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Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents)

Page 29

by Omar Tyree

  Suzanne believed her mother and learned to fear everyone, right up until graduation from Boston College, where she studied psychology. She then began to make her own assessments, form her own rules, and devise her own loyalties and beliefs, while going on to study law. And in the middle of finishing up her law school degree, she met Professor Antonio Greene at an intellectual property discussion at M.I.T. in Cambridge. She was smitten by his decency and his dedication to intellectual pursuits. But now that seemed ages ago.

  I need more in my life than that academic shit now, she mused distastefully.

  Although her mother had learned to love and respect her daughter’s husband, after an initial leeriness over their age difference, Suzanne began to despise his impotence. He had been robbed of his ability to reproduce, and with it, he had been depleted of any swagger. Adding insult to injury, Antonio had put off any real actions toward artificial insemination to sire children. Talking about researching a sperm bank, and actually going to one, were two different things. So his young and unsatisfied wife began to stray in the inner-city terrain of Boston, finding herself a much younger man who was active with his words.

  To take her mind off the hard realities of her past, she called to alert her destination on her cell phone.

  “Hello,” a gruff voice answered.

  “Hey, I’m about to pull up now. Sorry I took a minute. My husband started acting up with the questions again.”

  “And what’s up with the panties and bra? You came how I told you to come?”

  She smiled. Now that’s a man! she declared to herself. “You’ll see.”

  “Aw’ight, well, the door’ll be open for you.”

  And that was it. The man hung up the phone and left her to her thoughts.

  Suzanne clicked off the line and couldn’t wait to see him, with no panties or bra under her gray, women’s business suit, just like he liked it.

  She pulled into an open parking spot outside of his building and eyed the young convicts-in-training, who often congregated near the entrance of the apartments. They were all in their late teens and early twenties, wearing the national hip-hop gear of winter jackets, hats and hoodies, designer sneakers and boots, and oversized blue jeans. Knowing who she was there to see, they nodded to her respectfully and created a crease for her to walk by.

  After she had entered the building, one of the young men commented on her frequent visits to the projects. “Yo, that bitch is crazy, man.”

  “The man just got game like that, player,” another guy disputed with a chuckle.

  “Shit, ain’t that much game in the world. That bitch just crazy,” the first guy insisted.

  “Yeah, crazy for that dick,” a third young man joked. They all shared a hearty laugh, fascinated that such an established, married woman would stoop so low for obvious lust.

  “I mean, that’s just an experiment for that ho, man. You know how it is with them educated hoes. I had a few of ’em like that myself; white ones, too,” one of the oldest of the group added. “You know, they’ll fuck you and give you a few dollars for a minute. Then they’ll go back to their regular lives when the experiment’s over.”

  His final assessment seemed to appease them all.

  “Yup, that’s how that shit is. You got it right there.”

  Oblivious to their conversations about her, Suzanne ascended the apartment stairs to the third floor, and every step on the hollow floors sounded amplified, like the surround sound of a state-of-the-art movie theater.

  CLIP-CLOP, CLIP-CLOP, CLIP-CLOP…her heels sounded up the steps.

  Why are these steps and floors so damn LOUD in this place? she questioned. They need some carpeting, better wood, more insulation or something! But it still beat taking the elevators. She didn’t trust the elevators at all; the long wait, the slow mechanics, the overall safety, or the stench. So she would rather walk up.

  When she arrived at the door, she took a deep breath before she grabbed the doorknob to let herself inside.

  Well, here we go again, Suzanne, she told herself.

  She walked into the overheated, two-bedroom apartment and double-locked the door with the latch and chain, like he had always told her to. Then she walked into a spaghetti and meatball meal inside the kitchen.

  Raymond “Big Ray” Cummings sat at his small kitchen table, wearing oversized blue jeans and an ultra-clean wife beater.

  “You hungry?”

  He was an extra-chocolate black man with a low haircut and the body size of a hulking football player. He had played defensive line in high school, but he never applied himself enough in his classes to attend college.

  Suzanne shook her head and turned down his offer of spaghetti.

  “I just finished eating at home before I left out.” She didn’t like that he was still eating either. It would only slow down the process of what she was there for.

  Big Ray shrugged and continued to eat his spaghetti and meatballs. He had a half roll of Italian garlic bread and a two-liter bottle of Mountain Dew, with a tall glass of ice on the table.

  “So, your old man asked you where you were going again?” he asked with a smile.

  Big Ray was only twenty-five years old, but he had a commanding quality about him, with the poise and authority of a man of forty.

  Suzanne took off her long coat and set it across the back of one of his kitchen chairs.

  “He always asks me extra questions when he gets in those funky little moods of his.”

  “I would too if my wife was running out on me to fuck somebody once a week,” Ray admitted. The young and boastful man was so frank that Suzanne was no longer shocked or offended by it. His delivery was always raw. But he gave her the honesty that she wanted.

  “So, did you plan to feed me earlier, or did you just decide to eat because you didn’t know the exact time that I would arrive here tonight?”

  “Yeah,” Ray answered vaguely.

  Suzanne looked confused. “Yeah, what?”

  “I was hungry from waiting, so I cooked something to eat. I was about to run out somewhere, but since you said you was coming…”

  “Again, I apologize. But I never really know sometimes when he’s about to act up.”

  “What about when you go back home late? What does he ask you then?”

  Suzanne took a breath and paused. She didn’t feel like playing a game of a hundred questions with him either. She was there to be serviced sexually and that was it. But Big Ray didn’t seem to be cooperating, or at least not on her urgent time schedule.

  “You need me to, ah, make a run and come back when you’re ready?”

  Ray stopped eating his spaghetti and looked at her with a hard grill. “Everything is about you, hunh? You want what you want right now. Some people say the same thing about me,” he told her. “My baby’s momma says it.”

  Suzanne looked at his muscular biceps and viewed the tattoos he had of his two daughters, one on each arm. Every time she looked at them, she imagined having daughters of her own, but only under the right circumstances. And those circumstances seemed to be passing her by.

  “So, you want me to go right into it and stop eating and everything, right?” he asked her.

  “Well, like I said, I can go grab a drink and come back.”

  “And how long would that take you?” Ray continued to stuff his mouth with food while he asked her. He was nearly finished with his plate now.

  “I mean, twenty, thirty minutes.”

  The hulking young man stood up and shook his head. He grabbed his finished plate and took it to the sink, while munching down his garlic bread.

  “Naw,” he told her. “I’m done.” Then he walked to wash his hands at the sink.

  Big Ray worked in construction now, so he was rarely without work. But he claimed to like living in Roxbury’s projects for the same reason that she liked coming there to visit him. It felt like a real slice of life there. And after his girlfriend and baby’s momma began to act a little too demanding in their new
place in Hyde Park, Ray moved out and returned to Roxbury on his own.

  “Nobody fucks with me like that. I give you a better life, and then you try and turn around and become the boss on me. Fuck that,” he had explained to her. “We only got two kids and I’m not the fucking third.”

  After he finished washing his hands at the sink, he walked back over to the table to finish off his large glass of Mountain Dew with ice.

  “You gon’ get what you need,” he promised.

  “Are you certain your food’s all digested?” she quizzed him. She wasn’t so sure about sexing him so early after finishing his food.

  “What you think, I’ma take a shit by accident while we fucking?”

  His unabashed candor was simply humorous to her. Her husband would never say anything like that, even if he was thinking it. That’s what made Raymond so interesting to her. He was a man of uncommon truth in a world of lies. And as a practicing lawyer, she had heard them all.

  She grinned and asked, “Have you always said anything that comes to your mind?”

  “That’s why I keep a job,” he answered. “These construction bosses know they can count on me to say what the hell I need to say to the other guys on the site, and to them. So I keep everybody in check. And they know that’s important to get shit done. Somebody gotta do it.”

  He wiped a clean spot on his kitchen counter and grabbed her by her hips to sit her there.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m setting you on the counter.”


  “Yeah, we fucked everywhere else in here already; the bathroom, living room, bedroom, the hallway. So I came up with this idea while I was sitting here waiting for you. At first I was gon’ fuck you up against the doorway as soon as you walked in.”

  His rawness never failed to raise her libido. Maybe it had something to do with her strong Spanish blood from the Bronx. But his barbaric mentality turned her on. It had been the same way since she had first met him downtown at the Green Room Bar, nearly a year ago.

  He then attacked her right earlobe with his tongue.

  Suzanne dodged it. “Sorry, but I don’t want any spaghetti and Mountain Dew in my ear.”

  Ray leaned back to face her. “You want a dick in your ear instead? Now I’m trying to get you wet so we can do this.”

  “Maybe I want a dick in my mouth,” she responded with a chuckle.

  A bold man caused a woman to respond just as boldly.

  “Oh, well, we can do that, too. I can hop right up on this table, pull my drawers down, and let you go right to work.”

  “Maybe later,” she told him, backing down from it. “I would need a few drinks first to do that.”

  “You didn’t need a few drinks the last time. You slobbed me up good. Real good.”

  “That’s because we were already in the thick of things. I was in heat.”

  “You damn sure was. You gettin’ me in heat right now, just thinking about that shit.”

  She giggled and grabbed for his crotch. “Really? Let me see it.”

  Big Ray was not only his namesake; it was a biological fact. The young man had a big ray of pleasure lurking between his muscular legs.

  “Oh, you ’bout to see it, all right. You know how this monster sends you back home at night,” he boasted. “That’s why it’s good you wear them business skirts over here. You don’t want your husband to see that ass coming back home bowlegged, with your pussy hurting.”

  Talking shit to her like that had Suzanne wet without the need for fore-play. It was mental fucking that she liked. And Big Ray’s mental penetration was raw and unprotected. So she pulled open his pants and freed his massive, dark dick from his money-green boxers.

  “Fuck me how you want to then,” she told him, stroking his shaft with her long, feathery fingers.

  Big Ray got hard in a hot second and went from nearly six inches soft and squirmy to nine inches hard and thick. Her husband, Antonio, couldn’t compete with that at home either. Professor Greene was only six inches and still thin on his best night.

  “Put it where you want me to put it.”

  She pulled him closer and hiked up her business skirt to her stomach.

  “This is where you wanted me to be, right? Well, what are you waiting for? Have your fantasy.”

  When she started talking dirty to him, as sexy and as professional as she was, Raymond couldn’t help but feel special. So he choked up on his bat and guided himself into the lips of her lightly haired pussy without a condom. She was even on birth control now, just for him. He then gripped her ass cheeks and smooth, honey-brown thighs to anchor himself.

  Suzanne slid to the edge of the counter top, so he could fit his long, thick dick all the way inside of her. She was used to his length and girth now. Then she wrapped her legs around his bare ass so he couldn’t get away.

  Raymond Cummings backed up his dark ass and stroked forward into the kitchen counter and a lawyer’s tamed pussy.

  “Ooooh,” she moaned.

  Big Ray backed up real easy and did it again. “Mmmmm!”

  It felt as if his dick was poking out the back of her head, it was so strong. She began to lean backward on the countertop, while raising her legs higher on his back, like a wrestler.

  “Is this how you want it?”

  Suzanne liked his dick size so much that her body seemed to conform to it now. So Ray began to stroke her more urgently, as her firm, suction-cup pussy increased its hold on him.

  Damn, she can take it ALL now, he marveled. I could fuck around and really get used to this.

  He began squinting his eyes blissfully as his long, powerful strokes felt better and better.

  “Oh, shit, girl! What, you put some extra spices in this pussy tonight?” Raymond wanted to nut on the spot, but he held it. He wanted the fucking to last longer.

  “Fuck me good!” Suzanne cried. “I want you to.”

  She was making it extra hard for him not to cum too soon. But he continued to hold on and stroke her deeply with poise.

  I don’t believe I got this bitch like this, he mused. And she lets me fuck her raw dog now, and cum all up in her until her ears pop. Damn, I’m a lucky nigga!

  Suzanne thought about her experience with him as well.

  Oh, my GOD, his dick is so fucking GOOD! I can feel every wall in my pussy. He’s hitting them all.

  As the feeling in Ray’s balls began to tighten with a rising nut, he rose up on his toes and lost the steady rhythm of his stroke.

  “Okay. Get ready.”

  “Oooh, I’m ready, baby. I’m ready. Give it to me. Give it to me!” she squealed, reaching to squeeze his broad shoulders.

  Then she broke into convulsions, with her legs vibrating and squeezing around him. And while she came, she made the ugliest faces of pleasure imaginable, all contorted and twisted, with teeth gritting like an extraterrestrial.

  Big Ray watched her with intrigue, allowing the satisfied woman to jerk her juices out of her system. And when she relaxed, he poured on his heat again to feel his own release.

  “Your husband can’t do it like this, hunh?”

  “Only you, Ray. Only you,” she groaned, squeezing his hulking arms.

  Raymond had to make certain he loosened up his grip over her neck before he came. Releasing his joy with too strong of a grip around her neck may have caused him to accidentally strangle her. Nor did he want to leave fingerprints of passion around her neck. So he ran his hands wildly through her soft, brown hair instead.

  Got’ dammit, this nut gon’ bust out her fucking eyeballs, he imagined as she squeezed his hot love juice into her receptive body. It felt that strong.

  “Ooooh, yeaaahh,” Suzanne responded to his squirting heat, filling up inside of her.

  “Dammmn, you nasty, bitch!” Ray squealed back to her as his cum continued to squirt freely into her overheated and wiggling body.

  “I like it nasty,” she panted.

  But when Raymond had finished his
phenomenal nut, he realized where they were and was hesitant to move.

  “Ah…how do we get the hell out of here now? You need me to carry you to the bathroom like this?” He could imagine their combined secretions running all over the kitchen counter as soon as he pulled out of her.

  “Maybe I should have gotten a towel before we started this shit,” he commented.

  Suzanne agreed and laughed. “Yeah, maybe you do need to carry me to the bathroom.”

  “Aw’ight, hold on tight,” he told her.

  She leaned up into his face and wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him. Big Ray heaved her body off of his kitchen counter and began to shuffle his feet with her toward the hallway bathroom.

  They made it into the bathroom with cum dripping down their legs, before Ray could lower Suzanne into the cold, waterless bathtub.

  “Shit, give me a towel,” she asked immediately.

  Ray smiled and moved to get her one. Suzanne moved the towel in between her legs and wiped herself up, while he wiped himself up with a second towel. He then ran hot water for a washcloth.

  “This is a whole lot of cum,” she complained from the bathtub, where she continued to wipe herself.

  “What did you expect? With good pussy like yours, you bring a nut from my toes and fingernails.”

  Suzanne chuckled and asked him to wet a hot washcloth for her as well. Ray got her one and handed it to her inside the tub.

  “That was real good…and nasty,” she teased. “I had no idea it would feel that good on the kitchen counter.”

  “Yeah, now you know,” Ray responded.

  By the time they had washed up and toweled off inside the bathroom, they were both horny again.

  Suzanne looked down at Big Ray’s hard and throbbing dick. “Damn, that was fast. Did you have some kind of Viagra gel in that water?”

  Raymond laughed. “Naw, he likes what he just had.”

  “Well, does he want some more?”


  Suzanne turned around to face the bathroom sink and mirror.

  “You want it from the back?”


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