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Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents)

Page 9

by Omar Tyree

  Samuel smiled. He had unpacked his bathroom supplies, including his box of thirty-six condoms. He pulled a few out of the box in front of her.

  Candice smiled. “I guess you were ready for a lot of willing visitors.”

  “Or, just the right one,” he countered.

  “You don’t have to flatter me. I’m a big girl.”

  “I can see that,” he told her.

  “So am I gonna stand here in the bathroom and talk. Or did you bring me in here to do something?”

  Samuel said, “First of all, it looks like we need to straighten out that mouth of yours. Second of all, I need you to bend over this sink, to see if you can take it.”

  Candice turned around and leaned over the bathroom sink without another word. She even spread her legs wide for him.

  This is not fucking happening to me, Samuel told himself as he watched her. His throbbing hard-on had given him no more room to breathe inside of his drawers. So he had hurried to free his penis from his pants before it would suffocate from a lack of oxygen.

  He got his pants and drawers down and slid the condom over his large erection. Then he approached his gift of a ready and willing young woman with his dick in hand, and was eager to guide himself inside of her.

  He said, “You don’t mind if I turn the lights off in here, do you? It’s more intense in the dark.”

  “Do what you want to do.”

  Samuel chuckled and clicked off the bathroom light before he found her spot and guided himself into paradise. But once he was there, he found himself too large to slide on in.

  “Oh my Lord, you’re big,” she told him, sounding nervous.

  “Oh, don’t worry about that. I know exactly what to do with a tight one.”

  He rubbed her nipples with the smooth tips of his fingers, and kissed up and down on her left shoulder, while he barely moved his hips to push further inside her.

  He whispered into her left ear, “A woman needs to feel aroused for her natural lubrication to kick in.”

  Then he poked his tongue inside of her ear and shocked her.

  “Unnhh,” she moaned, turning away from it. It was a warm, tickling sensation that she was not at all used to.

  Samuel chased her with his tongue anyway. And as he licked her more, he could feel her body become looser. That’s when he began to stroke her softly from behind.

  “There we go,” he told her. “That’s how Daddy likes it.”

  Feeling his big dick slide further inside of her, Candice began to move her hips back into him.

  “Now you got it,” he coached her. “Nice and slow.”

  He grabbed her wide hips for better balance before he began to pump his penis a little harder and deeper. And with every strong stroke, she moaned.

  “Unhh, unhh, unhh…”

  As it began to feel good to him, Samuel closed his eyes and leaned his head back in the dark. It felt like he was dreaming. But the young woman’s talking interrupted him and brought him back to reality.

  “Ooooh,” she moaned, “you like it?”

  Samuel didn’t necessarily like a lot of talking when he fucked. He only talked to get her wet. But now her moaning and talking back to him was disturbing his groove.

  “Mmm-hmm,” he grunted back to her. “Tell me how you like it,” he decided to add. He would much rather that she do the talking instead of him. He wanted to concentrate more on his stroke.

  “Ooooh, I like it,” she moaned to him. “I like it a lot.”

  “And you want me to teach you how to work it?” he asked her. What the hell? He figured he’d keep the conversation going and see how much he could slip into it.

  She hummed, “Yes-s-s-s-s,” with vibrating speech from his steady pumping.

  “I’ma teach you how to suck it good, too,” he told her. “You ready for that?”

  “Mmm-hmmm,” she grunted back to him.

  “Tell me how you gon’ suck it.”

  “Gooood,” she hummed.

  “And you take it all in?”


  Samuel’s imagination of her sucking him right and swallowing allowed him to reach a strong climax. He stopped talking and got a better grip on her body to push himself as deep inside of her as he could go. He wanted to feel the deepest explosion inside of her dark, warm and wet hole.

  “Okay, hold still, hold still,” he told her.

  Her moving around was stopping him timing out his strong nut.

  Samuel placed his right hand on her lower back and braced himself for it with much quicker strokes. The quicker stokes, while deep inside of her, made Candice feel something stirring within her own body.

  “Ooooh, dad-deeeee,” she moaned.

  Realizing that she was reaching her own nut, Samuel held his position and allowed her to work it all out for herself.

  “Go on and cum, girl. Go on and cum.”

  That’s when the young woman started shaking, grabbing, twisting, and howling in tongues. “Unnhhhhnnnhhhnnn…”

  Shit, she must have never had a nut before, he pondered to himself. Then it was his turn. He choked back up on his bat, and got back to stroking her with deep, quick pumps until he could feel the pressure. And once the nut was ready to explode through his shaft, he stroked her slower and longer, pulling his dick nearly to the lips of her extra wet pussy before pushing it all the way back in. That only caused her to go crazy with a second nut.

  “Unh-hunh, unh-hunh, unh-hunnnnhhh,” she cried out again.

  Samuel was pleased with his handiwork, but he still hadn’t reached his own climax yet. And he had become impatient. So he pulled his penis out of her with another idea in mind, while the nerves were still jumping for completion.

  “Go on and sit on the toilet,” he instructed. He pulled the condom off and tossed it inside the sink. “Now suck around the head and don’t go all the way down until I tell you to. Okay?”

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  Candice held the shaft of his slippery penis and worked her lips and tongue around his massive head, like he had told her to.

  “Yeah, right there,” he moaned.

  Before he could tell her to suck him faster and farther down, she did it on her own and shocked him.

  “Ooooh, shit!” he responded. He then grabbed her shoulders with both hands to steady himself for a much faster than expected explosion. And BOOM, it hit him hard and caught him totally off guard, with warm cum spurting into her mouth. However, the suddenness of it was too strong and unexpected for Candice, so she choked on it and violently turned away. Having nowhere to turn to, Samuel quickly cupped his hands in front of his shooting stars to stop it from flying all over the bathroom.

  Candice spit the semen out of her mouth and continued to choke into the bathtub to her left.

  “I’m sorry,” she pleaded to him. “I never did that before.”

  Well, you could have fooled me! Samuel thought to himself. She may be a damn pro at it and don’t even know it yet.

  “It’s all right, baby girl. You did good for a first time. I have to teach you when to expect it. But you shocked me with that one, too. You worked it just right without me even telling you.”

  “Are you sure?” She still sounded eager to please.

  “Hell yeah, I’m sure. You see how fast it came, don’t you? That was less than three minutes.”

  Candice chuckled in the dark, as their eyes began to adjust to it.

  “Okay, if you say so,” she commented. “But do you have anything to drink?”

  “Oh yeah, in the kitchen. I have some towels in here, too. You drink Sprite?”

  She nodded. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I’ll bring you back a can of Sprite and a glass while you freshen up.”

  He then grabbed a towel for her, and one to wipe up himself before he pulled his pants back up and headed to the kitchen.

  “Well, ain’t that just dandy,” he told himself with a happy smile on the way to the kitchen. “She gave me about the best housewarmi
ng gift a guy could ask for.”

  He grabbed the Sprite and glass to carry back to the bedroom with him, and by the time he had made it back to Candice, she had returned to unpacking his boxes while naked.

  Samuel spotted her and froze.

  She looked at him and grinned. “If I help you get your apartment together like this, I won’t even get my dress dirty. Then I can take a shower before I put it back on.”

  Samuel uttered, “Ahhh…yeah, I guess you’re right.” He didn’t know what else to say. He thought, That sounds great to me! And I could really get used to something like that.

  The next thing Samuel knew, Candice was willing to come over and visit him at his apartment anytime he asked her to, and whenever she wasn’t busy. They would engage in consistent fucking any way he told her, and until she wore him out. Then she began the habit of taking off her clothes as soon as she walked into the door.

  Samuel asked her, “You’re even gonna cook for me naked?”

  She grinned at him from the kitchen stove, where she planned to cook chicken tenders and fries for his Saturday afternoon of watching college football.

  “Maybe that wouldn’t work if some hot grease popped on me, hunh? People might ask me where I got the burn from.”

  Samuel advised, “Yeah, so you should at least keep your top half on. How ’bout that?”

  “Anything to make you happy, baby.”

  “Well, what makes you happy?” he asked her. So far, the young woman hadn’t asked him for anything, not even for him to take her out to dinner or a movie.

  Candice responded, “Learning everything I need to do to please you.”

  Samuel shook his head and grinned, watching Ohio State and Notre Dame on his living room television set.

  “You don’t have any young girlfriends you hang out with or nothing?” he asked her curiously. She still hadn’t talked enough about herself. She didn’t even talk on her cell phone around him.

  “Yeah, I do,” she answered. “But they do their thing and I do my mine.”

  She walked back into the kitchen to cook, wearing another dress but with no panties or bra on. In fact, she had left her baby-blue panties and bra on the coffee table in front of him. Having her underwear sitting out in front of him like that made Samuel think more about sex than when she paraded around him butt naked.

  Yeah, she’s fucking up my football game now, he told himself. Suddenly, he couldn’t concentrate. All he thought about was walking inside the kitchen and giving it to his young, loyal companion from the behind, while she cooked his chicken tenderloins and French fries for him.

  Nah, leave it alone and finish watching your game, he insisted. She knows what she’s trying to do. She’s trying to take me away from the game on purpose.

  Nevertheless, once Candice had finished preparing his football snack, and brought it over to him on a food tray, he had thought of another idea.

  “You forgot the hot sauce,” he told her. “And after you do that, can you do me a favor and go inside my bathroom and bring out a couple of condoms for me?”

  Candice smiled and responded with a giggle, “Oh, my pleasure.” She knew what was coming next. She brought three attached condoms back out to him on the living room sofa and handed them over.

  “OH, HE JUST MISSED HIM!” Samuel screamed at the television. A long fly pattern was overthrown a step or two in front of a wide-open, Ohio State receiver.

  “You didn’t bet on the game, did you?” Candice asked him.

  “No, but…I like to see the home state win, you know,” he answered, chomping on his chicken tenders, smothered with ketchup and hot sauce. Then he thought of Candice standing to his right. “You ah, feel like putting one of these condoms on me? I can’t do it with my hands all greasy with chicken juice, ketchup and hot sauce.”

  Candice laughed. “Okay. But I’ll need you to lean back for me.”

  Samuel leaned back enough for her to undo his pants and tug them down. “You might have to lick him a little bit first to get him good and hard for you.”

  Candice smiled and slid to her knees to reach his penis with her soft lips.

  “Ah, how ’bout putting some ice in your mouth first. That way, I’ll have like, ah, hot sauce and cold sauce at the same time.”

  She laughed again. “Okay, that’s different.”

  She walked over to the refrigerator, tossed an ice cube in her mouth from the freezer, and walked back over to please her old man on the couch.

  “Awwww, shit yeah,” Samuel moaned. He ate, watched football, and had his dick sucked with ice-cold lips, all at the same time. What more could a fresh old man ask for? Everything seemed available with Candice.

  Once he got good and hard from her cold lips, he told her, “Okay, now put one of those condoms on me and let me teach you how to ride it slow.”

  She complied and eased herself onto his erection, while he leaned back against the couch.

  “You want me to take my dress back off?”

  “Nope. And if it gets too dirty, we’ll wash it right here. But I do need you to feed me that chicken and fries.”

  “Okay.” She giggled and began to feed him the food from the tray.

  “Now ease your body real slow, up and down, while you feed me.”

  In the meantime, Samuel continued to watch the game. Ohio State had scored its third touchdown, and was leading Notre Dame 24-6, late in the second quarter.

  “Mmm-hmm, just like that,” he mumbled to Candice through his food. “You need to be nice and slow, all the way up, and all the way down. And once you get the rhythm of it, you can go a little bit faster on me.”

  “Like this?” Candice asked him, pacing herself with discipline.

  “Yeah, and don’t forget to feed me,” he reminded her. “Stuff some French fries in my mouth.”

  Candice jammed three fries into his mouth, as Samuel chomped them down and moved his hips into her slow ride.

  “Mmm-hmm,” he grumbled through his food. He continued to watch the game, too.

  Without him asking her, Candice took one of his hands and began to suck the chicken, ketchup and hot sauce juice off of each of his fingers.

  “Oooh shit, girl! Who taught you that?” Samuel squealed. He had no idea how good it would all feel to him.

  Candice moaned, “Mmmm, I wanna learn it all for you, baby.”

  She nearly caused Samuel to nut prematurely again. The man prided himself on staying in control of the situation, but this young woman was making it real hard for him.

  “You want another piece of chicken?” she asked.

  Samuel couldn’t concentrate on the food anymore. It was time for her to increase the speed of her stroke. He could feel another strong nut rising.

  “Nah, just ah…go a little bit faster now.”

  “Like this?” she questioned, slipping up and down on his mountain-high, hard cock.

  “Yeah, girl, just like that. Just like that right there,” he repeated excitedly.

  He watched the game with tingling nerves as halftime approached.

  “Is your team still winning?”

  “Yeaaahhh,” he squealed, feeling his climax getting closer and closer.

  By that time, Candice had figured out some things on her own. She realized how to hit her own spot while on top of him.

  “Squeeze my nipples. Squeeze ’em.”

  Samuel reached up under her summer dress and squeezed her firm melons accordingly.

  “Ooooh, yeah!” she yelled. “Ooooh, yeah!” she repeated. She romped her body around and around in circles, like a rodeo ride until she exploded.

  “Oooooooh, dad-deeee!” she moaned. But her pleasure didn’t necessarily do it for him. He needed her slower, controlled stroke again. So he grabbed her hips to guide her just right to reach his own nut.

  “This is how I need you, right here,” he told her.


  They started back up again with a controlled stroke until Samuel gripped her smooth, wide hips with
strong hard fingers and jerked his seed into the condom, planted nice and snug inside of her hot, wet pussy.

  “Ho-o-o-o, you make a man’s dreams come true!” he yelled to her as he nutted wildly.

  “Ooooh, do I?” she asked him, moaning back.

  “Yeah, baby girl, yeah.”

  Her whole body grew hot, sweaty and satisfied, and so did his.

  Candice then fell across his chest and chuckled, taking deep breaths. “I guess I’m gonna have to wash my dress over here after all.”

  Samuel chuckled. “Yeah, now you got chicken grease stains, hot sauce and ketchup fingers, sweat, cum, and fuck stains all over it. I hope it can all come off.”

  Candice giggled. “It’ll come out. I can scrub it out.”

  “And if you can’t, I’ll take you out to buy you a new one just like it,” he promised.

  She shook her head. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Well, what if I want to? You’ve been good to me without asking for anything.”

  She leaned up and shrugged, looking him in the eyes. “That’s just how I am.”

  Samuel shook his head. “An angel sent down from heaven.”

  “I’m not hardly an angel,” Candice rebutted. “If I was, I seriously doubt I would be riding you like this. I don’t think that’s the work of angels,” she stated sarcastically.

  “And why not?”

  “What do you mean, ‘why not’? Angels are not sent down to earth to fuck people. In fact, I don’t even think they can use that word.”

  “Well, you just did.”

  “Yeah, which proves I’m not an angel.”

  “Well, you still deserve to be taken out,” he insisted.

  “It’s really not necessary,” she countered. She climbed off of him nice and easy, while making sure his condom didn’t spill out its semen. Then she took it off and wiped him up with a warm rag. She had made a big mess of the old man.

  “Wow, I really did you slimy today,” she told him, while wiping him up.

  “That’s all right. You see how you cleaning me up all good. I feel like I got a damn diaper on at a nursing home. Nurrrsse!” he teased.

  She laughed. “Whatever. You’re not that old. You don’t need Viagra yet.”

  “Yeah, I guess not with you around.” Then he caught himself, believing his comment may be insensitive to her. “But I mean that in a good way,” he covered up.


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