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Rafe's Temporary Fiancée (The Dante Inferno: The Dante Dynasty Series: Book 6)

Page 15

by Day Leclaire

  He wouldn’t. Not by a long shot. She squared her shoulders and turned her back on Kiko. The expression on her face almost brought him to his knees. Despite the love and support she’d received from her grandmother, everyone else in her life had abandoned her. So many rejections in such a short life. And here it was happening to her again.

  Well, not for long. No matter what it took, he intended to make things right.

  The next couple of weeks were absolute agony for Larkin. Rafe made no attempt to get in touch. Nor did she go to the house, even though she missed Kiko fiercely. She made noises a couple of times about sneaking over while Rafe was at work so she could see her dog, but Gia claimed her brother had elected to stay at home for the remainder of his vacation, and Larkin couldn’t bring herself to confront him. At least, not yet. Not while recent events were still so raw.

  Midway through the third week, word finally came that the repairs to her bracelet were completed. “Meet me downstairs in five and I’ll drive you over,” Gia called to say. “I think I’m almost as excited as you to see how it looks.”

  It wasn’t until they made the turn onto Rafe’s street that Larkin realized where they were going. “I thought the bracelet would be at Dantes,” she said uneasily.

  “Nope. Rafe has it.” Gia spared her an impatient look. “You’ve done nothing but grouse about the fact that you haven’t seen Kiko in weeks. Now you have the opportunity to see both her and the bracelet. You should be over the moon. Don’t tell me you’re going to let a little thing like my good-for-nothing brother spoil your big moment.”

  “No. No, of course I won’t.” Maybe not.

  To her surprise, Gia pulled up in front. Instead of parking, she waved her hand toward the house. “On second thought, why don’t you go ahead without me.”

  Larkin turned to glare. “You’re setting me up, aren’t you? You think if I go in there alone, maybe Rafe and I will resolve our differences.”

  Gia shrugged. “Worth a try.”

  “It’s not going to work.”

  “Then it won’t work. But at least I’ll have given it a shot.”

  Realizing it was pointless to argue, Larkin exited the car. Snatching a deep breath, she forced herself to climb the steps of the front porch at a sedate pace and knock. A minute later the door swung open and Rafe stood there. They stared at each other for an endless moment before he stepped back to allow her to pass.

  She didn’t know what to say. Emotions flooded through her. Powerful emotions. Longing. Regret mixed with sorrow. Love and the sheer futility of that love. And overriding them all was pain. A bone-deep, all-invasive hurt.

  “Where’s Kiko?” she managed to ask.

  “Out back.” For some reason he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her, his gaze practically eating her alive. “The gentleman who brought the bracelet wanted you to inspect it before he left and I wasn’t sure how well he’d take to having a wolf hovering over him.”

  She almost smiled, catching herself at the last instant. “But Kiko’s okay?”

  “She’s fine. Misses you. But then, that seems to be going around.”

  She blinked up at him, not quite sure what to make of his comment. Not that his expression gave anything away. “I guess we shouldn’t keep your associate waiting.”

  Rafe led the way to the den and shoved open the door. She could see her bracelet spread out across the empty glass-topped desk, captured within the beam of a bright spotlight. A man stood nearby, silent and attentive.

  Larkin approached the table, her breath catching when she saw the bracelet. She swung around to glance at Rafe, tears gathering in her eyes. “It’s beautiful. Please tell Francesca she did an amazing job restoring it.”

  The man beside the table cleared his throat. “She made a few minor changes. The fire diamonds, for instance. They’re similar in size, but the quality can’t be compared. And I understand she used Verdonia Royal amethysts. The color is stunning, don’t you think?”

  Larkin glanced at the man and smiled. “Don’t tell Francesca, but I still prefer the original.”

  “Do you really?”

  For some reason, he seemed ridiculously pleased by the comment. He looked directly at her then and she froze, riveted. He was far shorter than Rafe, maybe five foot six or seven and somewhere in his late forties. Eyes the color of aquamarines twinkled behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses. And though his wheat-white hair was cut short, there was no disguising the wayward curls that were next to impossible to subdue. His nose was different from hers, stubbier, but they shared the same pointed chin and wide mouth. And she knew without even spending a minute of time with him that he used that mouth to laugh. A lot. Best of all, he made her think of leprechauns and rainbows and pots of gold. And he made her think of magic and the possibility of dreams coming true.

  “I must confess,” he said, “the old girl looks quite grand with all those fancy stones attached to her.”

  Larkin continued to stare at him, unable to look away. “Old girl?” she repeated faintly.

  “The bracelet. She belonged to your great-great-great-grandmother.”


  “Rory Finnegan. I’m your father, Larkin.”

  She never remembered moving. One minute she was standing next to the table and the next she was in his arms. “Dad?”

  “You have no idea how long I’ve been looking for you.” He whispered the words into her ear and they flowed straight to her heart.

  The next few hours flashed by. At some point, Larkin realized Rafe had slipped away, giving her and her father some much-needed privacy. Coffee would periodically appear at their elbow, along with sandwiches. But she never noticed who brought them, though it didn’t take much guesswork to know Rafe was behind that, too.

  During the time she spent with her father, she discovered her mother had called him shortly before her death. “She was horribly sick. Almost incoherent,” he explained. “She just kept telling me I had a daughter but couldn’t give me a name or location. By the time I tracked her down, she was gone and that bastard of a husband claimed he had no idea what I was talking about.”

  Larkin also learned her name belonged to the same woman whose bracelet she’d been given. And she discovered she had a family as extensive as the Dantes, and every bit as lovingly nosy. “You won’t be able to get rid of us,” Rory warned. “Not now that I’ve found you. I’d have brought a whole herd of the troublemakers with me, but I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”

  When the time finally came for him to leave, they were both teary eyed. Standing by the front door, he snatched her close for a tight hug. “You’ll come by this weekend. We’ll throw a big welcome home party. And bring your man with you. Your grandmother Finnegan will want to give him the once over before okaying the wedding date.”

  “Oh, but—”

  “We’ll be there,” Rafe informed him, joining them.

  The instant the door closed behind her father, Larkin turned to confront Rafe. “I don’t know what to say,” she confessed, fighting back tears. “Thank you seems so inadequate.”

  “You’re welcome.” He held out his hand. “I have something else I want to show you.”

  “Okay.” She dared to slip her hand into his, closing her eyes when The Inferno throbbed in joyous welcome. “But then I’d really like to see Kiko.”

  “That’s what I wanted to show you.”

  He pulled her toward the back of the house to the guest suite where she’d spent so many blissful days and nights. The door was shut and on the wooden surface someone had screwed a glistening gold placard. “Official Den of Tukiko and Youko” it read.

  “You told me that was Kiko’s full name. I looked up the meaning.” He slanted her a flashing smile. “Moon child?”

  Larkin shrugged. “It seemed fitting.” She frowned at the sign. “But who is Youko?”

  “Ah, you mean our sun child.”

  He shoved open the door. Where once had stood a regular bed, now there were t
wo huge dog beds. The door to the backyard stood ajar and he ushered her in that direction. She gaped at the changes. In the time she’d been gone, someone had come through and transformed the yard into a giant doggy playpen. Rope pulls and exercise rings, doghouses and toys were scattered throughout the area. He’d even had a section of lawn dug up and a giant square of loosely packed dirt put in its place.

  “For digging,” he explained. “And burying bones. And for rolling around, if that’s what they want.”

  Just then Kiko emerged from one of the doghouses and bounded across to her side, nearly bowling them both down in her enthusiasm. Larkin wrapped her arms around her dog and buried her face in the thick ruff.

  “I’ve missed you so much.” A small whine drew her attention back to the doghouse. Peeking out from the shadows was another animal. “And who is this?” Kiko darted back to stand protectively beside the newcomer, a dog who appeared to be part yellow Lab and part golden retriever. “Youko, I presume?”

  “She’s a rescue dog. Terrified of people, so I’m assuming she was abused. Kiko’s helping me socialize her.” He hesitated. “I’m hoping you’ll help, too.”

  She stiffened. “A dog’s a big responsibility. A long-term commitment.”

  “Fifteen, twenty years, if we’re lucky. Of course, Kiko’s Pals will also be a long-term commitment.”

  Larkin stared blankly. “Kiko’s Pals?”

  “It’s the rescue organization we’re starting, if you’re willing. A charitable organization to help dogs like Kiko. I’m hoping you’ll run it.”

  “You’ve started—” She broke off, fighting for control. “You did that for her? For us?”

  “I’d do anything for the two of you,” he stated simply.

  “I don’t understand,” she whispered. “I don’t understand any of this.”

  “Then let me explain.”

  This time he took her upstairs, pausing outside his bedroom door. Another plaque had been attached. This one read, “Den of the Big Bad Wolf and his Once in a Lifetime Mate.” He opened the door and stepped back, giving her the choice of entering or walking away.

  She didn’t hesitate. She stepped across the threshold and straight into hope. He closed the door and she turned. In two swift steps he reached her side and pulled her into his arms.

  “I’m so sorry, Larkin. I was an idiot. You’re nothing like Leigh and never could be. I’ve spent so many years protecting myself that I almost lost the only thing I’ve ever wanted. You.” He cupped her face and kissed her, losing himself in the scent and taste and feel of her. “I love you. I think I loved you from the first minute we touched.”

  “Oh, Rafe.” She was laughing and crying at the same time. “I love you, too.”

  He pulled back. “I still want you to be my temporary fiancée.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You do, huh?”

  “Definitely. A very temporary fiancée, followed by a very long-term wife.” He swung her into his arms and carried her to the bed. “You’ll have to remind me where we left off. It’s been so long I can’t quite remember.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and feathered a kiss across his mouth. “I’ll see what I can do to refresh your memory.”

  “Nope. We can’t do that. Not without breaking my promise to Primo.”

  He fumbled for something on the dressing table. Taking her hand in his, he slid her engagement ring on her finger, back where it belonged. The heat of The Inferno flared between them and even though he didn’t acknowledge it aloud, she could see the acceptance in his eyes.

  “It would seem this is the perfect ring after all,” he told her.

  “And why is that?” she asked, even though she already knew.

  “Your ring is named Once in a Lifetime, which is fitting because if there’s one thing you’ve taught me—” he kissed her long and hard “—it’s that wolves mate for life.”

  I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read Rafe’s Temporary Fiancée. It’s because of you that I can spend my days writing more stories for your enjoyment. If you liked the book, would you consider leaving a review? Reviews help authors gain new readers on Amazon and that in turn allows me to continue writing more books. Thank you!!

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  Other Titles by Day Leclaire

  The Dante Inferno: The Dante Dynasty Series

  Some blazes, once ignited, can’t be extinguished.

  Just one burning touch connects a Dante with his soul mate.

  The Inferno … curse or blessing?

  Sev’s Blackmailed Bride, Book #1

  One scorching touch connects Sev Dante with lovely jewelry designer, Francesca Sommers. One passionate night together changes their lives forever. One painful secret will tear them apart and destroy both their lives.

  As the powerful, take-charge CEO of Dantes jewelry empire, Sev never believed in The Inferno until it sweeps through him like wildfire. According to family legend, to ignore The Inferno guarantees disaster. To succumb, a life of bliss. But what happens when the woman The Inferno chooses works for his competitor and creates a stunning jewelry collection that threatens to destroy his plans to rebuild his family’s empire? The only option available: blackmail her to work for him and become his bride.

  Francesca Sommers has her dream job, working for her father, even if he’s unaware of her existence. Her life is almost perfect … until Sev changes her with a single touch. She can’t resist him or his relentless seduction. Has no choice but to surrender to his raw passion. To give him everything and anything he demands. Even to be forced into marriage.

  But surrendering to Sev means losing both her budding relationship with her father and her career. And when Sev discovers what she did to even the scales and protect her father’s business from his hostile takeover, she will lose him, too.

  Will The Inferno be enough to save them? Or will its relentless fire consume them both?

  Click to Purchase Sev’s Blackmailed Bride!

  Marco’s Stolen Wife, Book #2

  A fierce contest between twins…

  One scorching touch between sexy international businessman Marco Dante and gorgeous Dantes CFO, Caitlyn Vaughn and The Inferno explodes. Until Marco’s twin brother, Lazz, parts them, planning to make Caitlyn his own. But he hasn’t counted on The Inferno or Marco’s determination to win his Inferno mate, no matter what.

  Posing as his brother, Marco switches identities and sweeps Caitlyn off for a romantic weekend, seducing her first into becoming his wife and then into his bed for a night of passion unlike any other. The weekend is perfect … until a fatal mistake on Marco’s part reveals the truth.

  She married the wrong man.

  Or did she? Marco claims it’s some bizarre family myth called The Inferno, where soul mates connect with a single touch. But she couldn’t possibly love a man she only met one time, for all of five minutes. How can the lust she feels for a relative stranger far outstrip the chaste relationship she had with his brother? And yet, that’s exactly what’s happened.

  Now Caitlyn finds herself married to Marco for better or worse. The better, she finds in his arms and bed. The worse occurs when their marital mix-up is leaked to the press.

  Can she find a way to prove both the existence of The Inferno … and that Marco is the only man for her? Or is their relationship doomed if The Inferno is demonstrated to be nothing more than a myth?

  Click to Purchase Marco’s Stolen Wife!

  Nicolò’s Wedding Deception, Book #3

  A liar and a thief … or his Inferno mate?

  When Kiley O’Dell claims to own half the mines that contain Dantes legendary fire diamonds, the family sends the most ruthless and cynical of the brothers, Nicolò Dante, the family troubleshooter, to negotiate with her. Neither expect the legendary Inferno to strike, sending both up in flames.

  Nicolò suspects Kiley�
�s claim is a con. And he’ll do whatever necessary to get to the truth, even chase a panicked and fleeing Kiley. To his horror, she darts into traffic and is hit by a cab before he can save her. After she wakes, she insists she has amnesia. Now he’s certain she’s conning him, and he has a way to prove it.

  Turning the tables on Kiley, Nicolò claims she’s his wife. What he doesn’t expect is for The Inferno to tumble them into a fierce love affair. Which is the real Kiley? The sweet, passionate woman in his bed, someone he’d do anything to keep, or the crafty con artist he first met? And what will happen when she discovers they’re not married at all, that far from being her loving husband, Nicolò is out for vengeance?

  Lover or liar? Devious or delectable? Only The Inferno can determine which.

  Click to Purchase Nicolò’s Wedding Deception!

  Lazz’s Contract Marriage, Book #4

  A marriage of convenience … or inconvenience?

  They met at the altar. In order to satisfy a contract created by his late father and claim a priceless heirloom fire diamond, Lazz Dante must marry a complete stranger: Ariana Romano. He and his beautiful Italian bride intend to make it a temporary marriage, just long enough to satisfy the terms of the contract before parting ways. It’s a dispassionate and logical solution to an ill-conceived situation.

  What they don’t count on is The Inferno striking when they share their first kiss as husband and wife. Nor do they count on being sent off on a secluded, romantic honeymoon where desire rules the day and passion the night. Most of all they don’t count on the fact that the heirloom fire diamond is missing or that it’s Ariana’s father who’s responsible.

  Will their marriage end in disaster and disillusionment? Or will The Inferno provide them with the ultimate prize: a forever love?

  Click to Purchase Lazz’s Contract Marriage!

  Luc’s Unwilling Wife, Book #5

  Her Inferno Bodyguard… Dantes’ security chief, Luc Dante is coerced into six weeks of protection duty for heiress Téa de Luca—just until she reaches her twenty-fifth birthday and can claim her inheritance. The job should be a snap for the powerful, former Special Forces tough guy, despite a wound that never properly healed. After all, who would want to harm such a brilliant, family-oriented woman? Only two things stand in his way…


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