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Rod of Correction: Taken and Tamed

Page 5

by Carolyn Faulkner

  It sounded to him as if he had allowed her just a bit too much pleasure, so he folded his teasing thumb well away from her trigger point, and simply began fucking her with his finger in her ass. Before he’d withdrawn and plunged twice, she already sounded as if she was seconds away from exploding beneath him.

  She might be afraid of being stretched, which was understandable, but she enjoyed being fucked there, considering her reactions to both the enema nozzle and now his finger. From what he could tell, her body loved the combination of a somewhat uncomfortable, embarrassing challenge mixed with a pinch of pleasure, and that was exactly what he intended to give her.

  He reached down and took a hold of a big handful of that beautiful blonde hair of hers, pulling slowly back until she had to raise her head and the top half of her body off the bed and arch herself back awkwardly.

  She needed no further reminder, whispering hoarsely, “No, Sir.”

  That wasn’t enough anymore. “No, Sir, what? Finish the sentence, Sunny.”

  She was panting, trying to be comfortable in this position, but it was impossible. He wasn’t exactly hurting her, but it was no picnic, either. Her hands were still behind her back, which arched her body acutely, thrusting her breasts into outrageous prominence, something he took full advantage of by reaching down with his free hand to grope cruelly before she could even begin to respond.

  When she responded to his question it was as if it was someone else talking. Her conscious mind was appalled by this entire situation, but it was the deeper recesses of her brain that had stepped to the forefront now, for the first time in her life. And they wanted what they wanted.

  “I d-don’t want to – to stop, Sir.”

  He wasn’t going to let her get away with so mealy-mouthed a response. “So you still consent?”

  Tears rolled off her cheeks and onto the very mounds that inspired them as he worked his way from one breast to the other – almost systematically – squeezing, pinching, and tugging incessantly, so that she never had a second’s respite.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  That was nowhere near enough, and he had to look into her eyes to determine if she was being deliberately difficult. What he found there was a more open face than he’d ever seen before. Yes, it was wet with copious tears, and he could see the very real pain she was feeling written across it, but there was a level of acceptance that hadn’t been there previously, and he wanted to solidify it and build on it.

  “Say it, Sunny,” he ground out.

  She didn’t try to stall or delay her answer in the least – not even for a second’s thought or reconsideration. “I consent, Sir.”

  His hands left her breasts immediately as he pulled her even further back against him, leaning down to kiss her in the gentlest and most profound manner, belying the way he’d tortured her seconds earlier. Then he guided her slowly and carefully back into that humiliating position, having gotten exactly what he wanted out of her.

  He repositioned himself at her back door, his cock swelling to even greater girth at the sight of the difference in sizes between himself and that tiny, pinched opening.

  “You are not to move, Sunny. You can let me know if you grow uncomfortable, but that’s not necessarily going to change the course of events. It will help you if you can relax and remember that all you have to do to make me – and thus you – happy is to submit. You don’t need to think or worry about anything; that’s my job. Yours is just to bend yourself to my will and obey.”

  Despite her apparent epiphany, doubt was ever-present, and her submissive side, having peeked out long enough to further commit her to this, had receded, leaving her struggling with herself again. She knew she was always going to be a horrible submissive – how did one turn one’s mind completely off? Relax. She nearly snorted at the idea. He was going to put a very large round peg into a very small round hole, and it was going to hurt like the dickens, she was quite sure. It was hard not to think that she needed to brace herself for it, which had her tensing her entire body.

  She couldn’t stay that way for long; Rod knew her muscles would get tired shortly, so he took his time, barely advancing at all until he could tell that she had relaxed out of pure muscle fatigue. Not only was he keeping a close eye on her, but he had to do the same with himself.

  She was so tight, and his every advance had her mewling and panting and issuing soft, slight groans that practically had this thing over before he’d started it. That would be twice in a row, and he couldn’t allow that, not only for his own healthy ego, but because he didn’t want her to know just how much power she had over him.

  When he had advanced far enough inside her that he no longer needed to hold himself – which took a lot longer than he usually allowed for such things – he reached down and clamped a hand over where her arms were folded across her back, using them as leverage against her to pull her –very slowly – onto him, as if she were voluntarily impaling herself.

  His hold tugged her shoulders towards him, flexing her back again and thrusting her bottom out even further, which also caused her to lose ground to him. Rod wished he had put clamps on her nipples while he had the chance – that would have been a distraction from what was happening to her sweet behind, but then, perhaps this was best. The fewer distractions, the more tamed and taken she was likely to feel.

  Despite her protestations, which were growing in volume with each fraction of an inch he claimed, he would bet that, if he reached down between her legs, she would still be sopping wet. Having made that bet with himself, he just had to do exactly that, only to discover that she was about five times as moist as she’d been before he’d begun claiming her ass, and when he let himself drift a bit further south, he found that outstandingly engorged clit of hers to be sitting up and begging for attention.

  Because she had protested so bitterly, while her body was thoroughly rejoicing in his treatment - Rod decided then and there that he was going to force her to come while he fucked her in the ass.

  Not now, of course, because he wasn’t even all the way there yet. But later, when he’d begun thrusting in earnest, he would wrest the choice away from her, which would be true of most things this weekend.

  He was less easy on her from that point on, less coddling than he had been. He pressed harder and faster into her, knowing that she might be sobbing a little because it was hard – at first – to become accustomed to his size in a place she hadn’t expected he’d go, but with the sure knowledge that her mind would soon catch up with her body and it would only make her that much wetter.

  Rod sank himself the last two inches very quickly, with a sharp thrust of his hips, loving the way her cries rose at the rapid insult, but he didn’t linger there, and he didn’t make really any further concession to what had been her anal virginity. He held her arms even further up, making her back her bottom even further onto him – as if begging for him – then withdrew all the way and plunged back into her, much more forcefully than his first stroke, filling her completely, until he could feel the heat of her open quim on his balls each time before he backed out again.

  He fucked her hard and soft and fast and slow, preferring hard and fast, using her arms to make sure that when he slammed into her, she couldn’t move far away from him, so that her body had to absorb the impact of each powerful thrust every time.

  Sunny was out of her mind. She had finally relaxed because it was her only option, and he hadn’t hesitated to take advantage of it, as if he had been lying in wait for just that to happen. At first it was terribly hard not to cry as she felt him invading her. It burned a little and hurt some, but mostly it felt like this weird pressure that shouldn’t be there. The further he went, the worse the pressure got. It wasn’t painful, just unusual and embarrassing and . . . damn, it felt good!

  She certainly didn’t want it to, but it did. It was so good that she wanted to press herself against him, and he saved her from that ignominy by forcing her to do exactly that with the way he held her arms captive
and useless. It must’ve been a sight, her moving her bottom towards him as if she wanted him to take her there. Truth be told, she did. Damn him!

  When he’d begun to rub her clit just a few seconds ago, she thought she was going to explode, all over him, permission or no. But he withdrew too soon and she was relegated to a world of desperate ache. She wanted to rub her crotch against anything or anyone to get off, and yet she knew she would never be allowed to do that. That sure knowledge only made things a thousand times worse.

  From that moment on, she knew that he knew that she was beyond enjoying what he was doing to her, and he stepped up his game. The gloves were off from then on as he invaded her bottom, fucking her as hard as he had her pussy downstairs - maybe harder.

  Despite her inner conflicts, he had used her own body against her to make her into exactly what he wanted – a submissive. Things she definitely wouldn’t have chosen were being done to her, and she adored it, however unconsciously. She had no control over whether they stopped or continued for hours or changed or got worse or better. She was his, and this was what it had taken for her to begin to come to grips with what she wanted.

  Especially when he continued to force himself inside her, fast and furious, intent on his own pleasure, but then reaching his spare hand down to lay three fingers on her clit while he took her. “Come, Sunny. Come before I do or I’ll have to punish you very severely.”

  She felt as if someone had flung open the door of a dank cellar and she was taking her first few steps into the light in a very long time as the sun burst within her and those fingers – and his cock prying her bottom hole apart with each massive impalement - drove her beyond anything she’d ever experienced, forcing her to loose a scream like she’d never issued before, long and high and throaty and absolutely mindless as her body convulsed around him, setting him off. Her head nearly burst when she heard his answering groan of orgasmic ecstasy.

  He sank on top of her – as much as he dared, not wanting to hurt her – as they both mindlessly panted and sighed for long moments, coming down from that mountainous height they’d attained together.

  When she regained her senses, Sunny wanted desperately to get away from him, and began stirring, frantic to be rid of him for some unknown reason. She only knew – like a wounded animal caught in a trap – that she had to go. But there, too, she was subjected to his will, and he wasn’t of a mind to let her leave him, maybe forever. It was all too easy for him to let himself fall away from her, disconnecting them, and then just contract his arms around her, pulling her into a spooning she didn’t want and actively tried to escape.

  At first he tried to calm her gently, whispering soft “shhhs” into her ear, but then he realized that she wasn’t hearing him – not in the least, and he switched to a less gentle approach.

  “Sunny, stop.”

  It cut through the fog in her brain better than coddling her had. Most of her body relaxed almost immediately, if not her mind, although her legs were still working restlessly, her arms reaching out for something neither of them could see. He was interested to see that being less emotional and more forceful with her was what she had responded to. That smacked of her having already accepted his dominance to a much greater level. She’d discovered that he wasn’t playing, and – probably her flesh more so than her brain at this point – was beginning to recognize him as her dominant.

  Rod simply held her that much closer, pulling the bedclothes up and around them once she’d calmed more. “You did very well, Sunny.”

  Why his saying that made her heart glow and expand almost painfully in her chest she didn’t want to consider any too closely. She knew it was a genuine compliment; that he was absolutely serious, and she felt enormously proud of herself. There was still lingering embarrassment and shame in the back of her mind. She doubted she’d ever really lose that, as much as she might try.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Her voice was hoarse and soft, exhausted and strained from all she had been through. She’d never screamed so much in her life – well, perhaps at a football game in college, but that was a while ago. She’d never screamed so much in bed with a man. Ever - and she’d had some damned fine lovers over the years. Anyone who wasn’t was kicked to the curb.

  Rod smiled in the darkness, knowing she couldn’t see. “You’re welcome. Sleep now, Sunny. And if you need to get out of bed, you need to wake me and ask permission first.”

  Oh dear God, was she going to remember to do that? When she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night at her own house, she didn’t even really wake up, she didn’t think. Then, this was an unfamiliar place – she’d have to be more awake. Hopefully she’d remember.

  Considering the condition her bottom was already in, she didn’t want to think what would happen if she didn’t.

  Chapter V

  When he awoke, Rod immediately turned over, his heart half in his throat, wondering if she had chickened out and left him in the night. He wasn’t sure whether or not he’d put that past her, frankly, despite how far she’d come last night. It was a very unusual situation for someone like Sunny to find herself in, and as much as he’d known she’d enjoyed last night, he wasn’t at all sure that she wouldn’t have decided in the middle of the night that this submission thing was for the birds and dusted.

  She was still there, curled up on herself, a slight ring of mascara under her eyes that looked even darker against her pale skin.

  He couldn’t help himself. He turned onto his side to prop his head up on his hand and do something he’d never done with any other woman – watch her as she slept. Even asleep, she looked exhausted. He knew first hand just how hard she’d driven herself, and, as sexist as it sounded, he thought it must’ve been much harder to be an ambitious, overachieving female in this world than a man. Rod knew that, even now, they had to work twice as hard to be considered just as good as a man. The old boy network was alive and well, despite the rumors of its demise.

  He bet it had been years – if not decades – since she’d taken a weekend completely off, and he instantly decided that this was going to be it. No cell phones, no computers, no demands on her at all – well, except for what he knew would be the never ending list of his own, of course.

  He’d never felt so explosively sexual with anyone else, and still managed to blush just thinking about his thoroughly mortifying first performance. Hell, even the second time he took her was entirely too soon, and not according to his carefully laid plan, but he just couldn’t seem to get enough of her.

  At that moment, of course, his own cell began to vibrate, and – just in case she was as light a sleeper as he was – he reached for it immediately and shut it off. He didn’t care if the world was going to end. He was going to keep whatever inevitable bad news his eager young assistant was calling about at bay – for the both of them – until Monday morning.

  As a matter of fact, he actually hauled himself up, grabbed his phone and trotted downstairs – unabashedly naked – to the ornate box that had been locked, quite ceremoniously, last night, in which he kept his friends’ personal effects – which consisted of cell phones and keys – whenever they met at his house, because if he didn’t, their enjoyment of the evening would end up being continually interrupted. That did not go over well with Rod.

  They’d been meeting once a month for much longer than Sunny had been attending the otherwise casual card games, and there had only once ever been such an occasion, and the caller had been more than justified in doing so. Most of them looked forward to those rare, uninterrupted hours, and that it no doubt the longest period that any of them ever went without being connected to work – first, with most of them – and then home, of course.

  He found her iPhone easily – the case wasn’t some girlie pink and purple thing – it was a black phone in a black, rubbery case that looked like it would allow it to survive World War Three. He had the same exact phone and case himself, only his was red. Even before he picked it up, it was vibrating almost angrily.

  Her keys were also not what one would expect; he’d noticed them as carefully as he did her when she’d put them in. Truth be told, he noticed everything about her, but tried to concentrate on smaller details others might miss. It was a trait that had served him well in life. There was a kubotan attached to it, which he was actually quite glad to see, a small flashlight, a small knockoff version of a Swiss Army knife, all held on a big, pink carabiner.

  There was his girl! Practical, prepared and pink. That would be considered hot in any man’s book, as far as he was concerned.

  He left the box right there, where it lived, then crossed the room to his study, where he located a dust covered stack of K-Tel CDs in one of the eight or so bookcases that lined the room and moved the entire stack, revealing a small safe, into which he placed her keys and still vibrating phone, as well as his own that was doing the same, closing the door on them both without so much as a second thought.

  Straightening, he glanced at the grandfather clock in the corner – one of the few relics he still owned of his childhood. It was only about seven thirty. They had gotten to bed late, and she had more than earned the chance to sleep in, which he felt certain was something she didn’t do very often, either.

  Doing his best to keep himself from diving into work as he flipped open his brand new Apple MacBook Pro, Rod instead x’d out of all of his work stuff – and even his personal email - and did a little surfing, a little online shopping – finally buying himself an antique gun he’d been coveting for a while – and skyped with a friend from Asia that he hadn’t spoken to for a while when he noticed he was online, but the chat rapidly descended into work talk, so he excused himself in order not to get caught in that trap.


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