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The Royal Sorceress

Page 43

by Christopher Nuttall

  The new Sultan frowned on the ornate rituals favoured by his predecessors. After a quick search – his pistol and sword were confiscated – Henry found himself being lead into the Viceroy’s former throne room. The Ottoman Empire’s Viceroy had been powerless; the Mamelukes had kept all the power concentrated in their own hands, even as they swore loyalty to Istanbul. Now...the man standing in the centre of the chamber, surrounded by his green-clad soldiers, was the absolute master of Egypt. Resistance would be crushed mercilessly.

  Henry stopped and bowed, using the moment to study the Sultan. He was shorter than Henry had expected from the tales that had been told of his deeds, with bright, almost hypnotic eyes. Rumour attributed all kinds of powers to this man, but even if he didn’t have magic, he was clearly a man to be reckoned with. He’d risen from a humble Corsican Janissary to absolute control of the Ottoman Empire. Who else could claim such a climb to power?

  “Your Excellency,” he said. For once, he found himself tongue-tied. Charm wouldn’t work on the Sultan – and would almost certainly lead to his death. England would probably be quietly relieved if the Sultan ever informed them that he’d had one of their people executed. It certainly wouldn’t lead to war. “Thank you for granting me this audience.”

  The Sultan smiled – and in his smile, Henry saw boundless ambition. Who knew how far he could go? The Barbary States, still reeling from the thrashing Lord Nelson had handed out to them, would be easy prey. Or there would be the advance northwards against Austria, or Russia...or Persia. And if the Ottomans crushed the Persians, they’d have a gateway to British India.

  “You are welcome,” the Sultan said, quietly. His English was perfect, without even a trace of an accent. “And why do you wish to seek asylum with us?”

  Henry bowed his head. He hated being a supplicant – let alone having his life depend on someone else – but there was no choice. Remaining in exile would be nothing, apart from a slow death.

  “That is a long story, Your Excellency,” he said, finally. They could help each other, one to build the greatest empire the world had ever known, the other to return home and extract revenge for his humiliation. “It will take some time to explain.”

  The Sultan’s smile widened. “We have all the time in the world,” he said. “Why don’t you begin?”

  The End

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  About the author

  Christopher Nuttall has been planning sci-fi books since he learned to read. Born and raised in Edinburgh, Chris created an alternate history website and eventually graduated to writing full-sized novels. Studying history independently allowed him to develop worlds that hung together and provided a base for storytelling. After graduating from university, Chris started writing full-time. As an indie author, he has published five novels (so far) through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. The Royal Sorceress is his first novel to be professionally published. Chris is currently living in Borneo with his wife, muse, and critic Aisha.




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