credit, she didn’t squeal or cry out at the force of Jazz’s grip, but she did moan a bit .

  Things had certainly taken a positive turn, Jazz mused and rose from the depths of the blissful pool to face the two girls. Studying them a bit more closely, she decided they were around their mid-twenties and either drug addicts or alcoholics. They reeked of Coffer and she decided that he’d used them in more carnal ways as well as servants .

  She gave one last squeeze to the brunette’s hand and then dropped it like a hot potato. The girl cradled her hand and backed away from Jazz with eyes widened in fear. The other girl - the blonde - speared the brunette with a disgust-filled glare and whirled on Jazz like a viper .

  “I won’t let you ruin this for us,” she sneered and pulled a handgun from the back waistband of her jeans. “I know it won’t kill you if I shoot you,” she warned. “But I also know it will hurt like hell,” she threatened. “Now, pick up that robe and get your fat ass dressed,” she demanded and kept the gun firmly trained on Jazz .

  Fear for her unborn child was the only thing that kept her from ripping the blonde bitch to pieces. She didn’t know what a bullet wound would do to the baby and she wasn’t willing to take a chance. So, she bent and picked the pristine white robe from the colorful carpet, donning it without taking her eyes from the crazy human .

  “I will kill you,” Jazz warned. “Your Majesty won’t save you .”

  “We’ll see about that,” the blonde sneered and then waved the gun in the direction of the door. “Now, you’ve got a wedding to get to,” she announced. “Get going .”

  The brunette rushed forward to open the door and moved out into the cool, damp hallway. Jazz fell into step behind the girl, following like an obedient lamb to slaughter, the gun-wielding blonde a few steps behind her .

  Chapter 7

  T hey led her through a maze of corridors until they entered a brightly lit cavern, much bigger than any of the others. Stalactites littered the high ceiling but the floor had been cleared of any stalagmites. It was covered instead by a plush, red carpet, strewn with small white flowers; elongated and leading to a make-do altar holding a large book .

  “You are simply beautiful,” a male voice whispered into her ear and she jumped at the unexpected contact. She whirled to peer up at Elder Coffer, wearing an identical white robe. He’d slicked his raven black hair back against his head but the robe managed to hide what remained of his body .

  It wasn’t like she wanted to see it anyway, she just wondered what kind of weaponry he had stashed in that robe. He had to know she wouldn’t make this easy for him .

  “Now,” he boasted. “I waited until now to tell you the good news, but this ritual is to be conducted by the Ancient Ones’ ways .”

  Jazz reeled in shock at Coffer’s admission. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t. It wasn’t possible. Her hands immediately went protectively to her womb. The Ancient Ones completed the mating ceremony in their Dragon forms .

  Her eyes went back to his and she frantically searched for any reason to change his mind. She reached up and tugged at the collar of her robe and inhaled sharply when Coffer grabbed her wrist in a dangerous grip .

  “What is that ?” he demanded and nodded at her neck .

  “What are you talking about?” Jazz asked and struggled to pull free of his bone-crushing grip .

  He dragged her over to the altar and swiped his hand across the surface, successfully clearing the crude table with little effort. Upon seeing the article he sought, he grabbed it and shoved it into her face. Jazz tore her eyes from him and peered into the mirror. When she noticed the source of his rage, she almost smiled. Twin, blunt, teeth marks scored the skin at the crook of her neck .

  It didn’t matter if Damien hadn’t meant to claim her, he had, and now Coffer couldn’t mate her. He would die should he even try .

  Smiling triumphantly, she wretched her wrist free of his grasp and took a step back .

  “I’m his,” she declared. “You can’t touch me .”

  * * *

  D amien stepped into the cavern just in time to see Coffer backhand Jazz hard enough to send her flying through the air. She crashed into the hard wall and fell to the floor with a slight moan and didn’t move again .

  Rage filled Damien and he pulled every ounce of water from the air. He subconsciously noticed two female figures explode as he siphoned the fluid from their bodies, but he ignored them and embraced the shift. He grew until his head touched the cylindrical spikes on the ceiling. Throwing back his massive head, he roared with enough force to bring rocks down, effectively crushing Coffer who’d remained in human form. Three of the Elder’s men rushed Damien and he swept his taloned-hand, effectively severing them into a multitude of pieces. Once they lay motionless on the floor at his feet, he used his claws to rake them into nothing more than red, mushy piles of meat .

  Using his long, spiked tail, Damien shoved through the rubble until he located Coffer’s unconscious form .

  “Damien?” a soft female voice called and his gaze shifted to Jazz standing a few feet from him. Her eyes widened as she took in his true form for the first time. He closed his own eyes and allowed himself to see his massive form through hers. She marveled at the monumental size of his head, the jagged edges of his fangs, his vibrant blue scales and then ended with the sight of his spiked tail coiled tightly around the possibly-dead Elder .

  But suddenly he snapped back into his own mind when he detected something he’d never expected. His heartbeat synced with hers and the little thump-thump of a third shocked him speechless .

  He quickly shifted back to human form and subdued Coffer before rushing over to Jazz. He stopped short of wrapping his arms around her middle and merely stared at her stomach. Sure enough, a tiny bud of light had bloomed within her and he felt the connection instantly .

  She carried their son. His son. His heir .

  “How? When? Why didn’t you tell me?” he stammered hoarsely. “I don’t understand .”

  Jazz chuckled and took his hand in hers, bringing it to the pudge of their growing child .

  “Our first time,” she exp
lained. “Our first time demonstrating our love and we created this.” She gnawed her lower lip and made a knee-jerk decision. “I don’t care who you’ve chosen as your mate, I claim you as mine and since I’m carrying your heir, you will disgrace us both if you don’t marry me. I refuse -”

  He shushed her by taking her lips with his own. Wrapping an arm around her, he left his other hand on their child and brought her closer to him as his lips devoured hers. He poured every ounce of love, relief and devotion into the kiss .

  “Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much?” he asked as he pulled back. “I came to Jamaica to claim you,” he admitted and laughed when her eyes widened. “There’s never been anyone but you. There never will be,” he declared .

  He dropped to his knees before her and pressed his face to her womb, wrapping his arms around her waist. He nuzzled the little bump and almost laughed when he felt the little flutter of life .

  “You two are my life,” he whispered. “I would sell my soul to protect you both .”

  Jazz’s eyes teared and she rested her hands on his head as he continued to cuddle and kiss her stomach .

  “Alright,” Sera called from across the cavern. She entered in enough time to see Damien declare his love for her daughter. “We have a ritual to attend. You two have already skipped to the fun part, now we have to solidify it, get moving .”

  Chapter 8

  D amien cradled Jazz in his arms and moved across the threshold of their new bedroom. The ritual hadn’t taken long considering that only two Elders attended, they’d quickly sealed their bonds and he’d whisked her away for a more private celebration. Jazz nuzzled the crook of his neck, inhaling deeply to permanently etch his scent in her brain forever. She never counted on them being apart, but being the Prince was a full-time job and eventually his work would force him to travel .

  “Sssh love,” he murmured softly. “It’s our time and nothing is going to pull us apart again. If I travel - you travel with me. I’m never letting you out of my sight again,” he declared and gently set her on her feet. He unclasped the robe and pushed it from her shoulders, baring her entire body to him .

  She mimicked his movements and they stood facing each other .

  “I love you,” Damien whispered and lunged forward, taking her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled them both onto the king-size bed, his body nestled within the center of her legs. He knew her body was already prepared for him, so he didn’t waste any time in plunging balls deep into her heavenly cavity .

  They moved in unison, back and forth, in and out until Jazz tired of his attempt to remain easy and shifted so that she straddled him. Gyrating her hips, she rode him like the stallion she thought he was. She felt him swell even larger inside her and knew they only had a few precious moments to seal their collective fates. Without stopping, she leaned forward and pierced his neck with her teeth. Following her lead, Damien did the same and they drank from each other as they reached orgasm in unison .

  Within moments they lay panting in each other’s arms. Turning onto her side, Jazz snuggled back against Damien’s chest and smiled when he brought their joined hands to the child they created .

  “Our species is at war,” he murmured in her ear. “It’s a dangerous time to raise a child .”

  She heard the worry in his voice and smiled .

  “Already worrying?” she teased. “Don’t. This baby will be the most protected Dragon in creation .”

  Damien smiled into the nape of her neck .

  “You damn right,” he declared .

  * * *


  Hope you enjoyed Jazz and Damien’s romance Dear Reader .

  Next, check out Wes and Beth’s story in War Bride .

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  War Bride

  Chapter 1

  “I ’m so glad you’re home,” Lance exclaimed and rushed to meet his brother, pulling the elder, much larger, man into a masculine embrace. They thumped each other roughly on the back and pulled away .

  Wesley Anderson let his gaze roam over his younger brother and smiled in approval .

  “Leading suits you,” Wes stated proudly. “I left the Kingdom in good hands .”

  Lance scoffed, his smile widening to reveal dual dimples and a boyishly soft radiance that only youth offered .

  “And being a soldier definitely suits you,” Lance praised and Wes caught a glimpse of the baby brother who eagerly followed him everywhere. Even though Wesley was fifteen years older than Lance, from the moment his little brother came along, Wes had taken role as both guardian and teacher. They’d been inseparable for decades. Then their father had died and the mantle of leadership fell heavily on Wesley’s shoulders. He’d gone from being a carefree, fun-loving big brother, to being keeper, leader and protector of an entire Faction of subjects .

  Wes waved his brother’s kudos aside with a mere flick of his wrist. Shortly after assuming control of the throne, Wesley knew he needed far more than his father’s legacy to hold the Fire Elementals’ reign. Needing guidance, structuring and discipline, he learned the U. S. Army was renowned as the best so he’d enlisted in the Human military as an everyday soldier .

  He’d managed to hide his true self and age for more than twenty years before Prince Jaxen Monroe, leader of the Earth Elementals revealed the Dragons’ existence to the world. Wesley took Jax’s lead and revealed himself to his commanding officer. After a whirlwind of meetings and evaluations, Wes found himself promoted from grunt to leader of a newly formed branch of the U. S. Military - Species Interactive Negotiations or SIN for short; the division comprised completely of Dragons from each of the four factions .

  SIN was called in when the best of the best failed. They always managed to get the job done - right and on the first try. They trained vigorously, endlessly and sometimes to the point of insanity. Seeing as though they weren’t exactly Human, their bodies needed a lot more resistance .

  After five years of successful missions, Wesley finally decided it was time to fill his role as Prince Heir of the Fire Dragons. That had been a mere day before Elder Seraphina had contacted him on behalf of Prince Damien, leader of the Water Elementals. She’d informed him of the happenings he’d missed: the marriages of his three fellow leaders and the Elder Coffer’s rebellion .

  The High Council of Elders had split down the middle, each half calling support to their side. Even though the Four Faction Princes had a peace treaty in place amongst them, their subjects weren’t all on the same side. Numerous Dragons from each of the Factions deserted their own people when they joined the malevolent Elders’ coup .

  Now, it was pretty much each Dragon for him/herself. The other three Princes were up to their eyeballs in ferreting out spies amongst their people and Wes couldn’t allow his little brother to shoulder such a dangerous task alone; hence another reason for his retirement .

  Dragon-kind in its entirety had invoked a Civil War when Coffer was defeated by Prince Damien. Now, their species was divided into two armies: those who supported Coffer in wanting the Ancient ways reinstated and those who didn’t. Coffer didn’t care who died in the cross-fire, so long as his side won. He sought power beyond anything a sole Elder should harness .

  He wanted to combine all Four Elemental Factions under one rule; with himself on throne as the King .

  After kidnapping Damien’s mate, Jasmine, the Water Prince tracked her down and almost killed Coffer. Elder Sera had stepped in, declaring they should follow protocol thereby giving Coffer a trial by his peers. Sera and her five allies took him prisoner and transported him to a safe, well-guarded facility .

  No one, other than those six Elders, knew of Coffer’s location. However, regardless of Coffer’s incarceration, his minions initiated the next step in Coffer’s evil plan .

  Wesley had immediately appointed a new leader of SIN and retired to the family estate in Death Valley, Cal
ifornia. As one of the hottest places on earth, the Fire Elementals found comfort in the excessive heat .

  Buried deep beneath the desert surface, Wesley’s faction had managed to carve out an entire city, large enough to house his entire Faction. Returning his attention to Lance, Wesley moved past his brother and slid behind his desk. Although the majority of the Faction lived underground, Wesley maintained the estate above-ground for business purposes .

  “Well, it was time I retired and left the fighting to the young ones,” Wesley quipped, hoping to convey his false calmness over the entire uproar .

  “Too bad the Four Factions have declared war on the Elders,” Lance observed. “You were called out of one war to fight in another. So much for retirement, huh ?”

  Wesley chuckled in dry amusement. Apparently Lance had no clue to the real danger they faced. That realization alone angered him beyond reason. It was the Throne Council’s responsibility to aid Lance and it was their job to know every detail. Either they were in on the coup and planned to throw Lance to the other side or they sincerely didn’t know .

  “Well,” Wes mused, brushing his anger aside. He’d deal with the Council soon .

  “I decided it was the perfect time to resume Father’s mantle. Why fight the Human’s war when we have our own? SIN in its entirety was given leave so that my soldiers could return to their homes and prepare for our own Civil War .”

  “Out of the frying pan and into the skillet, eh?” Lance quipped .

  “Exactly,” Wes agreed. “And I have a decree I’ve yet to follow .”

  Lance’s eyes widened and a faint blush crept across his cheeks .

  “You did send for her?” Wes asked, his body tensed at his brother’s hesitation .


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