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Scandal with a Sinful Scot

Page 12

by Karyn Gerrard

  Did he hear a tinge of hurt at her statement that she was not his last? Perhaps he imagined it. “I was twenty-one and hadn’t been with another female since I stupidly pushed you away. Aidan proposed a short jaunt to London. It lasted close to two years.”

  Abbie’s eyes widened. “Good heavens. What did you do in all that time?”

  “When we were not staying at the London townhouse, we were at The Crimson Club. Or other houses of ill repute. Gambling, attending scandalous parties. As the months clicked by, the places grew increasingly seedier. Aidan strived for more stimuli, more thrills, and did not care where he obtained them.” Garrett threw back another swallow of scotch. “I should have seen the signs then and there. Regardless, I eventually grew bored with the meaningless, indiscriminant sex. Aidan did not.” He caught her gaze. “We agree to tell the absolute truth?”

  She nodded.

  “You haunted my nightly dreams from the day we parted. It became torturous. I thought that I could effectively erase you from my subconscious with other women. It was a complete and utter failure.” He exhaled. “I was determined to not think of you during the day, but you entered my dreams without fail, night after night. Taunting me.”

  “I cannot find it in me to be smug at this information. It merely proves how mistaken we were to so cavalierly toss what we had aside. For you haunted my dreams as well.” She took another drink. “This is rather good.”

  “Care for another?”

  “If it keeps us talking civilly and truthfully, then yes.” She held the near-empty tumbler out and he strode to the sideboard and refilled the glasses. Blast it all, he had been in a state of arousal since before he opened the door to find her there. Talk? He could think of a more strenuous and sensual activity than conversing. But he innately understood that Abbie needed this. And truth be told, he did as well. For how could they move forward—if that is what they truly wanted—unless they discussed what had happened, and what was to come?

  Garrett stood before her and held out the glass, and her gaze lingered on his low-riding breeches. His erection was plain to see. Pink color washed her cheeks as she clutched the glass and looked away to stare at the dancing flames in the fireplace.

  “Did you have any serious relationship with any woman?” she whispered, still staring at the fire.

  “There was one.” Abbie turned to look at him. “In Scotland. I visited my grandparents the summer after ending my debauched journey. I was twenty-three, the age a young man should begin to shop about for a prospective wife. The Wollstonecraft line did not depend on me procreating; what was the rush? I met her at a social in Edinburgh. Lovely young lady. My grandparents were thrilled. Perhaps, they thought, I would settle in Scotland.”

  God, it had been ages since he thought of Elspeth. How much to reveal? All of it, you fool. “I thought myself half in love. Elspeth was beautiful, her hair a rich caramel shade, her eyes shining with a matching incandescent color. We kissed, touched, and even came close to having actual sex. There is nothing quite like rolling about in the heather kissing a pretty young lass…” His voice trailed off and a smile curled about his lips at the memory.

  “I do not think I care much for this bit of your past,” Abbie stated, her mouth pulling into a taut line.

  “Nothing came of it, for I did not want to be responsible for breaking another woman’s heart or placing her in danger because of the curse. But more importantly, my heart was not completely engaged. I ended it before it became too serious. It did not come close to what we shared, and I discovered that I would never settle for less. If that meant I would be alone the rest of my days, so be it. I had already vowed to live a solitary life anyway.”

  Their gazes caught. The heat between them could easily ignite a raging forest fire.

  “What happens now?” she whispered.

  “Come to my bed.”

  “Bounder,” she replied softly, her eyelids lowered. “Beyond that.”

  “You tell me. You have my complete attention.”

  “I do want you, Garrett. But could we possibly…take things a bit slower? As I told you, I do not know exactly where this will lead, if anywhere.”

  He couldn’t believe what she had just said. Garrett stared at her incredulously. “You come to my room, claim you want me, bare your heart, and ask me to bare mine; now you state that you want to take things slow? Are you out to purposely torment me?”

  She placed her glass on the nearby table. “Good God, no. All I ask is we not have actual sex tonight. Touch each other, by all means… I am not sure how to explain this… By our own admission we are not the same people. I want us to—I want you to—”

  “Court you?”

  She smiled, and the warmth of it made his heart skip a beat. “Precisely. I wish to be courted. Just a little. I never have.”

  No, he supposed she hadn’t. After their first meeting, they’d agreed to meet the next afternoon. Once in each other’s arms, they’d found a private area in the woods, rolled about in the grass, feverishly touching and kissing until passion overcame them and, at her eager invitation, they lost their virginity. Abbie was his first. By God, if he had any say over fate and curses, she would be his last.

  Her arranged marriage also negated any courting. In this, he would not deny her. “I would be honored to court you.” He stood and held out his hand. She slipped hers in his and rose to her feet. “Define touching,” he teased. “Like this, perhaps?” Cupping her rear, Garrett brought Abbie in tight against his hard-as-oak cock.

  Bold as ever, she slid her hand between them and grasped his cock, squeezing hard until the groan escaping him sounded similar to a beastly growl. “And like this.” Abbie stood on the tips of her toes and nuzzled his neck. “This…and more. Until we reach our peaks. Licking, tasting. Kissing.” Her breath came in short pants. “But we must keep it our secret, until—”

  “We are certain we wish to make this permanent? If my courting you will even sway you to consider permanence?”

  She nipped his earlobe playfully. “Already you are finishing my sentences.”

  “Come to my bed, and we will do all you described. I want you to put your mouth on me, make me…”

  She kissed him with a hot wildness, causing him to groan in response. Then she broke from him. “I think it best I head to my room. We must show some restraint. A little, at least. Besides, there is always tomorrow night.”

  God, he was on fire. “Stay one more day here at the hall.” He wanted her for one more night. “We have more to…discuss.”

  “I will ask Megan. The decision will be up to her.” Abbie kissed his chest, then stepped away. “Good night, Garrett. The sweetest and heated of dreams to you.” She winked, then in a swish of sheer pink material, departed his room leaving him hard and aching. Minx. Vixen. Tease. He loved it. He could not wait until tomorrow night, for they would be doing far more than teasing if he had any say in the matter.

  Chapter 10

  As difficult as it was to leave Garrett’s arms, Abbie thought it best to return to her room. It would have been simple to acquiesce to his blatant invitation to go to his bed; however, a small amount of prudence was warranted. She was glad she’d decided to go to his room, for she debated with herself for over an hour before appearing at his door. More than anything, they needed to discuss the past and, more importantly, the future.

  Sleep came quickly, and it was restful, if not exactly long. She awoke shortly after dawn, read for a while, then, after asking a footman for directions, she and Megan joined the family for breakfast. Thankfully, Megan agreed to stay one more night at Wollstonecraft Hall when they spoke privately before the meal.

  What an abundance of food. The earl certainly did not exaggerate when he stated it was their favorite meal. After the men loaded their plates they all ate heartily, exchanging conversation on all manner of topics, ranging from horses to current affairs and
social reforms.

  A whirlwind of activity filled the rest of the day, from another tour of the hall, lingering in the libraries selecting books, afternoon tea, and then a light supper of roast beef. Through it all, Abbie was a bundle of nerves, anticipating her meeting with Garrett later in the night.

  Once Abbie was sure Megan was fast asleep, she crept to Garrett’s door once again and lightly tapped on it. He swung it open, wearing the tight breeches he’d worn last night and a billowing white shirt, open and displaying his broad, muscled chest. His long hair hung forward, shadowing part of his face, giving him a deliciously dangerous air.

  She wore the same pink confection she’d worn the previous night, as he’d seemed to like it. Grasping her wrist, he gently pulled her across the threshold, then closed the door with his bare foot. He swept her up in a wild, hungry kiss that made the room spin. Garrett tunneled his fingers through her hair, scattering the few pins holding her style in place. Her wavy locks tumbled past her shoulders and he nuzzled them. “Wildflowers,” he murmured. “I never forgot your scent. It stayed with me, all these years.”

  Oh. Her insides tumbled at his soft but husky voice whispering in her ear. Stay strong. Reluctantly she stepped away from him, immediately missing his rock-hard body and sizzling heat. “We have more to discuss, as you mentioned last night.”

  He closed his eyes as if trying to gain control. Watching him struggle with his emotions caused her stomach to tremble. “Right. Talk. I need a drink. You?” He opened his eyes and the intense heat emanating from them tempted her to say to hell with conversation.

  Once he poured them a scotch, they took the same seats they’d occupied the previous night. Abbie stared into the amber contents of her glass. “You will think me bold—”

  “Be bold. I loved it then, I yearn for it now,” he rasped.

  “I said I don’t know where this will lead. But I do have an inkling of where I would like it to lead.”

  He crossed his long legs and sipped his scotch, watching her intently over the rim of the glass. “Tell me. Everything. Honestly and succulently.”

  “I had accepted that I would remain a widow for the rest of my days. The bungalow was paid for. Elwyn arranged a small stipend for me, along with money for Megan’s education. I was comfortable. At peace. I even had an open marriage proposal if I ever changed my mind.”

  “What?” Garrett thundered.

  “It was from Gethin—Dr. Bevan. We are friends. He suggested an alliance of sorts. I think he was lonely and assumed I was as well.”

  “The bloody cheek,” Garrett growled.

  “I was actually enjoying my independence and privacy. Then you rumbled into Standon. All my carefully laid plans were torn asunder. I came here without thinking things through, for that is the affect you have on me. I do want you to court me a little, but I want more. Perhaps we can work toward the permanence you spoke of.” She took a long draw on the scotch, its fiery contents giving her the courage she needed. “But not if you insist on placing the curse between us as a shield. If you cannot commit to me or love me with your entire heart and soul, then I do not want you at all. I won’t settle for any less. Elwyn taught me that much.” She met his gaze. “We could tumble headlong into another scandalous affair. I could return to my life in Standon with yet another heated memory to keep me company as I slide into my dotage. But I’ve decided that I will only move forward if you agree to put the curse aside.” There. She’d said it. There had to be rules of engagement.

  Garrett remained silent, and her nerves sparked. Abbie had no idea what option he would choose.

  “And if I do not place the curse aside?”

  “Megan and I will return to Standon as soon as I can arrange it. Now that she has met your family, I would never deny her visits. She and your father have already formed a bond.”

  He laughed cynically. “Yes. But not with me.”

  “It will come… in time,” Abbie replied softly.

  “Do you know what you are asking? The curse has been a part of me since I was a child.”

  “I understand. I even empathize. But if we are to have a future…”

  “You want us to have a future?”

  She bit her lower lip. “I’d like to attempt it.”

  “As would I. You wish a fresh start? I will try.”

  She cried out with relief as tears trickled down her cheeks.

  Garrett continued, “For I cannot deny my feelings any longer, nor can I push you away. Not again. It would kill me, completely hollow me out until nothing remained but an empty shell of a man. The curse is still with me, Abbie. It is seared on my soul the same as you are. God help us if the curse rears its ugly head. But I vow I will do all I can to not allow it to rule my life.” He slammed his glass on the table, rose to his feet, and walked toward her. Garrett helped her stand, then brushed the tears away with the pads of his thumbs. “Let us start over.”

  She gave him a shaky smile. “Get to know one another, learn to love again?”

  “Again? A ghraidh, mo chridhe. I never stopped loving you. Ever.” He captured her mouth in a desperate, wild kiss. Abbie returned it, caressing his tongue with hers. Everywhere their bodies made contact increased the heat crackling between them.

  “I haven’t heard those words for years. I remember clearly when you first said them to me. ‘My love, my heart.’ You mean it, truly?”

  “Besides a couple of other short phrases, it’s the only Gaelic I know. I often heard my grandfather call my grandmother such during my visits. Grandfather Mackinnon said, ‘Heed me, laddie. ’Twill melt a woman’s heart if ye whisper these words in her ear.’” She laughed at his Scottish burr. “I have not spoken them to anyone…not since you.” He brushed a lock of hair from her cheek. “Yes, I mean it. Truly.”

  Garrett had never stopped loving her. Abbie’s heart soared with joy. But caution bade her not to return the sentiment. Not yet. She had to be completely sure of his feelings and see if his claim of tossing the curse aside held truth. Beyond that, no more teasing. She kissed him, running her hands through his silky, ginger locks.

  Scooping her up in his arms, Garrett ran to the bedroom, lowered her, then kissed her deeply. Abbie fumbled with the buttons of his breeches, and when she finished she broke the kiss, grabbed fistfuls of the wool material, and yanked it, along with his drawers, down his hips until they fell to the carpet. “Oh. As I remember.”

  “Allow me to see you,” he rasped.

  “One of us must stay dressed. Tonight will be all about touching and kissing. Nothing more. Another night, I promise.” She crooked her finger as she backed up. “Remove your shirt, lie on the bed, and allow me to explore every muscled valley and plane. Every hard part of you.”

  Bloody hell, he was near to bursting. All she would have to do is touch him and he would explode. First, better ensure their privacy. He strode to the door, closed it, and turned the key. No one would be interrupting them if he had anything to say about it. Next, he did as she commanded and lay on the large bed, eagerly awaiting her. The fireplace was large, the flames casting the room in a golden glow and enhancing the sensual mood.

  “Stunning,” she murmured as she crawled toward him from the foot of the bed. He spread his legs to make room for her, and she immediately ran her tongue along his hipbone up to his waist. Abbie grasped his shaft and he quaked with desire, using all his inner strength not to climax. Giving him a couple of strokes, she continued to lick and kiss him until her mouth was inches away from the head of his prick. How often had he dreamed of this only to deny it the next morning?

  Her mouth enveloped him and he cried out. Abbie’s cheeks hollowed, her tongue busily trailing across his distended veins. His hips rose on their own accord, eager for her to take him deeper. Take him all. “Yes, taste me,” he moaned, keeping his voice low. “Please,” he pleaded. He never said please to any woman. Only Abbie.

  It didn’t take long, as he’d been on the edge of the precipice since she’d appeared in his life once again. Watching her head bob between his legs was a memory that he would savor forever. He wrapped her coal-black hair about his wrist as he gently lifted his hips. “Abbie… God… Hell.” Colors burst behind his eyelids, his neck cords straining with the force of his release. His entire body bucked and shuddered.

  Abbie released him, then smiled as she cuddled in next to him. “You taste as enticing as I remember.”

  He couldn’t catch his breath. Finally, he found his voice and pulled her close. “And you are still the sensuous siren of our youth.” They lay together for several moments. Sated, but energized, he turned Abbie on her back and pushed her nightgown past her waist. “Allow me to return the favor.”

  Hot. Wet. Glorious. He ran his tongue across her folds, then spread them with his fingers and dived in deeper as his thumb worked her sensitive nub. Abbie moaned. It would not take long for her either. Garrett feasted, and hardened once again. With his free hand, he stroked himself in concert with the licking motion of his tongue. The wet sound of their oral ministrations, the musky scent of arousal. There was no one else in the world but the two of them, exactly how it had been in the past.

  Abbie arched her back and cried out, her head hitting the pillow over and over with each tremble of her body. Garrett pulled her close to his heart, savoring her release while he continued to stroke his shaft. A moment later he joined her, burying his face in her neck, his eyes burning from intense emotions. Bloody hell, he loved her.

  Garrett lay on the bed and motioned for her to follow him. “Stay. Sleep in my arms.”

  Abbie sighed wistfully. “I would love nothing more, but we don’t want to cause a scandal.”

  His eyebrows rose. “What do you think we’ve been doing from the moment we met?”

  “Well, true enough. But we agreed to keep this quiet for the time being. Plus, think of Megan. I want us to be completely sure before revealing this. Besides, there is the getting-to-know-you business to see to.”


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