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Dirty Old Men [And Other Stories] (Zane Presents)

Page 31

by Omar Tyree

James grinned back at him. “Why, of course.”

  Back on the southwest side of Boston in Roxbury, Suzanne was butt naked with her legs bent over backward on Big Ray’s bed, while he pounced into her wet, sweet spot like a jackhammer, disturbing the neighbors below him with the pulsating bed pressure against the noisy apartment floors.

  “Oohh, oohh, oohh, ooooohh.” she moaned while he pounded into her.

  Big Ray closed his eyes, feeling his fast nut mounting. Due to a new building site that was ahead of schedule, he worked a half-day and decided to call up Suzanne to see if she wanted to sneak by for an afternoon quickie. And the lawyer jumped at the chance, taking a long, late lunch hour after two.

  “Aww, baby, here it cuuums!” Ray squealed as he let it all out to her.

  Suzanne squirmed her body into the hot nut as it filled up her tank. Then she pulled her legs down around him and breathed easy to relax.

  “That’s the best lunch hour I ever had.”

  Big Ray chuckled into his pillow. “Shit. Ditto for me.”

  Then Suzanne’s cell phone went off from her purse. She moved to answer it immediately, to see if it was the office. She grabbed her phone and read the number.

  She recognized it and paused. It was her husband. She frowned and wondered, What is he doing calling me this time of day? Not that Tony never called her during her work hours, but it was usually involving something specific when he did. She had told him a while ago that she didn’t need the everyday, “Honey, how’s your day going?” or “I love you” calls. She decided to answer his mid-day call on an emergency basis.

  “Okay, it’s him, so I’ll be off in a few minutes,” she warned Raymond.

  “Mmm-hmm,” he mumbled. He was curious to hear her conversation with her weak husband himself.

  “Hey, Antonio. Is anything wrong?”

  “No, I just had a thought. Now bear with me a minute,” Antonio explained before she could cut him off with talk about her work. It was all her regular M.O.

  “Okay, but I only have a second,” she countered.

  “I want us to go out for dinner tonight and have a real face-to-face talk about where we are as a couple, be honest about what we mean to each other, and discuss where we would both like to go.”

  Suzanne heard him out and considered it. He’s been talking to his friends at Harvard about us again, she presumed. Suzanne knew Tony’s M.O. as well. He would always seek an opinion before trying a new direction.

  This could be it, she told herself. Do I tell him the truth, that I’m ready to move on? Or bullshit by talking about trying to work something out?

  She exhaled and responded, “Okay. Well, is the plan for right after work, or do we go home and get dressed first?”

  “Let’s make it right after work,” he told her. “We’re both professional people. So let’s meet at John Cabot’s Steakhouse downtown and go from there. I’ll make reservations for seven.”

  John Cabot’s was a top-of-the-line restaurant. That made Suzanne look forward to the idea. She could already taste her darkened, peppercorn steak, medium broiled. She could taste the fine, dark wine, the baked potato, and enjoy the decor of an elegant dinner at a social hub, where she would feel ten times more comfortable with Dr. Antonio Greene than she ever would with Raymond “Big Ray” Cumming. In the arena of John Cabot’s Steakhouse, Big Ray was not in competition.

  “All right, I’ll see you then,” she told her husband.

  As soon as she hung up, Ray asked her, “So, you’re going to a fancy dinner to talk it all out, hunh?” Antonio’s voice had been loud enough to carry so Raymond could hear both sides of their conversation.

  “That’s what it looks like.”

  “Well, have fun,” Raymond told her with a grin. It didn’t matter to him. If he never saw the woman again in his life, she had already given him a hell of an experience with plenty of stories to tell. But he was certain that she would be back again.

  Suzanne walked into John Cabot’s dark, pine-wood steakhouse, right off the Boston Harbor, and gave her name. It was slightly after seven o’clock.

  “Oh, yes, right this way,” a male host addressed her. He led her to a table at the back of the restaurant, with a perfect view of the Boston Harbor. Professor Greene sat in the chair to the left of the table. He rose as his wife arrived with the host and pulled out her chair on the right. He’d already asked their waiter to pour her favorite red wine into her glass.

  “Hey, Sweetie,” he greeted her with a kiss.

  Suzanne nodded to him and smiled, impressed with everything.

  “Take a few minutes to look over the menu and your server will be over,” the host stated.

  As the host moved away, Suzanne asked her husband, “How did you manage to do this?” referring to the hard-to-get, window-view seats.

  Antonio grinned. “I can still pull a few strings when I need to.”

  “Is that right?” She took a sip of her dark wine and continued to smile. She even liked his striking red tie that evening.

  “That’s a presidential red?” she stated. “A Barack Obama tie.”

  The thought of presidential authority turned her on. She was quickly reminded why she had married the man. Professor Greene had a little bit of style and pizzazz when he wanted to show it. And he appeared to want to that evening.

  “Yeah, you didn’t see me put it on this morning. You were still in bed.”

  She nodded and grinned. “Yeah, it’s a very strong statement on you.”

  “So, how was your day today?” he asked her.

  Suzanne shrugged. “Same as it ever was. I do my part and leave.”

  Antonio grimaced. “You know, you used to have a lot more passion for your work. Don’t you think? That’s part of what I wanted to talk to you about tonight.”

  He sounded like a rejuvenated man, and he was putting his agenda right out on the table for her to swallow. That was pretty direct of him.

  Suzanne sat back in her chair and thought, Shit! Who gave him his Wheaties this morning?

  Tony even ordered their steaks with swagger, forcing Suzanne to ask him, “What’s gotten into you today?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you really seem…on top of things today.”

  Antonio took a breath. “Well, I figure I have to allow us both a chance to express ourselves in this relationship, because lately, we’ve both been going through the motions.”

  Suzanne paused and remained speechless. She didn’t want to tip her hand too early in the conversation.

  “What do you want to talk about first?” she asked him.

  She realized they had a long list of issues to address.

  “Well, first of all; are you still happy?” her husband asked. He was starting the conversation with a hand grenade.

  Suzanne composed herself and wondered if she should tell him the truth.

  Well, since we’re being up front about it, she mused. So she shook her head and answered, “I haven’t been too excited about things lately. No.”

  Antonio kept his poise. “Well, is it the job, is it me, or is it something else you’re going through right now?”

  Suzanne saw a flash of Big Ray, naked in his apartment hallway, with his big, dark dick in hand. She then shook off her thoughts.

  “I mean, it’s a little bit of everything. I don’t know. Maybe we need to go on a great vacation somewhere.”

  “At the end of the semester?”


  “To Trinidad and Tobago?” he suggested.

  “Anywhere warm where I can really unwind.”

  Antonio nodded. “Okay. We can do that. Now what else is bothering you? Are you still thinking about raising kids?”

  It was a question he had to ask.

  Suzanne forced herself to stop and pause again before she answered. The truth was, she only thought about kids sparingly now, and mainly after eyeing someone else’s kids.

  “Well, I am getting older, Tony. But now that you as
k me, I don’t think enough about children for it to really be a major issue for me anymore,” she admitted.

  “Then again, you could be feeling bad about a number of things now because you were not able to fulfill that one goal,” Tony countered. “You could be experiencing emotional diffusion.”

  Suzanne hadn’t thought of that. She just figured she was getting her mid-life freak on. “I don’t know about all of that,” she told him.

  Both of their steak meals arrived and halted their conversation.

  “Thank you. It looks and smells fabulous,” Antonio told their server.

  Suzanne looked across the table and asked herself, Who is this new man? And how long will he possess my husband?

  They tore into their meals, while watching the Boston Harbor waters beside them.

  “This is a really beautiful view,” Suzanne commented.

  Antonio stared across the table at her longingly. He had the look in his eyes of pleasantry and pride.

  “So is the view of you,” he responded.

  Suzanne’s cold, damaged heart seemed to open up again. Or at least it tried to.

  “Thank you.” Nevertheless, she became a bit skeptical. “So, why all this, all of a sudden?” she questioned in reference to the restaurant and his zestful demeanor.

  Antonio viewed it as either the beginning of a new day, or the ending of an old one. He was doing his best acting job to stay upbeat. James Scarsdale had strongly advised him to: “Who wants to stick it out with a begging and defeated man? You have to act as if you’re the best thing since sliced bread to your wife. You know, flaunt who you are a little bit. I find that women, even married ones, like a man to be who he really is every once in a while. It’s patriarchal liberation,” he called it with a laugh.

  Antonio answered, “We just needed to do it. Because it seems as if we’re moving apart. So I wanted to stop our drift in opposing directions, and pull our boats back together to discuss what’s going on.”

  Then he looked into her deep, dark eyes. “And I still love you, Suzanne. Dearly.”

  She looked at his neatly, low-cut head, smoothly shaved face, innocent eyes, unblemished skin, and his look of sincerity, and she melted.

  Awwww, he’s so adorable, she thought to herself with a smile. She even reached out and touched his face.

  “I still love you, too, honey. And I’m sorry if I’ve been…a little distant lately.”

  She thought, Maybe I could…I don’t know, turn him into the man I need for him to be. And this is a good start. She inspired to at least try it.

  A month and a half later, after trying desperately to get her husband to be a little rougher, sexier, and uninhibited in their love life, Suzanne had gone astray in Roxbury again. Antonio just couldn’t get the job done, especially since she knew where to go for a most satisfying substitute. She ended up back over at Big Ray’s place.

  He opened his apartment door for her with a smile. “I knew it. It was only a matter of time. His dick is too small now, ain’t it?”

  Suzanne nodded without a word. She stepped into his apartment and allowed him to close and lock the door behind her. Then she let out a long sigh. “I shouldn’t be here, Ray. I’ve been trying my hardest not to come anymore.”

  Raymond laughed at her. “It don’t matter how hard you try to make a mouse into a man. It ain’t gon’ happen. So unless you train yourself to want a house cat over the big cat, there ain’t shit else you can do. Now come on in here and take them clothes off.”

  Suzanne shook her head and remained inside the doorway.

  “Don’t make me do this, Ray. I really don’t want to.”

  Raymond read her dark, sexy eyes to see if she were role playing again. Once he noticed the same insane twinkle she had from before, he went right along with her game.

  “Oh, it’s too late for that shit now. You already here,” he told her. And he began to undo his jeans right there inside the doorway.

  Suzanne shook her head and whined, like a powerless little girl, “Donnn’t, Raaay.” She extended her hand to his crotch to stop him. “Pleeease, don’t do that.”

  Her tease made Raymond’s dick nearly jump out of his drawers and flip into her hands like an acrobat. He was hard as hell in there.

  Shit, this bitch is still crazy, he thought to himself. And I like that shit!

  “Naw, fuck that. You gon’ get it tonight,” he told her as he pulled his pants and drawers down. “Did you come with no panties and bra like I like it?”

  “I don’t know why, because I can’t do that anymore, Ray. I just can’t.”

  Ray went ahead and grabbed her dark-blue business skirt and pulled it up to reveal her beautiful, honey-brown ass, with no panties on to protect her from him his hard, throbbing dick.

  “Stop it, Ray. People can hear us through the door,” she told him.

  So, that’s where she wants it this time, he mused, up against the doorway. That was my idea.

  He pushed her back against his locked door and lifted her into the air by her spread legs.

  “Nooo, Ray, don’t do this. I have a husband.”

  Ray found her sweet, wet pussy hole that he hadn’t felt in a while, and rammed his raw dick up inside of her again.

  “Ooooh, Ray,” she moaned. “This is baaaddd.”

  “No it ain’t,” he told her with his first pump, up against the front door. “This is good dick. And you got some good pussy. And good pussy should never be wasted on a motherfucker who don’t know what he doin’ with it. Right?”

  Suzanne failed to answer him as Raymond continued to pump her up against his front door.


  “Right?” he repeated to her forcefully.

  “Yesss, Raaay, yesss,” she moaned, enjoying his lost and found dick.

  Big Ray continued to stroke her violently into the doorway and talk shit to her, exactly like she liked him to. She didn’t care who heard them outside of his door either. That’s what made it fun for her. It was raw and sexy, and the shameless passion of real life.


  Officer Jill Jacobs watched a young college student switch his way up Pennsylvania Avenue on the west side of Baltimore. She was inside her parked squad car at nearly ten o’clock at night. Everything was normal about the kid outside of his quick-footed, left-to-right walking pattern. He wore the same baggy blue jeans, designer jacket, winter boots, and carried the same style of backpack book bag that every other young guy his age carried. But his obvious walk was a dead giveaway to extracurricular activities, and a sure advertisement for homosexual come-ons.

  “That’s a damn shame,” Officer Jacobs mumbled to herself as she continued to watch him. “Somebody needs to show that boy a better path to follow before he messes around and catches AIDS out here.”

  As the young college student continued on his way up Pennsylvania Avenue, he eventually made it out of her sight. That’s when the mean streets of Baltimore stopped looking so rosy for him.

  “Ay, yo, look at this faggot-ass motherfucker walking up the street switching and shit,” a teen juvenile mentioned to his crew of hardcore friends. The five of them were full of bravado and swagger, while out on a street corner that intersected the main avenue. By the time Derrick Wilcox had spotted them eyeing him, he tried to change up his walk and revert back to something normal. But it was too late. The gang of troublemakers had already pointed him out.

  “Aw, he scared now, yo. You see him just stop switching and shit,” one of the young troublemakers noted.

  Derrick thought of crossing the street instead of walking by them. But that idea seemed far too obvious. So he prepared himself to walk through them and pray that they wouldn’t bother him.

  “Hey, faggot ass,” one of the troublemakers spat as soon as Derrick approached them on the sidewalk. So much for slipping by.

  He ignored the ill-willed kid and continued walking forward.

  “You heard me talking to you, motherfucker.”

  The unruly teenager jumped out in front of him.

  Derrick attempted to walk around him to avoid further confrontation, but the boy jumped directly in front of his new path like a basketball player on defense.

  “What do you want?” Derrick finally snapped at him.

  “Aw, he even sound like a pussy. What do you want?” another of the five boys mocked him. They were all in the same range of Derrick’s height and weight, but they were a few years younger, and definitely more rugged.

  Derrick tried again in vain to walk around them; only for another one of the boys to block his path to the street.

  “Where you goin’, faggot? Nobody said you can leave yet.”

  The rugged teenager leaned back to his right as if he were ready to throw a hell of a right cross.

  “I’m going back home to my dorm room,” Derrick expressed and backed away from him. He knew what a hard sucker punch looked like, and he was preparing himself to dodge it.

  “To do what, get fucked in the ass?” another teen to his right commented.

  The troublemakers all broke into laughter as they surrounded him. Derrick then looked around to survey the street. Surely they wouldn’t attack him on the sidewalk as traffic was busy with cars up and down the street. But in a flash, one of the troublemakers kicked him in the ass and knocked him forward.

  When Derrick reached out to regain his balance, his hands grabbed the arm and shoulder of the boy who had leaned back to swing a punch at him. And that made the rugged teen lash out with a barrage of furious punches.


  By the time Derrick realized what had hit him, he was stretched out across the pavement with kicks, punches and stomps pummeling every part of his body as they cursed at him.





  The beating was over with as quickly as it had started. And when the boys ran off, Derrick was left on the sidewalk, covering up his head and shoulders with his arms.

  “Oh my God! Are you okay?” an older woman asked him. She had her cell phone out to call the police. “Yes, I want to report an assault on Pennsylvania Avenue…Yes, there’s a young man on the ground in front on me, and he just got jumped by a gang of boys who ran off down the street.” She listened to the operator and answered, “No, he’s still on the ground bleeding right now, so you’re gonna need to call an ambulance, too.”


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