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Enlightened A Light Tamer Novel (The Light Tamer)

Page 15

by Dawson, Devyn

  “Hi you,” I say and realize something monumental is about to happen. “How much time do I have?”

  “Thirty minutes, you slept with those in your hair?” He points to my old fashioned curlers.

  “Ah…. Go! Go in the other room. Don’t look at me,” I scramble to get the sheet up over my head.

  Caleb laughs and walks out, not before saying, “You look cute.”

  “Ugh! Away!” I threaten.

  “Dudette, you’re so damn loud. I need sleep,” Amber complains. She hops out of bed and runs to the bathroom. “I call dibs on the shower.”

  “That’s cool, I’m in need of a pot of coffee.”

  “Someone say coffee?” Says the familiar voice.

  “Daddy! How did you know to come here?” I throw my arms around his neck trying not to knock the coffee. “I haven’t heard from you in over a week. Does mom know you’re here?”

  He hands me a travel mug full of coffee. This is one thing I miss about him, our morning coffee. “Yes, mom knows I’m here in New Bern. Your grandma and I told her everything last night. She is miffed and scared. Mrs. Ward will take us to the ceremony.”

  “Just like that,” I snap my fingers, “You’re OK with me getting married? I don’t turn sixteen until Friday. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?”

  “Sweetheart, this is right. I can feel the power when I’m with the two of you. Incredible amounts of power. You’ll have the power to give me back my light. You can heal me.”

  “What! I can heal you? How?”

  “You’re the Queen of all Tamers, it’s one of your abilities.”

  “Can I do it now?” I ask excitedly.

  He shakes his head no. “It will need to be done in Fairyland.”

  “That’s amazing, I better go get ready. I’ll see you in a while,” I say and reach up to kiss him.

  Before bed, I packed a duffel bag with things I thought I would need. I brought a sundress and a change of clothes. Grandma told us that we will be home in time for school on Monday. Talk about secrets, I’m a never ending supply of them.

  “Ladies, we need to leave,” Thorne’s voice came from the hallway.

  “Give me two seconds to go to the restroom. I’ll meet you in the car.”

  I pick my bag up and start for the door. At the same time, I’m turning the doorknob, my mom is on the other side about to come in the room. We both yelped at the same time.

  “You scared me,” I say.

  “Jessie, I only have a minute. I want to give you something I’ve had since you were a baby. When I talked to grandma and your dad, it was like a veil was lifted. From the day you were born, I knew there was something magical about you. I don’t know how I never figured it out, but I’m glad to know the truth. I’m not going to say that I’m happy they kept this from me for fifteen years. I will say I don’t feel any different about you. I love you, and they are lucky to have you for their Queen. I’m not going to get mushy; I have something for you. I’ve had it since you were still in diapers. I was in Salem, Massachusetts at this quaint antique shop. It was run by a sweet dwarf couple. She was dressed up in a witch’s costume, playing up the whole witch trial novelty. You were with me, and I was carrying you on my hip. You were reaching for everything you could touch. The lady asked me if she could hold you for a few minutes to let me shop. I was thankful for the extra hands and took her up on her offer. The minute you were in her arms, your face lit up with happiness. She commented how extraordinary you were, most children don’t like her. She told me about holding every child that came into the store, and you were the first to be entranced with the key. This is the chain she wore around her neck, and she took it off and handed it to you. I swore I saw light from your hands, and it made the necklace glow. The key that was hanging from the chain literally burst with sparkly lights. The lady smiled and handed me the necklace. She said to give it to you on your wedding day, for your something old. She said you’d know what the key is for, so now, I’m giving you the necklace. Through the years, I’ve seen that woman everywhere we’ve lived. She was never close enough to get a positive I.D. on her, but I know it was her. If I had to been honest with myself, I knew your father’s drinking was to hide a deep seeded secret. This is all so much to absorb, but you’re not going to be alone. I’ve called in to work, and from this day forward, we’re not going to keep secrets.”

  I took the necklace from her and could feel power vibrating through the metal. I put it around my neck and kissed her.

  “Oh, I almost forgot, no one else can touch the key. She was extremely specific about that.”

  “Okay, come on, the guys are going to come in looking for us if we don’t get out to the cars.”

  The windows of the house were all covered in condensation from the cold air in the house and the humidity outside. The temperature is already ninety, and the sun is four hours away. Parked along the street is about twelve cars with parking lights on. Thorne ran over to grab my bags and took me over to a black Hummer. “Who’s in all of these cars? Who’s Hummer?”

  “Some friends of Mrs Ward, she sent for more guardians and guards to get us safely to the other side. We’re not expecting any problems, but we don’t want to ignore the possibilities. We’ll meet Caleb at the ceremony. Your buddy over there,” he points to Amber. “The minute she put her head down, she fell asleep. I’ve learned she isn’t much of a morning person.”

  “You think? Please tell me we’re stopping for coffee. I can’t function without an I.V. drip of the caffeine,” I say half joking, half seriously.

  A man from the front seat reached over and handed me a steaming hot cup of coffee. “Thank you,” I say.

  “Two sugars and heavy on the creamer, correct Your Highness?”

  Here we go with the highness crap. “Thank you, yes that’s how I take it.” We rode in silence to the trailer we were at yesterday.

  Each car had at least two bulky men dressed in black suits. They resembled Secret Service, except younger. We didn’t bother going into the trailer, we went straight to the stables. There were so many horses, I didn’t bother counting them. Each horse has a rider that looks like they’re straight from Medieval times. Outside of the barn is a tremendous carriage covered in flowers. It is one of the old fashioned coaches from western movies. The tufted velvet interior was awkward to scoot across. My inner vampire was dying to put on some fangs and jump out to scare the faeries. I can see Caleb’s face if I did something that crazy. Thorne adjusted the ear piece he has in his ear. He told us they were testing it out for the first time on the other side of the shimmer. Not a sound was made by anyone as we took off into the woods.

  I start to ask Thorne a question, but he holds his finger to his lips to keep me silent. I cross my arms and sit back on the purple crushed velvet seat. He smiles back at me, and I curled my nose and looked away.

  “Onward gentlemen and may the journey be safe and merry,” the man who helped us shouted to the riders. The sounds of horses and Amber grinding her teeth are all I hear on the way to the shimmer.

  Caleb, can you hear me?

  There you are, I tried to get you a minute ago. Are you in that carriage?

  I am, but they pulled the drapes down so no one can see inside. This is crazy, huh?

  If crazy means you and me, I’ll take crazy any day.

  Don’t let me fall.

  Never, I’ll always catch you.

  I love you.

  I love you Jessie Lucente, my Queen. They’re taking me away so you can exit the coach. I’ll see you soon. Don’t worry, we’re not alone.

  Bye, my King. I send him a mental hug.

  The clearing barely resembled the same place as yesterday. There are flowers wrapped around the trees, as well as long vines of purple flowers. The logs and fire-pit are gone, replaced by a white gazebo. The clearing is much larger today, but where did all of the trees go? It looked the same but spread out. Faerie magic I’m sure. A massive white tent is set over to the side. I loved al
l the chairs with white bows on the back. Each table was elaborately set with gorgeous daisy bouquets. Crystal chandeliers floated above the tables. Floated, as in no strings, holy cow!

  It wasn’t bright outside, but it wasn’t dark. It should be darker out, it feels more like dusk.

  “Excuse me ma’am, I need to take you to your tent. Is this your lady in waiting?”

  I turn around to face the voice, and I’m quite surprised by the little person in front of me. “Lady in waiting? What’s that?”

  “I forget about you humans, like your maid of honor. She is the one they call Amber, right?” Her voice sounded mechanically altered, too high-pitched to be normal.

  “Yes, this is Amber, and I’m Jessie,” I hold out my hand to shake hers.

  She looks at me and shakes her head. “I’m sorry; I’m not allowed to touch you. My name is Ava, short for Avalon.”

  “Nice to meet you Ava. Lead the way.”

  I’m led to a room at the back of the tent, it is sectioned off with wall partitions. Four women come rushing in the room carrying garment bags.

  One of the women comes over and asks me to remove my clothes. She fussed about the wedding dress she slaved over for the last few hours. She told me how this is the most notable dress she’s ever made.

  One of the other women is giving Amber the same speech. They must have gone to disgruntled employee week seminars by the way they acted. My woman wrapped a silk robe around me and took me to the section for make-up and hair.

  “I’ve already done my hair, see my curls?” I say, knowing the curls went to the wayside the moment the humidity hit my hair. I’m not 100% sure she and I speak the same language, and she insisted to pull my hair straight.

  After an hour being poked and prodded, the lady slipped the dress over my head. I look over to see my reflection in the full length mirror. The beauty of the pure white silk gown amazed me. I held my breath as I spun around in a circle. It was perfect and beautiful. The wide band that covered my industrial strength bra straps was perfectly placed. The sleeves dipped off my shoulders and gathered right above the elbow. I love how it flows around me as I walk. I couldn’t imagine anything more beautiful.

  Amber stepped around the corner in a dress similar to mine. It is made of lavender silk and hugs her figure perfectly. She curtsied and held the skirt out to her sides.

  “Your highness.”

  “Your smart-buttness,” I replied.

  “It’s true,” she said.

  “We have ten minutes.”

  A familiar voice and face shows up in the doorway. “Ladies, follow me,” Thorne says.

  I look over to see Amber’s jaw is practically on the ground. Who would blame her? His black tuxedo fit him as though he were a Greek god.

  I can’t help myself, but I feel giddy about the future. I’m ready to heal my dad, and I’m ready to figure out our role here in Fairyland.

  “Before we step into the gazebo, there will be two champagne flutes and two small bottles. It is customary for the bride to fill both glasses to show she will serve her husband and their cup will be half full,” Thorne says and leads us out of the tent.

  “Okay, that sounds sweet, and corny, just my style,” I say. The table is covered in flowers and a silk tablecloth. Two amber colored bottles sit next to the crystal champagne glasses. I first one I pick is cold in my hand. I lift it to my nose; its pungent smell almost makes my stomach turn. I hold my breath as I pour the contents into the glass. It bubbled and what looks like little crystals are floating up and down. The next bottle is warmer than the first and the smells are a cross between a greasy burger and maple syrup. I pour it in the other glass and watch as it too creates the bubbles.

  Thorne takes my shoulders and turns me around to face the group of people gathered. There weren’t any chairs, so everyone was standing around the gazebo.

  “I’d like to get everyone’s attention,” Thorne announces. “Before you, is Jessica Lucente. The time has come to announce she is to marry Caleb Baldwin. They are two bound Light Tamers that have withstood a break of the bond, yet recovered the bond.” A group of people gasped in disbelief. “The Fates have confirmed this union between the two Light Tamers will expose and bring forth the Hidden City of Everlasting Light. If anyone protests this matrimony, a death shadow will be cast over you for the rest of your days.” I literally felt everyone hold their breath at the mention of death shadow. “Now, if anyone protests may they speak now, or forever hold their tongue.” No one said a word. “May the ceremony commence. Mr. Lucente, take your daughter’s hand and guide her into the gazebo.”

  My dad took my left hand and guided me into the gargantuan gazebo. A lovely woman played a gold gilded harp. It was huge against her delicate frame, her slender fingers made the sound magical. My heart was beating in tune with the harp. We stood in the middle in front of a pulpit covered in white daisies that have been weaved into an intricate design. Everything looks and feels beautiful and regal.

  I turn to my right, and there he stood. His six foot frame full of muscle filled the black tuxedo. A lavender bowtie around his neck stirred a desire in me I’d never felt before. The way his eyes locked with mine caused my heart to skip two or possibly three full beats. His chiseled cheeks and perfectly trimmed sideburns made him look a little older than his sixteen years. My eyes are drawn to his lips as he mouths the words, I love you, to me.

  You look so incredibly beautiful. Every time I see you, I can’t imagine loving you more, but I do. Believe in us, and everything will work as it should. I promise to never let you fall.

  Caleb, I feel the same. I’ve never imagined a life without you. I’ll forever be lost in your eyes and embrace. I promise to always stand tall with you by my side. I love you.

  Our moment is interrupted by the clearing of a man’s throat. We both laugh shyly as the stranger stares at us.

  Caleb do you wonder if they know we can talk without them hearing?

  I was thinking the same thing. I don’t think they do, and that’s just as well.

  “EVERYONE,” the man shouts so loud I jump and let a squeal. “Hands together. Raise your hands up, showing the unity that binds us as creatures from the earth. We’re bringing together two beating hearts and merging them as one.” He raises his hands in the air and yells out.

  “Go siorai!”

  “Go siorai!” The crowd repeats.

  I think that means eternally in Gaelic. Caleb thinks to me.

  Oh, gotcha.

  “Mr. Lucente, do you give your daughter Jessica Aileen Lucente to Caleb Art Baldwin for the rest of her life?”

  “I do,” my dad replies and puts my hand into Caleb’s hand. “I love you Jess,” he whispers and steps back away from me.

  A lump starts to grow at the base of my throat.

  “Do you Caleb Art Baldwin, take Jessica Aileen Lucente as your wife, to be her forever friend, bound to her heart, and the one and only true love of her life? To love her without questions, cherish and honor her, protect her from chaos and destruction? To soothe her in times of distress and to entwine your heart and spirit?”

  Caleb quietly replies, “I do, infinity.”

  The lump in my throat constricts airflow; the tears welled in my eyes. This is actually happening.

  “Do you Jessica Aileen Lucente, take Caleb Art Baldwin to be your husband, to be his forever friend? To be his partner and his true love? Will you love him without reservation, honor him and trust him, protect him from the perils of life? To soothe him in times of distress and entwine your heart and spirit?”

  “I do.”

  The preacher, which isn’t Thorne, who thought he’d be the one to perform the ceremony. This man spoke with authority and absolution with every word. He wore a plain grey suit and black tie. He pulls a rope from the pulpit and holds it above his head. “May the spirits bless this rope to bind the two souls. Will the father of Jessie and Caleb step forward?” I hadn’t noticed Mr Gabe, I wonder what he thinks of all of this.
  He hands the rope to the men and asks them to tie our wrists together as he repeats a handfasting blessing. “Blessed is this union with gifts from the East. New beginnings with the rising of each sun, in Fairyland. Your heart, mind and body will absorb the nourishment the eastern sun will bring. Blessed be by the gifts of the South. Your heart’s passion to warm you in the cold of the winter. Light to illuminate the darkest of times. Blessed be by the West, the cleansing of rain to wash away fears and darkness. Blessed be by the North. Fertility to the fields and to your womb, may they enrich your lives. A stable home to come home to. Take with these the tools of the earth.” He sprinkles a handful of dirt over the ropes and rinses it with a cup of water. He holds a ball of light in the palm of his hand and drops it to fall on the rope. Without hesitation, he blows on the light ball. The four elements, of course.

  “Do you have the rings?” The man says to Thorne.

  He pats his chest and pant pockets, giving a good show of forgetting to bring the rings. I could see the bulge in his pocket as he did his little ruse. Finally, patting the pocket with the box of rings. He hands them to Caleb.

  “They are inscribed, please say it out loud for everyone to hear,” the man demands.

  “Preaditi Unum.” Caleb and I say it out loud. Without warning, a sharp pain jabbed me in the heart. By the look on Caleb’s face, he has it too.

  As quickly as the pain arrived, it was gone. My heart feels strong, yet slower. “Caleb, what happened?”

  I think our hearts melded together. I think our souls bound together.

  “As one, you’ve been bound by the prophecy. Your rings say, the gifted one, and that you are.

  As you live as one, you’ll die as one or come as close to death as one can. When one heart stops, the other is paralyzed. You’ll never be alone if you live and fulfill the prophecy. Now, a test,” the man says and motions for a waiter to step forward.


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