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Page 19

by Lyn Gardner

  “Sure,” Alex said from the hallway. “Except when it comes to Yorkshire terriers and a beautiful Scottish woman with a body to die for.”

  Amused at the comment, Maggie slowly sauntered over to stand in front of Alex. Lightly placing her hands on Alex’s hips, Maggie gazed into her eyes. No other words were necessary.

  Alex dipped her head, their lips meeting softly for a moment before want and passion took over. They drank in each other’s essence, hungrily kissing until the need for air became too great. Separating for only a moment, they filled their lungs and moved close again, but as their lips were about to meet, Maggie felt something scratching at her leg and pulled away. Looking down and eyeing the black and tan terrier at her ankle, she grinned back at Alex. “Sandy, I presume?”

  Smiling, Alex reached down and scooped up the tiny dog. “Maggie, I’d like you to meet the other love of my life,” Alex said as she held the dog up to her cheek. Without missing a beat, Sandy proceeded to coat her mum in loving licks.

  “She’s adorable,” Maggie, watching as Sandy continued to bestow affection on her owner.

  “Yeah, she can give quite the tongue bath if you’re not careful.”

  “Must take after her mother,” Maggie quipped, giggling as she saw Alex blush. “Can I hold her?”

  “Well, you can try, but don’t take offense when she squirms away,” Alex said, placing Sandy in Maggie’s outstretched hands. “Other than me, Paige and Amy are the only other people she allows—” Alex’s words died in her throat. Slack-jawed, she watched as her dog snuggled against Maggie’s neck, honoring her with a dozen quick licks as Maggie giggled and cooed at the affection.

  Smiling at the stunned woman, Maggie said, “You were saying?”

  “What a tart!”

  “Are you talking about me or the dog?”

  “Both of you,” Alex said, her voice raising an octave in mock outrage.

  Carefully placing the terrier back on the floor, Maggie said, “Sweetheart, what can I say? I have a way with animals.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Alex asked, “Are you talking about the dog…or me?”

  Laughing, Maggie leaned in and placed a light kiss on Alex’s lips. “The dog,” she whispered. “And speaking of dogs, can I see the puppies?”

  Beaming, Alex said, “Yeah, sure, but you’ve got to be quiet, they’re sleeping.”

  Leading Maggie down the hall, they crept into the bedroom, and Alex nodded toward the corner. Before leaving on their assignment, Alex had prepared an area for Sandy and the pups, but Paige and Amy had taken it upon themselves to upgrade the surroundings. While Alex had planned to use boxes to block the youngsters in, her friends had fashioned a few sections of short garden fencing together, wrapping each in old towels before covering everything in a clear plastic shower curtain. Even though Alex appreciated what they had done, it wasn’t until she had to clean up the papers that she truly understood their actions. The plastic prevented anything from soaking through to the carpet, and the fencing was short enough for Sandy to jump over easily, but tall enough to prevent the pups from wandering.

  As Sandy pranced to the corner, easily bouncing over the small fence, Maggie tentatively walked over and peered inside. Several seconds passed before she finally realized that what she thought were just two more toys, were, in fact, the infants curled up in balls.

  “Oh my God, Alex, they’re so small,” she whispered.

  Carefully, Maggie reached down and gently touched the tiny black heads, both puppies sniffing at her touch but unwilling to open their eyes. “They’re beautiful.”

  “So are you,” Alex said in a whisper, walking up behind Maggie and placing a soft kiss on the back of her neck. The sound of Maggie’s sigh was all Alex needed to hear. Continuing her journey, her tongue traveled over the softness of Maggie’s neck, and nibbling on her earlobe, Alex’s hands slipped under her sweater.

  Leaning back, Maggie allowed the foreplay to continue, sighing again when Alex playfully sucked on her neck, and whispered words of love in her ear. Alex’s breath was warm, but her scent had changed. Gone was the smell of the generic soap of the cabin. It had been replaced by something crisp and fresh, and Maggie breathed it in. It was as familiar as it was new.

  As Alex’s hands covered her breasts, a bolt of desire rushed through Maggie’s body, and turning in Alex’s arms, Maggie captured Alex in a kiss that took both their breaths away. Fingers ran through hair, now silky and conditioned, and tongues played while fingers danced over skin rapidly turning heated. The sound of their ragged breathing filled the room, and when they parted, jaws dropped open to pull in more air.

  Gazing at each other for only a second, Alex lifted the sweater from Maggie’s body and swallowed hard at the sight of the red bra, trimmed in lace. Mesmerized by the swells held captive by silken cups, several seconds passed before Maggie finally broke the silence. Amused by Alex’s overt stare, Maggie said, “I take it, you like?”

  Shaken from her thoughts, none of which were pure, Alex nodded her head as she looked up. “I like it a lot. Did you wear that for me?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I think you need to get out of your clothes.”

  Smiling at the huskiness in Alex’s voice, Maggie was about to say something when Alex walked to the bed and quickly began to remove her own clothes.

  “A bit anxious, aren’t you?” Maggie joked, watching as Alex tossed her black shirt aside and unzipped her jeans.

  “You have no idea,” Alex said, stepping out of her denim. The night before Alex had lain awake in bed thinking about Maggie, and when sleep finally took hold, her dreams had been filled with images of carnal pleasure. She had awoken frustrated, wet and in need of release, and while in the past, she would have serviced herself, something had stopped her that morning. She didn’t want her fingers or her toys; she wanted Maggie. She wanted her lips, her tongue, her body and her scent. And in a few minutes, she was about to have it all. Pulling the tank top over her head, Alex dropped it to the floor. “Besides, you still owe me a promise.”

  “A promise?” Maggie asked, casually pushing her jeans down her legs. “What promise?”

  Leering at the sight of Maggie dressed only in her ruby-red underwear, Alex replied, “If I’m not mistaken, I believe what you promised me in the cabin was that you’d take care of me in a very non-straight way.”

  Amused by Alex’s recollection, Maggie said, “You have a good memory.”

  “I’m a cop. It’s part of the job.”

  “Yes, it is,” Maggie said, reaching around to unclasp her bra.

  “Don’t do that,” Alex said quickly. “I’d like it on for a while.”

  “Well, that’s a first,” Maggie joked. “Anything else you’d like?”

  Their eyes met and as Maggie watched, Alex stripped out of her undergarments and tossed them aside. Amidst the rays of sunlight streaming through the window, Alex stood in all her glory, smiling back at the woman she loved.

  Taking in the vision that was Alex Blake, Maggie noticed something that made her grin. Tickled by the fact that she already knew the woman’s body so well, Maggie lowered her eyes and raised them again. “You trimmed,” she said, nonchalantly.

  With a snort, Alex nodded her head. “Yes, I did. I hope you don’t mind. I prefer all of my hair to be short.”

  Shaking her head, Maggie walked over and pushed Alex onto the bed. Running her hands over Alex’s hips and thighs, Maggie said, “I’ll let you know how I prefer it in a minute.”

  A rush of air escaped Alex’s lungs. Grabbing a pillow, she propped it under her head and relaxed across the bed. Her heart was already racing, and her breathing shallow, and when she felt Maggie’s fingers stroke the inside of her thighs, silently urging her legs farther apart, Alex’s body turned liquid.

  “Oh, God,” Alex gasped, stunned at the flood of need flowing from her center. “Oh, God.”

  Somewhat tickled by the throaty response, Maggie continued to massage Alex’s t
highs, her fingers sliding toward the inside of her legs and then back out again, each dip closer to the goal. “You okay?” Maggie asked, running her thumbs through Alex’s newly shortened curls.

  “Yes,” Alex said in a breath. “But I suddenly don’t think slow is an option here.”

  “Good, neither do I,” Maggie said. Pushing Alex’s legs farther apart, Maggie knelt on the floor. “Closer, sweetheart.”

  Eagerly sliding to the edge of the bed, Alex raised her head, and swallowing hard, placed one leg over Maggie’s shoulder. Taking full advantage of the position, Maggie swept her tongue through the silky furrows, and as she began to taste, Alex began to moan.

  Alex’s nectar was thick and salty, and both had already discovered that Maggie liked the flavor. In the cabin, an entire night had been spent giving oral satisfaction to each other, and Maggie had relished every minute of the lessons she had been given. Taking her time, she slid her tongue down each puckered crease, pausing to probe and tickle while Alex writhed on the bed, urgently lifting her hips when Maggie teased a bit too much.

  The heady musk of Alex’s desire invaded Maggie’s senses like a euphoric drug. In the past, there had been times with other lovers when Maggie had felt awkward, but love has a way of changing everything. With Alex, Maggie’s shyness and insecurities had been replaced by the need to give pleasure; to give love to someone who gave it back so deliciously, and Maggie did not falter. Burying her face between Alex’s legs, she suckled and licked every tender spot, avoiding only one as she led her lover down the path of sexual destruction. Unrelenting, Maggie continued until Alex’s movements became frenzied, and parting the thickened folds, Maggie pushed her tongue against her entrance.

  “Oh, Jesus,” Alex moaned, lifting her hips as she grabbed fistfuls of sheets. “Oh, darling, yes.”

  Urged on by the sounds of Alex’s pleasure, Maggie moved her attention to Alex’s swollen labia, gently suckling it as she placed a finger at Alex’s center. Barely pushing it inside, she pulled it out and started again, each plunge slightly deeper, but only just slightly. It was excruciatingly slow and erotic, and the result was immediate.

  “Maggie…Maggie, please,” Alex begged. “I need more…give me more.”

  Smiling at the request, Maggie answered it by sliding two fingers deep inside, and when Alex placed her other leg over Maggie’s shoulder, demanding even more, Maggie finally gave her what she wanted. Uncovering Alex’s clit, Maggie circled the swollen button with her tongue, flicking over the sensitive organ while her fingers worked the woman’s wet opening again and again. Hearing the deep, guttural growl rise from Alex’s throat, Maggie knew she was close to release, and curling her fingers, she pressed against the bundle of nerves as she gently sucked Alex’s engorged clit.

  Alex’s body released in an endless wave of spasms as the orgasm claimed her. Tremors of ecstasy flowed through her being, and she gave herself to each one whole-heartedly. The sounds she made were garbled, throaty trills born from the most exquisite pleasure known to women, and it took Alex a while before she finally relaxed enough to move her legs from Maggie’s shoulders.

  Pulling air into her lungs, she lay on the bed, stunned by the power of what Maggie had created. It had never been like this. So true and right, and taking a deep breath, Alex smiled to herself. It was time to turn the tables, and turn them, she would.

  Opening her eyes, Alex raised herself on her elbows and grinned at the woman standing at the edge of the bed. Maggie’s face was flushed, heated by passion and need, and as she panted for air, she pushed a few strands of dampened hair behind her ear. Alex smiled again.

  Taking the pillow from behind her head, Alex placed it atop another at the head of the bed. Sliding across the sheets, she rested against the stack and curled her finger at Maggie. “Come here, and take those off,” Alex said, pointing to Maggie’s bikini briefs.

  A resounding thud of awareness settled in Maggie’s core when she heard Alex’s directive, and as she hooked her fingers in the band of her silk knickers, Maggie coyly asked, “All…or just these?”

  Lowering her eyes, Alex said, “Just those. They’d definitely be in the way, and it would be a shame for me to have to rip them off, wouldn’t you agree?”

  Chuckling at the woman’s cockiness, Maggie stepped out of her damp underwear. Only a few weeks earlier, standing nude in front of someone had felt uncomfortable, but now Maggie was invigorated. Free of worry and insecurities, she rejoiced in the freedom that her love for Alex gave her. It felt good to be naked. It felt good to be naked for Alex.

  Maggie climbed on the bed, but as she began to lie down, Alex stopped her. “Not there,” she said, grinning as she pointed to her waist. “I want you over me.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Maggie straddled Alex. “Like this?”

  Enamored, Alex simply stared back, entranced by a goddess wearing a red bra and nothing else. She could feel the slippery wetness of Maggie’s want against her belly, and the aroma of her need filled the air. Reaching out, she cupped breasts still trapped behind dark-red spandex, running her thumbs over erect nipples, desperate to be free. Tweaking one and then the other, Alex grinned at the sound of Maggie’s deep murmur of approval. The erotic massage went on for several minutes, but when Maggie began to grind herself against Alex’s stomach, Alex dropped her hands to Maggie’s hips.

  Maggie’s eyes fluttered open, disappointed that the caresses had stopped. “Why’d you stop? It felt good.”

  “Because what I’m about to do is going to feel so much better,” Alex said, reaching around to adjust the pillows behind her head. “Now, come up here.”

  All the air in Maggie’s lungs emptied in one whoosh as the reality of what Alex was suggesting hit home. “Up there?”

  Alex smiled. Even though there was a modicum of nervousness in Maggie’s question, the look on her face said quite the opposite. She was thoroughly aroused by what Alex was offering, but Alex decided to give her an option just in case. “Unless you don’t want to, that is.”

  “Oh my,” Maggie said with a sigh. “I’ve…um…I’ve just never quite been in that position before.”

  “Is that a no?”

  Taking a few deep breaths, Maggie shook her head, and slowly made her way up Alex’s body until she was practically sitting on Alex’s breasts. “I feel like I’m going to crush you,” Maggie admitted.

  “You won’t,” Alex said. “And you can lose the bra.”

  Looking down, Maggie grinned. “You’re quite bossy today.”

  “In a few minutes, you’ll be the one shouting instructions. Now take off your bra, darling. I want to feel your tits,” Alex said with a twinkle in her eye.

  Alex’s playfulness did the trick. Relaxed, amused and most certainly aroused, Maggie undid her bra and tossed it over her shoulder. “Better?” she asked with a smile.

  “Getting there,” Alex said, reaching up to fondle Maggie’s breasts. Mounds of creamy flesh filled Alex’s hands, and she wasted no time in kneading them until the tips were hard pebbles, and Maggie’s breathing became ragged.

  Like all women, Maggie had erogenous zones, but her list had grown under the ministrations of Alex’s mouth, tongue and hands. It seemed to her that Alex had uncovered several more in only the past week, and lost in the feel of sensual rubdown, when Alex urged her backward, Maggie willingly rested her hands on the mattress behind her.

  With Maggie arched above her, Alex had the best of all worlds. Her hands covered Maggie’s breasts, her fingers pinching and pulling at her taut nipples, while within a mere inch or two, feminine pleats of pink, glistening with want, lay waiting to be tasted.

  Entranced by Alex’s hands, it wasn’t until Maggie felt warm breath between her legs that her eyes flew open wide. Filling her lungs with air, they emptied just as quickly when she felt Alex’s tongue lap against her sex. Instincts told Maggie to move forward, and forward she moved, brazenly offering herself to Alex to do with what she wanted, and Alex did just that.

ning her tongue from Maggie’s center to her clit and back again, Alex was almost nonchalant in her approach. Wanting to delay the inevitable for as long as possible, she casually licked the folds, wiggling and darting her tongue into every crevice. Suckling on engorged flesh, she nuzzled and burrowed her face into Maggie’s most secret places, feasting on the delights of the woman she loved.

  As Alex plundered, Maggie undulated above her. Matching the ebb and flow of Alex’s mouth with that of her hips, Maggie rocked against Alex’s tongue, and with each probe, Maggie moaned a breathy, “Yes.”

  Things primitive and feral had invaded Maggie’s soul, and her body moved like a wave, rising and falling in sheer abandon as Alex took her to nirvana. As Alex had predicted, Maggie gave instructions when Alex moved too quickly past a spot needing attention, and reaching down, Maggie guided her back. “There…I need you there,” she said in a whisper. “Oh, sweetheart…please go…please go deeper.”

  With one final pinch of nipples, distended and hard, Alex brought her fingers to Maggie’s lower lips and spread them wide. Exposing her center, dripping with want, Alex flicked her tongue at the opening, and Maggie promptly lost control.

  Pushing herself off the mattress, Maggie sat up for barely a second before she leaned forward and grabbed the iron rail of the bed. Grinding her sex against Alex’s tongue, her legs began to tremble as her orgasm started to build. “I want you inside, Alex…please…please…oh, God, now.”

  Maggie had expected fingers, twin probes that would take her to ecstasy, but when she felt Alex’s tongue push into her, she almost came on the spot. “Oh, my God,” she screamed, grabbing Alex by the hair to keep her in place. “Oh, you’re…you’re…amazing.”

  Gluttonous in her assault, Alex moved her tongue in and out, and then circled the opening before starting again. Maggie’s gyrations grew more uninhibited as Alex pushed her tongue as far as she could. Knowing that Maggie needed it deeper, Alex replaced her tongue with two fingers, and Maggie’s groans of pleasure grew louder.

  Thrusting into Maggie, Alex buried her fingers to the hilt and then began stroking Maggie with fervor, twisting her fingers with every plunge she made. Over and over, Alex pushed into her and Maggie matched Alex’s tempo, raising and lowering her body, and taking all that Alex could give until her legs began to quiver. Feeling the trembling, Alex slowed her fingers for only a moment, the pause giving her time to uncover Maggie’s clit, and as she sank her fingers again, she flicked her tongue over the swollen button, and seconds later, the room was filled with the sound of Maggie’s orgasm.


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