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Defied: A Dark Reverse Harem Romance (The Devil's Syndicate Book 2)

Page 22

by Sarah Bailey

  He was leaning over her, his mouth by her ear as he twirled her braid around his fingers. She was blushing and grinning up at him. The display made me a little sick. Xav might not agree with Quinn’s plans but he was executing his role perfectly. Keeping Ash from seeing what was really going on.

  “There we go.” Quinn pointed up to the monitor with the camera facing the front desk.

  Russo had Isabella and six of his men with him. He wasn’t taking any chances clearly. I narrowed my eyes when I spied Nate. Ash was not going to be happy he was here. Jesus this could end badly.

  “He better not cause any trouble,” I said as I got up and stood next to Quinn.

  “Did you expect him not to bring his right-hand man?”

  “You’d think he’d stop flaunting her ex-boyfriend in her face.”

  Quinn snorted.

  “He likes to have the upper hand in all situations. Pity really. The arrogant prick has underestimated his opponents.”

  “Don’t start acting like a cocky shit, Quinn. This isn’t a game.”

  He turned to me with a scowl.

  “I’m perfectly aware of the stakes involved here.”

  “He’s going to hurt her,” Rory said, his eyes flicking over to Xav and Ash.

  “He won’t get fucking close enough to do a thing to her.”

  Rory flicked his hand out.

  “Perhaps not with his fists, Quinn, but with his words. Do you think he’ll take kindly to his daughter having intimate relationships with her captives?”

  Quinn’s fist clenched at his side.

  “She’s not a prisoner any longer.”

  “He doesn’t know that. For all he knows, she’s still completely loyal to him.”

  “She technically is,” I interjected. “She hasn’t told us anything about his operations.”

  Quinn glanced at me again before staring up at the monitors.

  “Perhaps after tonight that will change.” He looked down at his watch. “It’s time. Let’s see who our girl is really loyal to, shall we?”

  I winced and Rory looked dejected. None of us wanted to go through with this shit, but sometimes things didn’t quite go your way. Sometimes you had to take a huge fucking gamble and hope it paid off.

  “Your funeral if this doesn’t work,” I muttered.

  I swear Quinn heard me as his back stiffened but he didn’t say a word.

  “Little girl, time to go.”

  She peered around Xav and gave Quinn a tense smile. Ash wasn’t stupid. She knew something was up. I hoped she wouldn’t get too mad at us when she realised why we were really here this evening.

  Chapter 36

  The mood was tense as we walked into the VIP area. Quinn nodded to me as we approached the lounge Russo and his entourage had been shown into. We stopped outside and Quinn turned to Eric.

  “Stay here with her.”

  Ash looked a little put out at being forced to stay back with Eric, but I couldn’t blame her since they had sort of fallen out.

  “Why are we even here?”

  Quinn gave her a look which only made her scowl. I tried not to stare at her since I was still all kinds of fucked up after the kiss between us. Whilst I’d managed to calm down since then, it still weighed heavily on me. I should never have gone near her yesterday. I shouldn’t have touched her. It’d encouraged her to think we could be more and that was unforgivable on my end. As much as I would do anything to be with her, I didn’t trust myself at all when it came to Ash.

  I might’ve been able to engage in some of my darker urges with women previously, but she brought out the worst in me. The depths of sexual depravity I’d sink to with her didn’t bear thinking about. I’d never shame anyone for what they were into, but I judged myself heavily for what I liked. What I craved. All my fucked up desires played around and around in my head with Ash in the starring role.

  “You’ll find out very soon, little girl.”

  I couldn’t help raking my eyes over her, lingering over the curve of her breasts. That dress was an absolute nightmare. She looked like a fallen angel in black with her blonde hair braided, smoky eyes, dark red lipstick and that fucking plunging neckline. Sin and seduction radiated off her. Intoxicating all of us. I tried hard to think of anything other than how much I wanted to tie her down, fist her hair in my hand and order her to spread her legs. I wanted her to fight against me even whilst her body craved me. To tell me no even when she really meant yes.

  Cut it the fuck out, you sick piece of shit. Women don’t want to be forced even if it’s just a game.

  I’d never once asked a woman to play that sort of game with me. It felt so wrong to want it. And I’d never wanted it more than I did with Ash. She could never see that part of me or she’d run. It’s not like I wasn’t aware of her dynamic with Quinn and how sometimes she told him no even when her body was screaming yes. That was different to what I craved. My fantasy was a step too far and I hated myself for wanting it. Hated every part of me which desired such things from her.

  I couldn’t blame my upbringing for my sickening desires. It’s not like I hadn’t had a whole bunch of therapy for what happened to me with a specialist in childhood trauma, but I’d never gotten over my aversion to being touched. I still had demons I couldn’t shake no matter how much talking about the past I did.

  “Fine,” Ash said as she folded her arms over her chest.

  Quinn stepped forward and placed a kiss on her temple.

  “Please trust me,” he murmured. “Things are never what they seem.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and stared down at her.

  “It means you know I care and whatever happens in that room has no bearing on my feelings for you.”

  The concern and worry in her eyes made my heart ache, but Quinn stepped away before she could respond.

  “Let’s go.”

  Xav gave Ash a tentative smile before following Quinn into the room and I brought up the rear. My last backwards glance at Ash and Eric saw her turning to him with confusion written all over her face and him looking like he wanted to be anywhere else but with her right then.

  Russo was sitting with his wife with a tumbler in his hand on one of the sofas whilst his entourage took up various places around the room. Frank stood when we entered, placing his drink on the table. His eyes narrowed when he realised Ash wasn’t with us.

  We settled in the middle of the room, Xav and I flanking Quinn. We hadn’t come unarmed because who knew what this could turn into when Russo realised we weren’t giving him what he wanted.

  “Good evening,” Quinn said with a neutral expression as he folded his hands behind his back.

  Russo came around the table, digging a hand in one of his pockets whilst he flipped the other one outwards. He wore a dark grey pinstripe suit, his hair slicked back and his dark eyes assessed each one of us in turn.

  “What do you say we skip the pleasantries? It is time and you’ve not brought her.”

  “Oh, I assure you she is here, but I believe we should have a conversation first.”

  Frank rubbed his chin.

  “When I heard you were behind my daughter’s kidnapping, I must admit I was surprised. I thought to myself, what reason does this man who invited me into his casino have to cross me.”

  Quinn smirked and flexed his hand at his side.

  “Not to mention you kept your true identity a closely guarded secret. We have sought for years to discover the man behind the mask and yet here you are, hiding in plain sight.”

  “Here I am.”

  Frank eyed Quinn for a long moment.

  “I want to see my daughter.”

  Quinn shook his head and Xav almost outright growled.

  “Drop the act, Russo. There’s no need to come across as the doting father, we both know you’re only pissed I managed to take her from right under your nose.”

sp; A full minute ticked by before a sly smile appeared across Russo’s face. His eyebrow quirked up, showing his respect.

  “Man to man, I’d say I’m rather impressed. I dare say you did me a favour by removing her from the public eye whilst this little shitstorm between her and Nathaniel has been running rife. Ashleigh has a lot to learn about her place in this world. One day she’ll be fit to be queen, but for now, her lessons regarding the dangers of this life are invaluable.”

  “Of course, she is… how should I put this… a little wilful.”

  Frank snorted.

  “She’s been spoilt by her mother.”

  Behind Frank, Isabella’s face went red with anger. No fucking wonder she wanted Ash away from Russo.

  A sexist piece of shit who doesn’t deserve my little star, that’s who fucking Frank Russo is.

  I hated to think Ash had grown up thinking that man was her father, but then again, she’d have fared no better with whom we thought her actual biological father was. It still didn’t sit well with me keeping that a secret from Ash as well as Eric and Xav. He was just another problem we had to face in the near future.


  Quinn was playing along to butter Russo up a little. Isabella’s scowl fell on him instead. She’d been a fool to trust any of us with her daughter. And it only confirmed Quinn’s suspicions. She’d told Russo where Ash was. I didn’t think she’d told him just how complicit she’d been in Ash’s kidnapping. If she had, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have her here with him.

  “I’m sure she’s given you more than enough trouble. Best just return her so we can be done with this little… interlude.”

  “It’s that easy, is it? I give you back your daughter and you just, what, walk out of here and leave me be?”

  Russo’s smile was evil.

  “I didn’t say that now, did I? You’ve caused me an awful lot of trouble.”

  Quinn’s returning smile was grim.

  “Name your price.”

  Russo dug his other hand into his pocket and rocked back and forth on his heels.

  “To put a price on my own child is rather monstrous, is it not?”

  “A price, Russo.”

  “Twenty million and an agreement never to darken my fucking door again.”

  Isabella stood up and let out an indignant gasp.

  “You bastard! Our daughter is not a commodity.”

  Russo turned slowly, his eyes darkening.

  “Sit down. You are already on very thin ice.”

  Isabella looked like she might pop a vein in her head with the way she was staring daggers at her husband. Ash was a shorter version of her, but Isabella’s haughty, over-privileged and elitist attitude made her unattractive. Ash’s innocence made her intoxicating.

  Russo turned back to Quinn, dismissing his wife entirely.

  “So, tell me, do we have a deal?”

  “We do.” He turned to Xav. “Bring her.”

  Chapter 37

  I leant up against the wall and gave Eric a hard look. Why he got stuck with babysitting me I had no idea. Couldn’t Quinn have left Xav? At least it wouldn’t be awkward with him. My scowl deepened when he leant up against the wall next to me and shoved his hands into his pockets. I could smell his cologne, this fresh pine scent which was totally Eric all over. It irritated me because I wanted to lean into him so I could inhale it right from the source.

  Idiot. He loves Xav not you.


  I raised an eyebrow but otherwise didn’t make a sound.

  “I get you’re mad at me…”

  “You don’t say,” I muttered.

  “…and I’m sorry.”

  I wasn’t sure if he knew why I was annoyed. Yes, I was scared shitless if I told him I liked him and wanted him, he might reject me. But I was mostly irritated by having to keep his feelings for Xav a secret.

  “Are you going to tell him the truth?”

  He flinched, his eyes clouding over.

  “I can’t.”

  “Then we have nothing to discuss.”

  I didn’t feel good about saying that, but what else could I do? Quinn and Rory might be content to keep his secrets, but they weren’t in a relationship with Xav. They weren’t committed to him in the same way I was. Still, I didn’t want to be on bad terms with Eric. I wanted to be closer, so why was I acting like this? Why was I pushing him away?

  He turned to me, digging his hands deeper in his pockets. Why did he have to look so damn good in that tux? They all did though. They wore them like they were a second skin. And I knew he looked just as good out of it, after all, I’d spent a night pressed up against his solid chest. I’d stared at his chestnut happy trail and wondered what it’d be like to run my tongue along the ridges of his abs. The thought of it now had me trying not to squirm.

  “Xav and I have been friends our whole lives. He defended me when I got picked on for being queer. He let me crash with him when my parents disowned me. They told me they didn’t want a gay son even after I explained to them what being pansexual means. We’ve been through everything together. All the ups and downs. He says dumb shit and jokes too much, but he’s loyal to a fault. He’s never looked at me as anything but his friend. If I lose Xav, I lose everything. So forgive me if I don’t want to risk my friendship because of feelings I can’t control or change.”

  The stark honesty in his voice made my throat tight. And the thought of his parents disowning him for his sexuality made me angry. He didn’t deserve that. Eric was one of the nicest and kindest men I’d ever met.

  “Do they talk to you now?”

  “Who? My parents?” He gave me a rueful smile. “No, then again neither do my sisters.”

  “Do you miss them?”

  He shook his head and removed one of his hands from his pockets, reaching up to fiddle with the end of my braid. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t stop him.

  “They don’t deserve to be in my life if they can’t accept me for who I am.”

  “Huh, I wish I could say the same for my family but they’re always interfering.”

  “They don’t deserve you at all.”

  I swallowed. The way he was looking at me had my nerve endings going haywire. Heat burnt in those verdant depths, freezing me in place. I forgot all about how I was annoyed at him for making me keep secrets from Xav. My eyes flicked down to his mouth. What would kisses from him feel like? I’d kissed the others even if my first kiss with Rory had ended in disaster. Would his lips be as soft as they look? Would he be rough or would he be tender? He’d been so gentle when he’d touched me before as if I was a fragile doll he couldn’t stand to break.

  “You’d have my blessing you know.”


  I raised my eyes to his again.

  “To be with him… you’d have my blessing provided you’re on board with sharing him with me. Quinn won’t have any objections so…”

  His eyes widened a fraction and his fingers stilled where he was still fiddling with my braid.

  “I don’t know what to say to that.”

  “You don’t have to say anything, I’m just telling you in case that’s part of the reason why you won’t tell him.”

  He blinked.

  “Why would you be okay with that?”

  “They share me, why wouldn’t I offer the same courtesy to them? It’s not as if you’re some random person.” And I want to know if you’d be okay with sharing… so I can ask you to be with me too.

  The thought startled me, but it was the honest truth. The more time I was around him, the surer I became about my feelings towards him. I’d only really pushed him away due to being scared of what he might say if I asked him to be involved with us.

  “In my bathroom, you said you wanted to talk about your arrangement with them but it’s clearly not about this considering you didn’t know how I felt about Xav then. So what were you going to say to me, Ash?”

  I swallowed again and my palms began to sweat. Should I just admit it? What, other than fear, was really holding me back?

  “My arrangement with Xav and Quinn…” I looked down at my hands and my voice dropped to a whisper “…also extends to you and Rory.”

  I swear a whole minute ticked by without him saying anything. I was too damn scared to look up. To find out what he was thinking. Somehow this felt more nerve-wracking than it had done telling Quinn. At least I’d gone in knowing his reaction would be bad. Even telling Rory hadn’t been scary since it’d just come out when I’d been upset yesterday. But with Eric, I had no clue what he was thinking or what he’d say.

  I was about to say something else when the door opened behind us. I looked back finding Xav poking his head out.

  “It’s time.”

  When I looked at Eric, he’d schooled his features and his expression told me nothing at all. I couldn’t process just how much that disappointed me. My stomach felt like it was in knots. So I turned to the door, not wanting to walk into that room at all with this hanging over me. Eric shoved off the wall and put his hand on my lower back, directing me towards the open doorway. The warmth of his palm made me horribly aware of his proximity.

  Have I been a fool to tell him the truth? What is he thinking?

  I stared up at him as we walked into the room which Quinn, Xav and Rory had disappeared into ten minutes ago. He didn’t look at me. I desperately wanted some kind of acknowledgement from him to put my mind at ease. To let me know either way.


  I came to an abrupt standstill as that voice hit me square in the chest. Slowly I turned and found the owner. My blood froze in my veins and my skin became clammy at the same time.

  What? Is this what Quinn meant by his cryptic not everything is as it seems? What the hell is he doing here?

  “P… Papa?”

  Chapter 38

  The moment Ash looked at her father, I could see her face pale and her world drop out from underneath her. It cut me in a way I hadn’t been expecting. All I wanted was to go to her. To tell her the truth about how I felt. I’d intended to tell her I was in love with her today until her father ruined my plans by demanding I returned her. A demand I couldn’t ignore. I just prayed my fucking gamble paid off. I couldn’t stand the way her body shook and her blue eyes looked so defeated.


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